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国外学习飞行ATPL 181道前期真题.docx

1、国外学习飞行ATPL 181道前期真题1.Which weather condition is an example of a ponfrontal instablity band? A. radiation fog B. front genseC. squall lineC.3.The horizontal wind shear critical for turbulance per 150 miles is A. 18 knots or less B. greater than 18 knotsC. not a factarB.4.A 最低 A.DH 50 feet and RVR 350

2、mB.RVR 300m RVR 200mC.5.By changing the angle of attack of a wing the pilot could control. A. lift airspeed but not dragB. lift gross weight and dragC. lift airspeed and dragC.6.Which of following is considered an auxiliary flight control? A. Leading-edge flapsB. Vpper sudder C. RuddenatorA.8.What e

3、ffect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance? A. Reduce profilw dragB. decelerates the supper surface boundary lager airC. changes the stalling angle of attack of a higher angle(C)9.ESHP of a turboprop engine is a measure of A. Turbine inlet temperature B. Shaft horsepower and je

4、t thrustC. Propeller thrust onlyB10.收到 cleared for approach (radar vector)A. Descend to the initial approach fix altitude B. Remain at last assigned altitudeC. Descend to minimum vector altitudeB11.Where is a common location for an inversion? A. Tropopause B. StratosphereC. Base of cumulus clouds(B)

5、11.What is the reason for variations is geometric pitch along a propeller or rotor blade?A. It prevents the portion of the blade near the Huber root from stalling during cruising flightB. It permits a relatively constant angle of incidence along its length when in cruising flightC. It permits a rela

6、tively constant angle of attack along its length when in cruising flight(C)12.Which feature is associated with the tropopause?A. Absobite upper limit of could formation B. Absence of wind and turbulenceC. Abrupt charge of and lapse rate(C)13.Which maximum range factor decrease as weigh decrease? A.S

7、peed B. Angle of attack C.AltitudeA14.Which speed symbol indicates the max operating limit speed for an airplane?A.VMO/MMO B.VLO/MLO C.VLE(A)15.What takeoff minimums are not prescribed for a civil airport? Whats the take off min under IFR for 3 engines?A.1600m B.800m C.300ft-800mB.16.Upon which fact

8、or does wing loading during a level coordinated turn in smooth air depend?A. Angle of bank B. Turn airspeedC. Rate of turn(A)17.What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability?A. Pitch oscillations becoming progressions greaterB. Aircraft constantly tries to pitch downC. Bank oscillations becom

9、ing progressively greater(A)18.Which of the following is considered a primary flight control?A. Elevator B. Dorsal fin C. Slats(A)19.Which condition has the effect of reducing critical engine failure speed?A. High density altitudeB. Slush on the runway or inoperative antiskidC. Low gross weight(B)20

10、.Airport not listed in a proscribed take-off weather and does not have the minimum take-of(121部68页)A.270m-1600m B.240m-3200mC.300m-800m B.21.酒精作用A.24小时 B.12小时 C.8小时C.22.Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone?A.COL B. CalmC. High pressure areaC.23.Which type frontal system is normally c

11、rossed by the Jet stream?A. Cold front and warm frontB. Warm front C. Occluded frontC.24.Which arctic flying hazard is caused when a cloud layer of uniform thickness overlies a snow or ice covered surfaceA. Whiteout B. Blowing snow C. Ice fogA25.When setting the altimeter, pilot should disregard A.

12、Corrections for static pressure systemsB. Effects of nonstandard atmospheric temperatures and pressuresC. Corrections for instrument error(B)26.Each pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to ATCAS advisory is expected to A. Request ATC clearance for the deviationB. Notify ATC of the de

13、viation as soon as practicableC. Maintain the course and altitude resulting from the deviation as ATC has radar contact(B)28.What criteria determine which engine is the critical engine of a twin-engine airplane?A. The one with the center of thrust closest to the centerline of the fuselage.B. The one

14、 with the center of thrust farthest from the centerline of the fuselage.C. The one designated by the manufacturer, which develops most usable thrust.A29.When the gross weight is increasedA. Induced drag increases more than parasite dragB. Both parasite and induced drag are equally increasedC. Parasi

15、te drag increases more than induced drag(A)30.Which type jet stream can be expected to cause the greater turbulenceA.A jet stream associated whither wide isotherm spacingB.A straight jet stream associated with a high-pressure ridgeC.A curring jet stream associated with a deep low pressure through (C

16、)31 Why are downdrafts in a mature thunderstorm hazardous?A. Downdrafts become warmer than the surrounding air and reverseB. Downdrafts are kept cool by rain, which tends to accelerate the downward velocity C. Downdrafts converge toward a central location under the storm after striking the surface(B

17、)32.What type weather changes is to be expected in an area where frontolysis is reported?A. The frontal weather becoming strongerB. The front is moving at a fuster speedC. The front is dissipating(C)33.When saturated air moves downhill, its temperature increasesA. At a faster rate than dry air becau

18、se of the release of latent heatB. At a slower rate than dry air because condersation release heatC. At a slower rate than dry air because vaporization uses heat(C)34.What procedure is recommended for an engine-out approach and landing?A. The altitude and airspeed should be consider higher than norm

19、al throughout the appB. The flight path and procedures should be almost identical to a normal app and landingC.A normal approach except do not extend the landing gear or flaps until over the runway threshowd(B)35.What effect if any will landing at a higher-than-recommended touchdown speed have on hy

20、droplaningA. increase hydroplaning potential regard less of brakingB. no effect on hydroplaning,but increase landing rollC. reduce hydroplaning potential if having braking is applied(A)36.A microburst is a very narrow downdraft of very high speed wind with vertical speed up to (6000 feet per minute)

21、37.How should a pilot describle break action?A. 00 percent ,50 percent,75 or 100 percentB. zero-zero fifty-fifty or normalC. poor medium or good(C)38.Assuming that all ILS components are operating and the required visual references are not required, the missed approach should be initiated up on A. A

22、rrival at the visual descent pointB. Expiration of the time listed on the approach chart for missed approachC. Arrival at the DH on glide slope(C)39.When does ATC issue a STAR?A. only when ATC deems it appropriateB. only upon request of the pilot C. only to high priority flights(A)40.Which atmospher

23、ic factor causes rapid movement of surface fronts?A. upper low located directly ocer the surface lowB. upper winds blowing accross the frontC. The cold front overtaking and lifting the warm front(B)41.Which condition are necessary for the formation of slope fog?A.A clear sky calm 100%相对湿度B.层云下雨 and

24、a 10-25-knot wind moving the precipitation up the slopeC. Moist stable air being moved over gradually rising ground by a wind(C)42.frost most likely form on aircraft surfaceA. on overcast nights with freezing drizzle precipitationB. on clear nights with stable air and calmc.晴朗夜空,有对流运动,小的露点温度差(B)43.W

25、hich weather condition is present when the tropical storm is upgraded to a hurricane or typhoonA. Highest windspeed 100 knots or more B. A clear area or hurricane eye has formedC. Sustained winds of 65 knots or more(C)44.Which primary source contains information regarding the expected weather at the

26、 destination airport at the EAT?A. Radar Summary and weather Depiction chartsB. low-level prog chartC. Terminal Aerodrome forecast(C)45.Isobars on a surface weather chart represent line of equal pressureA. at agiven atmospheric pressure B. at the surfaceC. reduce to sea level(C)46.What effect if any

27、 does altitude have on Vmc for an 不增压发动机飞机?A. Decrease with altitude IncreaseB. NoneC. Increase with altitude(A)3.What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flight? # visible water4.Which conditions result in the formation of frost? # Temperature of the collecting surface i

28、s below the dew-point and the dew-point is also below freezing5. A prognostic chart depicts the conditions? #. forecast to exist at a specific time.8.What is the safest and most effect takeoff and initial climb 2 engine plane A. best engine out rate-of climb airspeed while on the ground the lift off

29、 and climb at that V;B. Vmc then lift off at that speed and climb at 最大 angle-of-climb-V;C. V slight above VMC the lift and climb at the best rate-of-climb-V.(C)9. How should 反推 propellers be used during landing for maximum effectiumess in stop. A. Gradually increase reverse power to maximum as roll

30、 out speed; B. Select reverse-pitch after landing and lose idle power setting of the engines;C. Use maximum reverse power as soon as possible after touchdown C10.反向怎么复飞? .make a climb turn toward the landing runway.; 11.What is the primary cause of all changes in the Earths weather?A. change in air

31、pressure over Earths surface; B. Variation of solar energy at surface; C. Movement of air mass from moist areas to dry areas.(B)12高空急流 relatives to surface lows and fronts A. 在 lows and crosses both 暖锋和冷锋;B. at north of the surface lows systems; C. south of the low and 暖锋(B)13What term describes are elongated areas of lows pressure? A. hurricane or typhoon; B. Ridge; C. Trough(C)15.What is the highest speed possible with out supersonic flow over the wing? A. critica mach No.; B. ini

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