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1、四川省广元市中考英语试题绝密启用前四川省广元市2019年中考英语试题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单选题1Lets play _ volleyball.A/ Bthe Ca2Welcome you all to Guangyuan and enjoy _ here.Ayou Byour Cyourselves3Night Safari is an amazing _ and you can watch ani

2、mals there at night.Aschool Bzoo Chospital4They didnt go home _ they finished their work.Abecause Bwhen Cuntil5What time do you usually get up?_ 7:00.AAt BIn COn6On my _ birthday, I got a new schoolbag as a gift from my parents.Anine Bninth Cthe ninth7Which do you prefer, juice or tea?_ is OK. I don

3、t care.AAll BNeither CEither8Wed better _ our sports meeting because its going to rain.Aput on Bput up Cput off9_ does Mary watch TV?She watches TV twice a week.AHow often BHow soon CHow far10What did you do the day before yesterday?I _ for an English test.Astudy Bstudied Cstudying11_ fine weather i

4、t is!AWhat a BHow CWhat12The girl in the music room _ be Celia. She has gone to the dining hall.Acant Bmust Cmay13Taking a subway in Chengdu is much _ than taking a taxi.Acheap Bcheaper Ccheapest14How long have you _ your cap? It looks cool.About two weeks.Aborrowed Bbought Chad15Many old trees and

5、houses _ by the terrible rainstorm last night.Aare pulled down Bwere pulled down Cwill be pulled down16My teacher doesnt allow us _ in the classroom.Aeating Bto eat Cate17Not only you but also I _ interested in the cartoon called Peppa Pig.Aam Bis Care18If you study hard, you _ into a good senior hi

6、gh school.Agot Bwill get Cget19Jerry asked Mike _.Awhere did he come fromBwhere does he come fromCwhere he came from20Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?_. I must look after my grandmother.ASorry, I cant BYes, Id love to CLets go评卷人得分二、完型填空 When I had something difficult to do, I liked t

7、o ask my mother for 21 . But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the 22 mother I had ever seen!For example, one day, I decided to 23 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were 24 , and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mo

8、ther to help me clean it, but she 25 said, “Do it yourself.”Because of my “lazy mother”, I had to 26 my clothes and clean my room. I had to help my parents do 27 . I even had to go to the doctor by myself. It was really difficult for me to do a good job, but I have 28 a lot.As time goes by, I start

9、to understand my mother. She made 29 clever and hard-working. A 30 mother is worth 100 teachers! Do you think so?21Amoney Bhelp Ctime22Atallest Bhappiest Claziest23Aleave Binvite Cvisit24Aeverywhere Bsomewhere Cnowhere25Anever Bsometimes Cstill26Awash Bmove Cbuy27Ajob Bhomework Chousework28Alearned

10、Btold Cshown29AI Bmine Cme30Ayoung Bgood Chappy It was a usual Sunday morning. A butcher (屠夫) heard the doorbell and then he was 31 to see that a dog was in his shop. The dog had $10 and a note in its mouth. The butcher took the note and read it. It said, “10 pork chops (排骨), please. ” So the butche

11、r 32 the money and put a bag of chops in the dogs mouth.Then he 33 closed the shop because he wanted to follow the dog. He found the dog on the street. The dog was waiting for the green light. It looked around to see if it was 34 and then walked across the road. The dog went to a bus stop and waited

12、 for a bus. When a bus 35 , the dog first walked to the front of the bus to check the number and then got on it.After a while,the dog stood up on his back paws (爪子) to 36 the “stop” button (按钮). The bus stopped and the dog got off. The butcher followed it off.The dog ran up to a house and put the 37

13、 in front of the door. It then began to knock on the front door 38 his head. A big guy opened the door and started shouting at the dog. The butcher ran up and shouted at the guy, “What are you doing? This dog is so 39 !”The owner of the dog said, “Clever? No way. I always tell him to take the keys w

14、hen he goes to the store. 40 he never listens to me.”31Ascary Bhappy Csurprised32Agave Btook Casked33Acarefully Bquickly Cquietly34Aclear Bclean Csafe35Aarrived Bgot Cwent36Afeel Bpush Ccatch37Abag Bnote Cmoney38Aon Bfrom Cwith39Aclever Bpity Ctired40ASo BBut CAnd评卷人得分三、阅读单选 Welcome to Wonder Restau

15、rant! We have really good noodles. They are cheap and nice! There are some great specials. You can also get some other great food here. They are all delicious.Have a look at our menu and have a try soon. It is on May Street, across from a museum and next to the Peoples Park. I know you will like it!

16、 You can call 929-3155 to book (预定) seats.NoodlesSpecial A (beef and tomato) 6 RMBSpecial B (mutton and cabbage) 7 RMBSpecial C (chicken and carrot) 8 RMBDumplingsPork and cabbage dumplings 20 RMB/500gEgg and mushroom dumplings 22 RMB/500gIce CreamStrawberry ice cream 4 RMBBanana ice cream 3 RMBChoc

17、olate ice cream 5 RMB41 Where is the restaurant?ANext to the Peoples Park. BBehind a museum. COn Center Street.42 The phone number of the restaurant is _.A929-3155 B936-3517 C928-314643 The chicken and carrot noodles are _.A5 RMB B7 RMB C8 RMB44 You cant get _ in Wonder Restaurant.Adumplings Bhambur

18、gers Cice cream45 If you have 250g of egg and mushroom dumplings for lunch, you should pay _.A14 RMB B12 RMB C11 RMB Lydia is 14 years old. She lives in a small house with her parents and two brothers, Daniel and Henry. Daniel is 12 years old, and Henry is 9 years old. Daniel and Henry often complai

19、n about the small house. They want to live in a big house. Their dream house is very big. In the house, they each have a bedroom, a desk and a computer. In front of the house, there is a big beautiful garden. In the garden, there are some fruit trees. They like eating fruit very much. Behind the gar

20、den, there is a swimming pool. They like swimming, too. They can ask their friends to come to their house on weekends. They can play computer games, swim and do their homework together. They say they will have a lot of fun that time.46How many people are there in the family?AThree. BFive. CFour.47Wh

21、y do Daniel and Henry want to have fruit trees in the garden?ABecause they like eating fruits very much.BBecause they can play games under the trees.CBecause fruit trees can make the garden beautiful.48What can Daniel and Henry do in their dream house on weekends?ATalk a walk after dinner.BWater fru

22、it trees in the garden.CPlay and study with their friends.49From the passage, we can know that _.ALidia doesnt like her brothers.BHenry wants to have his own bedroom.CDaniel has a computer, but Henry doesnt.50What is the passage mainly about?AWhat Daniel and Henrys dream house is like.BWhat Daniel a

23、nd Henry can do in their bedroom.CWhat Daniel and Henry like to have in the garden. Last week I went to Corsica with my friends on vacation. It was my first visit to the island! We took the ship from Toulon, France, to the city Ajaccio. Although Toulon and Ajaccio seemed quite close, it took us eigh

24、t hours. We chatted and played card games to kill time.When we got there, I got a surprise because of the weather. It was already October! But we just needed to wear T-shirts and shorts. We went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and some of my friends even went swimming in the sea. The Corsican sce

25、nery (风景) was so beautiful. We had a picnic, went for a long walk along the coast and took lots of pictures.Ajaccio is famous for being Nepoleons birthplace, so we also went to the Maison Bonaparte. It was the home of the Bonaparte family. In fact, it was a museum when we visited it.One day we took

26、the local train to another beautiful city named Corte. We visited the citadel (城堡) and the museum where we learnt more about Corsican history and enjoyed the beautiful views of the city.The food in Corsica was fantastic and we often visited the market to taste something delicious. We also went to so

27、me local restaurant for dinner and ate fresh seafood. At the end of the trip, we were very sad to leave and I hope to return to Corsica again some day.51How did the writer go to Ajaccio?ABy air. BBy ship. CBy train.52How was the weather in Ajaccio?AHot. BDry. CCold.53What did NOT the writer do in Co

28、rte?AEnjoyed the views. BVisited the museum. CHad a picnic.54Which is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writer had a wonderful time in Corsica.BThe writer doesnt like eating the local food.CThe writer only visited one museum during the trip.55Whats the best title for this passage?AWays to kill time

29、. BThe food in Corsica. CA trip to Corsica. These years people show all kinds of things on the Internetgood food, nice clothes, wonderful vacations and so on. Now showing the number of steps is becoming popular too. Why?People are finding it important to be in good health. To keep healthy, many peop

30、le go to work on foot. When they start walking, they open the step counter app in their phones to record how many steps they walk that day. After a days walk, some people show the number on WeChat or Weibo. This can make them learn from each other and keep exercising.“This helps me to exercise much and keep a good habit,” Miss Liu said, “I can also talk about how to keep healthy with my frien

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