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同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义Unit+16+Section+Ⅳ Languag.docx

1、同步北师大英语选修六新突破讲义Unit+16+Section+ LanguagSection Language Points()(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1The new drug has great significance(重要性) for the treatment of the H7N9 virus. 2She expanded (扩大)her store by adding a second room.3The severe (严格的)teacher has gone abroad; you can breathe free

2、ly again.4The restrictions (限制)on the use of the playground are: no fighting, no damaging property.5She wont do what I ask her to doshes very stubborn(固执的)6I was never discouraged against learning English.7There has been a gradual increase in the number of families owning refrigerators.8(2019全国卷阅读理解

3、C篇)The researchers say that the keyboard should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive,plasticlike parts.9He gave us specific instructions on how to get there.10It is abnormal for such a strong man to sleep all day.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1discourage vt. 使泄气;使灰心disc

4、ouraged adj. 泄气的discouraging adj. 令人泄气的discouragement n挫折;灰心2admire vt. 钦佩;赞美;羡慕admirer n钦佩者;仰慕者admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;极佳的admiration n. 钦佩;赞美3severe adj. 严重的;严厉的severely adv. 严重地;严厉地4restrict vt. 限制;约束restricted adj. 受限的restriction n. 限制,约束5eager adj.渴望的,热衷的eagerly adv. 渴望地eagerness n. 渴望;热心. 补全短语根据提示

5、补全下列短语1name.after 以名字给某人/某物命名2come across 偶然遇见3hold up 支撑起4count on 依靠5figure out 理解;算出;解决6end up 以结束,以告终7put up with 容忍,忍受8in particular 特别,尤其.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.2They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy.3I came ac

6、ross our professor last night in the A& C Bar.4There are many inconveniences that you have to put up with when you are camping.5Ill use my new invention to figure out where you are.6We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune.n.ableadj.v.out复合短语adjustable可调节的respectable可敬的 adaptabl

7、e可适应的carry out 执行,贯彻;进行(到底)drop out 退学;退出give out 分发;发出(气味等)背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.This was because Helen couldnt see or hear.这是因为海伦看不见也听不见。This was because.句型这都是因为他的祖父是那么好的一个人。This was because his grandfather had been such a kind man.2.The word “think” was also a difficult one for Helen but she had a bre

8、akthrough while working on a simple task.“思考”这个词对海伦来说也是一个难词。但是在完成一件简单的任务时,她取得了突破性的进展。状语从句省略参观这个城市的时候,他们受到热烈欢迎。While visiting the city, they received a warm welcome.3.It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex worda word for something she couldnt touch.这是海伦第一次明白这样一个复杂的词一个她触摸不到实物的词。It i

9、s the first time句型 这是我第一次有勇气在博客上写点英文。It is the first time that I have the courage to write something in English in my blog. come across偶然遇见(教材P8)I came across an interesting name story when I visited my cousin in Henan Province.当拜访我在河南的表妹时,我偶然听到了一个有趣的关于名字的故事。come about 发生,产生come up 出现;走近come up with

10、 追上;想出,找出(答案)come to 达到;总共,总计;谈到come out 出来,出现;出版;结局Can you tell me how the accident came about?你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club.你首先应该构思一下你的俱乐部大致是什么样。Many people can use a computer,but when it comes to repairing them,most of them really know nothing.很多

11、人会使用计算机,但若说到修理,大多数人却是一窍不通。 (教材P8)Her father thought he was admirable because he built bridges you can really count on.她父亲认为李春令人敬佩,因为他修建了人们可以真正依靠的桥梁。(1)admirable adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的(1)admire v 钦佩,赞赏admire sb./sth.for sth. 因某事而钦佩某人/某物admire sb.for doing sth. 因做某事而赞赏某人(2)admiration n. 钦佩,赞赏The way he dealt w

12、ith the hardship he came across is admirable.他处理遇到的艰难困苦的方式令人钦佩。I dont agree with her opinions,but I admire her for sticking to her principles.我不同意她的意见,但我赞赏她恪守原则。She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with admiration(admire)她的英语说得好极了,她的朋友都赞美不已。(2)count on依靠;指望;期待count on do sth.

13、 指望某人做某事count up 共计 把算入/不算入count down 倒计时,倒数Please count me in if you are going to do it.如果你们打算做那件事,请算上我一份。You can count on him to get(get) the work done on time.你可以指望他按时完成这项工作。名师点津表示“指望,依靠”的短语还有:depend on,rely on,figure on以及reckon on,它们后跟宾语从句时一般要用it作形式宾语,然后再接that从句。 put up with容忍,忍受(教材P

14、8)She was worried that her daughter would have to put up with too much teasing with a mans name.她担心女儿将不得不忍受因取个男孩子的名字而被嘲弄。put aside 节省(时间、钱);储蓄;保存备用put up 举起;张贴;建造;提供食宿put away 把收起来放好put down 放下;写下;平息put off 延期;阻止put on 穿(戴)上;上演put out 扑灭;出版put forward 向前移;提出;拨快(钟表)Im just going to put the car away.我

15、正要把车放好。The flight had to be put off because of the heavy snowstorm in Europe.因为欧洲的暴风雪,航班被迫推迟。They decided to put aside their differences.他们决定搁置双方的分歧。 figure out理解;弄懂;算出(教材P8)So they figured out a way to change it.于是他们想出了一个能改变这种情况的方法来。figure 将某物包括在内/计算在内figure on sth.count on 指望;预料figure up 合计

16、,把加起来My wishes didnt figure in his considerations.我的愿望没有将他的想法考虑在内。Dont figure on going(go) abroad this summer;we may not be able to afford it.别指望今年夏天出国;我们可能负担不起(旅行费用)。 hold up支撑起;承受住;延迟,阻碍;抢劫(教材P8)She became quite famous when she invented a new way of holding up suspension bridges during the buildin

17、g process.她因在建设过程中发明了一种新的支撑吊桥的方法而闻名。写出下列句中hold up的含义I decided to hold up on the news until he was sure of it.延迟Robbers held up a bank at gunpoint yesterday.抢劫The chair is too weak to hold up such a fat man.支撑起They held up their coach to celebrate their winning.举起hold on 挺住;坚持住;(打电话)别挂断hold on to 抓紧;

18、不放开;保留;坚持hold back 阻挡;阻拦;隐瞒;控制hold down 压制;限制hold out (在困境中)坚持;伸出;提供;维 持;忍耐How much longer can we hold on?我们能再坚持多久?Can you hold on to those tickets for me?你能为我保留那些票吗? eager adj.渴望的,热衷的(教材P11).she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.她非常渴望学习更多的词语并且尽可能多使用它们。be eager for/after/a

19、bout sth. 渴望某物be eager to do sth. 渴望干某事be eager that.(should) do sth. 渴望(从句多用虚拟 语气)Now,I am not so eager about your coming to town as I was.现在,我不像以前那样急于要你进城来了。I am not so eager to get(get) a new car now,for the prices have gone up.我现在不急于买新汽车,因为价钱已经涨了。The foreman is eager that all the workers should

20、come(come) on time.这个工头急着要所有工人都按时来。明辨异同eager,anxiouseager强调对成功的渴望,带有更多热切、兴奋的情绪,含有积极的意义;与不定式或for搭配anxious强调“担心,忧虑”,对结果感到不安,带有更多焦虑、担忧的情绪,具有消极的意义;与不定式或about搭配anxious,eagerShe is eager to go to college,but anxious about not passing the entrance examination.她渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过入学考试。 expand v扩大,扩充;膨胀;扩展(业务);详述

21、,详细阐明(教材P11)As Helens knowledge and vocabulary expanded,she asked more and more questions.随着知识和词汇的扩大,海伦问越来越多的问题。(1)expand on/upon 详细说明expand in. 在方面膨胀expand into. 扩展成为;膨胀成(2)expansion n. 扩展;扩大;发展(3)expansive adj. 扩张性的;有膨胀力的Could you expand on that point,please?请你把这一点详细说明一下好吗?The rapid expansion(expa

22、nd) of cities can cause social and economic problems.城市的快速扩张可能会导致社会和经济问题。We have plans to expand into the US market.我们已经计划扩大进入美国市场。 significance n重要性;意义(教材P132)But,as well as having meaning from the characters that are used for writing,Chinese names can also have significance according to their soun

23、ds.但是,除了汉字书写本身的意思之外,根据发音中文名字同样也有重要意义。(1)have great significance for 对有重大意义of no/little/great significance 无关紧要/有重大意义attach significance to sth. 认为某事有意义(2)significant adj. 有意义的,显著的,意味深长的a significant look/smile 意味深长的眼神/微笑Grandpa looked over and gave me a significant smile.爷爷看着我给了我一个意味深长的微笑。Television

24、 is of great significance(significant)in shaping our ideas.电视在影响我们的观念方面起着重大作用。名师点津be of(great)significancebe(very) significant非常有意义的;非常显著的 discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心;使丧失信心;使打消做的念头;反对,劝阻(某种行动)(教材P132).she was also discouraged because she missed her home in northern England.她也同样感到灰心,因为她想念在北英格兰的家(1)discoura

25、ge sb.from doing sth. 阻止,劝阻某人做某事;使 某人失去做某事的信心(2)discouraged adj. 沮丧的be discouraged at 对感到沮丧discouraging adj. 令人泄气的discouragement n. 泄气,沮丧(3)courage n. 勇气encourage vt. 鼓励encourage do sth. 鼓励某人做某事We were discouraged at the news.听到那消息时,我们感到沮丧。We discourage you from smoking(smoke) except in specif

26、ic areas.如果不是在特定区域,我们劝您不要吸烟。He encouraged the students to use(use) dictionaries if possible.他鼓励学生如果可能的话使用词典。1(教材P11)Now that Helen understood the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.【分析】【翻译】既然海伦理解了语言之谜,她非常渴望学习更多的词语并且尽可能多使用它们。2(教材P11)It was the first time

27、 Helen had understood such a complex worda word for something she couldnt touch.【分析】【翻译】这是海伦第一次理解这样一个复杂的词一个她触摸不到实物的词。.单句语法填空1He greeted us with an expansive(expand) gesture and a wide smile.2This new discovery of oil is of great significance(significant) to this areas economy.3How did this dangerous

28、 state of affairs come about?4Although he has failed twice,he is not discouraged(discourage)5He was eager for work,for he could not imagine life without it.6(2019全国卷语法填空)It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears.7She just managed to hold back her anger.8The draft of the goods

29、in transport must be counted in costs.9He had finished the work earlier than expected(expect)10If you keep on,you will succeed in time.完成句子1他们劝阻我采取那个步骤。They discouraged me from taking that step2水加热到100摄氏度就会变成蒸汽。When heated to 100,water will turn into vapor.3这是她第四次犯这样的错误。It is the fourth time that she has made such a mistake4本总是会依赖他的姐姐帮他解决困难。Ben could always count on his sister to help him out of trouble.5这两次会议在党的历史上是有重大意义的。Both meetings were of great significance in the history of the Party

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