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高一英语No Drugs教学实录.docx

1、高一英语No Drugs教学实录高中英语标准教材高一英语:No Drugs(教学实录)Learning English is conducive to understanding the customs and culture of other countries, reading foreign books, etc.学 校:_班 级:_科 目:_教 师:_- 专业教学设计系列 下载即可用 -高一英语:No Drugs(教学实录)教材简介:学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化,阅读外文书籍等,本教学设计资料适用于高中高一英语科目, 教案学习有利于教学目的、教学过程、教学评价一致进行,配合教案

2、教学可以让学生更容易学习到教材里的内容,下载后可以打印或者用于电子教学。module 2 no drugs 学案 外研版必修2禁毒核心词汇1it is _ (违法的)to sell tobacco to someone under 16.2she had been falsely accused of_ (偷窃)in a clothing store.3students often see little _(联系) between school and the rest of their lives.4. small businesses will need to _(减少)costs in

3、order.5. habitual _(罪犯)should receive tougher punishments than first time offenders.6. immigrants have had a _(有力的) influence on the local culture.7. it is important to _ (认识)how little we know about this disease.8students were handing out election_ (传单) at the street.9heroin is _.he is a heroin _.h

4、e became _to drugs when he was young.and the_ cost him his wealth and health.(addict)10. trading has been adversely_by the downtown in consumer spending .it is supposed that the_will last a year.(affect)1.illegal2.shoplifting3.connection4.reduce 5. criminals6.powerful7.recognize8.leaflets9. addictiv

5、e;addict;addicted ;addiction10.affected;effect高频短语1._查阅2_ 强行闯入;破门而入3_ 有可能做4_ 定下一个日期5_ 和有关6_ 属于7_ 代替8_ 听取某人的建议9._ 为了10_ 放弃;戒除11_ 对上瘾;沉迷于1.look up2.break likely to do4.set a date, related to6.belong to7.instead of8.take ones order to/so as to10.give up11.become addicted to重点句式1

6、.i_ be a drug addict.我曾经是个瘾君子。2users _ the drug are also _they_ needles_other users.如果那些注射毒品的人和其他吸毒者共用针头的话,他们会面临更多危险。now i work in a centre for drug addicts,_ .现在我在一家戒毒所工作,帮助其他的吸毒者戒毒。4how many of them break the law _ pay for their drugs?他们中有多少人为了买毒品而犯法?5some people feel _nervous when they see drug u

7、sers _ they call the police.一些人看到瘾君子很害怕就报警了。6it was _ loud music _ we couldnt hear ourselves speak.音乐如此大声以至于我们听不到自己说话。7i _ agree_.我非常同意。(我再同意不过了。)8_ youre doing when you want to smokedo something else!无论你在做什么,当你想抽烟时,做点别的事吧!1.used to2.who inject;in more danger if ;share;with 3.helping others to stop

8、taking order to,;that 6.such;that7.couldnt;more 8.whatever知识详解 reduce vt.减少;缩减;约束,限制;使降低,降职;使变为(某个状态)(回归课本p12)把减少到,把减少了,reduce doing sth.迫使某人做某事;使某人不得不做某事,reduction n.缩小,减少;缩版,make a reduction减价【归纳总结】【例句探源】the expenses have been reduced to 1,000 yuan one month

9、.每月的费用已降到1,000元。the expenses have been reduced by 200 yuan one month.每月的费用已降了200元。eventually charlotte was reduced to begging on the streets.最后夏洛特被迫沦落到沿街乞讨。we can make a reduction if you buy in bulk.如果你大批购买,我们可以降低价格。1many students have dropped out of school and now the number of our class has

10、educed bybreduced tocincreased to dincreased by解析:选b。reduce.to后面数字指减少后的总量,reduce.by后面数字指纯减少的量或比率。由上面说到drop,故排除c、d。【即境活用】2. since then the number of people stopping smoking _10%.ahas reduced to breduces bychas reduced by dreduces to解析:选c。由since then可判断主句应用现在完成时,排除b、d两项;再根据句意“自从那时戒烟人数减少了10%”,强调差额用介语by

11、,故选c。 likely adj.很可能的,看来要发生的;(像是)可靠的,可信的;似乎有理的adv.很可能(回归课本p9) drug users are more likely to get into trouble at school.吸毒者更有可能在学校遇到麻烦。【归纳总结】 it is likely that he will be late.he is likely to be late.他可能会迟到。“he said youd be giving them a lift.” “not likely!”“他说你会让他们搭便车。”“绝不可能!”it is likely that you c

12、ould suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.如果继续吸烟,你很可能会健康状况不佳。that means the price is likely to go down because of the competition.这意味着价格有可能因为竞争而下降。【例句探源】likely,possible,probable三者都有“可能的”之意,区别如下:(1)likely是形容词,表示某事很可能发生,与probable 意思相近,但主语可以是人也可以是物。常用于“it is likely that.或sb./ likely to do.”

13、句型中,但不能说“it is likely for do sth.”。(2)possible可能性相对小,作表语时,主语不能是人,常用句式为“it is possible for sb. to do sth.”或“it is possible that.”。【易混辨析】(3)probable 带有“很可能”的意味,语气比possible强,作表语时不能用人或不定式作主语,常用句式为“it is probable that.”。it isnt likely that i should accept such an offer as that.its possible_to break

14、 with old is _probable that he will succeed.3.young americans who dont go to university _get jobs which bring low income.aare likely tobare possible tocwere able to dliked to解析:选a。句意是:没有上大学的美国年轻人可能做一些低收入的工作。likely可用于sb./ likely to do而possible不能。【即境活用】4(XX年山东青岛质检)a senior firefighter

15、said it was_that the fire,which broke out at midnight,was caused by someone on purpose.apossibly blikelycprobably dobviously解析:选b。根据it is likely that句型得出答案,其它三个词都是副词,不能用于该句型。 affect vt.影响,对有坏影响;(疾病)侵袭;假装;喜欢(回归课本p9) smoking in a park doesnt affect other people in the same way.在公园吸烟不会以同样的方式影响别人。【归纳总结】

16、【例句探源】peter taylor finds out how computers and the internet are going to affect our lives.彼得泰勒试图弄清计算机和互联网将如何影响我们的生活。(牛津p31)they were deeply affected by the news of her death.她死亡的消息使他们唏嘘不已。(XX年高考辽宁卷)the experiment showed that our body clocks are affected by light and temperature.这项实验表明我们的生物钟受光线和温度的影响

17、。she was affected with high fever.她发高烧。affect,effect,influence三个词都有“影响”的意思。(1)affect指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思。(2)effect作“影响”讲时,通常用作名词,构成have an effect on“对有影响”。effect作动词时,指“使(某事物)产生;使发生;引起”,着重“造成”一种特殊的效果。(3)influence指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响”。【易混辨析】the games dont have a(

18、n) _effect on grown ups but affect students a great deal.influenced by a high school biology teacher,he took up the study of medicine.this book effected a change in my opinion.5critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has _the quality of the programs.alessenedbdeclinedcaffe

19、cted deffected解析:选c。句意为:批评家认为电视被大量的广告所控制,这影响了节目的质量。affect常指不好的影响;lessen“减少”;decline“降低”,指力量、权力、数量等的削减;effect“引起;产生”,只有affect符合句意。【即境活用】 recognise vt.辨认出;认出;认识到;认知(回归课本p19)participants learn to recognise smoking triggers.参与者学会分辨吸烟的诱因【归纳总结】recognise sb./ be承认某人/物是;认出某人/物是its recognised that.人

20、们意识到salera came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly recognised her.赛莉娅回家时又瘦又弱,连她自己的孩子都几乎认不出她来了。he is recognised as the head of the company.他被认为是公司的领导。it was recognised that he was not qualified for the work.人们认识到他做这项工作不合格。【例句探源】recognise,know(1)recognise 指把原来认识的人/物再次“辨认出”,是非延续性动词。(2)k

21、now“认识并熟悉某人/物”,是延续性动词。sometimes we cant recognise,_ones voice on the phone even though we know him/her.i know him so well that i can recognise his steps.【易混辨析】6(XX年高考辽宁卷)alexander tried to get his work_in the medical circles.ato recognizebrecognizingcrecognize drecognized解析:选d。句意:alexander试图使自己的工作在医

22、学界得到认可。本题考查非谓语动词作宾补。get sth.done表示使某事物被做,如get my hair cut表示理发;get her finger burnt表示她的手指被烧伤。【即境活用】7.oh,its you, look much thinner than before.not on a diet.adidnt recognize bhadnt recognizedchavent recognized ddont recognize解析:选a。本题强调是刚才没认出,故用一般过去时态。 break into闯入,破门而入;突然

23、起来(回归课本p13) the next day,i broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.第二天,我闯入一户人家,偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。break out突然爆发break up打碎;拆散;分解结束,break in打断(谈话); 突然闯入(in是副词) break through突破break down瓦解,损坏,分解;机器坏了;失败;身体垮了break away from摆脱(束缚);克服(习惯)break off中断,折断,突然停止【归纳总结】thieves broke into our ho

24、use while we were away on holiday.我们外出度假时,小偷闯入了我们家。on hearing the news that the war was over ,the old woman broke into tears.听到战争结束的消息,老人突然哭了起来。dont break into their conversation;they are discussing something important.不要打断他们的谈话,他们正在讨论重要的事情。【例句探源】break into,break in两者都有“闯入”之意。break into中,into是介词,后需接

25、宾语;break in 是不及物动词短语,其中in是副词,不接宾语。另外,break into还有“突然起来”之意,相当于burst into;break in还可以表示“插嘴”等。we had to break_into the house as we had lost the key.never break_in while others are talking.【易混辨析】8(XX年海南三亚模拟)youll_sooner or later if you keep working like that.abreak off bbreak downcbreak into dbreak out解

26、析:选b。句意:如果你继续那样工作,身体迟早会垮掉的。break down“垮掉”,符合题意。【即境活用】9. scientists hope to_soon in their fight against the h1n1 flu virus.abreak up bbreak outcbreak through dbreak in解析:选c。句意为:科学家们希望能尽快在应对甲型h1n1流感病毒方面有所突破。break up“分解,打破”;break out“发生,爆发”;break through“突破”;break in“闯入,打断(谈话)”,据句意可知答案为c。 give up放弃;交出,

27、让出;认输(回归课本p13)and here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking.这儿有一些帮助人们戒烟的方法。give away分发;放弃;泄露give back归还;恢复give forth发出(气味、声音等);发表give in屈服;让步;同意give off发出(蒸汽、光等)give out分发,发出(气味、热等);发表,用完,耗尽;精疲力竭【归纳总结】when ed left ,she gave up hope of ever marrying.埃德离开时,她彻底放弃了结婚的希望。in the crowded bus ,t

28、he young people gave up their seats to the old people.在拥挤的公共汽车上,年轻人把座位让给老年人。the doctor told him to give up smoking and drinking.医生要他戒烟戒酒。she has never given up her secrets to others.她从不把秘密透露给别人。【例句探源】10we havent heard from her for long,so we give her_for dead.aout bincup daway解析:选c。give out“用完,用尽”;give in“让步,投降”;give up“放弃,不抱希望”;give away“泄露,分发”。由句意可知,此处指“对她不抱任何希望”,故答案为c。【即境活用】11.he pretended to be a german,but his swedish accent gave himself_.aaway bupcoff dout解析:选a。考查give的固定短语。句意:他假装是德国人,但他的瑞典口音使他

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