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1、高中短语句型归纳高中短语句型归纳短语归纳 if/ as though 好像 even if/ even though 即使2.result in= lead to= contribute to= result from 导致 as a result 结果= as a consequence as a result of 由于3. in support of= in favor of= support 支持4. as well as 和; 和一样好;除之外(+doing) as well 也5. there is no doubt that= without doubt= without

2、 question 毫无疑问6. get on/ along well with sb. 与和谐相处7. in terms of就而言 on good terms with和关系友好8. in the end= at last= finally 最后 at the end of 在末端 put an end to结束 come to an end 结束了9. at first= first of all= to begin/start with= at first place= firstly 首先10. be separated from 与分离11. be full of= be fill

3、ed with= be crowded with= swell with 充满12. stare/ glance at 盯着13. out of the question 不可能 out of question 毫无疑问14. pick up: 捡起;偶然学会;接载;好转;重新开始15. in a hurry 匆忙地16. far away from远离17. as/ so long as 只要18. hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事19. sense of humour/ responsibility幽默感/责任感20. deal with(how); do with(wh

4、at) 处理,21. feel like doing sth.= would like to do sth想要做某事22. be busy doing sth. ; be busy with sth. 忙于某事23. on time 准时 in time及时 at times有时 at a time依次;每次 at one time 曾经;一度 in no time 立刻;马上 at no time 绝不24. set an example 树立榜样25. keep calm 保持冷静 keep silent 保持沉默 calm down 冷静下来26. charge free of char

5、ge 免费 in charge of负责 in the charge of 由负责 take charge of负责;管理;控制 charge sb. With sth/ doing sth 控告.27. believe in 信任28. graduate from毕业于.(学校); graduate in 毕业于.(专业)29. blame sb. 责备sb. sb. be to blame 某人被责备30. give up 放弃; give in 屈服;投降 give off 散发 give away 捐赠 give out 分发;公示31. 讨厌 be bored with be fed

6、 up with Be tired of be allergic to32. turn : over 翻转;移交 up 出现;调大 down调小;拒绝 on = switch on 打开 off= switch off 关闭 around 转身 from 对感到厌恶 right/left 向右/左转33. set : at 袭击 about 开始做;攻击 off 燃放;点燃; 出发 out 动身;出发 sail 起航34. at all costs 不惜一切代价 all the time 一直 at most/best 至多 at a distance 隔一段距离 in the distanc

7、e 在远处35. be lacking in= be short of 短缺36. 一就 on/upon as soon as the moment; the second; the instant; no sooner .than(主句用had done 从句用did) hardly.when. (主句用had done 从句用did)37.turn sb for help= ask sb for help 寻求帮助38. put up with忍受 come up with 想出 keep up with 跟上39. look forward to( + doing) 期待;盼望40.pu

8、t into prison/ jail 关进监狱41.make : a speech 发表演讲 a living 谋生 a fire 生火 progress 取得进步 sense 讲得通 sure 确保 out 理解;明白;辨认出 up 组成;编造;化妆 up ones mind 下定决心 into 把做成 light of 轻视42.充分利用 make good use of make the best/most of take good advantage of43. in other words 换句话说44. 总而言之 all in all in a word in conclusio

9、n to sum up as a whole45.在某人多少岁时: at the age of in ones ( twenties)46. 为做准备 get ready for prepare for in preparation sth out of envy 做出于嫉妒 fell envy at 对感到嫉妒 48.老实说 to be honest to be frank honestly speaking frankly speaking to tell the truth49. complain to sb about/ over sth 向某人抱怨某事50.suff

10、er from 遭受51. volunteer to do sth. 志愿做某事52.take a deep breath 深呼吸; out of breath 上气不接下气53.get changed 换衣服 the moment 此刻;目前 in a moment一会儿 person = in the flesh 亲自 / go a diet 节食 a part/role in 发挥作用 well as 和; 和一样好; 除之外( + doing )59. on weekends = at the weekend 在周末60. fanc

11、y doing sth 幻想做sth61.take up 占据;开始从事;接受62.take off 脱下;流行/受欢迎; 起飞63.get rid of 摆脱64.take part in = participate in 参加65run out of用光 run out 被用尽66.为了 to do In order to do in order that + 句子 So as to do so that + 句子67.too many/ much 太多 much/far too 太68. 此外;而且 besides; moreover; furthermore; whats more;

12、in addition to 除了 total = in all 总计;总共 add up to.总计达 ones surprise/ satisfaction/ relief令某人惊讶/ 满意/欣慰的是,72.concentrate. on集中.于73.find fault with.挑毛病74.on no account = by no means = in no time 绝不75mean to do sth.打算做某事 mean doing sth 意味76.draw up 起草77.quarrel with. 和吵架78.increas

13、e to 增加到; increase by 增加了 reduce/ decrease to 减少到; reduce/ decrease by 减少了79.leave behind 落下; 落后80.rather than = instead of 而不是 other than 除了81.各种各样: many/ all kinds of = a variety off 取得成功;得到回报;偿清; 83.make it成功; 成功到达;约定时间84.grasp/ seize/ catch the chance/ opportunity 抓住机会e to terms with与.达

14、成协议; 甘心忍受86.believe it or not 信不信由你87.on ones own = by oneself 独自 get involved with 涉及;牵连;和有关 gifted in 在.方面有天赋e to总计; 达到; 苏醒91.from side to side 从一边倒另一边 on both side of 在两边92.contine to do sth/ doing sth.继续93.thanks to 多亏;由于94.on account of 由于 duo to 由于 owing to 由于 a sense 在一定程度上96.

15、 be afraid of doing sth.害怕.e into existence 开始形成 case + 句子 ( 以防;万一) in case of 以防;万一99. be famous/known/distinguished for因.而著名 be know as 被认为是 be known to 为所熟知100.pretend to do sth. 假装做.101.refuse to do sth拒绝做 angry with sb for sth. 因.而生某人气103.have no choice but to do别无选择104.once in a

16、 while 偶尔 addicted/ adapted to sth. / doing sth 沉溺于 accident/ chance 偶然地107.take. into account 把考虑在内108.make a difference有影响; 意义 named after.以.命名110.appeal to 吸引;呼吁 aware of = be conscious of = realize 意识到 feel ashamed of.对感到惭愧 ease 轻松;自在114.cheer up 振作起来;欢呼;喝彩e

17、 out 开花;出版; 出现( turn up) concerned about 对关心117.have confidence in 对有信心118.congratulate sb on sth.祝贺某人某事119.on the contrary 相反 in control 在掌控中 be out of control 失控 on duty值班 come off duty 下班122. for instance = for example 例如123. have a word with.= talk with sb. 和某人说话124.make onesel

18、f at home 不拘束 the name of.以名义126.make comments on= make a comment on.对发表评论 cautious of 谨防128.out of date 过时 up to date 新式的129.从长远来看 in the long run从短期来看 in the short term130. be at a loss 茫然; 不知所措 be in a mess 乱七八糟131.give rise to = lead to = result in = contribute to 导致 out of pra

19、ctice 疏忽;不熟练 return 作为回报134. on the sly偷偷的e along with进展;取得成功136. take / have / go for + a walk散步137.take the place of = in place of 代替138. take place = happen 发生(不用被动语态) 139.take/ follow ones advice/ suggestions 采纳某人的建议140.go blank 一片空白141.lay off解雇; lay down放下 lay aside把.搁置一边;积蓄 proud

20、of = take pride in 对感到自豪 fond of = enjoy 喜欢 yourself自便145.stand out 突出;显眼 stand for 代表 stand by袖手旁观146.after all 毕竟;终究 on earth 终究;到底147. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 be strict in sth. 对某事严厉148. in the air 在空中; 在流传; 悬而未决的149.on / around the corner 在拐角/ 即将到来150, with the help of在.帮助下151. wi

21、th regard to 关于152.全世界 all over the world around the world through the world all parts of the world153.asas possible 尽可能154.大量;许多 a number of + n. ( c ) A great many of + n. ( c)many a + n. ( c ) a amount of + n. ( u ) a great deal of + n. ( u ) a lot of= lots of = plenty of= a large quantity of= qu

22、antities of + n. (c. u. ) the form of 以形式156. keep/ lose in touch with与保持/失去联系 from 起源于 date back to 追溯到。158.go against 反对159 Through go through 穿过;经历 lookthrough浏览 Pull through度过难关 get through 通过;处理;接通电话 Break through 突破;打破 live through 幸存 the hope of怀着希望161.fall asleep 熟睡162.di

23、e of/ from 死于163. get down to doing sth 开始着手做某事164.intend to do sth.打算做某事165. in memory/ honor of.为了纪念166.bring up 养育;抚育167.sooner or later迟早168.all the year round = all through the year 全年169. on average 平均170.the other day 前几天 just now 刚刚171. be fit for 适合 = be suit for/to be fit to ( do ) 胜任172.

24、be equal to(介词) 和平等; 胜任173.point at/ to 指向 sb. a favor = lend sb. a hand 帮忙175Drop in/at sb./ a place 拜访某人/某地 Pay a visit 拜访176.stick to 坚持177. at the speed/price of以速度/价格178.attempt to do sth 尝试做某事179. out of work 失业 drop out of school辍学 out 解决;计算出;使筋疲力尽;锻炼181.keep fit/healthy保持健康182.

25、have something/nothing/a lot in common 有/没有/有很大共同点183.fall in love with爱上184.get together团聚185.keep/braek ones word/promise 遵守/违背某人的诺言186.burst into tears 泪奔 burst out tearing 泪奔187.but for 要不是188.就近原则 not only.but (also). neither. Nor. either.or. advance = ahead of time 提前190. in a fl

26、ash= all at once= all of a sudden= suddenly 突然 a trick on = make fun of 取笑,戏弄 great joy兴高采烈地193heart and soul全心全意地 safe and sound 安然无恙地194.leave for 动身离开去某地195. regardless of = in spite of 不管 search of = look for 寻找197.out of season 下市 in season上市198be similar to和.相似 famili

27、ar with对.熟悉200.aim at doing sth旨在做201.get stuck in 陷入 surrounded with被包围/环绕 hand 在手边 by hand 手工204.speak up for为辩护205.carry out 实施;履行;完成206.忠诚于: be loyal to be faithful to be devoted to207. keep an eye on. 注视;照顾208.stand/ get on ones feet 站起来209. 第一次 the first time + 句子(时间状语从句) For the f

28、irst time (做状语)210. be impressed with/by. 对.留下印象 follows如下212. answer key solution entrance(入口) respond(回复) wave To213.have a hit 风靡一时214come/ go into the effect 开始生效215.on purpose = by design 故意地 direction of 朝.方向217.go into details 细说 in detail 详细地218.over the year 数年间 the risk o

29、f 冒风险220. be popular with 受欢迎221.without a sound 前无声息地222.on all sides 方方面面 located at/in位于224.keep us company 陪伴我们225Sharewith和.分享e to life活跃起来227.get/catch a glimpse of. = catch sight of瞥见;瞧见 vain 徒劳;白干 home to是发源地230.make a contribution to对做贡献231.a matter of concern 焦点232.aroun

30、d the clock 全天;夜以继日 length 最终;终于234.back and forth 来来回回 bound to do sth.一定会236.beat around the bush拐弯抹角 accordance with 与一致 particular 特别地,尤其地139.on behalf of代表140.on business 出差141.on occasion(s) 间或142.little by little = step by step 逐渐地 143.think twice再三考虑 on the second thought经重新考虑144.quite a few 很多 the light of 根据;依据 the mercy of在.支配下 the event of万一148.out of place 不得其所的; 不适当的 proportion to与成比例的 rand

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