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1、关于force的词组brutal force暴力the force of habit习惯势力the forces of nature自然力the force of public opinion舆论的压力the air force空军an assault force【军】突击队explain the force of a phrase解释一个短语的确切意义a scene described with much force描写得栩栩如生的景象forcevt.1. 强制, 迫使2. 强行, 强加3. 强力夺取, 攻克; 强渡4. 推动5. 竭力提高, 抬高, 加快6. (通过温室栽培等)促成(植物)

2、早熟发育, 生长; 加速(学生的)学业7. 迫使(对手)出某张牌8. 勒索; 强奸9. 加压力, 速, 强, 过超加载, (挤, 辗)压10. 【计】人工转移(程序)force the enemy to surrender into surrendering迫使敌人投降force an entry强行进入force a passage强行通过force a smile强颜欢笑, 苦笑force ones voice提高嗓门forcevt.1. 强喂(食物), 强灌(食物)(尤指直插管灌送食物); 强迫接受force-in-beingn.1. (pl. forces-in-being)可随时作战

3、的军事力量force-landf:slndvi.1. 强迫降落; 强行登陆forcemeatf:smi:tn.1. 加调料的五香碎肉force-outf:satn.1. (棒球)封死force-pumpn.1. 压力泵forceupn.1. 迫于形式而采取的行动forcelessf:slsadj.1. 无力的, 软弱的1. force-accountadj. 计工的2. force-circulationn. 压力循环环流3. force-feedn. 【机】压力润滑, 压力进给1. a force to be reckoned with不可忽视的力量2. be in force生效, 有效3

4、. be forced into被迫4. bring into force使生效, 实施.5. by (main) force用蛮力, 全靠气力; 以最大的力气6. by force用暴力; 强迫地7. by (the) force of由于; 凭借8. by force and arms用武力9. with force and arms用武力10. cease to be in force失效11. come into force生效, 实行12. enter into force生效, 实行13. in force有效, 在有效期; 大批地; 大规模地14. in full force用全

5、力; 发挥充分威力15. in great force大举, 大批地; 精力充沛地16. join force with(军队)会师; (与人)联合, 通力合作17. of no force无效18. put a force upon对.加以强制; 曲解, 对.牵强附会19. put in force施行, 实施20. put into force施行, 实施21. remain in force在有效期中, 仍然有效22. resort to force诉诸武力23. surface force地面部队水面部队; 水面舰艇24. take by force【军】夺取, 武力侵占25. wit

6、h all ones force尽全力, 竭力26. with much force极有力地, 效力卓著地27. forcedown迫使下降; 压低(价格)28. force on强加于, 强迫.接受29. force upon强加于, 强迫.接受30. force up迫使上升1. acting force作用力2. active force有效力, 活力, 主动力3. additional electromotive force附加电动势4. additional internal force附加内力5. adhesive force粘着力, 粘附力6. aerodynamic force

7、空气动力7. adhesive force粘着力, 粘附力8. aggregate breaking force钢丝破断拉力总和9. aggregation force聚合凝聚, 附着, 粘着力10. air force空军; 航空队11. allowable force许用加载, 许可力12. alternating electromotive force交变电动势13. anchorage force锚固力14. angular force角向力15. anharmonic force非谐力16. apparent force惯性力, 外力17. applied force外加力; 作用力

8、18. applied electromotive force外加电动势, 外施电动势19. antenna electromotive force天线电动势20. armature magnetomotive force电枢磁动势21. ascensional force升力22. axial compressive force轴向压力23. back electromotive force反电动势24. back office force内勤人员25. bar force杆力26. bathmic force(进化)控制力27. bearing force of soil土壤承压力28.

9、Beaufort force【气】蒲福级29. bending force挠曲力, 弯曲力30. biasing magnetizing force偏磁化力(以 Hb表示)31. binding force约束力32. bonding force键力; 结合力33. bottom force下阴模; 底冲床34. brake cylinder force制动缸鞲鞲推力35. breakaway force起步阻力36. brute force强力37. bulging force膨胀力38. buoyancy force浮力39. central force辏力, 有心力; 中心力40. ce

10、ntrifugal force离心力41. centripetal force向心力42. chord force弦向分力, 平行于基准线的力43. chordwise force弦向分力连系座标系切向(空气动力分)力弹体座标系切向(空气动力分)力44. circumferential force切线力, (沿着圆周作用的)切向力45. civilian labour force民用劳动力46. clamp force夹紧力47. closing force闭合力, 断流力(断流阀的)48. co-acting force强制力, 促进力; 互相作用力49. coercive force矫顽(

11、磁)力50. cohesive force内聚力; 粘合力; 粘结力51. collapsing force破坏力52. collinear force共线力53. combined air force空气动力合力54. commutating electromotive force(电机)整流电动势55. compelling force外加力, 强制力56. component force分力57. composite force合力58. concurrent force共点力, 汇交力59. confining force保持力60. conservative force守恒力61.

12、constant force恒力, 常力62. constraint reacting force约束反(作用)力63. constructional force工程队, 施工队64. contact force触点压力65. contact electromotive force接触电动势66. controlling force控制力67. coplanar force共(平)面力68. cornering force回转力; 侧向反力69. crack extension force裂纹扩展力70. crimp force卷曲力71. cross force横向力72. cross ma

13、gnetizing force正交磁化力73. crushing force压毁力74. cutting force (cutting resistance)切削阻力75. cylinder tractive force汽缸牵引力76. cymomotive force波动势77. damping force阻尼力78. debunching force分散散焦, 散束力79. Debye force德拜力(感应力)80. induction force德拜力(感应力)81. deceleration force减速力82. deck force舱面人员, 帆缆兵83. deflecting

14、force偏转力, 致偏力84. delta electromotive force三角形连结电动势85. dipole-dipole force【物化】偶极-偶极力86. direct electromotive force直流电动势87. direct sales forces工业企业、商号的贸易代表, 推销员88. directive force定向力89. dispersion force【物化】分散力90. disrupture force破裂力91. disturbing force干扰力92. downward force向下力93. drag force曳力94. drivin

15、g force驱传, 主动力95. dynamic force动力96. dynamic electromotive force动能电动势(在直流电动机中一般叫作反电动势或逆电动势)97. eccentric force偏心力98. economic force经济力量99. effective driving force有效传原动力100. elastic force弹力101. elastic restoring force弹性恢复力102. electrode force电极力103. electromagnetic ponderomotive force电磁有质动力104. elect

16、romotive force电动势105. electrophoretic force电泳力106. electrostatic force静电力107. elevating force升起重, 浮力108. employed labour force就业劳动力109. end force端面压力110. endogenous force内力111. engine tractive force发动机牵引力, 机车牵引力112. equivalent force等效力113. equivalent tensile force当量拉力114. evolutionary force进化动力115.

17、exciting force激振力116. expansionary force扩张力117. expansive force膨涨伸胀力118. experienced labor force熟练劳动力119. expulsive force斥力, 排出力120. external electromotive force外电动势121. extrusion force挤压力122. feed force进刀力, 进给力123. field magnetomotive force磁场磁动势124. final prestressing force最终预应力125. flange force轮缘力

18、126. fluid force流体力127. focusing force聚焦作用力128. four-force force【物】四元力129. friction force摩擦力130. full-scale deflecting force满刻度偏转力(仪表)131. generalized force总合成力132. gram force克力133. gravitational force引力, 重力, 地心吸力134. gravity force重力135. guiding force导向力136. gyroscopic force回转力137. harmonic force谐(和

19、)力138. Heisenberg force【核】海森伯力139. hereditary force遗传力量140. holding force矫顽力; 自持力141. horizontal force横向力, 水平力142. horizontal pressure force【地物】水平压力143. hydrodynamic force液体动力144. hydrostatic force静水力, 流体静力145. image force象力146. impact force冲击压力147. impersonal forces非人力(指自然力等)148. impressed electrom

20、otive force外加电动势149. impulse force冲击力, 推力150. incentive force鼓动力151. inclined force斜力152. induced electromotive force感应电动势153. inductive electromotive force感应电动势154. induction force感应力155. industrial reserve force工业后备军156. inertia force惯性力157. inertia shaking force摇动惯性力158. infinitesimal force无穷小力15

21、9. inflationary force物价上涨压力160. inner force内力161. inside force内侧力162. interatomic force原子间力163. interfacial force界面力; 界面张力164. internal force内力165. intramolecular force分子内力166. Keesom force【物化】基桑力, 取向力167. kilogram force千克力168. kinetic force动能力169. latent force潜力170. lateral force侧力171. lattic force

22、 on dislocation加于位错上的点阵力172. lattice force晶格点阵力173. level guidance force水平导向力174. levitating force浮力175. lift force升力176. locking force锁紧力; 闭合力177. locomotive tractive force机车牵引力178. London force伦敦力, 色散力179. dispersion force伦敦力, 色散力180. long range force长程力181. longitudinal compressive force纵向压力182.

23、magnetic coercive force磁矫顽力183. magnetizing force磁化力184. magnetomotive force磁动势, 磁通势185. main cutting force主(切削)分力186. maintenance force维修养护工队187. male force模塞; 阳模188. manual steering force手操纵力, 手动转向力189. manybody force多体力190. market force市场力量191. mass force质量力; 体力192. body force质量力; 体力193. mold cla

24、mping force合模力194. mold locking force模型闭合力195. molecular magnetic force分子磁力196. monetary forces货币因素; 货币数额197. motional electromotive force动生电动势198. motive force原动力199. moving force(活)动力200. natural internal force固有内力201. naval air force海军航空兵202. newly emerging forces新兴力量203. nominal induced electrom

25、otive force标称感应电动势204. non-central exchange force非辏交换力205. non-concurrent force非共点力206. normal force法向力, 正交力207. nuclear force【原物】核力208. oblique force斜力209. operating force操纵力, 控制力210. opposing electromotive force反电动势211. opposite forces对向力212. opposite acting force反向作用力213. orientation force定向力214.

26、 overall driving force总推进力, 总推动力215. overturning force倾覆力216. parallel force平行力217. parasitic thermoelectromotive force寄生温差电动势218. passive frictional force被动磨擦力219. peripheral force圆周力220. perturbative force摄动力221. photomotive force光动势222. physical force物质力量223. pick-up force吸引力224. piston force活塞力2

27、25. plunger force柱塞力226. polarization force极化力227. pole-fleeing force离极力(向赤道)228. ponderomotive force有质动力229. portative force吸力230. primary inertia force原惯(性)力231. pre-applied force预加力232. prestressing force预应力233. pretightening force预紧力234. productive forces生产力235. propelling force推进力236. propulsiv

28、e force推进力237. proton-proton exchange force质子间交换力238. pseudogravitational force赝引力239. psophometric electromotive force估量噪声电动势240. pulsating electromotive force脉动电动势241. pushing and pulling forces推挽力242. quasi-elastic force准弹性力243. radial force径向力244. radial-thrust force吃刀抗力, 径向抗力245. radiation damping force辐射阻尼力246. reaction force反作用力247. reactive electromotive force无功电动势248. reciprocating force往复力249. recovery forces失事救援队250. redundant force冗余力, 超静定力251. redundant unknown force冗余未知力252. regular labor forces企业工人干部253. relative force相对推力254. repulsion

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