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1、最新牡丹江中考英语试题黑龙江省牡丹江市2015年中考英语真题试题考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟;2.全卷共六道大题,总分120分。第一部分 语言知识运用 (共计50分)Multiple choice (本题共20分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer from A、B、or C according to the meaning of the sentence.1.-Eric, is this your umbrella? -No, its not _. Its B.mine C.his2.-Why do you want to be a teache

2、r, David?-Because I like children and I can feel happy _ B.between C.among3.-More and more students wear glasses in our school these days.-I agree with you. Students _ keep on doing eye exercises to protect their eyes.A.should B.might C.shall4.Sun Nan got tons of _ as soon as h e announced

3、 that he would stop competing during I Am a B.pressure C.attention5.Mudanjiang government is going to plant _ trees around the city to make it greener and more beautiful.A.thousand B.thousands of C.three thousand of6.The hottest TV show Running Man is _ with teenagers in China.A.popular

4、 B.patient C.strict7.-_ is Mount Tai, Susan?-Oh, it is 1,532 meters high.A.How long B.How wide C.How high8.What do you think of school safety, Mr. Zhao?-School safety is more important than any other thing, so our school must take it _.A.carefully B.seriously C.specially9.How soon can you finish the

5、 work?-With the help of the machine, two weeks _ enough for B.are C.was10.Friends and neighbors become _ when they visit each other more often.A.farther B.closer C.stronger11.You must wear strong shoes and socks _ you climb the mountains.A.whatever B.wherever C.whenever12.-Sam, come downstai

6、rs, please. I need your help.-Sorry, Mum. I _ on the phone.A.talked B. am talking C.was talking.13.How can you keep so healthy, Ms. White?- I _ eating less and playing sports after dinner every day.A.get into B.get on with C. get used to14.What about going to Jingpo Lake for a trip next weekend?-OK.

7、 But Im not sure _ it will rain.A.whether B.where C.why15.Children in poor mountain villages _ learning about the outside world.A.are good with B.are thirsty for C.are thankful to16.We are making plans _ gifts to sick children in the hospital and raise money for homeless people. hand out B.hand

8、 out C.handing out17.The Chopsticks Brothers _ sings Little Apple won the International Song Award in 2014.A.who B.what C.which18.On June 1st, 2015, the “Oriental Star(东方之星号)” turned upside down, People all over the world _.A.shocked B.were shocking C.were shocked19.Mary, can I use your dictionary?

9、-Yes, _.A.enjoy yourself B.feel free way20.When you see the sign _ in public, you must keep quiet.Cloze test (本题共15分,每小题1分)The Chinese Dream is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspried(被鼓舞)_21_the Chinese Dream. Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage and con

10、fidence(自信) to keep us _22_through difficulties. Here is some advice on _23_to make our beautiful dreams come true.Never giving up _24_ the key to make our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, _25_ we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we _26_ our goals. Our

11、 life is like a long journey _27_ is not all roses. It _28_ has wind and rain. We believe rainbows (彩虹) _29_ after storms.Cooperation(合作)is also _30_. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with _31_. Besides, in our society, most problems _32_ be solved by one person alone. Cooperation

12、is becoming one of _33_ ways for people living in the developing society. At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because _34_ helps us not only know our advantages and disadvantages, but also get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face _35_, Follow th

13、e suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.Choose the best choice from A、B、or C according to what you B.with C.by22.A.go B.going go23.A.when B.are C.was25.A.and B.or C.but26.A.achieve B.forget C.delete27.A.what B.where C.which28.A.always B.sometim

14、es C.seldom29.A.appear B.appeared C.will appear30.A.comfortable B.necessary C.peaceful31.A.other B.others C.another32.A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt33.A.important B.more important C.the most B.they C.he35.A.memories B.success C.challengesCommunication (本题共15分,A题每小题1分,B题每小题2分)(A) Choose the

15、 best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once.A.It is still exciting and moving B.Have you read Harry Potter yet?C.I saw it just a few days ago. D.So what do you think of the actingE.I havent heard of it at all. F.Have you seen any good films re

16、cently?G.He has played Harry Potter since he was 11.A:Hello, Alice! How is it going?B:Pretty good.A:(36)_B:Yes, I have just seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.A:That is the seventh and final of the Harry Potter films, isnt it?B:Yes.(37)_ I really liked it. It was full of fantastic special eff

17、ects(特效).A:Is Daniel Radeliffe still the main actor?B:Yes.(38)_And now he is a 22-year-old young man.A:(39)_B:The acting is very good. The film is worth watching.A:So do you think I will like it?B:Yeah, I think you will.(40)_A:Oh, well. Ill give it a try.36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._(B) Complete the dial

18、ogue with proper sentences.A: Hi, Li Xin! Summer vacation is coming. (41)_?B:To Los Angeles.A:Oh, really? Youll love it! I went there two years ago and enjoyed it a lot.B:How long did it take to get there? (42)_?A: Yes, we did, and it took about nine hours by plane. The our friends met us and drove

19、us to their home.B: (43) _?A: My parents.B: (44) _?A: Well, first, we went to Disneyland, and guess what? I met Snow White and Michey Mouse! I was so excited!B: Wow ! (45) _?A: We stayed there for two days. And then we went to Hollywood.B:Did you see any movie stars?A:No, but we swam in the Pacific

20、Ocean at Santa Monica. It was great!第二部分 阅读理解(共计35分) Reading comprehension (本题共35分,A、B、C题每小题1分,D、E题每小题2分)(A)A.This electric(电子的) product can make you cool during hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the huimdity(湿度).B. This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. Y

21、ou just need to return it on and later hang the clothes on the line.C. You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and listening to music.D. Each family needs it to keep meat, vegetables, fruits and drinks cool and fresh on hot days.E. It is a ve

22、ry helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up at any time you want.F. When you wash your hair, you need this product to make wet hair dry right away.Match the information according to what you read.46.Lucy is often late for school becauses he always gets up late. She needs to buy s

23、omething to wake her up in the morning.47.Bob likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him.48.Summer has come. Peter is heavy and he cant sleep well on such hot days. Hed like to buy something to make

24、him feel cool.49.Jenny often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She needs to buy something to dry her hair.50.Mrs. Brown is a housewife. She has so many chores to do. She has to wash clothes for her family every day, so she needs a product to do it for her.(B)Once u

25、pon a time there was a boy who liked drawing, but he was too poor to buy a brush. One night he said to himself,If only I had a brush, I could draw pictures for the poor people in my village. Suddenly an old man with a long white beard(胡须)appeared. He said, Here is a brush for you. But you must only

26、draw prictures for poor people with it. Ma Liang began to draw a hen, and as he did so, it changed into a real hen. Wow!he said, this brush must be magic! Then he drew an axe(斧头) for a poor woman and it changed into a real one.Soon the king heard about Ma Liangs magic brush. He asked Ma Liang to dra

27、w him a tree with gold coins hanging on it, but Ma Liang refused. The king was so angry that he threw Ma Liang in prison(监牢).If I had a key, I could unlock the door,Ma Liang said. So he drew a key and it changed into a real key. He opened the door quietly and escaped(逃跑). When the king got on his ho

28、rse and chased him with his guards, Ma Liang drew a horse and it changed into a real horse. He rode the horse and ran away.Judge the following sentences true(T) or false (F) according to what you read.51.Ma Liang didnt have a brush because he didnt like drawing at all.52.Ma Liang did as the old man

29、told him.53.The King was friendly to Ma Liang all the time.54.The underlined word chased in the passage means ran after.55.The story tells us Ma Liang was a kind, clever and brave boy.(C)UNICEF:HELP STREET CHILDREN IN SALVADOR.BRAZILGIVE THEM HOPE THIS SUMMER.VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO SET UP SCHOOLS3-mon

30、th summer contractA number of children live and work on the streets in Salvador, Brazil. We need volunteers to set up schools in the Salvador area.You will work under much pressure, for long hours and in hot weather. You will be always responsible for the childrens health. We welcome experienced people who used to be under a heavy workload.Flight, food and hotels are provided for free. But you will have to be responsible for all other costs.Phone or e-mail Unicef-Salvador for more

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