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1、建筑给排水及采暖工程施工记录模板交 工 文 件 目 录Contents of Documents for Project Hand Over 施02 编号No: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project文件内容Contents of documents建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工记录Record of water supply drainage and heating works序号No.交工文件名称Name of documents for project hand over页数Page备注Remarks1设备开箱检查记录Record of equipment box-o

2、pen inspection通012基础验收记录Record of foundation acceptance通023垫铁隐蔽记录Inspection record of sizing blocks concealment通044隐蔽工程(系统封闭)检查记录Record of concealed works (system enclose) inspection通035设备安装检查记录Re cord of equipment installation inspection通076静置设备安装检查记录Record of stationary equipment installation insp

3、ection通087阀门试验(清洗)记录Record of valves test (cleaning) 通058管道(设备)强度试验记录Record of pipeline (equipment) hydraulic pressure test水019管道系统冲洗记录 Record of pipeline system washing水0210辅助设备水(气)压试验记录Record of water(air)pressure test of auxiliary equipment水0311排水管道灌水(通水)试验记录Record of Drainage Pipeline Water Fill

4、ing Test水0412排水管道通球试验记录Record of drainage pipeline ball-pass test水0513卫生器具满水和通水试验记录Record of sanitary wares water filling and overflow test 水0614单机试运转记录Record of single machine test run通0915室内消火栓试射试验记录Record of indoor fire hydrant trying test 水0716设备/管道防腐、保温或保冷、涂漆施工记录Record of anticorrosion、insulati

5、on、painting of equipment /pipeline通0617给水管道消毒检测记录Record of check and test for water supply pipeline sanitizing由检测单位提供Provided by inspection unit 质量部门负责人: 制表人: 年 月 日管道(设备)强度试验记录Record of Pipeline (Equipment) Hydraulic Pressure Test 水01 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project子分部工程名称Name of divisional pr

6、oject 分项工程名称Name of sub-divisional project施工图号Construction drawing No.执行的规范编号及条款Spec. No. performed and terms工作压力(MPa)Working pressure管道材质Pipeline material试验介质Test medium试验仪器型号、精度Type & accuracy of test instrument施工日期Cons. duration试验日期Test date部位Equip. location压力Pressure规定值(MPa)Specified value稳压时间(m

7、in)Constant pressure time压力降(MPa)Pressure drop试验情况Test result试验压力Test pressure工作压力Work pressure试验压力Test pressure工作压力Work pressure试验压力Test pressure工作压力Work pressure说明:Explanation:试验结果:Test result:监理(建设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner):(公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representative

8、 of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Company:班组长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/Day管道系统冲洗记录 Record of Pipeline System Washing 水02 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project子分部工程名称Name of divisional project分项工程名称Name of sub-divisi

9、onal project管道材质Pipe material冲洗介质Washing medium施工日期Cons. duration试验日期Test date执行的规范编号及条款Spec. No. performed and terms试验仪器型号、精度Type & accuracy of test instrument管段号Pipeline section No.冲洗Washing管段号Pipeline section No.冲洗Washing压力(MPa)Pressure次数Times压力(MPa)Pressure次数Times说明:Explanation:试验结果:Test result:

10、监理(建设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner): (公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representative of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Company:班组长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/Day辅助设备水(气)压试验记录Record of Water(Air)Pr

11、essure Test of Auxiliary Equipment 水03 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project子分部工程名称Name of divisional project分项工程名称Name of sub-divisional project施工图号Construction drawing No.施工日期Cons. duration试验日期Test date执行的规范编号及条款Spec. No. performed and terms试验仪器型号、精度Type & accuracy of test instru.设备名称Equipment nam

12、e工作压力(MPa)Working pressure试验压力(MPa)Test pressure持续时间(min)Duration time压力降(MPa)Pressure drop试验情况Test result说明:Explanation:试验结果:Test result:监理(建设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner): (公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representative of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Com

13、pany:班组长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/Day排水管道灌水(通水)试验记录Record of Drainage Pipeline Water Filling Test 水04 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project江干区全民健身中心子分部工程名称Name of divisional project空调水系统分项工程名称Name of sub-divisional project空调水系统(金属管道)施

14、工图号Construction drawing No.管道材质Pipeline material施工日期Cons. duration执行的规范编号及条款Spec. No. performed and termsGB50243-2002试验日期Test date部位Position管径 (mm)Pipe diameter持续时间 (min)Duration time试验情况Test result一层空调凝结水管DN30排水畅通无渗漏试验结果:Test result:空调凝结水管、风机盘管、新风机组安装到位后,接通临时水,从凝结水盘及地漏处放水30min后观察管道、接口无渗漏,排水畅通。 监理(建

15、设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner): (公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representative of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Company:班组长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/Day排水管道通球试验记录Record of Drainage Pipeline B

16、all-Pass Test 水05 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project子分部工程名称Name of divisional project分项工程名称Name of sub-divisional project施工图号Construction drawing No.管道材质Pipeline material施工日期Cons. duration执行的规范编号及条款Spec. No. performed and terms试验日期Test date部位Position管径 (mm)Pipe diameter球径 (mm)Ball diameter通球试验情况B

17、all- pass test result通球试验数 根 , 顺利通球数 根 , 通球率 % 。Number of test piece, Number of balls passed piece, Pass rate % 。 试验结果:Test result:监理(建设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner): (公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representative of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Company:班组

18、长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/Day卫生器具满水和通水试验记录Record of Sanitary Wares Water Filling and Overflow Test 水06 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project子分部工程名称Name of divisional project 分项工程名称Name of sub-divisional project卫生器具的名称Name of sanitary

19、 ware 施工图号Construction drawing No.施工日期Cons. duration执行的规范编号及条款:Spec. No. performed and terms:试验日期Test date部位Position数量Number满水和通水试验情况Water filling and overflow test说明:Explanation:试验结果:Test result: 监理(建设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner): (公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representat

20、ive of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Company:班组长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/Day室内消火栓试射试验记录Record of Indoor Fire Hydrant Trying Test 水07 编号NO: 单位(子单位)工程名称Name of unit project子分部工程名称Name of divisional project分项工程名称Name

21、of sub-divisional project施工日期Cons. duration执行的规范编号及条款Spec. No. performed and terms试验日期Test date试射试验过程:Test process: 试验结果:Test result:监理(建设)单位:Supervision Company (The Owner): (公章)监理工程师: ( Seal )Supervising Engineer:(建设单位代表):(Representative of The Owner): 年 月 日Year/Month/Day施工单位:Construction Company:班组长:Monitor of Work Team: (公章)施工员: ( Seal )Technician: 质检员: Quality Inspector: 年 月 日Year/Month/DayQuality Dept. in Charge: Sheet Maker Year/Month/Day

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