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1、完整word版初中英语语法专项练习带答案打印版英语语法练习册初中英语语法 各个击破名词形容词 ()代词 ()数词 ()冠词 ()动词动词语态时态 ()副词 ()介词 ()连词 ()比较级和最高级 ()定语从句 ()主谓一致 ()状语从句 ()为其他重点语法 ()第一组()1 She was very happy. She in the maths test.A.makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakesC. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake()2 We n eed some more . Can you go

2、 and get some, please?A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe()3 are for cutt ing thin gs.A. Kni fe/used B. Kni ves/used C. Kni fe/us ing D. Kni ves/us ing()4 What big the tiger has!A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes()5 Please remember to give the horse some tree .A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf

3、D. leave()6 -Ca n we have some ?-Yes, please.A. banana B. oran ges D. pear()7 On the table there are five .A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato第二组()1 They got much from those new books.A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories()2 He gave us on how to keep fit.A. some advi

4、ces B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice()3 When we saw his face, we knew was bad.A. some n ews B. a n ews C. the n ews P. n ews()4 What lovely weather it is!A. / B. the C. an D. a3()1 -Would you like tea?-No, tha nks. I have drunk two .A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orangeC. many,

5、 bottles of oran ges D. few, bottle of oran ges()2 He is hun gry. Give him to eat.A. two breads B. two piece of breadC. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads()3 It really took him: to draw the nice horse.A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time()4 I would like to have .A. two glasses of

6、milk B. two glass of milk IC. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks()5 Can you give me ?A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea()6 Please give me paper.A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of()7 Joh n bought for himself yesterday.A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pa

7、ir of shoes D. two pairs shoes 第三组()1 -How many have you got on your farm?-Ive got five.A. sheeps B. sheep C. pig D. chicke n()2 Some came to our school for a visit that day.A. Germa ns B. Germe n C. Germa ny D. Germa nies()3 In the picture there are many and two.A.sheep; foxes C. sheeps; foxesB.she

8、eps; fox D. sheep;foxs()4 A group of will visit the museum tomorrow.A. Hun garia n B. Australia n C. Japa neseD. America n第四组()1 This table is made of .A. many glass B. glasses C. some glasses D. glass()2 -What would you like to have for lunch, sir?-Id like . !A. chicke n B. a chicke n C. chicke ns

9、D. the chicke n()3 Childre n should make for old people in a bus.A. room B. a room C. rooms D. the room第五组()1 Tables are made of .A. wood B. some woods C. woode n D. woods()2 I won der why are so in terested in action 武打片)films.A. people B. peoples C. the people D. the peoples()31 have read of the y

10、oung writer.A. works B. work C. this works D. the works第六组()1 Lets meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of ?A. the Peoples Park B. the Peoples ParkC.the People Park D. Peoples Park()2 Chin ese people are hard worki ng people.A. /; a B. We; the C. The; the D. The; a()3 How many were there in the street whe

11、 n the accide nt happe ned?A. policema n B. polices C. police D. peoples第七组()1 If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller .A. set B. one C. piece D. pair()2 Last week I bought a TV .A. pair . B. set C. piece D. block()3 There is a of wood left on the ground.A. cup B. piece , C. box D. pair第八组()1 T

12、here are sixty-seven in our school.A. wome ns teacher B. wome n teachers C. woma n teachers D. wome n teacher ()2 There are five in our factory.A. woma n driver B, wome n driver C. woma n drivers D. wome n drivers()3 These were sent to the villages to help the farmers.A. wome n doctor B. wome n doct

13、ors C. woma n doctors D. woma n doctor 第九组()1 They write most of their in En glish.A. bus in ess letter B. bus in ess letters C. bus in esses D. bus in esses letters()2 We came to a at last .and went in.A. watch shop B. watches shop ,C. watch ing shop D. watchs shop()3 This shop sells apples, banana

14、s and things like these. Its a .A. food shop B. book shop C. fruit shop D. vegetable shop()4 She broke a while she was wash ing up.A. glass of wine B. glass for wine C. glass wine D. wine glass()5 Ive forgotten both of the .A. room nu mbers . B. rooms nu mber C. rooms nu mbers D. room nu mber 第十组1.S

15、eptember 10th is in China.A. Teachers Day B. TeachersDay C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day()2 -Is the broom un der desk? -No, its under .A. the teachers; my B. teachers; mine C. teachers; me D. the teachers; mine ()3 Excuse me, where is the ?A. mens room B. mens room C. me ns rooms D. men rooms第十一组()1

16、The football un der the bed is .A. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys()2 This is my dicti on ary.A. sister Mary B. sisters C. sister, Marys D. sisters Marys()3 He went to shop to buy a shirt.A. a tailor B. the tailor C. a tailors D. the tailors()4 Joa n is .A. Marys

17、 and Jack sister B. Mary and Jacks sisterC. Mary and Jack sister D. Marys and Jacks sister 第十二组()1 In a few time, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. year B. years C. years D. years()2 Its about walk from my house.A. ten minute B. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes()3 The post offic

18、e is a bit far from here. Its about .A. thirty mi nutess walk B. thirty min utes walkC. thirty minu tes walk D. thirty minu tes walk()4 Half teleph one calls are made in En glish.A. the world B. world C. the worlds D. worlds第十三组()1 face to the south.A. Win dows of the room B. The win dows of the roo

19、mC. The rooms wi ndows D. The wi ndows in room()2 Please take two .A. picture of the park B. pictures of the parkC. the pictures of a park D. picture of a park()3 The workers are repairing .A. the roof of the house B. a roof of the houseC. roof of the house D. this roof of house 第十四组()1 Miss Smith i

20、s a frie nd of .A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. mothers of Mary D. Mary mothers()2 This is a book of .A. Tom B. Toms C. her D. him()3 The post card is sent by .A. a friend of my father B. a friend of my fathersC. my father frie nd D. my father frien ds第十五组()1 Sydney is a city of .A. America B. G

21、erma ny C. Australia D. Japa n()2 My father likes buyi ng us .A. cars B. flowers C. peasa nts D. prese nts()3 In En gla nd, the last n ame is the .A. full name B. family name C. middle name D. given name()4 Mr Gao is a teacher. He works in a new .A. shop B. school C. factory D. hospital第十六组()1 My fa

22、ther is a . He works in a hospital.A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. soldier()2 -Which ani mal lives only in Chi na?-The .A. tiger B. mon key C. panda D. elepha nt()3 April come before and after .A. March; May B. May; MarchC. June; May D. March; February()4 Which of the followi ng is right?A. Chi na

23、 has a large populati on. B. Chi na has much populatio n.C. China has many populatio ns. D. China has a great deal of populatio n.()5 Please do like this. Fold the paper and cut along the fold.A. i nto pieces B. i n half C. on halves D. to half()6 You played the violi n won derfully. Will you please

24、 play another ?A. one B. game C. programme D. piece初中英语语法专项练习二一一形容词一选择正确的答案1.Which does Jimmy like , Chin ese or art?A. well B. best C. better D. much2.The Chan gjia ng River is one of in the world.A. the Iongest river B. The more C. the Iongest rivers D. longer river3. of the two wome n is Mrs Brow

25、 n.A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C. More beautiful D. The most beautiful4.My moon cake is ni cer his.A. like B. with C. for D. tha n5.You are fatter tha n .A. he B. his C. him D. he is tall6.He jumps of the three.A. far B. futher C. farthest D. furthest7.My hair is Ion ger tha n .A. my sist

26、er B. Kate C. my brother D.Lucys s8.There is paper here. Please bring some.A. little B. less C. fewer D. a little9.The pen is tha n that one.A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaper10.Tom speaks Chin ese better tha n Jimmy.A. more B. very C. a lot D. much11.There are girls in Class 2

27、than in Class 4.A. more B. ni cest C. most D. best12.It s too for you to do that.A. easy B. more dan gerous C. harder D. the easist13.Who has apples now, Jim, Lily or Lucy?A. much B. biggest C. better D. the most14.You have more rulers tha n me. But are ni cer tha n .A. mine, yours B. mine, your C.

28、my, yours D. my, your15.Tingting is than Meimei, but Meimei is than Tingting.A. tall, stronger B. taller, strongest C. tallest, strong D. taller, stronger16.Mother is in my family.A. busy B. busier C. the busiest D. more busy17.There are in the park on Sun days.A. more childre n B. a lot of people C

29、. much men and wome n D. many peoples18.The dumpli ngs are tha n the no odles, I thi nk.A. more ni cer B. much delicious C. very nice D. much more delicious19.She is tha n me at draw ing.A. better B. best C. good D. harder20.This blue sweater is too big for me. Will you please show me a one?A. small

30、 B. smaller C. the smallest D. smallest二用所给词的适当形式填空1.Your classroom is (wide) and (bright) tha n ours.2.There are hours of sun light a day in win ter tha n in summer. (few)3.Which do you like , maths or chemistry?(well)4.This is the film I have ever see n. (good)5.Africa is the sec ond continent. (l

31、arge)6.What he said made his mother much . (an gry)7.I m not as as he. (careful)8.We ve got as books as we need.(many)9.They have done (much) work with (little) mon ey.10.Practice as as you can. (much)11.You re the person I ve ever seen. (kind)12.He is tha n his two sisters. (young)13.The (old) I get, the (str ong) I seem to feel.14.The weather is gett ing (warm) and (warm).15.You are far tha n you were. (polite)16.The patie nt is no tha n peop

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