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高三英语 Unit 16 Social and personal 教案.docx

1、高三英语 Unit 16 Social and personal 教案高三英语 Unit 16 Social and personal 教案 一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生应能熟练地运用表示“道歉”的常用语;复习动词被动语态;了解西方国家兼职工作的由和向他人寻求心理咨询的必要性。二、教学重点与难点1重点词汇gift, value, dubt, s lng as, slve2重点句型1)There is n dubt abut the rret thing t d2)It is the dut f everne in a r unit t reprt anther rer t the a

2、nager if he/she des anthing rng, r tell lies3)I afraid it is quite n that peple steal things fr their r plae4)There is n need t sa anthing t the ther rer3语法 被动语态1)The rs are being painted n2)A ne htel ill be built in ne nth3)All the eans have been tried, but it is still n use4)Supper had been prepar

3、ed befre the ae ba4日常交际用语1) I srr 2)I afraid 3)I aplgize 4)Never ind )Thats allright/6) Dnt rr三、难点讲解The value sene h leads an ative life and is anxius t learnAvalue(用作动词)尊重、珍视(某人、某物)。例如:1)I alas value ur advie我总是尊重你的劝告。2)I value ur friendship ver highl我非常珍惜你的友情。Bvalue(用作名词)价值;重要性;产值,应值的钱。例如:1)The va

4、lue f this b is uh greater than its prie这本书的价值远远超过它的价格。2)st peple n the value f a gd eduatin大多数人懂得良好教育的重要性。3)hats the value f that stap n? 现在那枚邮票值多少钱?四、复习与检测选择填空。1-I staed at a htel hile in Ne r-h, did u? u _ ith T: his huse had ept rsAuld have staedBuld staeduld staDust have staed2ie _ be a pliean,

5、 fr hes uh t shrtAaBantustDustnt3-hen _ again?-hen he _, Ill let u nAhe es;eBill he e;ill ehe e;ill eDill he e;es4hen as u _ had get-tgether ith the sldiers?Athat itBthis itit thatDthis thatThe gvernent ants t _ far pries at their present levelAeep upBtae upsta upDbring up6The ere stu in the sn, _At

6、 be ld and hungrBld and hungrbeing ld and hungrDt feel ld and hungr7He drives _ than uAfast and dangerusBfaster and re dangerusfast and dangeruslDfaster and re dangerusl8e left hiag _Alast Frida, in the rning at sevenBat seven, last Frida in the rningin the rning at seven last FridaDat seven in the

7、rning last Frida9Theres _ n the phne fr u, r BrnI dnt n hiAhn SithBa hn Siththe hn SithDne hn Sith10He rang the nuber again, but failed _ a nnetinAgettingBt getin gettingDt have gt11Dnt get up that ladderIt desnt l _AsavedBsafesafetDsafel12Linda _ g ith us t the part, but she isnt ver sure etAustBil

8、lanDa13He _ a b, and n he needs a hlidaArteBhad rittenis ritingDhas been riting14ur anager left fr Lndn this rningI thught he _ until next eeAisnt gingBnt be gingasnt gingDhadnt gne1-Frgive e fr aing u sta late t tpe these letters, but I reall need the fr trr- _ADnt rr abut itBI dnt thin sI dnt areD

9、ThansIts nie f u t sa that完形填空。Fr an ears the United States and ther natins used gld and silver as ne 16 ne as used t stand fr the hlding(储备) f bth silver and gldThe value f silver as liited t 17 f gldFifteen unes(盎司) f silver had the 18 value f ne une f gldThese values didnt hange 19 after 1860 hen

10、 ines in the est f the United States began t 20 large aunts f silver 21 aunts f silver aused its prie t 22N lnger uld fifteen unes f silver 23 ne une f gldIn 1871 Geran delared that it uld n lnger 24 its paper ne ith silver 2, it uld use 26 gldther untries f Eurpe quil 27 the saeThe United States pa

11、ssed a la in 1873 that 28 the gvernent 29 silver as neestern silver prduers prtested(抗议)ludl and put uh pressure n the 30 aersFive ears later a 31 la as passedIt said the gvernent ust 32 fur and a half illin unes f silver eah nthThe ne la 33 the aunt f silver neThe untr had t inds f quite different

12、34 n the issue(发行) f silver neBusinessen, 3 and ther rih en anted t 36 the use f silver ne 37 it ade the dllar 38 valuableBut farers, laburers and ther 39 en nt nl anted silver ne, the anted an unliited 40 f it16APaperBSilverBanDaer17Athe neBthisthatDvalue18AdifferentBsaelessDre19Aat allBevenandDunt

13、il20AprdueBaesearhDdig21AThese extraBThis extraThis antherDThis ther22AfallBraisehangeDrise23AdBbutbeDstand24Apa frBusepaDhelp2AButBetHeverDInstead26AuhBustnlDless27AledBhadgtDdid28AstppedBeptrequiredDsent29AprduingBusingrefusingDturning30AneBlasilverDgld31AiprtantBativeneDuseful32AhangeBbupaDsell33

14、AreduedBinreasedutDept34AviesBatinsplansDdeisins3Asilver prduersBbanersla aersDfarers36AntinueBrefuseprtetDend37AhenBthatifDbeause38AreBlessevenDlittle39AprBrihspeialDrdinar40AvalueBtradesupplDgive阅读理解。阅读下列短,从每题四个选项中,选出最佳答案。AIf u travel b air arss the entre f Afria r Suth Aeria, u fl ver frests fr t

15、husands f iletresThese great frests are the eans f treesThere are full f thusands and thusands f different inds f plants and anialsHever, the rlds frests are getting saller all the tiee are utting dn the trees beause e need d and e need re far landSe peple sa that there ill nt be an frests lie these

16、 in 20 r 30 earshat ill happen if the disappear? If e ut dn ur frests, a lt f plants and anials ill disappear fr the rldIn a lt f plaes the ne far land ill sn l lie the ld desertsrps ill nt gr thereIt ill nt rain ver ften, and the eather ill get ver htPerhaps the liate f the rld ill hangeThis ill be

17、 dangerus fr everne in the rldThat is h e ust tae are f ur frests41The passage ainl tells us abut _Athe iprtane f taing are f ur frestsBthe result f utting dn the treesthe latins f great frestsDthe reasns fr fring the deserts42hih f the flling is true arding t the passage?AAfria and Suth Aeria are t

18、he eans f treesBFrests are hes fr different inds f anialsFrests are usuall several square iletres largeDDifferent plants ant be fund in the sae frest43The need fr re d and re land results in _Athe hange f the rld liateBthe disappearane f an plants and anialsre deserts and less far landDall f the abv

19、e44hat ill happen in 20 r 30 ears in se peples vie? Aell have re and greater frestsBell have enugh land t surprt ur pepleell have n frests lie thse in the entre f AfriaDell have enugh d t d se ing4The riter thins _Ait dangerus fr everne t ut dn the frestsBit neessar fr everne t prtet the frestsit ip

20、ssible fr everne t tae are f the rldDit iprtant fr everne t eep anialsBud(柔道)and arate(空手道)are sprts fr self-defeneThe began in the eastern part f the rld, but n an Aerians en the tIn fat, shls fr teahing the have been pened all ver the United States and anadaPlaers in bth sprts use nl their hands,

21、ars, legs and feetHever, the t sprts are quite differentIn arate, plaers hit eah ther ith the pen hand and ith the lsed fist(拳头)The als use ft fr iingIn ud, plaers are re liel t thr eah therThen the tr t tuh and pin(按住) eah ther dnThe als ve their ars and legs in large irlesarate ves, nthe ther hand

22、, are shrt and quiPlaers stand aa fr eah therThe nl tuh ne anther ith qui punhes(猛击) and isan a arate plaer beat a ud plaer? It depends n the plaersne sprt is nt better than the therThe are bth ver gd frs f self-defeneBth ai tard ntrl f the ind and bdA ise ld an in apan had a gd anser t the questinH

23、e said:“e dnt sa the ther artial arts f sldiers are badThe untain des nt laugh at the river beause it is ll, nr des the river spea ill f the untain beause it ant ve abut”46hat is the ain idea f the passage? Aud and arate are gd sprtsBan Aerians en ud and arateThe differene beteen ud and atateDne spr

24、t is nt better than the ther47hih detail helps u t understand h t d ud?APlaers thr eah therBPlaers pin eah ther dnPlaers tuh and ve ars and legs in large irlesDAll f the abve48hih detail helps u understand h t d arate?APlaers hit eah ther ith pen hands and lsed fistsBPlaers tuh eah therPlaers use fe

25、et fr iingDBth A and 49Arding t the passage, hih f the flling stateents is rret?APlaers in atate use nl hands and feetBPlaers in ud use nl ars and legsPlaers in bth sprts use nl ars, legs, hands and feetDPlaers in bth sprts use nl pen hands and lsed fists0Arding t the ise ld an in apan, _Aarate is b

26、etter than udBud is better than aratebth f the are better than ilitar(军事)artsDbth f the are ver gd frs f self-defene短改错。Dear Rbert,Thans fr ur letter f April 10thH glad I as1_hen I get ItId be prett happ t be ur pen2_friendN all e t intrdue e t uI3_a b student aged seventeen, stud in Senir Three4_f Hngqi High ShlI a nitr f lass_I as t tae the Natinal atriulatin(入学)Tests6_after ver t nths, that is, beteen ul 7 and 97_u n, I ant ver uh t stud ediine and8_t be a dtr ring fr pr peasant that I tr t9_ae full use f ever hur and stud far the night everda60_

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