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1、高口词汇Environment类 ENVIRONMENT 生态,自然,环保SECTION I: 英译中 a killing frost 严寒abrasion n. 侵蚀;磨损acid rain n.酸雨详析Acid rain is an air pollution produced when acid chemicals are incorporated into rain, snow, fog or mist. The acid in acid rain comes from sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, products of burning coa

2、l and other fuels and from certain industrial processes. acidification n.土地酸化 afforestation n. 绿化造林 agricultural ecology 农业生态学air emission standards 空气排放标准air pollution 空气污染air pollution emission 空气污染排放(物)algae n. 藻类,海藻alternative fuels -替代燃料详析 Alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, alcoh

3、ols, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity.altitude n. 海拔ample rainfall n. 充足的雨量annual temperature range 年气温幅度anomalies n. 反常(现象)aquatic life 水生植物arid adj. 干旱的artificial rain n.人工降雨ash n. 灰烬atmosphere (The) n. 大气层Autumnal Equinox (fall equinox) 秋分(9月22日左右)Vernal Equinox (spring equinox) 春分(

4、3月21日左右)biosphere n. 生物圈详析The terrestrial biosphere includes the living biota (plants and animals) and the litter and soil organic matter on land, and the marine biosphere includes the biota and detritus in the oceans. biota n. 生态生物区详析Biota means the animal and plant (fauna and flora) life of a give

5、n area. barrier effect of mountains 山的阻隔效应、栅栏效应beachgoer n. 海滩游客biomes n. 生物群系black hole n. 黑洞 详析Black hole is a place where the gravity is so strong that light cant even escape from it. how would you know where to look for it? it can also be interpreted as gateways to an alternative universe.canopy

6、 n. 树冠, 华盖car exhaust n.汽车尾气carbon dioxide (CO2) n. 二氧化碳 carbon monoxide (CO) n. 一氧化碳Clean Air Act n. 清洁空气法案详析The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments are the most far-reaching revisions of the 1970 law. In this summary, we refer to the 1990 amendments as the 1990 Clean Air Act. clean energy n. 清洁能源 clean

7、fuels n. 清洁燃料详析Low-pollution fuels that can replace ordinary gasolineclimatic anomaly 气候异常climatic zones 气候带Temperate 温带(气候) the cool temperate zone 寒温带the warm temperate zone 暖温带Tropical 热带(气候)Subtropical 亚热带(气候)Tundra 苔原(气候)Equatorial 赤道(气候)Arid 干旱(气候)Mediterranean 地中海式(气候)Polar (arctic) 极地(气候)Mou

8、ntains 高山(气候)Plateau 高原 (气候)Maritime 海洋性 (气候)Continental climate 大陆气候clint n. 石芽coastline n.海岸线combustion n. 燃烧comet n.彗星confluence n. 汇流(处) 详析A confluence is where a river joins another river. contamination n. 污染continental plate 大陆板块continental shelves 大陆架contingency n. 偶发事件convection n对流corrosion

9、 n. 侵蚀cost-effective adj. 成本效益好的,合算的cumulonimbus clouds n. 积雨云daily maximum temperatures n. 日最高气温daily minimum temperatures n. 日最低气温death toll n. 死亡人数 debris flow 泥石流 decomposition n. 分解,腐烂deep water n. 深冷水区deforestation n.森林开伐例子Efforts have been made to stop deforestation -the removal of forest sta

10、nds by cutting and burning to provide land for agricultural purposes, residential or industrial building sites, roads, etc. or by harvesting the trees for building materials or fuel. desertification n.(土壤)沙漠化,荒漠化例子Overgrazing of rangelands, large-scale cutting of forests and woodlands, drought, and

11、burning of extensive areas all serve to destroy or degrade the land cover and cause desertification. domestic sewage n. 生活污水 drought n. 旱灾dust storm n. 沙尘暴 earthquake magnitude 震级 eco-agriculture 生态农业 ecological impact 生态影响ecosystem n. 生态系统 详析An ecosystem is defined as place having unique physical f

12、eatures, encompassing air, water, and land, and habitats supporting plant and animal 生态技术 eddy n. / v. 旋涡, 起旋涡El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (气候学)厄尔尼诺南徊现象详析厄尔尼诺是西班牙语El Nino的音译。厄尔尼诺洋流南美洲西海岸海洋表面的一支暖洋流,那时海底不再有冷的、丰富营养的海水,能引起鲸鱼和鱼类的死亡并且影响大部分太平洋地区的气候。在南美厄瓜多尔和秘鲁沿岸,海水每年都会出现季节性增暖现象,因为

13、这种现象发生在圣诞节前后,则被当地渔民称为厄尔尼诺-即圣婴(上帝之子)的意思。现在厄尔尼诺一词已被气象和海洋学家用来专门指发生在赤道太平洋东部和中部海水大范围持续异常增暖的现象(在海洋气象学中规定,该海域海水表层温度高出气候平均值0.5以上,且持续时间超过6个月以上时定为厄尔尼诺出现)。 The term El Nino means Christ Child and was first used by Peruvian fishermen in the late 1800s to describe the warm current appearing off the western coast

14、 of Peru around Christmas time. El Nino, and its sister event La Nina are the extreme phases of the southern oscillation, with El Nino referring to a warming of the eastern tropical Pacific, and La Nina a cooling.又见L 词条中La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象emission n. 排气 (如汽车废气等);排放物environment n. 环境详析Environmen

15、t refers to the sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism. Environment Abstracts 环境文摘简称EAenvironmental auditing 环境审核environmental awareness 环保意识 environmental benefit 环境效益 environmental degradation 环境恶化 environmental hazards 环境危机environmental lapse r

16、ate 气温垂直递减率 (如由山地地形引起)environmental management 环境管理environmental threats 环境威胁epicenter n. 震中Equator n. 赤道equatorial zone 道地区existing environmental regulations 现有环境规范条例extinct species 灭绝的物种fjord n. 峡湾firn n. 积雪;万年雪;冰原详析Material that is transitional between snow and glacier ice. It is formed from snow

17、 after passing through one summer melt season and becomes glacier ice after its permeability to liquid water falls to zero. flood n. 洪水;洪灾food chain 食物链详析A sequence of organisms, each of which uses the next lower member of the sequence as a food source. forestation n. 造林 fossil fuel 矿物燃料如石油、煤、天然气等,由

18、古代生物衍生而成详析Any hydrocarbon deposit that can be burned for heat or power, such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. freshwater pollution 淡水污染fungi (plural form of fungus) n. 真菌 (包括酵母、霉菌、担子菌和蘑菇等)详析Molds, mildews, yeasts, mushrooms, and puffballs, a group of organisms that lack chlorophyll and therefore

19、 are not photosynthetic. molds n. 霉菌bacteria n. 细菌viruses n. 病毒galaxy n. 星系, 银河详析1. A galaxy refers to a system of about 100 billion stars.2. The Milky Way 银河系genera n. (生物学)属, 类geothermal energy n. 地热能glacier n. 冰河global warming 全球变暖例句Worldwide temperatures have been rising which suggests a global

20、warming. 全世界温度上升,说明全球正在变暖.GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 格林威治平时gorge n. 山峡例句 Geological early-warning system has been set up in three gorges. 在三峡建了地质预警系统grain for green 退耕还林(还草) grassland n 草地,草原greenhouse effect n. 温室效应详析There is concern that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, including carb

21、on dioxide and methane, may enhance the greenhouse effect and cause global warming. greenhouse gases n. 温室气体 ground cover n.地被植物详析 Ground cover refers to plants grown to keep soil from eroding. ground depression n. 面沉降;地面塌陷groundwater n. 地下水详析It means the supply of fresh water found beneath the surf

22、ace of the Earth (usually in aquifers) that often supplies wells and springs. habitat n. 自然环境,栖息地Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) 危害性空气污染物详析chemicals that cause serious health and environmental effects. hazardous chemicals 有害化学物质hazardous substance 危险品, 有害物质hazardous waste 危险废弃物haze n. 薄雾,霾headland n

23、. 岬heat island effect 热岛效应 详析Cities form heat islands due to increased carbon dioxide.herbivore n. 食草动物详析Herbivore is an animal that feeds on plants. Himalayas 喜马拉雅山(脉)hot springs 温泉 geysers 间歇泉human exposure 人体照射hydrocarbon n. 氮氢化合物,烃hydrology n. 水文地理学ice age 冰河时期,冰川代详析Ice Age refers to the latest

24、glacial epoch, the Pleistocene Epoch. ice sheet (continental glacier) (地) 大冰原;冰盾详析During the Pleistocene Epoch, ice sheets covered large parts of North America and northern Europe but they are now confined to polar regions (e.g., Greenland and Antarctica). ice shelf (海) 冰架industrial solid wastes工业固体

25、废物 infiltration (soil) n. 渗透详析Infiltration means movement of water from the ground surface into the soil. infrared n. 红外线详析light that is so red humans cannot see itinfrared radiation 红外线辐射详析Abbreviated IR; also called longwave radiation. (简写为IR, 又称长波辐射)insolation n. 暴晒;(医)中暑international energy foru

26、m 国际能源论坛international energy foundation 国际能源组织isotherm n.等温线详析A line that joins places with the same temperature. isotope n.化同位素karst n. 喀斯特地形(由于腐蚀而产生裂隙,落水洞,潜流和洞穴的不规则的石灰岩地区)a karst cave 水蚀石灰洞; 溶洞La Nina phenomenon (气候)拉尼娜现象详析拉尼娜:拉尼娜是西班牙语La Nina-小女孩的意思。气象和海洋学家用来专门指发生在赤道太平洋东部和中部海水大范围持续异常变冷的现象(海水表层温度低出

27、气候平均值0.5以上,且持续时间超过6个月以上)。拉尼娜也称反厄尔尼诺现象。厄尔尼诺与拉尼娜现象通常交替出现,对气候的影响大致相反,通过海洋与大气之间的能量交换,改变大气环流而影响气候的变化。从近50年的监测资料看,厄尔尼诺出现频率多于拉尼娜,强度也大于拉尼娜。又见E 词条中El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (气候学)厄尔尼诺南徊现象land subsidence 地面沉降lapse rate (山区) 气温垂直递减梯度latitudes 纬度longitudes 经度life zone (生) 生物带lava n. 熔岩,火山岩leading-edge

28、research 尖端研究lightning n. 闪电limestone scenery 岩溶景色详析Limestone scenery, or karst, forms some of the most attractive scenery in Britain.litter v. 乱扔垃圾litter n. (树林里的)枯枝落叶层local topography 当地地形marine pollution n. 海洋污染marsh n.湿地, 沼泽详析Marsh is a type of wetland that does not accumulate appreciable peat d

29、eposits and is dominated by herbaceous vegetation. marsh gas;methane n. 沼气 mean annual temperatures n. 年平均气温mean monthly temperatures n. 月平均气温Mediterranean n. /adj. 地中海 (的)melting Snow n. 融雪meteor shower n. 流星雨 micro-climates n. 小气候microorganism n. 微生物mid and high latitudes 中高纬度地区mineral n. 矿物mist n

30、. 薄雾moist air 潮湿空气moldy adj. 霉烂的monsoon n. 季候风;(印度等地的)雨季, 季风详析The monsoons are strongest in the southern and eastern sides of Asia, but also occur along the coasts of tropical regions wherever the planetary circulation is not strong enough to inhibit them. mosquito control n. 蚊虫控制mountainous region

31、n. 山区mouth n. 入河口(入海口)详析A mouth is where a river meets the sea or an ocean.natural selection n.生自然选择,物竞天择说详析The process of survival of the fittest by which organisms that adapt to their environment survive while those that do not adapt disappear. Natural disasters/ hazards n. 自然灾害、危害debris flow n. 泥石流drought n.干旱dust storm n. 沙尘暴extratropical cyclone n. 温带气旋earth

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