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1、单词测试A单词测试A1. To be a running star is really a hard dream to _/_(实现)2. Recently Amy won an _(奖)from the Help Save Our Planet Society.3. _(添加) the salt to the popcorn.4. _(在-中间) the crowd, there are his parents waiting for him.5. _(实际上),he is good at writing.6. My parents pay more _(注意,关心)to my study

2、now.7. David is from _(澳大利亚)。He is an _(澳大利亚人)。8. China is an _(亚洲)country 。It lies in_(亚洲) 。9. Read these _(文章) .They are written by an _(艺术家).10. They spent the whole _(下午) looking after the babies.11. _/_(大约) means less than or more than.12. The years _(以前), I was a college student.13. At the _(岁

3、) of 22, Edison went to New York to be an inventor.14. My daughter will meet me at the _(飞机场). Im going to by _(飞机).15. Jim ran into the grassland _(在-之后) the ball.16. Teamwork kept us _ (活着的). Thank you _(同样)the same.17. This year _(单单的,单独的). We have planted 2000 trees.18. If I get home late , my p

4、arents will be _/_(生气) with me.19. Those who have no _(手臂) or legs are always begging _(沿着) the street.20. _(秋天) is a beautiful season.21. Put _(放好) your new books, children.22. My _(阿姨) clothes are very fashionable.23. Do _(如同) the teacher says.24. Mr Sun is our _(美术) teacher. He usually _(做事) like

5、 an _(演员).25. This camera seems to be expensive _(以) this price.26. The eighth month of the year is _(八月).27. They looked _(在-周围) and saw a tiger.28. The police _(正在) searching the city for the missing child.29. _(四月) 1st is Fools Day.30. My father planted many _(苹果树) trees.31. Whats one _(加) one ?

6、Its two.32. Jim took an _(积极地) part in the sports meeting last year.33. Can you tell me your e-mail _(地址) ? I can e-mail you.34. The girl was so poor that she could not _(负担得起) to go to school.35. We need _(再。另) two chairs.36. If _/ _(任何人) comes to see me ,ask him to wait for me in my office.37. The

7、 kites are flying higher and higher in the _/_(空中).38. My _(闹钟) clock didnt go off this morning.39. There is no clean water in this _(地区).40. Jim is interested in watching _(蚂蚁).41. Beijing, the capital of China, is an _(古老的) city.42. Can you give me some_(建议) on learning English?43. We have a lot o

8、f organized _(活动) at school.44. Jim likes _(动作) movies.45. When you are going _(穿) the street, be careful.46. There have been many _(事故) in our town since last month.47. His son lives _(在国外) .He chats with him on QQ every day.48. The temperature today will stay _(在-以上) 10.49. He is an _(能干的) man. So

9、 his boss like him very much.50. He stayed _ (醒着的) all night to look after his sick mother.51. Food or drink is not _(允许) in the classroom.52. Suddenly dark clouds _(出现) and it began to rain cats and dogs.53. _(尽管) Jim tried his best, he didnt pass the exam.54. The film has _() begun when we got to

10、the cinema.55. In the letter John was _(问) if he was OK.56. It was _(几乎) dark when they came out of the last shop.57. Our team isnt very strong .So we are a little _ (害怕) of tomorrows match.58. Jack likes shopping online. I _(也) like it.59. I said a lot to them, and at last they _(同意).60. He was jus

11、t falling _(入睡) when there was a loud knock on the door.61. When we _(到达) at the station, the train had just left.62. Yesterday a few _(美国人) visited our school.63. I like pandas best of all the _(动物).64. Will you please _(接) the telephone ? Im busy.65. No one is _(反对) the plan.66. Youd better say th

12、at _(再) .I can follow you.67. Reading English _(出声) every morning is good way to improve our grades.68. My back is _(疼).69. Many people in _(非洲) dont have enough food.70. Isnt it _(吃惊) to see a famous star in the street?71. The picture on the walls are really _(糟糕).72. We see more than 100 _(广告) a d

13、ay.73. _(无论怎样) ,I have to run now.单词测试B1. Its very nice of you to carry these _(箱子) for me .2. Im sorry that Ive _(打破) the windows of your room.3. We _(打败) No.1 Middle School three weeks ago.4. My father told me that he had _(去) to Japan twice.5. Luckily, no one was _/_(厉害) hurt in the car accident.

14、6. Tom was so _(忙) playing computer games that he forgot to look at the twins.7. Have you got any English books on those _/_(书架)?8. This is the _(开始) of the new term.9. The wind _(吹) strongly last night.10. Dont worry. You wont fall _(后面) the others.11. India has the second _/_(多) population in the

15、world.12. We often _(借) books or magazines from our school library.13. He often talks about _(生意) with his friends.14. No news _(是) good news. Im sure Jane is all right.15. Its too late now. Tom is _(开始) to get angry with him.16. Usually we use _(竹子) or wood to make chopsticks.17. The Beatles was on

16、e of the most popular rock _(乐队) in the world.18. Hawaii has the best _(海滩) to attract a great deal of tourists.19. She sings both loudly and _(优美). I like her _(美).20. The girl helped the _(瞎) man cross the road.21. I think it _(令人厌烦的) to play the same music again and again.22. They usually take _(

17、公交) to school.23. Bill Gates is a successful _(商人).24. For _(早餐), she usually has bread,_(黄油),eggs and orange juice.25. I think _(划船) is an exciting sport.26. No one _(相信) that he would win the match.27. Pass me the writing _(刷子) please.28. _(带来) your little daughter to my birthday party, please.29.

18、 There is a _(碗) of rice on the table.30. There is a _(桥) over the river.31. My sister _(买) a CD player yesterday.32. Shaoxing Hotel was _(建造) in 1952. This is one of the most famous _(建筑物).33. LinTao won the _(男孩) 100 meters.34. The temperature will fall _(以下) zero in the night.35. Stand _(在-旁边) me

19、, please.36. Mallorys _(尸体) was found in 1999.37. Can you tell the difference _(在-两者之间) the two books?38. He was _(出生) in England.39. Which do you prefer,_(牛肉) or pork?40. _(棒球) is very popular in America.41. I was told that there were two _(幼畜) pandas in the zoo.42. There are many trees on both _(堤

20、,岸) of the river.43. Please give it _(回) tomorrow.44. Look at the _(黑板).45. Do you like _(成为) a teacher?46. Which do you like _(更), apples or bananas?47. Lucy didnt come to school yesterday _ (因为) she was ill.48. I had fallen asleep _(在-之前) my father came back home.49. There are many _(香蕉) trees aro

21、und my house.50. _(篮球) is the most popular sport in our school.51. When she got to the _(卫生间) ,her husband had already got in.52. Polar _(熊)are furry animals.53. It is a house with three _(卧室).54. There goes the _(铃).55. When they got to the cinema, the film had already _(开始).56. Some _(蜜蜂) are in t

22、he _(鸟) cage.57. We often come to school _ _/_(骑车).58. Put the _ (烧伤) area under the running water.59. The twin _(兄弟) are in _(黑色) and _(棕色).60. My father is _(聪明) and _(勇敢).61. _(两个都) of the _(瓶子) are _(蓝色).62. Jim paid the bill and left with the _(生日) cake.63. Worrying about our problems influence

23、 the way we _(举止) with our family.64. It is polite _(行为) to say “Excuse me, would you please-?” first.65. We usually have ten minutes _(间隙) between classes.66. Seat _(安全带) are used to keep us safe.67. Walk three _(街区), you will see the supermarket on your right.68. Its safe to drink _(烧开的) water.69.

24、 My mother is a woman of _(美人).70. Players shoot from below the _(篮框).71. _(电池) are widely used in our life.72. _(除-之外) Class 2,Class 1 also had such problems.73. He left the house without saying _(再见) to his parents.74. He _(刷) his teeth and washes his face and then goes to school.单词测试C1. Eating ve

25、getables like_(卷心菜) and _(胡萝卜) is good for our health.2. This digital _(相机) is made in Shanghai.3. _(加拿大人) speak French and English.4. Up to now, theres no certain cure for most _(癌症).5. Which city is the _首都() of your country?6. Bill became the new _(队长) of the boys team.7. She cleans the streets m

26、ore _(仔细) than any other cleaner.8. LiLei always _(提) water for the granny on Saturdays.9. I got up at 5:30 this morning and _(赶上) the early bus.10. Did you know what _(引起) the traffic accident?11. He said that there was no time to go into the _(中心) of the city.12. The bridge was built a few _(世纪) a

27、go.13. Great _(变化) have taken place in that area since 1998.14. Ill be glad if I can get a _/_机会 to go to Japan.15. _ (能) she swim when she was five years ago?16. When they heard the good news, they _(欢呼).17. Every Tuesday we do some _(化学) experiments in the lab.18. When did you become a _(儿童) doctor?19. Knives are used for _(切割) things.20. On _(圣诞) Day, people usually have a big party at ho

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