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1、中考单词拼写练习改编2019中考单词拼写练习(根据2018全国各省市中考单词拼写真题改编)1In the north of China, there are usually a lot of snow when w_ comes. 2A l_ at a school is a place for students to borrow and lend books3It is common for people in China to r_ shared bikes to and from work. 4Dont worry about your kids. They are old enoug

2、h to l_ after themselves5Sunny and w_ days are good for flying kites6Its a good h_ to brush your teeth after a meal. 7The pen I bought yesterday cost me 15 yuan. 8When we left, the kids said goodbye to us in a p_ way1.winter 2.library 3.ride 4.look 5.windy 6.habit 7.cost 8.polite9I invited my friend

3、s to watch the v_ of the basketball game that Id recorded. 10Tom was sick and l_ down on the bed yesterday. 11The bus was very c_ with people, so we had to stand. 12- Do you think we should spend more money on education? - C_ ! I couldnt agree more. 13Sorry, Ive f_ your email address. Could you plea

4、se tell me again? 14 Be p_. It takes more time. You should read something you enjoy every day. 15A square has four sides and four corners. 16January is the f_month of the year. 17The Chinese womens volleyball team w_ a gold medal in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. 18You will r_ a warm welcome if you com

5、e to our school video/videos lay crowded Certainly forgottenpatient sides first medal receive 71Tom, take out the rubbish. Mum will be mad if she sees this m_. 72During the next few days, I have decided to have a good rest by taking a walk or seeing a film. I really need to r_ . 73To sing an English

6、 song correctly I listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the d_. 74I couldnt help laughing loudly when I heard such a f_ story. 75Tiangong , Chinas first space lab, r_to the earth after finishing its job on April 2 this year. 71.mess. 72. relax 73. dictionary. 74. funny 75 return4

7、6Although she is in her eighties , Tu Youyou still keeps on doing research on m_. 47Zhu Zhiwen won a talent s_ called The Sound because of his excellent voice and wonderful acting skills. 48Before travelling, my mother often p_ everything well. 49Neils coach gave him several s_ to avoid getting lost

8、. 50Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them w_ 46. medicine 47. show 48. prepares 49. suggestions 50. wisely五、(2018山东泰安)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答題卡相应的位置上。 51- Cindy, what kind of restaurants do you like? - I p_restaurants that can provide customers with tasty wine. 52Mr

9、. King is very patient. He often explains difficult problems many times u_ we understand. 53Its not s_ for people to use the mobile phone while crossing the street. 54China has been making many great a_ in every field these years, which greatly surprised the world. 55Teenagers should be encouraged t

10、o learn and s_ Chinese traditional culture. 51. prefer 52. until 53. safe 54. achievements 55. spread六、(2018浙江宁波)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 36A_ is the fourth month of the year. 37The harder you work, the more p_ youll make. 38There will be a high-speed railway, b_ Ningbo and Zhoushan. 39The

11、 use of new energy cars helps to r_ air pollution. 40Drinking too much wine can be h_ to peoples health 41I met a friend of h_ in the street yesterday. 42I cant hear you clearly. Please speak a little bit l_. 43-Who is knocking at the door? - Maybe its the postman. 44Liu Chuanjian is considered a he

12、ro b_ he safely landed the damaged plane. 45Mr. Smith k_ his wife and kids before he goes to work every day. 36. 4th/fourth 37. progress 38. between 39. reduce 40. harmful41. hers 42. louder 43. Who 44. because 45. kisses七、(2018 山东滨州)根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。 76Youll be punished if you break the traffic

13、r_. 77In my hometown, there was a small tree o_ to the school. 78In most countries, Thanksgiving is always on the fourth T_ in November. 79On March 14th, 2018, the world-famous British s_, Stephen Hawking, died at 76 in Cambridge, UK. 80Maybe you are just one of millions in the world, but to me, you

14、 are the w_ world. 76. rules 77. opposite 78. Thursday 79. scientist 80. whole八、(2018安徽)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 91My grandparents are b_ (忙碌)making zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival. 92Everyone has a r_ (角色)to play in making our country more beautiful. 93The little boy is always keeping h

15、is bedroom clean and t_(整齐) . 94A good hobby a_. (增加) a lot of fun to our spare life. 95Please think t_ (两次) before you hand in your paper.九、(2018山东青岛)根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。 36_(谁的) baseball is this? It belongs to Tony. 37Teenagers should have more_(机会)to make their own decisions. 38Believe us! We can

16、finish the work with the_(最少的)money. 39.The mother walked into the bedroom_(安静地)while the baby was sleeping. 40There is a bookstore_(在对面) our school. 十、(2018江苏连云港)根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 46Diana was a little fat in the past. But now she is much_(瘦的) than before. 47Paul has found a new job and is_(考

17、虑) moving to a new flat near his company. 48-Do you like watching these TED_(演说) online? -Yes, Ive learned a lot from them. 49Some foreigners living in our city will be _ (邀 请) to share their life experiences with us. 50-Have you ever used Meitu? - Of course. Its one of the most _(广泛地) used free pho

18、to editing apps in the world. 十一、(2018云南)第一节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)66. Grace loves dancing. She wants to be a _ when she grows up. (dance)67. Its important for everyone to know how to ask for help _. (polite)68. The young should learn to make decisions by _. (they)69.

19、2018 Football World Cup is being held in Russia now. It is the _ Football World Cup. (twenty-one)70. _ are those who make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed. (friend)第二节 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)71. Nowadays, many foreigners _ lea

20、rning Chinese. (对感兴趣)72. We will have a party in the classroom _. (后天)73. Whales are _ because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill them for meat. (处于危险之中)74. _ is a problem in all places around the world - in developing and developed countries. (食品安全)75. When youre learning a new

21、 language, you cant be afraid to _,otherwise, you wont get very far. (出错)十二、(2018黑龙江绥化)请在答题卡上把你的答紧写在相对应的题号后的指定区城内(A)用所给词的适当形式填空。(词数不限)46.Is 9:00 oclock in the morning, Zhu Huis parents_(make) zongzi at home.47.She used to_ (be) shy, but now shes outgoing.48.My watch doesnt work, Ill have it _(repair

22、).49.Gina always keeps_ (silent) in class.50.Weve worked for a long time, lets stop _(have) a rest.51.Im going to be a_(science) w hen l grow up.52.No one knows what robots will be able _(do) in the future.(C)根据句意或中文提示完成下列句子。(每空一词) 58Our hometown has left many soft and sweet_ (记忆)in our hearts. 59He

23、 _50 yuan for the dictionary yesterday. 60China is famous_ the Great Wall. 61He made a_(决定)to go abroad after graduation. 62Australia is a(an)_(讲英语的)country.十三、(2018四川广安)根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的位置。 61. Jane would like to live on the _ (第十二) floor. 62. Monkeys eat meat, _ (树叶) fruit and e

24、ven eggs. 63. In some places, it isnt _ (有礼貌的) to look at people when you talk. 64. Millie lives on a healthy diet. She _ (很少) has sweet snacks. 65. It _ (闻起来) so strong that I don t like it at all. 66. You will be heavily_ (惩罚) if you don t obey these rules. 67. - Where is your father? - He has alr

25、eady _ (飞) to Beijing. 68. - When will our school sports meeting be held? - It will be held on _ (十一月)10th. 69. The restaurant is open every day _ (除了) Monday. 70. Danniel did the exercises too _ (粗心地), and it made his teacher angry. 十四、(2018江苏无锡)四、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) (A) 根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上

26、,写出单词的正确形式。 38. Hey! What are you listening to? Its a _ (私人的)conversation. 39. When you have the _ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind. 40. Its a tradition of this school to _ (命名)its buildings after great people. 41. Frank hasnt got any hobbies _ (除非)you call watching TV a hobby.(B) 根据句意,

27、在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。42. I really hate myself for what I said to Mum the other day.I know the _ (feel). Its awful, isnt it?43. How can I trust you? Youve _ (lie) to me again and again.44. Its _ (high) possible that humans have to move to Mars in the future.45. The tourists had waited at the a

28、irport for two hours. They were getting _ (patient).十五、(2018甘肃白银) .词汇考查(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) A)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. An apple_(keep )the doctor away. 2. Too much sugar is bad for your_(tooth). 3. The days of spring are_(wind) and bright. 4. You shouldnt be too hard on _(you). 5. Many April Fools jo

29、kes may end up _(be) not very funny. 6. I havent seen them _(recent).7. This machine can_(translate) simple messages into 24 different languages.8. I have already asked him_(two)but he hasnt given me any reply.9. Please be quiet. The children_(sleep).10. My father usually goes to work early_(avoid)heavy traffic.十六、(2018甘肃兰州)八、词汇考查(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 用括

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