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1、中英对照中国的航天中国的航天Chinas Space Activities前 言Introduction人类的活动范围,经历了从陆地到海洋,从海洋到大气层,从大气层到外层空间的逐步拓展过程。二十世纪五十年代出现的航天技术,开辟了人类探索外层空间活动的新时代。 The scope of mankinds activities has experienced expansion from land to ocean, from ocean to atmosphere, and from atmosphere to outer space. Space technology, which emerg

2、ed in the 1950s, opened up a new era of mans exploration of outer space. 经过近半个世纪的迅速发展,人类航天活动取得了巨大成就,极大地促进了生产力的发展和社会的进步,产生了重大而深远的影响。Having developed rapidly for about half a century, mankinds space activities have scored remarkable achievements, greatly promoted the development of social productivity

3、 and progress, and produced profound and far-reaching effects. 航天技术已成为当今世界高技术群中对现代社会最具影响的高技术之一,Space technology has turned out to be one field of high technology that exerts the most profound influence on modern society. 不断发展和应用航天技术已成为世界各国现代化建设的重要内容。 The continuous development and application of spa

4、ce technology has become an important endeavor in the modernization drive of countries all over the world. 中华民族在人类发展史上曾创造过灿烂的古代文明。The Chinese nation created a glorious civilization in the early stage of mankinds history. 中国最早发明的古代火箭,便是现代火箭的雏形。The gunpowder rocket invented by ancient Chinese was the

5、embryo of modern space rockets. 1949年中华人民共和国成立后,中国依靠自己的力量,独立自主地开展航天活动,于1970年成功地研制并发射了第一颗人造地球卫星。After the Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949, China carried out space activities on its own, and succeeded in developing and launching its first man-made satellite in 1970. 迄今,中国在航天技术的一些重要领域已跻身世

6、界先进行列,取得了举世瞩目的成就。China has made eye-catching achievements, and now ranks among the worlds most advanced countries in some important fields of space technology. 二十一世纪,中国将从本国国情出发,继续推进航天事业的发展,为和平利用外层空间,为人类的文明和进步作出应有的贡献。In the 21st century, China will continue to promote the development of its space ind

7、ustry in the light of its national situation, and make due contributions to the peaceful use of outer space, and to the civilization and progress of mankind. 在迈进二十一世纪之际,有必要对中国发展航天事业的宗旨原则、发展现状、未来发展和国际合作等作简要的介绍。At the turn of the century, it is of significance to give a brief introduction to the aims

8、and principles, present situation, future development and international cooperation concerning Chinas space activities. 一、宗旨原则I. Aims and Principles 中国政府一直把航天事业作为国家整体发展战略的重要组成部分,坚持为了和平目的探索和利用外层空间,使外层空间造福于全人类。The Chinese government has all along regarded the space industry as an integral part of the

9、states comprehensive development strategy, and upheld that the exploration and utilization of outer space should be for peaceful purposes and benefit the whole of mankind. 中国作为发展中国家,其根本任务是发展经济,不断推进国家现代化建设事业。As a developing country, Chinas fundamental tasks are developing its economy and continuously

10、 pushing forward its modernization drive. 航天活动在维护国家利益、实施国家发展战略中的重要地位和作用,决定了中国发展航天事业的宗旨和原则。The aims and principles of Chinas space activities are determined by their important status and function in protecting Chinas national interests and implementing the states development strategy. 中国航天事业的发展宗旨是:Th

11、e aims of Chinas space activities are: 探索外层空间,扩展对宇宙和地球的认识;to explore outer space, and learn more about the cosmos and the Earth; 和平利用外层空间,促进人类文明和社会发展,造福全人类;to utilize outer space for peaceful purposes, promote mankinds civilization and social progress, and benefit the whole of mankind; 满足经济建设、国家安全、科

12、技发展和社会进步等方面日益增长的需要,维护国家利益,增强综合国力。 and to meet the growing demands of economic construction, national security, science and technology development and social progress, protect Chinas national interests and build up the comprehensive national strength. 中国航天事业的发展原则是:China carries out its space activiti

13、es in accordance with the following principles: 坚持长期、稳定、持续的发展方针,使航天事业的发展服从和服务于国家整体发展战略。 - Adhering to the principle of long-term, stable and sustainable development and making the development of space activities cater to and serve the states comprehensive development strategy. 中国政府高度重视航天事业在实施科教兴国战略和

14、可持续发展战略,以及在经济建设、国家安全、科技发展和社会进步中的重要作用,The Chinese government attaches great importance to the significant role of space activities in implementing the strategy of revitalizing the country with science and education and that of sustainable development, as well as in economic construction, national sec

15、urity, science and technology development and social progress. 将航天事业的发展作为国家整体发展战略中的重要组成部分,予以鼓励和支持。The development of space activities is encouraged and supported by the government as an integral part of the states comprehensive development strategy. 坚持独立自主、自力更生、自主创新,积极推进国际交流与合作。 -Upholding the princ

16、iple of independence, self-reliance and self-renovation and actively promoting international exchanges and cooperation. 中国立足于依靠自己的力量,进行航天技术攻关,实现技术突破;China shall rely on its own strength to tackle key problems and make breakthroughs in space technology. 同时,重视航天领域的国际交流与合作,按照互利互惠的原则,把航天技术自主创新与必要的引进国外先进

17、技术有机地结合起来。Meanwhile, due attention shall be given to international cooperation and exchanges in the field of space technology, and self-renovation in space technology shall be combined organically with technology import on the principles of mutual benefit and reciprocity. 根据国情国力,选择有限目标,重点突破。- Select

18、ing a limited number of targets and making breakthroughs in key areas according to the national situation and strength. 中国发展航天事业以满足国家现代化建设的基本需求为目的,China carries out its space activities for the purpose of satisfying the fundamental demands of its modernization drive. 选择对国民经济和社会发展有重大影响的项目,集中力量,重点攻关,在

19、关键领域取得突破。A limited number of projects that are of vital significance to the national economy and social development are selected so as to concentrate strength to tackle major difficulties and achieve breakthroughs in key fields. 提高航天活动的社会效益和经济效益,重视技术进步的推动作用。-Enhancing the social and economic returns

20、 of space activities and paying attention to the motivation of technological progress. 中国谋求更加经济、更加高效的航天发展道路,力求技术先进性和经济合理性相统一。 China strives to explore a more economical and efficient development road for its space activities so as to achieve the integration of technological advance and economic rati

21、onality. 坚持统筹规划、远近结合、天地结合、协调发展。- Sticking to integrated planning, combination of long-term development and short-term development, combination of spacecraft and ground equipment, and coordinated development. 中国政府统筹规划并合理安排空间技术、空间应用和空间科学,促进航天事业全面、协调的发展。The Chinese government develops space technology,

22、 application and science through integrated planning and rational arrangement in the aim of promoting the comprehensive and coordinated development of Chinas space activities. 二、发展现状II. Present Situation 中国航天事业自1956年创建以来,经历了艰苦创业、配套发展、改革振兴和走向世界等几个重要时期,Since its birth in 1956, Chinas space program has

23、 gone through several important stages of development: arduous pioneering, overall development in all related fields, reform and revitalization, and international cooperation. 迄今已达到了相当规模和水平:Now it has reached a considerable scale and level. 形成了完整配套的研究、设计、生产和试验体系;A comprehensive system of research, d

24、esign, production and testing has been formed. 建立了能发射各类卫星和载人飞船的航天器发射中心和由国内各地面站、远程跟踪测量船组成的测控网;Space centers capable of launching satellites of various types and manned spacecraft as well as a TT&C (Telemetry Tracking and Command) network consisting of ground stations across the country and tracking a

25、nd telemetry ships are in place. 建立了多种卫星应用系统,取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益;A number of satellite application systems have been established and have yielded remarkable social and economic benefits. 建立了具有一定水平的空间科学研究系统,取得了多项创新成果;A space science research system of a fairly high level has been set up and many innovati

26、ve achievements have been made. 培育了一支素质好、技术水平高的航天科技队伍。 And a contingent of qualified space scientists and technicians has come to the fore. 中国航天事业是在基础工业比较薄弱、科技水平相对落后和特殊的国情、特定的历史条件下发展起来的。Chinas space industry was developed on the basis of weak infrastructure industries and a relatively backward scien

27、tific and technological level, under special national and historical conditions. 中国独立自主地进行航天活动,以较少的投入,在较短的时间里,走出了一条适合本国国情和有自身特色的发展道路,取得了一系列重要成就。In the process of carrying out space activities independently, China has opened a road of development unique to its national situation and scored a series o

28、f important achievements with relatively small input and within a relatively short span of time. 中国在卫星回收、一箭多星、低温燃料火箭技术、捆绑火箭技术以及静止轨道卫星发射与测控等许多重要技术领域已跻身世界先进行列;Now, China ranks among the most advanced countries in the world in many important technological fields, such as satellite recovery, multi-satel

29、lite launch with a single rocket, rockets with cryogenic fuel, strap-on rockets, launch of geo-stationary satellites and TT&C. 在遥感卫星研制及其应用、通信卫星研制及其应用、载人飞船试验以及空间微重力实验等方面均取得重大成果。Significant achievements have also been gained in the development and application of remote-sensing satellites and telecommu

30、nications satellites, and in manned spacecraft testing and space micro-gravity experiments. 空间技术Space Technology 地球卫星。1. Man-made Satellites: 中国于1970年4月24日成功地研制并发射了第一颗人造地球卫星东方红一号,成为世界上第五个独立自主研制和发射人造地球卫星的国家。Chinas first man-made satellite, the Dongfanghong-I was successfully developed and launched on

31、 April 24, 1970, making China the fifth country in the world with such capability. 截至2000年10月,中国共研制并发射了47颗不同类型的人造地球卫星,飞行成功率达90%以上。By October 2000, China had developed and launched 47 satellites of various types, with a flight success rate of over 90%. 目前,中国已初步形成了四个卫星系列-返回式遥感卫星系列、东方红通信广播卫星系列、风云气象卫星系列

32、和实践科学探测与技术试验卫星系列,Altogether, four satellite series have been initially developed in China, namely, recoverable remote-sensing satellites, DFH (Dongfanghong) telecommunications satellites, FY (Fengyun) meteorological satellites and SJ (Shijian) scientific research and technological experiment satellites. 资源地球资源卫星系列也即将形成。The ZY (Ziyuan) earth resource satellite series will come into being soon. 中国是世界上第三个掌握卫星回收技术的

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