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1、广西贵港中考英语真题解析2018年广西贵港中考英语试题解析:姜希枫前面题目残缺34. (2018广西贵港中考)Have you finished your homework, Sure?Yes. It me an hour to do it.A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid34. B【解析】考查take的固定搭配用法。句意:你已经完成你的作业了吗?是的。做作业花费了我一小时。根据短语It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事,可知空格出应填took。故选A。35. (2018广西贵港中考) Mr. Smit

2、h has learned Chinese for only half a year, he can speak it very well.A. But B. So C. Although D. And35. C【解析】考查连词的用法辨析。句意:尽管史密斯先生学习汉语仅仅半年,但是他能说地很好。由第一句话中“only”可知学习时间短和后边学地好是转折关系,因此用Although翻译为尽管但是。But “但是”;So“所以”;And“并且”均与题意不符,故选C36. (2018广西贵港中考)Mrs. Green is always kind to her students.Yes. And sh

3、e cares about them like their parents.A. truly B. hardly C. quietly D. clearly36.A【解析】考查副词的用法辨析。句意:格林夫人总是对她的学生很友善是的,她就像学生的父母一样十分关爱他们。truly意为真实地,真诚地,强调语气。由答语中“Yes”和并列连词“and”可知,格林夫人十分关爱她的学生与上文中的“kind”句意相符。故选A。37. (2018广西贵港中考)Sam, dont forget the book to the library tomorrow.OK, I wont.A. return B. ret

4、urning C. returned return37. D【解析】考查动词的用法辨析。句意:山姆,不要忘记明天把书还给图书馆好的,我不会忘记的。由答语中“I wont”意为我不会忘记的,可知书未还,所以用固定搭配forget to do sth.忘记去做某事。故选D。38. (2018广西贵港中考)Did you go last summer holiday?Yes. I went to Shanghai Disney.A. somewhere special B. anywhere specialC. special somewhere D. special anywhere38

5、. B【解析】考查不定代词和形容词的用法辨析。句意:你去年暑假去过特殊的地方吗?是的,我去了上海迪斯尼乐园。形容词special用于不定代词之后,不定代词somewhere在一般疑问句中要改成anywhere。故选B。39. (2018广西贵港中考)Many wild animals are in great danger.Lets to save them.A. take off B. take down C. take action D. take after39. C【解析】考查固定搭配的用法辨析。句意:许多野生动物处于巨大危险之中。让我们采取行动拯救他们吧。Take off 意为脱下,

6、起飞;take down记下;take action采取行动;take after与像。故选C。40. (2018广西贵港中考)I dont like practicing the piano.If you it, you will play it well.A. stick to B. get to C. talk to D. shout to40. A【解析】考查固定搭配的用法辨析。句意:我不喜欢练习钢琴 如果你坚持,你会弹得很好。stick to“坚持”;get to“到达”;talk to “和谈论”;shout to “对大喊”。故选A。41. (2018广西贵港中考)It seem

7、s that you have learnt a lot about Chengdu.Of course. I here for ten years.A. have been in B. have been C. have come D. came to41. B【解析】考查现在完成时态辨析。句意:似乎你很了解成都 当然!我已经来这里十年了。Here 为副词前不加介词in故排除选项A; for ten years “长达十年”应用现在完成时态的延续性动词表达,排除C和D。故选B。42. (2018广西贵港中考)What sports do you like ?Basketball. I thi

8、nk its very relaxing.A. good B.well C. better D. best42.D【解析】考查副词最高级用法辨析。句意:你最喜欢什么运动? 篮球。我认为这是非常有趣的。Good形容词“好”;well副词“好”;而better 表示“较好”; best“最好”。根据上下文语境故选D。43. (2018广西贵港中考)Children under 12 years old ride sharing bikes. Its too dangerous.A. shouldnt allow to B. shouldnt allowC. shouldnt be allowed

9、to D. shouldnt be allowed43. C【解析】考查被动语态的用法辨析。句意:12岁以下的孩子们不应该被允许骑共享单车。太危险了。根据语境可知应用allow的被动语态形式be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事。故选C。44. (2018广西贵港中考)Could you please tell me ?Yes. I bought them online.A. where you bought the shoes B. where did you buy the shoesC. when you bought the shoes D. how did you b

10、uy the shoes44. A【解析】考查宾语从句的用法辨析。句意:你能告诉我你在哪里买的鞋吗? 是的,我在网上买的。由答语中“online”可知应询问地点故用特殊疑问词where提问;could you please tell me 后接宾语从句陈述句语序,故选A。45. (2018广西贵港中考)We should listen to our parents and care for them. .A. Dont worry B. Youre right C. Nothing much D. Id love to45.B【解析】考查情境交际。句意:我们应该听我们父母的话并且关心他们。 你

11、说的对。Youre right “你是对的”;而Dont worry表示“不要担心”,Nothing much表示“没什么事”; Id love to“我愿意,我乐意”;均与此处语境不符或矛盾。故选B。三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。(2018广西贵港中考)The film Wonder(奇迹) is based on the best-selling novel of the same name. It tells a heart-warming growing story of 46 11-year-old boy. His name is

12、 Auggie. He was born with differences of his face. He doesnt go to school 47 fifth grade, and before that his mother teaches him at home.At school, he is often 48 at by his schoolmates because of his unusual appearance(外貌). It seems that 49 likes to make friends with him. 50 , Auggie has the strong

13、support and love from his parents and sister. He finally inspires(鼓舞) the people around him with 51 , kindness and wisdom, and he wins their friendship, respect(尊敬) and love. And 52 the end, he becomes a wonder himself.In the film, Auggie wears and astronauts helmet(头盔) to 53 his face. It shows he w

14、ants to protect himself, and also shows he wants to join the outside 54 .We 55 different and hope to be treated with kindness, so lets warm the world with kindness.46.A.a C. the D./47.unless B. when C. though D. until48.A.laughed B. laughing C. laughs D. laugh49.A.somebody B. anybody C. nobody

15、D. everybody50.A.Secondly B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Probably51.A.courage B. sadness C. illness D. D.to53.A.move B. touch D. repair D. B. house C. government D. village55.A.are both B. both are C. are all D. all are体裁记叙文话题故事词数184【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章描述了Auggie的成长故事

16、。本文主要讲述了Auggie出生时脸就和别人不同受到同学嘲笑,最终用勇气、善良和智慧获得友谊、尊重和爱的故事。揭示了我们每个个体都是不同的,希望众人用善良温暖世界的道理。46.B【解析】根据文意可知此处指一个11岁小孩的故事,eleven以元音音标/I/开头应用冠词an。故选B。47.D 【解析】短语notuntil表示“直到才”,在文中指直到五年级他才去上学。故选D。48.A【解析】根据上文暗示,此处表示Auggie经常被嘲笑be加过去分词laughed。故选A。49.C【解析】根据上文unusual appearance”不同寻常的外貌”,此处表示“似乎没有人想和他做朋友”。故选C。50.

17、B【解析】根据下文Auggie有父母姐妹坚强的支持和爱,此处应填luckily“幸运的是”。故选B。51. A【解析】courage“勇气”;sadness“悲伤”;illness“疾病”;silence“沉默”。根据文意知最终Auggie用 勇气、善良和智慧鼓舞着身边的人们。故选A。52.C【解析】短语in the end “在最后”。故选D。53.D【解析】结合语境此处指Auggie带上宇航员头盔隐藏自己的脸。move“移动”;touch”触,碰”;repair”修理” 。故选D。54.A【解析】根据文意可知Auggie想加入外面的世界。故选A。55.C【解析】副词both和all 用于b

18、e 动词之后,we 指我们所有人排除both。故选C。四、阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案A(2018广西贵港中考)Last year, I went to a summer camp in the United States with my classmates. It was my first time going abroad.I lived with a host family in Los Angeles for five days. My host family was friendly and gave me lots of ad

19、vice. For example, they said I should say “excuse me” if I have to interrupt(打断) someone or ask for directions.I also took some classes. They were different from the classes Ive had back home. In the US, each class is like a seminar. Students join in groups, speaking freely and creating a cheerful a

20、tmosphere(氛围). I had to work hard to learn more vocabularies, so I could better communicate with my international I used to pay little attention to my work usage(使用), but now I pay more attention.During my visit, I also went to some famous universities in Boston, New York and Washington. We learned

21、about the history behind the universities. At MIT(订省理工大学), we saw lots of names on a wall in the hall. The tour guide told us they were the names of students who had lost their lives during wars. I was inspired(鼓舞) by the fact that they fought for their country.56.Where did the writer go for a summe

22、r camp last year?A. To Japan. B. To France. C. To America. D. To Australia.57.The writer lived with a host family in Los Angeles for days.A. eight B. seven C. six D. five58.What does the underlined work “seminar”mean in Chinese?A.辩论赛 B.讨论课 C.班会课 D.技能课59.The writer had to work hard to learn more voca

23、bularies in order to .A .Communicate better with international classmatesB. Get better gradesC .get into a good universityD. learn more about history60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer has been to the United States twice.B. The writer only went to the universitie

24、s in Boston.C. The writer used to pay more attention to the word usage.D. The writer learned about the history of the universities after visiting them.体裁记叙文话题旅行/旅游词数218【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,本文讲述了作者和同学第一次出国参加在美国的夏令营活动,寄宿在美国家庭,感受不同的课堂模式和美国大学的历史文化。56. C【解析】细节理解题。 由第一句I went to a summer camp in the United Stat

25、es with my classmates,可知作者去了美国。故选C。57. D【解析】细节理解题。 由第二段第一句I lived with a host family in Los Angeles for five days,可知 在洛杉矶的寄宿家庭住了五天。故选D。58. B【解析】词义猜测题。 由划线部分后的Students join in groups, speaking freely and creating a cheerful atmosphere(氛围)可推断此处指“自由发言”等方式的讨论课。故选B。59.A【解析】细节理解题。 根据文章第三段中“I had to work h

26、ard to learn more vocabularies, so I could better communicate with my international.”可知努力学词汇是为了和国际同学交流。故选A。60. D【解析】推理判断题。 由文章最后一段中We learned about the history behind the universities.可知作者参观后学习到了美国大学的历史。故选D。B(2018广西贵港中考)Do you always focus on studying and getting “A” grades in school? Most Chinese s

27、tudents work really hard. But in the United States, you might be considered a bookworm(书呆子) if you cannot socialize(社交). Socializing is as important as your grades. If you just study all the time and dont socialize, your life wont the complete. So, how does one socialize with students in the US?Lots

28、 of high schools often have soccer games during the autumn term. I didnt know anything about soccer, but I joined some of the soccer games in order to have fun with my friends. I thought I could learn the rules from others. However, to my surprise, some American students dont even know the rules but

29、 still go to the games in order to socialize. They cheer for the soccer players and have fun together.The other common way to socialize is to join after-school clubs. You can choose clubs that you are interested in and make a lot of new friends. For example, one of my friends started a sketch(素描) cl

30、ub. I was interested, so I joined the club. There I met lots of students who were also interested in sketching. We soon became friends with each other.Socializing is an important thing in the US. But grades are still important, too. A complete student should have the ability to balance(平衡) his or he

31、r studying and socializing.61.You might be considered if you cannot socialize in the United States.A. a good student B. a bookwormC. a lazy student D. a hard-working student62. When do lots of high schools have soccer games in the US?A. During the autumn term. B. During the summer term.C. During the spring term. D. During the winter term.63. How m

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