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1、海安九年级学业水平测试海安县2018年九年级学业水平测试注 意 事 项考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项1. 本试卷共10页,满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡指定的位置。3. 答案必须按要求填涂、书写在答题卡上,在草稿纸、试卷上答题一律无效。第卷(选择题 共60分)一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。( ) 1. _ chocolate bread you like

2、is done now. What _ delicious smell!A. A; the B. A; / C. The; a D. The; /( ) 2. What a bad day!Everyone has one of those days when _ goes wrong.A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something( ) 3. Could you take out the rubbish and wash the dishes, Jack?Sure. Mum will be mad if she sees this _.A.

3、 matter B. mess C. trouble D. difficulty( ) 4. WeChat really influences peoples life._. It is easier for us to keep in touch with others.A. Mostly B. Exactly C. Mainly D. Simply( ) 5. Although the old professor was _ my opinion, he didnt come up with his own.A. in B. for C. against D. on( ) 6. What

4、do you think of the film? Fantastic. _ the children _ their father likes to see it.A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Neither; nor( ) 7. Lets get Linda a present for her birthday.Sure. Shall we _ a book online for her?A. afford B. order C. offer D. consider( ) 8. Did Kate try her be

5、st in the final exam? No, but of all the students she did _.A. the most careful B. more careful C. most carefully D. the more carefully( ) 9. Do you want to be healthy? _. Smiling can help you stay healthy.A. Smile B. Smiling C. To smile D. Smiled( ) 10. More and more people have realized that we sh

6、ouldnt _ the ancient buildings in cities. A. get down B. pass down C. cut down D. pull down( ) 11. Nice to see you again. Havent you graduated from Columbia University? Yes. I _ Computer Science for four years there. A. learned B. have learned C. had learned D. would learn( ) 12. You look very prett

7、y, if I _ say so. Thanks a lot for saying that. A. must B. have to C. will D. may( ) 13. I feel much too stressed before the big exam._. Im sure you can make it.A. Take it easy B. Take your time C. Go ahead D. Enjoy yourself( ) 14. Could you please tell me _?Of course.A. how long you have borrowed t

8、he book B. how you think of the newest movieC. when the new shopping mall will be open D. why do you like watching the program( ) 15. Sir, you are fined for overspeeding. Please sign here.Fined? Overspeeding? _.A. Never mind B. No worries. C. Are you serious? D. Are you right?二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分

9、15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Mikes New BikeMike looked at the midday sky. He had been working since sunrise and was taking a 16 . Mike had been working all summer to earn enough money for a new bike. His ancient, beaten-up bike was a total embarrassment. But his mom said they c

10、ouldnt 17 a new one. Even though Mike knew she was 18 , he shouted back at her in great disappointment, “You never give me anything!”He only needed fifty more dollars. Mr. Painter had 19 him forty dollars to dig a new drainage ditch (排水沟), and he wanted to stop the 20 in his rose garden. Mr. Painter

11、 wanted the new ditch to run parallel to the old one, but Mike didnt think that would be 21 in heavy rains. So he suggested another plan to direct the rainwater away from the house.Mike noticed Mr Painter 22 him from behind a curtain. He knew Mr. Painter was an old grouch (爱抱怨的人) he would take away

12、that little break from his pay. 23 he returned to his work, Mike waved. M. Painter acknowledged the wave and disappeared.Mikekeptworkinguntilmid-afternoonwithoutarest.ThenMrPaintercameoutforan inspection (视察). “Whydontyoustopfortodayandgetafresh 24 tomorrow?”“Idratherfinishup,”replied Mike.“Itssuppo

13、sedto 25 tonight,andIdliketohaveit workbeforethenextstorm.”Aboutsix-thirty,Mike 26 thelastpipeinplace.Ashewasreturningthetoolstothe garage, Mr.Painter cameoutofthehouseand 27 up,“Mike,youreanenthusiasticyoung man.Idontseemanyyoungpeoplethesedayswho 28 abouttheirwork.” HehandedMike anenvelopeandleft.

14、WhenMikeopenedtheenvelope,hefoundthreetwenty-dollarbills.Heranto 29 Mr. Painter andstartedtohandonebacktohim.MrPainterdeclinedtheoffer.“Takeitas 30 for keepinganoldmanfromtrouble.”Andthenhewenttoinspecthisroses.( ) B.break C.chance D.job( ) 17.A.ride B.borrow C.afford D.make( ) 18.A.rig

15、ht B.rude C.wise D. cruel( ) 19.A.handed B.offered C.lent D.saved( ) 20.Asunlight B.growing C.flooding D.dirt( ) 21. A.necessary B.basic C.effective D.natural( ) 22. A.stopping B.ordering C. meeting D.watching( ) 23. A.Once B.While C.As D.Though( ) 24. B.start C.idea D.look( ) 25. A. snow

16、ow C. thunder D.rain( ) 26.A.hung B.laid C.dropped D.cut( ) 27. A.cleaned B.called C.stood D.walked( ) 28. A. ask B. care C.set D.learn( ) 29. Acatch B.beg C.serve D.blame( ) 30.A.spirits B.thanks C. excuses D.lessons三、阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AFou

17、rappsforstudentstolearnEnglishQuizletQuizlet isalearningappacomputerprogramyouuseonyourmobiledevice.ItcanhelpusersbuildandtesttheirknowledgeofEnglishwordsandterms.Quizlethaswordsetsformillionsofsubjects. And,itisquicklybecomingausefulmobiletoolforlanguagelearners.SocrativeInSocrative,teacherscancrea

18、tetimedleaminggames.Inclass,studentscompete for him(her)self oraspartofateamagainstclassmates.OnegamestudentsloveiscalledSpaceRace.In thisgame,ifateam answersaquestioncorrectly,theirrocketmovesforward.Thisteamwhose rocketgetstotheend firstwins.Also,teacherscanuseSocrativeasan “exitticket”,aquestiont

19、hey canaskstudentsabout what theylearnedinthatdaysclass.Studentswritetheiranswersontheir mobiledevices.Then,theteachercanshowtheanswersonasharedvideoscreen.QRCodesAQRCodeisakindofsignthatasmartphonecanreadwithitscamera.Whenyourphone camerareadsaQRcode,ittakesyoutoawebsite,image,videooranythingyouwan

20、ttoshare.For example,onewilltakeyoutotheVOALearningEnglishwebsite.EvernoteEvernoteletsusersstoreandsharenotes,imagesandrecordingsinoneplace.Teacherscanalso useEvernotetogivehomework.( ) 31.Whichisthebestforstudentstobuildupvocabulary? A.Quizlet. B.QRCodes. C.Evernote. D.Socrative.( ) 32.Whatcanateac

21、herdobyusingSocrative?A.Givehomework. B.Lookupnewwords.C.Carryoutaclassroomtest. D.VisitanEnglish-learningwebsite.( ) 33.Whatsthepurposeofthetext?A.Tomakeanadvertisement. B.Toencourageusingmobilephones.C.ToimproveEnglishleaning. D.Tointroducesomelearningapps.BAsIbegintotellmyfriendsaboutthesevendays

22、youtreatedmywife,Laura,inwhatturned out tobethelastdaysofheryounglife,theystopmeataboutthe15thnamethatIrecall.Thelist includes the doctors,nurses,socialworkers,andevencleaningstaffmemberswhocaredforher.“Howdoyourememberanyoftheirnames?”theyask.“HowcouldInot?” Ianswerback.EverysingleoneofyoutreatedLa

23、urawithsuchkindnessasshelayunconscious.Whenshe neededshots,youapologizedthatitwasgoingtohurtalittle,whetherornotshecouldhear.When youlistenedtoherheartandlungsthroughyourstethoscope (听诊器) andhergown (长衫) beganto slip,youpulledituptocoverher.Youspreadablanketwhentheroomwasjustalittlecoldandyou though

24、tshedsleepmorecomfortablythatway.Youcaredsogreatlyforherparents,helpingthemclimbintotheroomsawkwardrecliner (躺椅),gettingthemfreshwateralmostbythehour,andansweringeveryoneoftheirmedicalquestions withpatience.Thentherewashowyoutreatedme.Howmanytimesdidyouwalkintotheroomtofindme sobbing, myheaddownandr

25、estingonherhand,andquietlygoaboutyourtask,asifwilling yourselvesinvisible?Howmanytimesdidyouhelpmesetupthereclinerascloseaspossibleto herbedside?HowmanytimesdidyoucheckonmetoseewhetherIneededanything,fromfoodto drinkfromfreshclothestoahot shower.Really,Ihaveallofyoutothankforitwithmylifelongthanksan

26、dlove.( ) 34.Whatcanweinferfromthefirstparagraph?A.Thewritercouldremember15doctors names.B.ThewritersfriendstreatedLauraforsevendays.C.ThedoctorswereunabletosaveLauraintheend.D.Thewriters friendsdidntwanttolistentohisstory.( ) 35. Whatdoestheunderlinedword“unconscious” probablymean?A.unaware B. calm

27、 C.uncomfortable D.quiet( ) 36.Howdidthedoctorsandnursestreatthewriter?A.Theyhelpedhimtogetabedclosetohiswifes.B.Theygavehimanexaminationtoseeifhewasill.C.Theytriednottotroublehimwhenhewasindeepsadness.D.Theyprovidedhimwithfood,drink,freshclothesandshowerdaily.( ) 37.Whichofthefollowingisthepassagem

28、ainlydeveloped by?A.givingexamples B.comparingfactsC. listingsuggestions D.showingdifferentopinionsCIn1977, IrenePepperbergofHarvardUniversitybeganstudyingwhatwasonanother creatures mindbytalkingtoit.HerfirstexperimentsbeganwithAlex.Alexwasaone-year-old AfricangreyparrotandIrenetaughthimtomakethesoundsoftheEnglishlanguage.“

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