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1、仁爱初中英语八下精品教案设计U7T2p3Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 2 Im not sure whether I can cook it well.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元第二个话题在复习上个话题的基础上,引入新的内容包括步骤的表达,描述方式的副词,做饭材料、做饭所用厨具以及吃饭所用的餐具等词汇。主要句型有提供帮助Would you like me to help you?赞美和鼓励Well done!请求得到允许Would you mind if I?就餐用语help yourself to some以及提醒和警告remember (not) to 语法包

2、括whether/if引导的宾语从句;副词的比较级和最高级。本话题语音部分的内容包括/t/和/d/的区分以及升降调的区分。此外,本话题贴近学生生活实际,从教学生做各种食物到不同国家的餐桌礼仪和饮食文化,学生不仅可以学到语言知识还可以培养生活技能,拓展文化意识。第一课时:Section A- 1a, 1b, 1c ,2a,2b第二课时:Section B-1a,1b,1c,2 Section A-3a, 3b第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c ,4第四课时:Section C-2,3 Section B-3,4a, 4b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Funct

3、ions, 1,2,3, Project第三课时(Section C-1a,1b,1c ,4)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section C -3和Section D-2。本节课的课型为阅读课。通过对课文的阅读了解西方餐桌礼仪。在复习环节里利用三个活动复习了副词的比较级和最高级以及步骤的表达方式。在Pre-reading环节里,首先播放一段有关西方人摆放餐具的视频,并截图学习餐具词汇。然后将这些词汇填入课文旁边的图片里加以巩固。接下来讨论几个常识性的西方餐桌礼仪,调动学生的已有经验,使他们更积极主动地参与课堂,同时学习新词汇polite和impolite。本课将While-reading分为

4、三个步骤。 第一遍,速读课文,了解文章大意。第二遍,再读课文,完成1b的判断。第三遍,精读课文,完成表格。设计表格的目的是要求学生注重细节,同时为复述课文做准备。在Post-reading环节里,首先解决课文中出现的语言点,尤其是whether or not的用法。然后根据表格复述课文。最后,将1c与4结合在一起,先让学生讨论中国的餐桌礼仪。之后将讨论结果写成短文,完成书面表达并做汇报。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇fork, dish, eat up, table manners, drink to sb. polite, impol

5、ite, napkin, lap, manner, formal, quietly, dine(2)了解西西餐的餐桌礼仪。2. Skill aims: (1)能使用英语简述西餐的餐桌礼仪。(2)能写出有关餐桌礼仪的简单的文段。3. Emotional aims:乐于接触和了解外国风俗文化,从而更好地为弘扬中国文化服务。4. Culture awareness:了解各国饮食习惯和餐桌礼仪,做个有见识的人。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:谈论西餐的餐桌礼仪。2. Difficult points: 演示西餐的餐桌礼仪。. Lea

6、rning strategies了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪有助于更好地进行跨文化交流。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for learning. Show some riddles.1.What table is in the fi

7、eld? (Vegetable )2.What stays hot even if put it in a fridge? (Pepper)3. what kind of dog does not bite or bark? (Hot dog)4.what is the smallest room in the world? (Mushroom)T: Good morning, everyone!T: Before the new lesson, lets guess some riddles. Please try to guess. The first one is Who knows t

8、he answer?Focus their attention on the teacher.Ss: Good morning, MissS1:Is it?Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(7mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity& Group work)Show some word cards (or show them on the screen

9、) to review the comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs.well-early-long-fast-badly-little-much-T: Ill show you some adverbs. Please say out the comparative and superlative degrees of the adverbs as quickly as possible.Are you ready? Go!T: Good. Now lets have a competition. Work in groups and

10、make sentences with these words in turns. Each student says out one sentence each time. Your group has 3minutes. The group which makes the most sentences is the winner. Is that clear? OK. Lets begin.T: Group1, how many sentences have you made?T: How about you, Group2?T: Wow! So many sentences. And o

11、ther groups?T: Would you mind showing your sentences, Group2? Other students should listen carefully. You can learn the good sentences and help correct the wrong ones.Say out the comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs and then make sentences with these words.Ss:Ss:G1: 7.G2:10.G2:复习副词的比较级和最高级

12、。2(Pair work)Show some key words about how to make fruit salad.First wash fruits carefully. Second peel fruits. Next cut into small pieces carefully. Then put into a big bowl slowlyafter that add cheeseFinally use a pair of chopsticks stir(搅拌)T: Hi, everyone. Have you cooked for your parents? In fac

13、t, cooking is fun and easy if you would like to have a try. Now, lets learn more about cooking. These are the steps of making fruit salad. Read them and then work in pairs to make conversations. One student acts as a cook teaching the other student to cook it. Dont forget to use the functions in thi

14、s topic.T: Who would like to act out your conversations?Make conversations in pairs according to the key words.Ss:Ss:利用编写制作水果沙拉对话的方式副词和表达步骤的方式。同时复习本话题学过的交际用语。Remark:提醒学生利用本话题学过的交际用语编写对话。Stage 3(8mins):Pre - reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Play a video ab

15、out how to set tableware in western countries ( Teach the new words about tableware.T: Suppose you would go to a formal western dinner party for the first time, but you dont know their table manners. Do you want to get some advice? T: Good. Today well learn the table manners in western countries. Bu

16、t first we should know more about the tableware in western countries. Right? Now lets watch a video about how to set the tableware in western countries.T:What is this?T:What is he setting?T:What is it used for?T:Whats that on the left of the napkin?T: What is this next to the knives?T: Whats that? (

17、Pointing at the plate)T: We also call it a dish. It also means a particular type of food prepared for a meal. It means “菜肴”in Chinese.T: What is that?(pointing at the glass)T: Its used for drinking, isnt it? OK. Have you remembered all the tableware? Lets try to say them out.(The teacher points at t

18、he tableware one by one, the students say them out.T: Well done! Now look at the picture in 1a. Im sure you can write the words on the lines. Have a try, please. Watch a video and learn the new words about tableware. Then fill in the blanks in the picture in 1a.Ss: Yes.Ss:S1: A napkin.S2: A knife.S3

19、: We use it for cutting food.S3: A fork.S4: A spoon.S5: Its a plate.S6: Its a glass.Ss:播放摆放餐具的视频并截图学习有关餐具的词汇。2(Class activity)Talk about the table manners in western countries. Learn the new words.T: As you know, the table manners in the western countries are different from those in China. Im sure m

20、ost of you have learned some of them from the books or the foreign movies or other means. You may tell me whether the behavior is polite or impolite. Polite means having or showing that one has good manners for other people. Can you guess what does “polite” mean? T: Well, You are sure to know the me

21、aning of “impolite”, arent you?T: Good job. Do you think whether it is polite to eat up everything on your plate?T:OK. We may find the truth later. Do you think if it is polite to speak loudly at the table?T: Do you think whether it is polite to drink too much during the dinner?Talk about the table

22、manners in western countries. Learn the new words.S1: Yes. It means “有礼貌的”.S2: Yes. Its the opposite of “polite”. It means “没礼貌的”.S3: I dont think its polite.S4: I dont agree with you. I think it is polite to eat up the food on your plate.S5: I think its impolite.S6: I dont think its polite.利用学生已有经验

23、讨论常识性的西方餐桌礼仪,调动学生的学习积极性。同时学习重要词汇polite 和impolite。Remark:Stage4(8mins):While - reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Ask the students to read the passage quickly and get the main idea.T: Now lets read the passage of 1a quickly. Get the main idea of it.T:What i

24、s the passage mainly about?Skim the passage and get the main idea.Ss:S1: Its about the western table manners.2(Individual work)Ask the students to read the passage again and finish 1b.T: Yes. Its polite to follow the western table manners if you go to a formal western dinner for the first time. Now

25、read the passage again and mark T or F for the sentence in 1b.T: Lets check your answers. Is the first one true or false? Read the passage again and mark T or F for the sentences in 1b.Ss:S1:3(Individual work)Show a table.T: Read 1a again and fill out the table. how to start a formal western dinnerW

26、hen you sit down at the table, take your _ on your _.You should keep your knife _ and the fork _.polite_ the food on your plate.try to speak _ and _ a lot.when drinking to someone, take _.impoliteDont take _ food than _.Remember _ too much.If you can remember the rules,just do _T:Check your answers

27、with your partners.Read 1a again and fill out the table.Ss:Ss:设计表格要求学生注重细节,同时为复述课文做准备。Remark:Stage 5(18mins):Post-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Deal with the language points.T:There are some useful phrases in this passage, Read it quickly and underline

28、them.T: Tell me your phrases.T: Good job. Who can make a sentence with the phrase “eat up”?T: Who can make a sentence with the phrase “drink to someone”?T: Good examples! Do you have any questions about this passage?T: Its a good question. We also use “whether or not” to cause an object clause. Or y

29、ou can put “or not” at the end of the object clause. For example, Can you tell me whether or not we will have a class meeting this Friday? You can say it this way: Can you tell me whether we will have a class meet or not this Friday? But make sure that “or not” can not be used after “if”. Do you und

30、erstand?Learn the language points.Ss:S1: for the first time, table manners.S2: at the table, start with, eat up, drink to someone.S3: Im full. I cant eat up all the food in my plate. S4: Lets drink to the food festival!S5: We know that whether and if can cause an object clause. How do you use whether or not?Ss: Yes.解决文中的语言点。2(group work)Show the table the Ss filled just now. Ask them to retell the passage according to the table.T: Now lets try to retell the western t

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