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仁爱版初二英语下Unit 7Topic 1Section B1.docx

1、仁爱版初二英语下Unit 7Topic 1Section B1Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic1 Were preparing for a food festival.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元的主要内容围绕美食节展开。第一话题的主要内容是筹备美食节,从讨论筹备原因入手,到了解不同国家的饮食文化,融入功能项目里的“提建议”、“征求意见”、“赞美”和“邀请”等社交语言。倡导学生在学习的同时,学会关心,帮助世界上其他国家需要帮助的人,从而树立正确的人生观和价值观。本话题的语法重点是that引导的宾语从句。本话题建议用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a,1b

2、,1c,1d,3第二课时:Section A-2 Section B-1a,1b,1c,3a,3b第三课时:Section B-2 Section C-1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section D-3,Section C-2,3, Section D-2第五课时:Section D-Grammar and focus,1a,1b,Project 第二课时(Section A-2 Section B-1a,1b,1c,3a,3b)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为SectionA-2与SectionB-1c及Section B -1a。SectionA-2与SectionB-1c分别练习that引导

3、的宾语从句的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,句型较简单易学,所以将两部分结合在一起。首先完成SectionB-1c新词汇的学习,同时操练that引导的宾语从句的特殊疑问句,然后将两部分的素材结合在一起操练that引导的宾语从句的一般疑问句。目的是简化任务,同时为接下来的学习扫清词汇方面的障碍。本节课将教学主体部分设计成pre-listening, while-listening和post-listening三个阶段,思路清晰,便于教师操作。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇soup, cheese, cookie, set the table, p

4、ancake, western, Indian, fry, sushi, curry, Russian, Italian, African(2)掌握that引导的宾语从句一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答语。Do you think?Yes, I think so. / No, I dont think so.Where do you think that? I think (that)(3)语音: 在单词中区别/ aK /和/ /的发音。在宾语从句中注意that的弱读以及一些句子成分的重读,并进行听和跟读模仿练习。2. Skill aims: 能根据图文就“美食节”举办筹划,食物准备,食物和所属国

5、家搭配跟同学进行口语交流。3. Emotional aims:通过小组间良性的竞争与合作,培养友好互助的精神。4. Culture awareness:了解各国饮食习惯以及各国代表性食物。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)讨论食物准备相关话题。(2)掌握that引导的宾语从句的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。2. Difficult points: 利用宾语从句的特殊疑问句讨论食物和所属国家搭配的话题。. Learning strategies学会用归类的方式来记忆单词。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体课件/图片V.

6、 Teaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)T: Hi, class! Nice to meet you again. Whos on duty today?T: Thank you for your report. Dont worry, xxx just has a cold and I think he will be better and come b

7、ack to school tomorrow.Make a duty report as usualS1: Im on duty today. Its Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 today. Everyone is here except xxx. He is ill and the doctor told him to stay at home and have a rest. I hope he will get better and return to school soon. Thanks.Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新

8、的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论、头脑风暴等。Stage 2(3mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Preview the key phrases and sentences learned in Section A.T: Hi, boys and girls. Do you remember what Kangkang and his friends will do to help Craig Kielburger?T: Yes. An

9、d in order to hold the festival, what will Kangkang do?T:If they need help, what will they do?T: What will the food festival be like? Can you imagine it?Revise the phrases learned in Section A.Ss: They will hold a food festival to raise money for him.Ss: Kangkang will get in touch with Craig Kielbur

10、ger to get more information about him.Ss: They will turn to their teachers.S1: I imagine that they will prepare many delicious food.S2: I imagine that there will be many guests in the food festival.回顾Section A的内容,复习学过的短语。Remark:为了节省时间,也可以直接把学过的词汇和句型利用PPT呈现在白板上,让学生英汉互译或者用短语造句。Stage 3(15mins): Pre-lis

11、tening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Show the pictures and the example in SectionB-1c on the screen. Discuss with the students to learn the news words in SectionB-1c, and then practice the object clauses.T: I also believe that they will prepare many delicious foods

12、. Well, Do you love delicious food? T: What kind of food is your favorite?T: S1, you mean you have a sweet tooth.T: That means you like eating sweet food. What about you?T: OK, S4, Where do you think pizza is from?T: Yes, youre right. Pizza is from Italy, so we call it Italian pizza. In this lesson

13、I want to introduce some typical foods from different countries. Look at these pictures. What are they?(pointing at a picture of Indian curries)T: Thats right. Since you call them Indian curries, where do you think they are from?T: Good! It seems that you know a lot about foreign food. Lets discuss

14、some other foreign foods in pairs. You can guess where they are from. Just ask and answer like this: Whats this / are they? I think its / theyre Where do you think its/ theyre from? I think its / theyre fromT: Well done! You all had a warm discussion and I think you know more about the typical foods

15、 from different countries. Now Id like you to show your guessing result. For the first picture, which pair would like to say something about it?T: Do you think so?T: I agree with you. who would like to say something about the second one?T: Just as you said, the Greek cheese pies are from Greece. Gre

16、ek is an adjective and its used before the noun “cheese pies” to modify it. Greece is a name of a country. So can you match the adj. with the names of the countries? You may match them with a sentence. For example: Greek cheese pies are from Greece.Learn the new words and practice object clauses by

17、discussing.Ss: Sure!S1: I like eating chocolates. S1: Sorry, Miss What does “have a sweet tooth” mean?S2: I like Sushi.S3: Hamburgers. S4: I like Pizza best.S1: Its from Italy.Ss: They are Indian curries.Ss: Theyre from India.Ss: P1: A: What are they?B:I think theyre cheese piesA: Where do you think

18、 theyre from?B: I think theyre from America.S3: No, I dont think so. I think theyre from Greece.P2: S1: Indian curries are from India.S2: 通过师生讨论的方式理解和掌握国家名词和相应的形容词。两人一组模仿所给例句编对话,练习宾语从句的特殊疑问句。2(Pair work)Show the example in SectionA-2 and the pictures in SectionB-1c on the screen.T: Good. Do you thin

19、k that the children need to make Greek cheese pies?T: And what else do they need to do? Do they need to set the table?T: It means “to lay the tableware before meals”. For example, you should help to set the table before dinners.T: Well, lets work in pairs and discuss what else they need to do. You m

20、ay follow the example. Of course, the phrases and pictures may help you.S3: Yes, I think so.S4: Sorry, Miss, what does “set the table” mean?S4: Thank you. And I think they need to set the table.P3:A: Do you think that the children need to cook fried rice?B: No I dont think so. I think they need cook

21、 black bread.P4: 将SectionB-1c与SectionA-2结合起来,利用这两个部分所提供的短语和图片,两人一组模仿所给例句编对话,练习宾语从句的一般疑问句。Remark:1c中国家名称与相应的形容词的区别与巩固可以设计成连线题。让学生对比并总结国家名称与相应的形容词有助于学生分类和记忆。Stage4(5mins): While - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose:1(Individual work)Play the video of 1a. Show the table on

22、the screen. A. chocolate cookies B. cheese pies C. curriesKangkang D. beef curryMaria E. black boardJane F. fried riceMichael G. sushi H. pizza I. dumplingsT: Lets see what kind of food Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are going to prepare for the food festival. Please listen to the conversation an

23、d match the names with the food they will cook.T: Lets check your answers. What food is Kangkang going to prepare to cook?T: How about Michael, Jane and Maria?Watch the video and match.S1: Fried rice and Japanese sushi.Ss: Listen to 1a and complete the passage in 1b.S1: Let me try. Jane, Michael, Ka

24、ngkang and Maria are talking由易到难完成1a。2(Individual work)Play the tape recorder. Check the answers to 1b.T: You did quite well. Now lets listen again. Fill in the blanks and complete the passage in 1b.T: Have you got the answers? Who would like to read the passage for us?Remark:教师也可自行设计几道first-listeni

25、ng的题目,然后再听时完成1b.Stage 5(8mins): Post-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Ask Ss to act out 1a in roles in groups. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.T: Now lets work in groups and read the dialog in roles. Pay attention to the pronunciation and i

26、ntonation. And then Ill ask some groups to read and act it out later.T: Which group would like to be the first to act the dialog out!T: You did quite well! And I think you will do better in the next task.Read 1a in roles in groups. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ss: 鼓励学生大声开口说英语。2(

27、Class activity )Go over the conversation and deal with the language points in 1a.T: OK, everyone. Now please read through the conversation and lets deal with the language points.Learn the language points in 1a.Ss: RemarkStage 5(7mins):Pronunciation3(class activity)Play the recording of 3a. T: Your s

28、poken English is almost good, but just as you know, a good English learner should always pay attention to his pronunciation. So lets learn more about it. First, listen to the tape and find how the letters or combined letters pronounce.T: Can you tell me the difference between “ow” and “ou” in pronun

29、ciation?T: Great! You did better than I believe. Can you find the difference between the two sounds?T: Good job! Now read the words loudly after the tape. Please try to imitate. T: You know, the stress and weak form are also important in your pronunciation. Look at the three sentences in 3b. The sem

30、icolon “”is the sign of stress and “-”is the sign of weak form. First you can read by yourselves and pay attention to the stress and weak form in object clauses.T: OK, now lets listen to the tape and try to imitate.Read the pairs of words and phrases aloud, paying attention to the sounds of the unde

31、rlined letters. Then listen and try to imitate.S1: The combined letters “ow” and “ou” can pronounce / au /.S2: “ou” also pronounces / /.S3: The letters “o” and “u” can pronounce / /.S4: When we pronoun / au /, we should open our mouths widely. But theres no need to do so when we pronounce / /.Ss: Ss: Ss: 认真听录音,大单开口,反复模仿。Remark:让学生

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