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1、冀教版五年级英语三起下册课后练习教学提纲Unit 1 Go to beijingLesson 3 At the train station一、单词擂台赛。根据图示将单词补充完整。 ju_p w_lk sta_d二快乐小神童根据课文内容,补全句子。1. Jenny, My mother _ I _ to the train. Danny runs.2. Danny runs. My mother said: “Danny! Please _ run!3. Danny runs to the train and _ on.4. Jenny, Danny and I are _.5. Danny w

2、ants to _, _ and _.6. My mother asks Danny to _ _.三、小小指挥家。用所给的单词组成句子,注意大小写及标点符号。1.wants jump to Danny2.please jump dont3.train ready is the not4.I going love trips on5.Jenny sitting is down答案:一、m, a, n.二、1. and, walk2. dont3. jumps4. excited5. run, jump, sing6. sit down or stand up三、1. Danny wants t

3、o jump.2. Please dont jump.3. The train is not ready.4. I love going on trips.5. Jenny is sitting down.Unit 1 Go to beijingLesson 2 Where is itLook and match (看图配对)(1) (2) (3)a. pyjamas b. key c. bearLook at the picture and match.(根据图上的内容作出正确的选择)a. Yes, I can. b. No, I cant.(1) I Lost my key. Can yo

4、u find my key?(2) I lost my pencil. Can you find my pencil?(3) I lost my shirt. Can you find my shirt?(4) I lost my ball. Can you find my ball?(5) I lost my book. Can you find my book? Read and write (补全所缺句子)S1:Oh,no!My hat is lost.Where is it?(1)_? (你能找到我的帽子吗?)S2: Yes, here it is.I lost my key.(2)_

5、? (你能找到我的钥匙吗?)S1: Yes, here it is.S2: Thank you!答案:(1)c (2)a (3)b(1)a (2)b (3)a (4)a (5)b(1)Can you find my hat? (2)Can you find my key?Unit 1 Go to beijingLesson 3 At the train station一、单词擂台赛。根据图示将单词补充完整。 ju_p w_lk sta_d二快乐小神童根据课文内容,补全句子。1. Jenny, My mother _ I _ to the train. Danny runs.2. Danny r

6、uns. My mother said: “Danny! Please _ run!3. Danny runs to the train and _ on.4. Jenny, Danny and I are _.5. Danny wants to _, _ and _.6. My mother asks Danny to _ _.三、小小指挥家。用所给的单词组成句子,注意大小写及标点符号。1.wants jump to Danny2.please jump dont3.train ready is the not4.I going love trips on5.Jenny sitting is

7、 down答案:一、m, a, n.二、1. and, walk2. dont3. jumps4. excited5. run, jump, sing6. sit down or stand up三、1. Danny wants to jump.2. Please dont jump.3. The train is not ready.4. I love going on trips.5. Jenny is sitting down.Unit 1 Go to beijingLesson 4 What are you doing一、单记忆擂台赛。根据提示,把单词补充完整。1. q _ i_t (

8、安静的) 2. sl_ _ p (睡觉) 3. l_ _ d (响亮的;吵闹的)4. l_ _ k (看) 5. wi_ d_ w (窗户) 6. p_ i_ t (指,指向)二、慧眼识珠。从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入前面的括号内。1. - What are you doing now? - I am _. A sleep B to sleep C sleeping2. - What are you _ now? - I am drawing a picture. A doing B to do D do3. - Do you see it, Li Ming? - No _

9、 to it. A To point B Pointing C Point三、我是小小指挥家。用所给的单词组成句子,注意大小写及标点符号。1.I window am looking of the singing a song he to mother your3.what Danny is now doing四、看!我的想象力很丰富看图,试着用学过的内容写句话。答案:一、1. u, e 2. ee 3. ou 4. oo 5. n, o 6. o, n.二、1. C 2. A 3. C三、1. I am looking out of the window. 2. He is s

10、inging a song to your mother. 3. What is Danny doing now?四、He is sitting. He is drawing.Unit 1 Go to beijingLesson 5 Who is singing?一、 Make words, using the correct letters(用正确的字母组成你所学过的单词).二、 把合适的单词写在横线上。1. Who _ this? This is _ _.2. Who _ this? This is _ _.3. Who _ this? This is _ _.三、

11、Write a short passage.In the passage, the word “man”, “woman” and “baby” must be included.答案:一、(1)(5)woman, baby, man, sing, cry, dear二、1. is, a, baby 2. is, a, woman 3. is, a, manLesson 6 Danny Is Lost!一、用1-7给下列句子排序。( )What would you like to eat?( )Theyre 4 yuan.( )Can I help you?( )Id like some ba

12、nanas.( )Yes, I want to buy some fruit.( )How much are they?( )Dont buy the bananas! The train is leaving.二、选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. train B. bus C. drive( )2. A. buy B. look C. where( )3. A. fruit B. banana C. apple( )4. A. hungry B. worry C. thirsty( )5. A. run B. walk C. this三、单项选择。( )1. Mr. Li _ them t

13、o the train station. A. drive B. drives C. driving( )2. Please say good-bye _ your friends. A. at B. with C. to四、连词成句。1. leaving, train, is, the (.)_2. train, jumps, the, on, Danny (.)_3. the, they, beside, stand, train (.)_4. trip, a, good, have (!)_答案;一、3614257 二、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 三、1. B 2.

14、 C四、1. The train is leaving. 2. Danny jumps on the train. 3. They stand beside the train. 4. Have a good trip!Unit 2 In BeijingLesson 7 Arriving in Beijing一、单项选择。( )1. There _ a hotel. A. am B. is C. are( )2. I want to play basketball _ the evening. A. in B. at C. on( )3. They arrive _ Shanghai _ te

15、n oclock. A. to; at B. at; in C. in; at( )4. The woman in red shorts is _. A. run B. running C. runing二、选出与所给单词同类的一项。( )1. hotel A. people B. park C. football( )2. young A. old B. some C. way( )3. singing A. dance B. fly C. running( )4. arrive A. play B. great C. many三、仿照例句写句子。A child is flying a ki

16、te. Some children are flying kites.1. A woman is dancing. _2. A man is running. _3. A girl is walking. _4. A baby is sleeping. _ 答案:一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 三、1. Some women are dancing.2. Some men are running. 3. Some girls are walking. 4. Some babies are sleeping.Lesson 8 Tiananm

17、en Square一、英汉互译。1. hurt my arm _ 2. on the square _3. 天安门广场 _4. 拍照_5. 放风筝_二、单项选择。( ) 1. Lets _ a kite.A. fly B. flying C. flies( ) 2. Are you singing?_ Jenny.A. asking B. asks C. answers( )3. I can answer the question. Its _.A. easy B. difficult C. hard( )4. Many people are _ the square. A. to B. at

18、 C. on( )5. Some _ are running beside the river.A. man B. men C. mans三、连词成句。1. is, this, difficult, so (.)_2. are, kites, flying, men, some (.)_3. that, not, is, very, big, square (.)_4. can, I, high, fly, my, kite, very (.)_5. some, children, on, square, the, playing, are (.)_答案:一、1. 弄伤了我的胳膊 2. 在广场

19、上 3. Tiananmen Square 4. take pictures 5. fly a kite二、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B三、1. This is so difficult. 2. Some men are flying kites. 3. That square is not very big. 4. I can fly my kite very high. 5. Some children are playing on the square.Lesson 9 The Palace Museum一、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. May I _(给你拍照)?2

20、. (多少年) _ is the Great Wall?3. Danny _ (弄伤了) his tail. 4. (是) _ careful! The car is coming. 5. Today is a _ (阳光明媚的) day.二、读一读,判断单词是(T)否(F)同类。1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )4.( ) 5.( ) 三、单项选择。( ) 1. The beautiful park is about fifty _ old.A. year B. years C. week( ) 2. We are _ Beihai Park.A. visit B. visits C. vi

21、siting( ) 3. I cant see you. Please stand _ Peter.A. beside B. on C. under( ) 4. You cant run on the street. Please be _.A. beautiful B. careful C. happy答案:一、1. take your picture 2. How old 3. hurts 4. Be 5. sunny二、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T三、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. BLesson 10 The Great Wall一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词

22、。1. Its snowing now. I f_ cold.2. The traffic light is red. Please s_.3. Mark plays basketball with his friend. He is t_.4. There are so many cars. Please w_.5. The girl is a_ to see the dentist.二、单项选择。( )1. My home is near the school. I dont _ take a bus.A. needs B. need to C. needing( )2. There _ too many buses on my way home.A. am B. is C. are( )3. Dont _ afraid. I can help you.A. is B. be C. /( )4. Tom is hungry. He run

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