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1、高考英语写作信件感谢信及祝福1. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你的谢意。(express my thanks to you)Im writing to express my thanks to you. 2. 非常感谢你的支持和帮助。Thank you very much for your support and assistance. 3. 请再次接受我诚挚的谢意。Please accept my sincere appreciation again. 4. 没有你的帮助,我就不会考上大学。Without you help, I would not be admitted to a univer

2、sity. 5. 我的英语很差,但是你对我非常耐心而且课后设法辅导我。My English was poor, but you were very patient with me and tried to tutor me after class. 6. 由于你的鼓舞,我的英语得到了很大的提高。My English was greatly improved because of your encouragement. 7. 在你的帮助下,我实现了我的梦想。With the help of you , I realize my dream. 8. 祝你心想事成!May all your wish

3、ed come true true! 9. 祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。I wish you many happy returns of the day. 慰问信1. 听到火灾毁了你的住宅,我难过极了。(I was so sorry to hear that )I was so sorry to hear that the fire destroyed your home. 2. 请转达我向你家人的慰问。Please convey my sympathy to your family. 3. 我们感到很悲痛。We are filled with deep sorrow. 4. 我祝愿你快速康复

4、。I wish you quick /swift recovery. 5. 很抱歉听到你没有进入中国好声音的决赛。I was so sorry to hear that you could not enter the finals of The Voice of China. 6. 你做得很好,失败不是你的错误。You have being done well and your failure is not your own fault. 7. 众所周知,失败是成功之母。As we all know, failure is the mother of success. 8. 我希望你不要失去信

5、心。I do hope you wont lose heart. 9. 通过努力,命运可以改变。Fate can be changed by working hard. 道歉信1. 我写这封信是向你致歉。(make an apology to you)Im writing to make an apology to you.(for) 2. 十分抱歉地告诉你我不能参加你的讲座。(Im terribly sorry to tell you that)Im terribly sorry to tell you that I wont be able to attend the lecture. 3

6、. 请原谅我给你带来不便。(for any inconvenience caused)Please forgive me for any inconvenience caused. 4.请再次接受我真诚的道歉。Please accept my sincere apology again. 5.错过这次机会,我感到很遗憾。I feel it a great regret to miss the opportunity. /It is much to my regret that I missed the chance.6.无论如何,我真心希望我们可以再找一个时间去北京旅游。Anyhow, I s

7、incerely hope that we can fix another time for a trip to Beijing. 7.李明说他将要下周末回来,我要去机场接他。Li Ming said that he would be coming back next weekend, and I will have to pick him up at the airport. 8.我们已经有一年多没见面了。It has been more than one year since we saw each other last time. 9.上周我向你借了一张音乐光盘,我忘记归还了。I for

8、got to return a music CD which I borrowed from you last week.投诉信1. 我写这封信是向你投诉手机。(complain about)Im writing to complain about the mobile phone. 2. 我写这封信是表达关于糟糕服务的不满。(express my dissatisfaction about)Im writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service. 3. 你若能尽快采取措施处理这个问题,我将感激不尽。I would app

9、reciate it very much if you could take measures to deal with the problem as soon as possible. 4.这几年我对你们的服务态度很满意。I have been satisfied with your service for years. 5.上个周六,我去你的餐厅吃午餐。Last Saturday, I went to your restaurant to have a lunch. 6.有两只苍蝇在牛肉面里。There are two flies in beef noodles. 7.所以我请求服务员换另

10、一盘菜。So I asked the waiter to change another dish. 8.但是他粗鲁地说,他太忙了解决不了问题。But he said in a rude manner that he was too busy to solve the problem. 9.我真诚地希望你能认真调查这件事情。I sincerely hope that you will investigate the matter seriously. 祝贺信1.我写这封信是为了表达我对你英语演讲比赛获得第一名的祝贺。(express my congratulations on)Im writin

11、g to express my congratulation on your winning the first place in the English speech contest. 2.我很高兴知道你被北京大学录取了。I was very delighted to hear that you are admitted to Peking University. 3祝贺你高考成功。(Congratulations on)Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination. 4. 请接受我最

12、诚挚的祝福!Please accept my most sincere congrtualations! 5. 祝你一切顺利!Wish you all the best! 6. 对你来说,这是一个特殊的时刻、一个高兴的时刻。This is a special and happy moment for you.7. 我为你的成就而感到骄傲I am very proud of your achievement. 8. 我知道你一开始并不擅长汉语。I know that you were not good at Chinese at first. 9. 我知道你在过去几年里非常努力学习。I know

13、 you have worked very hard in the past years. 求职信1. 我写这封信是为了申请这份工作/职位。Im writing to apply for the job/position. 2. 从你们的广告中得知你们正在招聘一名导游,我对其感兴趣。(I learned from your advertisement thatyou are in need of a)I learned from your advertisement that you are in need of a tour guide and Im interested in it. 3.

14、 我相信我是这个职位的最佳人选。(the right person for the job/position)I am convinced that Iwill be the right person for the job/position. 4. 我相信我胜任这份工作。(be qualified for)I am convinced that Im qualified for the job. 5. 我希望我能成为你们公司的一员。(a member of your company)I hope that I will be accepted as a member of your comp

15、any. 6. 如果你们能够给我提供这样的机会,我将十分感激。(I would really appreciate it)I would really appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity. 7. 你可以用电话联系我,号码是12345678。I can be reached by telephone at 12345678. 8. 一旦被录用,我将竭尽所能把工作做好。(hire, devote oneself to )Once hired, I will devote myself to the post.求助信1.我写信想请您帮

16、我一个忙。I am writing this letter to ask you to do me a favor/give me a hand. 2.我在学习英语方面遇到困难。(have difficulty in doing sth.)Im having difficulty in learning English. 3.我遇到一些困扰我的问题。(encounter some problems)Im encountering some problems which trouble me a lot. 4. 面对以上的问题,我渴望得到你的帮助。(faced with , are anxiou

17、s to do)Faced with the above problems, Im anxious to get your help. 5. 你能给予我一些关于如何解决这些问题的建议吗?Could you please offer me some advice on how to solve these problems? 6. 如果你能帮助我,我将感激不尽。I would appreciate it if you could offer me a hand. 7. 不幸的是,我觉得每晚入睡很困难。(find it quite difficult to do sth)Unfortunately

18、, I find/feel it quite difficult/hard to fall asleep every night.8. 我感到太紧张了以致于用英语说不出话。(feel so nervous that .)I feel so nervous that I cant say a word in English. 发言演讲稿1.我很高兴有机会在这里发言。(I am very happy to)I am very happy to have a chance here to make a speech. 2.能在这里发言是我极大的荣幸。It is my great honor to b

19、e here to deliver a speech. 3.我今天演讲的主题是中国宴请习俗。The topic of my speech is “Chinese banquet customs”.4.能在这里说关于急救知识,我感到很荣幸。I feel greatly honored to be here to tell you something about the Fist Aid.5.我代表学校对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎。On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you.6.我希望我上面所讲的对

20、你们有帮助!I hope what is mentioned above might be helpful to you!7.谢谢聆听!Thank you for your listening!8.我衷心希望你能支持我。I sincerely hope that you will support me. 9. 今天,我非常高兴有机会来竞选英语俱乐部的副主席。Today I am very glad to have the chance to run for the vice president of the English Club.留言条/请假条1.既然你出去了,我只好给你留张便条。(外出留

21、言)Since you were out, I have to leave this note to you. 2.很抱歉告诉你这个周末我不能和你一起去看电影了。(因故不能赴约)Im sorry to say that I cannot go to see a movie with you this weekend. 3.我给你写信请两天病假。(请病假)Im writing to ask for two days sick leave. 4.我已经告知他这个变化。I have already told him about this change. 5.你回到家可以给我回电话吗?Would yo

22、u call me back as soon as you are home? 6.如果你不方便,最好来电告知,这样我们可以定别的时间见面。If it is not convenient to you, it is better for you to inform me of it so that we can set some other time for the meeting.7.今天晚上我有重要的事情要去做。I have something important to attend this evening. 8.我要外出购物,直到下午5点才回来。I am going out shopp

23、ing, and wont be back until about 5:00 p.m.告知及分享经历感受(介绍活动类)1.我写信给你是想告诉你相关信息。(告知和分享)I am writing to tell you some relevantinformation. 2.现在让我告诉你我们为你安排的内容。(告知和分享)Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you. 3.我要告诉你一些关于我的寒假的事。(告知和分享)I will tell you something about my winter holiday. 4.我想和你分享我的经验。

24、(告知和分享)Now Id like to share my experience with you.5.谢谢你上次的来信。Thank you for your last letter.6.我们学校上周举办了一年一次的运动会。(活动)Our school held sports meeting once a year last week. 7我们学校于10月26至27举办运动会。(活动)The sports meeting was organized/held by our school from October 26 to 27. 1. 如果有我可以帮忙的,我将非常乐意。(询问意见)If t

25、here is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. 2. 如果你还有任何其他的问题,请告诉我。(询问意见)If you have any other questions, please let me know.10.尽管我们很累,但是我们感到很开心。(经历感受)Although we were tired, we felt very happy.11.尽管我感到非常痛苦,我跑到了终点。(经历感受)Although I felt badly painful, I ran to the end.12.我相信我们

26、会过得很开心,享受彼此的陪伴。Im sure we will have a wonderful time and enjoy each others company. 13.清明节是在每年的4月4到6号。Tomb Sweeping Day usually falls on April 4 to 6 every year.时间的表达这个星期五this Friday 下个星期五next Friday 上个星期五last Friday今年this year 明年next year 去年last year在下午in the afternoon 在上午in the morning 在晚上in the e

27、vening晚上7点 at 7 oclock on the evening (at 7 p.m.)星期四早上8点 at 8 oclock on Thursday morning年份的表达 in 2020in the year 2020月份的表达 in Novemberin October星期的表达 on Mondayon Thursday年月的表达 in October ,2017月日的表达 on October 25th年月日的表达 on October 25th, 2017时间,星期,年月日的表达 at 8:30 on Monday December 25 2017星期天下午 on Sun

28、day afternoonon the afternoon of Sunday农历五月初五 on the fifth day of the fifth month 正月初一 on the first day of lunar calendar on the first day of the first lunar month于9月25日至27日举行 be held from September 25 to 27持续10天 last for ten days建议信1.我写信的目的是给你一些关于如何学好汉语的建议。Im writing to give you some advice about h

29、ow to learn Chinese well. 2.你问有关如何学好汉语的事情,我会尝试着提出一些建议。You have asked for my advice on how to learn Chinese well and I will try to make somesuggestions.3.我很高兴收到你的来信询问我关于如何学好中文。给你些小建议。Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.Hereare a few suggestions.4.从你的信中我得知你

30、在学习汉语时遇到困难。我写信是想给你一些建议。From your letter I learned that you have some difficulty in learning Chinese well. I amwriting to give you some advice about it.5.我希望这些建议会对你有所帮助。I hope you will find these suggestions helpful/useful.6.相信你会考虑我的建议的。I believe you will take my advice into account / consideration.7.你能给我一些关于如何学好汉语的建议吗?Would you give me some advice about how to learn Chinese well? 8.我很感激你能给我的任何建议。I would appreciate any advice you can give me.9.我建议你最好和父母谈谈。I would like to suggest

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