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高中英语 Unit2 The United Kingdom教案 新人教版必修5.docx

1、高中英语 Unit2 The United Kingdom教案 新人教版必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom.Thefoirst period ReadingTeaching goalsGet the students to know more about the British Isles and learn more new words and their usages.Teaching proceduresStep 1 PresentationShow the students four pictures and ask them to guess a country

2、 name which is related to all of them. ( The answer is the United Kingdom. )Ask the students: How much do you know about the united kingdom? Tell the students: Today we are going to read a passage about the British Isles. Step 2 Fast readingGet the students to skim the passage and match the paragrap

3、hs and the topics.Then let the students take a look at the map of the British Isles and tell me the place names of the different numbers on the map.Step 3 Careful readingAsk the students to read the passage carefully and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.Step 4 DiscussionShow

4、the students some pictures of the three countries of the British Isles and then ask: If you have got the chance to visit one of the three countries of the British Isles, which country will you choose and why?Imagine that you are going on a four-week trip through the UK. Make a travel plan in which y

5、ou describe where you go, how long you will stay and why, and what clothes and things you will take.Step 5 Homework Write a short passage about the Dachen Isles.The second period SpeakingTeaching Goals:1. Get the students to know the information about the United Kingdom.2. Encourage the students to

6、talk out what they know about the UK and Ireland.3. Help the students learn to get information by listening.Teaching methods1.Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what theyve learned in class.3.Pair work of gr

7、oup to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.4.Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss interestTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming up1.Lead-in(1) What do you think of Dongguan? Which place impresses you most?(2) A. There are not many visiting places in Donggu

8、an as it is a newly-developed city. But what about our country? Think what words youll need to describe a country and then give a brief description of China.B. There are many famous places in China. Think out one and describe it, letting others guess which place it is.2. Show pictures of some famous

9、 places of China. Ask: Where are they taken?3. Show pictures of some places of the British Isles and ask the students where they are taken. Then tell the students to say something they know about these places.4. (1) Ask the following question: Do you know how many parts the UK is made up of? (Scotla

10、nd/ England/ Wales-Britain + Northern Ireland-the UK + the Republic of Ireland- the British Isles)(2) Show the map of the British Isles to help the students to get a clear idea of some important cities in the UK and the names and the locations of different parts and counties and rivers.(3) Then ask

11、the students to look at some cities in the UK and to name them.5. Group work:(1) What is the UK famous for? Think about sport, art, architecture, literature, film, food and life. (Show some famous examples.)(2) Talk about the geography, history, languages, culture, famous people, buildings and other

12、 things in the UK and Ireland.Step 2 Listening1. The teacher talks more about the languages in the UK and Ireland. Then ask the students to talk more about the education in the UK.2. Ask: How are classes arranged in schools in the UK?3. (1) Listen to the tape and tick the sentences which are true.(2

13、) Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable below.(3) Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.Step 3 Extension1. Talk about our own timetable.2. Have a discussion about the similarities of the timetables in our country and the UK and also tell the differences between them.Step 4 Hom

14、eworkFind more information in relation to the UK and Ireland on the Internet. The third period SpeakingTeaching GoalsTrain the students spoken EnglishImprove the students ability of imagination and debatePractice expressing agreement and disagreementIncrease participation and learn from each other.

15、Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Talking about hot topics1. The students are asked to listen to the 28th Olympic theme song and talk about the host city of Athens2. Talk about the 28th Olympic Games3. Talk about their favorite athletesStep2 Group theme debatesOf the talks about the country and Olympics abo

16、ve, lots of things are talked about like the opening ceremony, island, weather, language, geographic position, medals and so on. The following three topics will be talked about . The students are divided into three groups and each will choose one of the topic boxes1. Box 1 Xiangsheng performance by

17、the Chinese and the westerners. Is Chinese easy to learn for the westerners?2. Box 2 Learning different positions of England by moving different parts. Is it easier to learn geography by going there ?3. Box 3 Enjoying pictures of island or small countries like Iceland and Japan. Do island nations ha

18、ve advantages over other countries?Step3 Tips on how to express agreement and disagreementStep5 HomeworkPreview the reading passageThe fourth period Grammar and Language studyTeaching goals1. Learn about the appositive clause. 2. Identify noun clauses.3. Enable students to use new words.Teaching pro

19、ceduresStep 1 Review the vocabulary and complete the sentences.a. Students work in pairs first.b. The teacher check the answers.Step 2 Brainstorminga. Review the text and present the appositive clause by asking questions:b. Collect answers as many as possible ,reminding students of sentence structur

20、e if find errors.Step 3 Grammar Explanation a. Get students to identify the clauses .b. Try to make students tell the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause by comparing the sentences.c. The teacher offers explanation if necessary. Step 4 Tell the function of the following sent

21、ences.1.The idea that Great Britain is made up of three countries Corner ,Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.2.The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.3.The result of so much French influence was that the English language ended up with many French word

22、s such as table, animal and age.4.Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.5.That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.6.They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.Step 5 Consolidati

23、onConsolidate what have been learned by doing further exercises.中国书法艺术说课教案 今天我要说课的题目是中国书法艺术,下面我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程、课堂评价四个方面对这堂课进行设计。一、教材分析: 本节课讲的是中国书法艺术主要是为了提高学生对书法基础知识的掌握,让学生开始对书法的入门学习有一定了解。 书法作为中国特有的一门线条艺术,在书写中与笔、墨、纸、砚相得益彰,是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,是举世公认的艺术奇葩。早在5000年以前的甲骨文就初露端倪,书法从文字产生到形成文字的书写体系,几经变革创造了多种体式的书写艺术。

24、1、教学目标: 使学生了解书法的发展史概况和特点及书法的总体情况,通过分析代表作品,获得如何欣赏书法作品的知识,并能作简单的书法练习。2、教学重点与难点: (一)教学重点了解中国书法的基础知识,掌握其基本特点,进行大量的书法练习。(二)教学难点: 如何感受、认识书法作品中的线条美、结构美、气韵美。3、教具准备: 粉笔,钢笔,书写纸等。4、课时:一课时二、教学方法: 要让学生在教学过程中有所收获,并达到一定的教学目标,在本节课的教学中,我将采用欣赏法、讲授法、练习法来设计本节课。(1) 欣赏法:通过幻灯片让学生欣赏大量优秀的书法作品,使学生对书法产生浓厚的兴趣。(2) 讲授法:讲解书法文字的发展

25、简史,和形式特征,让学生对书法作进一步的了解和认识,通过对书法理论的了解,更深刻的认识书法,从而为以后的书法练习作重要铺垫!(3) 练习法:为了使学生充分了解、认识书法名家名作的书法功底和技巧,请学生进行局部临摹练习。三、教学过程: (一)组织教学 让学生准备好上课用的工具,如钢笔,书与纸等;做好上课准备,以便在以下的教学过程中有一个良好的学习气氛。 (二)引入新课,通过对上节课所学知识的总结,让学生认识到学习书法的意义和重要性! (三)讲授新课 1、在讲授新课之前,通过大量幻灯片让学生欣赏一些优秀的书法作品,使学生对书法产生浓厚的兴趣。 2、讲解书法文字的发展简史和形式特征,让学生对书法作品

26、进一步的了解和认识通过对书法理论的了解,更深刻的认识书法,从而为以后的书法练习作重要铺垫! A书法文字发展简史:古文字系统 甲古文钟鼎文篆书 早在5000年以前我们中华民族的祖先就在龟甲、兽骨上刻出了许多用于记载占卜、天文历法、医术的原始文字“甲骨文”;到了夏商周时期,由于生产力的发展,人们掌握了金属的治炼技术,便在金属器皿上铸上当时的一些天文,历法等情况,这就是“钟鼎文”(又名金文);秦统一全国以后为了方便政治、经济、文化的交流,便将各国纷杂的文字统一为“秦篆”,为了有别于以前的大篆又称小篆。(请学生讨论这几种字体的特点?)古文字是一种以象形为主的字体。今文字系统 隶书草书行书楷书 到了秦末




30、着不同于其它艺术门类的特征,欣赏书法伤口不可能获得相对直接的印象、辨识与教益,也不可能单纯为了使学生辨识书写的内容,去探讨言词语汇上的优劣。进而得出:书法主要是通过对抽象的点画线条、结构形态和章法布局等有“情趣意味“的形式,从客观物象各种美的体态,安致这些独有的特性中,使人们在欣赏时得到精神上健康闲静的愉悦和人们意念境界里的美妙享受(结合讲授出示古代书法名作的图片,并与一般的书法作品进行比较,让学生在比较中得出什么是格调节器高雅,什么是粗庸平常)。书法可以说是无声的音乐,抽象的绘画,线条流动的诗歌。四、课堂评价: 根据本节课所学的内容结合板书。让学生体会到祖国书法艺术的博大精深,着重分析学生在书体形式特点和审美欣赏方面表现出的得失。让学生懂得在欣赏书法时主要是通过对抽像的点画线条、结构形态和章法布局等有“情趣意味“的形式,从客观物象各种美的体态,安致这些独有的特性中,使人们在欣赏时得到精神上健康闲静的愉悦和人们意念境界里的美妙享受。

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