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1、济南外国语学校年高中全省招生英语试题济南大智学校内部资料 Hessen was revised in January 2021济南外国语学校年高中全省招生英语试题济南大智学校内部资料第卷(选择题 共85分)第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题,每题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the woman go homeA. At 4:00. B. At 4:30. C. At 5:30.2. What time is it nowA. 9:30. B. 10:10. C. 10:00.3. What w

2、ill the woman doA. Have a trip abroad. B. Phone her family. C. Go back home.4. Whats the relationship between the two speakersA. Mother and son. B. Cousins. C. Coach and footballer.5. What will the man do nextA. Stay outside to cool himself. B. Leave his jacket to dry. C. Have something to drink.第二节

3、 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料, 回答6-7小题6. Where does the conversation probably take placeA. On the phone. B. In the womans home. C. In Dr. Bakers office.7. What is the woman going to doA. See the doctor. B. Wait for the doctor. C. Send for the doctor.听下面一段材料, 回答8-10小题8. Wha

4、t is the womans telephone numberA. 353-0299. B. 353-0292. C. 353-0229.9. Why wont the woman come out with the man for a walkA. Because she has to prepare for the exam. B. Because she has to look after her sick mother.C. Because she has promised to meet a friend.10. What will the woman most probably

5、do this weedendA. To go to Paris. B. To take an exam. C. To see a film.听下面一段材料, 回答11-13小题11. What is the possible relationship between the speakersA. Boss and secretary. B. Husband and wife. C. Shop assistant and customer.12. Whom does the man have to see at 10 .A. Mr Smith. B. Mr Porter. C. Mrs Tho

6、mpson.13. What does the man think of Mrs ThompsonA. He thinks she is unimportant. B. He is tired of meeting people.C. He thinks she is boring.听下面一段材料, 回答14-16小题14. Where does the conversation most probably take placeA. In the classroom. B. In the examination room. C. In the teachers office.15. Which

7、 of the following is NOT suggested for the exam reviewA. The textbook. B. The research project. C. The mid-exam.16. Why does the teacher say that the exam will be not easy for the studentsA. There will be a lot of multiple-choice questions.B. Students will be tested on all the topics discussed in cl

8、ass.C. Students will have to respond to all the questions in the exam.听下面一段材料,回答17-20小题17. What is the possible relationship between the two speakersA. Father and daughter. B. Doctor and patient. C. Friends.18. What does the man advise the woman to doA. To go to a movie. B. To visit an art gallery.

9、C. To see a match.19. Why does the woman refuse the mans suggestion about this Saturday eveningA. Because she will phone an old friend. B. Because she will meet some old friends.C. Because she has promised to look after an old friend.20. When will they meet at the galleryA. At 8:00 next Monday morni

10、ng. B. At 8:30 next Monday evening.C. At 8:30 next Saturday evening.第二部分:知识运用(共两节,35分)第一节单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Tom owns _ larger collection of _books than any other student in our class. A. the ; / B. a ; / C. a ; the D. / ; the 22. Shall I sit at this

11、end of the boat or the other endIf you keep still, you can sit at _ end.A. neither B. each C. either D. any 23. Did you lock the doorNo, I _, but I forgot.A. should B. must have C. must D. should have24. Bob has gone to California. I hear. Oh. I wonder when he _.A. has left B. leaves C. left D. was

12、leaving25. How would you like your tea _.A. Very quickly B. As it comes, please C. Very much D. I dont like tea26. Our bad living habits will destroy the earth. Only by changing _ we live can we save the earth.A. that B. what C. how D. where27. What about the foodOh, very good. Its quite a long time

13、 _ I enjoyed such a nice meal.A. before B. that C. since D. when28. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests.A. before B. since C. when D. unless29. How wide is the Yellow River That _ from where to where.A. depends B. c

14、hanges C. refers D. lies30. Did you have a good sleep last night Yes, never sleep _ .A. badly B. better C. worse D. best31. Shall we have a swim Yes, lets it 9:00 next Sunday.A. put B. meet C. set D. make32. Once _, the clock will last a month and keep good time.A. start B. started C. to start D. st

15、arting33. Being lazy _ Peter his job.A. lost B. cost C. took D. made34. How did it_ that you made so many mistakes in your homeworkI myself havent figured it out yet.A. bring about B. come about C. come across D. occur to35. Whom do you want to have_ the parts of a car togetherA. fix B. to fix C. fi

16、xing D. fixed第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。While in the army there was nothing I dislike so much as the map-reading course,for the simple reason that I always feel 36 even with a map in my hand. For weeks I had 37 awake at night thinking of the 38 test

17、 I would have to face at the end of the course. 39 the evil day arrived. It was my responsibility to lead a small band of soldiers back to the 40 from the middle of were driven out in a(n) 41 lorry and left in a ploughed field with 42 to get back to the camp as quickly as possible.Well knowing my 43

18、 ,the soldiers smiled as they saw me looking at the map and they made all sorts of helpful suggestions. I folded the map up,put it in my pocket,and said that we would 44 east. After walking through the cornfield for over an hour we came to a wide stream. I looked at the 45 seemed to be 46 with masse

19、s of thin blue lines. But which 47 line was this steam In despair,we sat down in the cool 48 and I feel 1ike 49 the map into the water. Fifteen minutes later,a boat passed and I asked the boatman if he could give us a 50 to the nearest village. I 51 that we had been out for a walk and 52 got lost. T

20、he boatman invited us on 53 and I felt 54 when he told me that he had helped hundreds of soldiers to pass their map-reading test! Not long 55 ,we got off that boat and,following the boatmans instructions, took a bus into the village and got back to the camp.36. A. stupid B. blind C. worried D. lost3

21、7. A. suffered B. lain C. slept D. turned38. A. basic B. actual C. practical D. special39. A. At last B. At once C. As a result D. After all40. A. village B. downtown C. camp D. forest41. A. closed B. advanced C. ordinary D. damaged42. A. suggestions B. directions C. information D. instructions43. A

22、. weakness B. thought C. task D. strength44. A. head B. point C. wander D. guide45. A. soldiers B. course C. direction D. map46. A. spread B. painted C. covered D. separated47. A. similar B. particular C. correct D. wonderful48. A. tent B. shadow C. shore D. shade49. A. tearing B. throwing C. striki

23、ng D. destroying50. A. lift B. move C. favor D. service51. A. declared B. pretended C. admitted D. described52. A. altogether B. almost C. possible D. somehow53. A. board B. boat C. purpose D. platform54. A. afraid B. foolish C. fortunate D. interested55. A. ago C. afterwards D. away第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;

24、每小题分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ALetter to Editor of TV weeklyDear Sir/Madam, I read Alison Burnhams review of When we were 12, and I do not agree with her. I thought the programme was wonderfulI found the old news pictures really interestingthey helped to bring to life the stories t

25、he people were talking. The programme reminds me of many things from my own childhood. For example, one day when I was about five, I was going to school on the bus by myself (this was the late 1960s). My mother had given me exactly the right money for a return ticket. I held out my hand with the mon

26、ey in itone big coin on top of one little coin. The bus conductor took the big coin only and she gave me a ticket, but it was a pink one for a single journey. I needed a white one for a return journey, but I was too frightened to say anything. When school finished for the day, I couldnt catch the bu

27、s homeI had to walk. As a grown-up, whenever Ive been in a situation where I need to say something or take some actions, this early memory of my bus ride comes back to me, and Im able to take control of the situation. I would like to say to the director, Bret Chrysler, carry on making this kind of p

28、rogramme. Too much TV these days is quiz shows and so called “reality programmes”. I appreciate the human story that can make me laugh and cry. Yours faithfully, Chris Daniels56. What is Chris Daniels purpose of writing this letterA. To persuade Bret Chrysler to turn away from quiz shows.B. To enter

29、tain other readers with old news pictures.C. To express his appreciation of the programme.D. To have his story told on the programme.57. Chris Daniels tells the story about the bus ticket to_.A. describe how painful his early experience wasB. draw a direct response from Alison BurnhamC. show how the

30、 programme made him thinkD. teach the readers of TV Weekly a lesson58. According to the passage, Chris Daniels had to walk home because _.A. he hadnt got a return ticket B. he had lost his bus ticketC. he didnt like big crowds D. he missed the bus home59. What does Chris Daniels now think about his

31、experience on the busA. He should have been well treated. B. He should have told the conductor then. C. He regrets going to school alone. D. He wishes it hadnt happened. BOn December 26, 2003, the worst earthquake in more than a decade destroyed Barn, a historic city in Iran. At least 25,000 people died in the quakenearly a third of the citys population. And thousands mor

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