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1、完整word版二语习得期末复习资料Chapter 1 introducing second language acquisition1.SLA: a term that refers both to the study of individuals and groups who are learning a language subsequent to learning their first one as young children, and to the process of learning that language.2.Second language: an officially

2、or societally dominant language (not L1) needed for education, employment or other basic purposes3.Informal L2 learning: SLA that takes place in naturalistic contexts4.Formal L2 learning: instructed learning that takes place in classroom5.Linguistic competence: the underlying knowledge that a speake

3、r/hearer have of a language. Chomsky distinguishes this form linguistic performance.6.Linguistic performance: the use of language knowledge in actual production.7.First language/native language/mother tongue (L1): the language acquired in childhood8.Simultaneous multilingualism: ability to use one o

4、r more languages that were auqired during early childhood.9.Sequential multilingualism: ability to use one or more languages that were learned after L1 had already been established.1.What are the three basic questions in SLA?(1)What exactly does the L2 learner come to know?(2)How does the L2 leaner

5、acquire this knowledge?(3)Why are some learners more successful than others?2.Why there are no simple answers to these questions? (P2)Chapter 2 foundations of second language acquisition1.Multilingualism: the ability to use more than one language.2.Bilingualism: the ability to use two languages.3.Mo

6、nolingualism: the ability to use only one language.4.Multilingual competence: “the compound state of a mind with two or more grammars”5.Monolingual competence: knowledge of only one language.6.Learner language: also called interlanguage which refers to the intermediate states or interim grammars of

7、leaner language as it moves toward the target L2.7.Positive transfer: appropriate incorporation(合并,编入) of an L1 structure or rule in L2 structure.8.Negative transfer: inappropriate influence of an L1 structure or rule in L2 use, also called interference.9.Fossilization: a stable state in SLA where l

8、earners cease their interlanguage development before they reach target norms despite continuing L2 input and passage of time.10.Poverty-of-the-stimulus: the argument that because language input to children is impoverished(穷尽的) and they still acquire L1, there must be an innate capacity for L1 acquis

9、ition.11.Innate capacity: a natural ability, usually referring to childrens natural ability to learn or acquire language.1.What is the nature of language learning?(1)Simultaneous/sequential multilingualism(2)The role of natural abilitya)Humans are born with a natural ability or innate capacity to le

10、arn another language. b)As children mature, so do their language abilities. c)Individual variation may occur in learning; the rate of learning can differ, but there are stages everyone goes through. d)“Cut off point”- if the process does not happen at a young age, youll never learn the language. (关键

11、期假说) (Critical Period Hypothesis) (3)The role of social experiencea)Children will never acquire language unless that language is used with them and around them, no matter what is their language. b)As long as children are experiencing input and social interaction, the rate and sequence of development

12、 doesnt change. c)The only thing that may change is pronunciation, vocabulary, and social function.2.What are some basic similarities and differences in L1 and L2 learning? (P17表格)(1)Similarities between L1 and L2a)Development stagesInitial State - knowledge about language structures and principles

13、Intermediate State - Basic language development Final State - Outcome of learningb)Necessary conditions: Input(2)Differences between L1 and L2(P17表格)3.What is “the logical problem of language acquisition”?(1)Childrens knowledge of language goes beyond what could be learned from the input they receiv

14、e. (Poverty-of-the stimulus)(2)Constraints and principles cannot be learned(3)Universal patterns of development cannot be explained by language-specific input.(如果说普遍语法存在孩子们脑中,那语言输入起的作用又如何解释呢?)4.Framework for SLA(P24&P26)Perspectives, foci, and frameworksperspectivefociframeworkLinguisticInternal Tra

15、nsformational-Generative GrammarPrinciples and Parameters ModelMinimalist ProgramexternalFunctionalismpsychologyLanguahe and the brainNeurolinguisticsLearning processesInformation ProcessingProcessability ConnectionismIndividual differenceHumanistic modelsSocialMicrosocialVariation TheoryAccomodatio

16、n TheorySociocultural TheoryMacrosocialEthnography of CommunicationAcculturation TheorySocial Psychology5.Give at least three reasons that many scientists believe in some innate capacity for language(1)Children begin to learn their language at the same age, and in much the same way regardless of wha

17、t the language is.(2)Children are not limited to repeating what they heard; they can understand and create novel(新颖) utterance.(3)There is a cut-off age for L1 acquisition, beyond which it can never be completed.6.Linguists have taken an internal and external focus to the study of language acquisiti

18、on. What is the difference between the two?The internal focus seeks to account for speakers internalized, underlying knowledge of language. The external focus emphasizes language use, including the functions of language which are realized in learners production at different stages of development. Ch

19、apter 3 the linguistics of second language acquisition1.Interference: also called negative transfer, which means inappropriate influence of an L1 structure or rule in L2 use.2.Interlanguage: also called learner language, which refers to the intermediate states or interim grammars of leaner language

20、as it moves toward the target L2.3.Natural order: a universal sequence in the grammatical development of language learners.4.Universal grammar: a linguistic framework developed most prominently by Chomsky which claims that L1 acquisitions can be accounted for only by innate knowledge that the human

21、species is genetically endowed with. This knowledge includes what all languages have in common.5.Language faculty: term used by Chomsky foe a “component of the human mind” that accounts for childrens innate knowledge of language.6.Principles: properties(固有属性) of all languages of the world; part of C

22、homskys universal grammar.7.Parameters: limited options in realization of universal principles which account for grammatical variation between languages of the world. Part of Chomskys theory of universal grammar. 8.Initial state: the starting point of language acquisition; it is thought to include t

23、he underlying knowledge about language structures and principles that are in learners heads at the very start of L1 or L2 acquisition. 9.Final state: the outcome of L1 and L2 learning, also known as the stable state of adult grammar. 10.Markedness: a basic for classification of languages according t

24、o whether a specific feature occurs more frequently than a contrasting element in the same category, is less complex structurally or conceptually, or is more “normal” or “expected” along some dimensions.11.Grammaticalization(语法化): a developmental process in which a grammatical function(such as expre

25、ssion of past time) is first conveyed by shared extralinguistic knowledge and inferencing based on the context of discourse, then by a lexical word(such as yesterday), and only later by a grammatical marker(such as the suffix -ed).一、The nature of language1.What we learn in linguistic perspective? Wh

26、at are the characteristics of language?Both L1 and L2 learners acquire knowledge at these different levels: lexicon(词汇学), phonology(语音学), morphology(构词法), syntax(句法). Languages are systemic, symbolic and social.二、Contrastive analysis1.What is contrastive analysis?CA is an approach to the study of SL

27、A which involves predicting and explaining learner problems based on a comparison of L1 and L2 to determine similarities and differences.2.What is the goal of contrastive analysis?(assumptions)(1)If L2 acquisition is disturbed by the habits of your native language, it is reasonable to focus on the d

28、ifferences between native and target language.(2)Contrastive analysis had a practical goal: If you recognize the differences between your native language and the target language, you are able to overcome the linguistic habits of your native language that interfere with the habits of the target langu

29、age.3.What are the critiques of contrastive analysis?(1)The process of L2 acquisition is not sufficiently described by the characterization of errors.(2)Errors in L2 acquisition do not only arise from interference.(3)The structural differences between two languages are not sufficient to predict the

30、occurrence of errors in L2 acquisition.三、Error analysis1.What is error analysis?EA is based on the description and analysis of actual learner errors in L2, rather than on idealized linguistic structures attributed to native speakers of L1 and L2 (as in CA). 2.What is the difference between CA and EA

31、?Contrastive analysisError analysisPedagogical orientationScientific orientationFocus on input, practice, inductive learningFocus on linguistic and cognitive processesErrors of transferMultiple types of errors3.What are the shortcomings of EA?(1)Ambiguity in classification. (不知道是具体是哪个原因导致比如时态错误,可能是一

32、语影响,也可能是在一语中出现过的universal developmental process)(2)Lack of positive data. (正确的被忽略,只关注错误不能看出学生学到什么)(3)Potential for avoidance. (学生会避免错误,这样错误就不能全部被观察)四、Interlanguage1.What are the characteristics of interlanguage?(1)Systematic.(2)Dynamic.(3)Variable.(可变性) although systematic, differences in context result in different patterns of language use.(4)Reduced system, both in form and function. (学习者经常会简单化)2.There ar

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