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1、高二英语UNIT20教学设计高二英语 UNIT 20 ARCHAEOLOGY教学设计I. 教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)“热身”(warming up )部分提供了四幅分别代表不同时期考古成就的图片。设计了四个问题要求同学们对中国古代四个重要时期的人类生活的习惯进行讨论,包括他们所使用的工具,他们的饮食,房屋,及房屋内的装饰品以及他们的娱乐和不同时期具有典型代表的艺术品。这部分的目的在于呈现本单元的中心话题考古学,及引起同学门对考古学的兴趣,形成一个有关于考古学的信息包,对考古学及中国古代所取得的成就有初步的了解和印象,并引入相关的词汇。“


3、e-reading)部分提供了三个与本单元的主题有关的问题,通过启发学生对中国皇帝陪葬的猜测和思考,运用自己已有的文化背景知识和语言知识,来猜测英国史前巨石柱王的情况,并且通过阅读验证自己的猜测。“阅读”(Reading)部分介绍了人类考古史上的一个重大发现the King of Stonehenge in England。这个发现使得考古学家相信那个时期的人们已经和欧洲其他地区有贸易和文化交往。“读后”(Post-reading)部分设计了三个问题。第一题考察学生对文章内容的理解,要求学生在课文中找出在坟墓里挖掘出来的objects 和 materials。第二题要求学生根据课文信息找出青铜

4、器时代的英国人民和欧洲其他国家和地区的文化和贸易交往。第三题要学生讨论建造the Stonehenge所需的技术,科技,发明和工具。“语言学习”(Language study)分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分提供了两组习题,第一题要求学生将词汇和解释相对应,考察学生对词汇的理解和区分能力。第二题要求学生掌握同一单词的不同功能,让学生在语境中应用词汇。语法项目是复习it作为形式主语,形式宾语,和在强调句中的用法。本部分为学生安排了句型转换,情景操练,完成句子等练习,旨在使学生能自如地运用“it”。“综合技能”(Integrating skills)部分由阅读和写作两方面内容组成。阅读材料介绍了金沙和

5、三星堆两个古文化遗址,旨在告诉世人我国拥有神秘而博大精深的文明。通过对这两个遗址的发掘,对研究我国历史文化具有极其深远的意义。写作部分让学生们讨论在发现古文物时,该做什么,不该做什么。为写作埋下伏笔。通过这些练习,学生不仅对文中提到的内容能够有进一步的理解,而且还能让学生对文物保护有更深的认识。“学习建议”(Tips)部分提供了如何创作一张flow chart的步骤和资料,以帮助学生更好地完成“综合技能”的写作任务。“复习要点”(Checkpoint)部分简要总结了本单元的语法重点it作为形式宾语,形式主语和在强调句中的应用,并给出了一些例句,帮助同学举一反三。同时通过让学生寻找能够描述文物发

6、现的词汇,引导学生对本单元所学的词汇作一次小结。II. 教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)根据英语新课程标准(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高二学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面。1 语言知识 (Knowledge)词汇(Vocabulary):能理解、内化、运用以下生词archaeology, archaeological, archaeologist, curiosity, decoration, unearth, artefact, emperor, arrow, technical, ro

7、ot, ivory, climate, mask, accompany, precious, site, jade, 短语(Phrases and expressions):date back to, have a hand in, in terms of , in the eyes of, dig up, remind of , belong to, look like, must have done, may have done, 功能(Functions):学习掌握一些用于表达个人好奇和提出建议的句型,如:I wonder what/ who- I really want to know

8、-Im curious to- Id love to know-I wonder if/ whether- What Id really like to find out is-Im curious about- Id like to know about more about-语法(Grammar):掌握和运用it的用法I. Preparatory Subject1. It be+ p.p./ n./ adj. + that clause2. It seems /appears/ happens+ that clause3. It be +n./ adj./ +wh-/how clause4

9、. It be +adj.+ for/ of sb. to do sth5. Its no use doing-II. Preparatory Object1. Subject + vt. +it +adj. +to do sth2. Subject + vt. + it + adj. +that clauseIII. The emphatic use It be +-+ who/ that-2. 语言技能 (Skills)听:能捕捉特定信息、抓关键词,听懂一篇介绍古代工具的文章。训练学生听力理解能力及技能,如从说话人的语气表情判断信息正误的能力等等。说:能熟练运用所学表达法来表明自己的观点,

10、谈论不同喜好和好奇心,并给出建议;能就本单元相关话题表达看法;能较好地完成一些开放性的话题,以提高在真实语境中的英语交际能力。读:获取关于考古的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练。写:*能有立场,有观点,实事求是地创作一张flow chart。 *写一篇论述利弊观点的小作文。充分想象,清楚地表达出挖掘古代文物的利弊,并且阐明自己的立场。3. 学习策略(Strategy):认知策略:在学习过程中,善于抓住重点,做好笔记,并能对所学内容进行整理和归纳。调控策略:能够根据个人的特

11、点和需要安排自己的学习,主动拓宽学习英语的渠道,总结有效的学习方法,能在一定程度上形成自主学习的能力。交际策略:能够在课内外活动中积极用英语和他人交流,利用各种机会用英语进行真实的有效的交际的能力。资源策略:能够有效地使用图书馆、网络等方式查阅有关考古的资料进行信息处理的能力,获得更广泛的英语信息,扩展所学知识。4. 情感态度(Affect): 让学生了解考古学的重要性。 能在多种英语学习情境中感受、分享用英语交流的成功与喜悦 培养学生正确的阅读观,和良好的阅读习惯。 让学生学会用辨证和积极的态度对待文物挖掘。 积极参与多种形式的合作学习,有较强的合作精神和互助精神。5. 文化意识 (Cult

12、ural awareness):通过学习,了解一些中外著名的考古遗址,从而拓宽他们的文化视野,加深对中外文化遗产的理解和掌握。并且意识到是人民创造了历史,创造了奇迹。III. 教学重点与难点(Teaching difficult and important points)Important points: Train the students listening ability. Train the students speaking ability by talking about archaeological discoveries and practicing expressing cu

13、riosity. Improve the students reading ability. Master the use of “ it”. Master the new words and expressions in this unit.Difficult points: How to help the students understand the passage exactly. The usage of “ it” used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause. How to create a

14、 flow chart.IV. 教学课时安排(Teaching arrangements)Period one-Warming up, speaking and listeningPeriod two and three- ReadingPeriod four-Language Study ( word study and grammar)Period five- Integrating Skills (reading and writing)V. 教学设计步骤(Teaching procedures)The first periodTeaching aims:1. Learn and mas

15、ter the following words:Archaeology, archaeological, archaeologist, curiosity, decoration, unearth, spear, artefact2. Do some listening3. Learn to express curiosity.Teaching Important Points:1. Improve the students listening ability.2. Train the students speaking ability by talking about archaeologi

16、cal discoveries and practicing expressing curiosity.Teaching Difficult Point:1. How to improve the students listening ability.2. How to finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:1. Looking at some picture to arouse the students interest in archaeology.2. Listening-and-answering activity to help t

17、he students go through with the listening material.3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. the multimedia2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step: Lead-in Show students two pictures on screen about Archaeology in China. Then ask them to answer some que

18、stions together. Q1: China is a country with a long history and brilliant culture, in which ways can we learn about its history and culture? (Archaeology) Q2: How much do you know about the following pictures? (:Terracotta warriors and horses:Inscriptions on tones or tortoise shells)Step: Warming up

19、 1. Talk about the four pictures on P73. Each of them stands for one period in Chinese history. Then ask them questions and help them learn some new words. Q1: What are they? (Suggested answers: axe/Bronze tripod/A painting on silk/Tri-colored glazed pottery)Q2: What can they remind us of ? (Suggest

20、ed answers: life/culture) 2. Discussion: Let the students discuss the four different periods according to the questions shown on the screen and fill in the form on p73. Suggested answers:Stone AgeBronze Age Han DynastyTang DynastyFoodWild fruitsWild animalsGrain, wheat, rice, bean, domestic animals,

21、 meat, broomcornWheat, rice, wine, vegetables, sugarPancake, tea, spinach, wineHousingcaveHouses made of mud and strawHouses made of bricks and tilesHouses made of bricks and tiles palacesHome decorationBones of animals, fur, pottery, jadeBronze mirrors, bronze jadeSilk, stone and brick statues, woo

22、d statues, frescoesChina, pottery, jade, silkToolsStones, sticks, bones, axes made of stonesKnives, sickles, axes, fishhooksIron objects, ploughs, hoesQuyuan ploughs, tools used to lift water by water-wheelArtefactsNecklace made of bones, bone pins, pottery, jadeBronze tripods and quadripods, textil

23、es, embroiderySilk , painting on silk, stone, brick and wood statuesTri-colored glazed pottery of Tang Dynasty, ChinaEntertainmentShouting and dancing with rhythmSinging, dancing, drinking winePlaying the instruments acrobatic showHaving a swing, boat race, playingStep: Listening1. The students are

24、asked to read the requirements of listening part first, then listen to the tape for twice to fill in the blanks on P74.2. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and write down their answers. Then check their answers and explain some difficult listening points if necessary.Step: Speaking Task

25、 1: Make a dialogue. Show the students some pictures about famous archaeological discoveries in SanXingdui Ruins Sites in Sichuan Province and the groups of Pyramids in Egypt. Then let one student talk about the picture he/she is interested in. The other gives him/her suggestions according to the us

26、eful expressions on P75. Task 2: Give the students some questions and let them have a free talk according to the questions. Q1: Whats the importance of archaeology? Q2: Are there any archaeological sites in your hometown? Q3: Whats your attitude to it? Q4: How should we deal with the unearthed objec

27、ts?Step: Homework1. Practice using the useful expressions.2. Preview the reading text on P75.Period 2 and 3 ReadingTeaching Aims:1. Learn and master the following:(1) words: emperor, pin, find, clay, arrow, bow, cushion, spare, technical(2) phrases: date back to, have a hand in, in terms of, in the

28、eyes of(3) sentence patterns: It is certain that- It is thought that2. Train the students reading ability.3. Let the students learn about the King of the Stonehenge discovered by archaeologists.Teaching Important points:1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help the students learn about the Kin

29、g of the Stonehenge by reading the passage.Teaching Difficult Points:How to help the students understand the passage exactly.Teaching Methods:1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.2. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.3.

30、 Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities in class.Teaching Aids:1. the multimedia2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step II Pre-readingIn the last period, we spoke of terracotta warriors and horses of Emperor Qi

31、n. Do you know why Emperor Qin built it? ( to continue being emperor. They are also funerary objects.)Q: 1. Describe the kind of objects kings and emperors in China were buried with. 2. Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?A: 1. weapons, tools , clothing, money, articles for daily life, jade, silk, jewellery, pottery ,china, servants, warriors, wives of emperors and kings and animals. 2. To show off their power and wealth.To continue their luxurious life in the nether world.To be

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