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届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件必修4 Unit5精选doc.docx

1、届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件必修4 Unit5精选doc2019届高考英语人教版一轮复习课件:必修4 Unit5 1 cartoon n _ 2 fantasy n. _ 3 wherever adv.conj. _ 4 swing n. _ _ 5 souvenir n. _ 6 carpenter n. _ 漫画;动画片 幻想;怪念头 无论在什么地方;各处 秋千;摇摆 摇摆;摆动 纪念品 木匠 7 engine n. _ 8 sword n. _ 9 tournament n. _ 10 jungle n. _ 11 creature n. _ 12 brand n. _ 1

2、3 shuttle n. _ 14 sneaker n. _ 15 brochure n. _ 引擎;发动机 剑 剑 锦标赛;联赛;( 中世纪) 骑士比武 丛林 生物;动物 商标;牌子 往返汽车;航天飞机 运动鞋 ( 作宣传或介绍用的) 小册子;指南 1 _ n. 题目;主题( 曲) 2 _ adj. 中心的;中央的 3 _ adj. 独 一无二的;仅有的 4 _ vt. 保存;保留 n. 保护区 5 _ n. 外出;短途旅行;远足 6 _ n. 阳光 7 _ n. 旅游业 8 _ n. 行动;事迹 theme central unique preserve outing sunlight t

3、ourism deed 1 _ adj. 不同的;各种各样的 _ n 变化;多样性 _ 使多样化;变化 2 _ n 长度;长 _ v 加长 _ adj. 长的 3 _ n 移民;殖民者 _ 安家;定居;解决 4 _ n 译员;翻译 _ v 翻译 _ n 翻译 , 译文 various variety vary length lengthen long settler settle translator translate translation 5 _前 前进;促进;提前 n. 前进;进步 _ adj. 高级的;先进的 6 _ n 允许进入;入场费;承

4、认 _ v 承 认 7 _ n 乐 消遣;娱乐( 活动) _ vt. 使发笑;使快乐 8 _ n 有吸引力的事物;吸引 _ vt.吸 吸引 _ adj. 吸引人的 9 _ n 少数;少数民族 _ n ( 反义词)多数 10 _ adj. 中心的;中央的 _ n 中心 advance advanced admission admit amusement amuse attraction attract attractive minority majority central centre 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 With the help of the _ technology, we ca

5、n complete the task in _ (advance) 2 The audience was _ by the performance in the _ park.(amuse) 3 There are _ goods in the supermarket, and the prices _ from cents to dollars. The _ attracts many customers.(various) advanced advance amused amusement various vary variety 4 Tom applied for _ to the g

6、raduate program at Northwestern University but wasn t _ into it at last. (admit) 5 Some tourist _ in Beijing _ many foreigners to pay a visit because they are_. (attract) admission admitted attractions attract attractive 1 _ 以 而闻名 2 _ 对 熟悉 3 _ 根据 模仿; 仿造 4 _ 参加 5 _ 提前 6 _ 实现 7 _ 难怪; 不足为奇 8 _ 玩得高兴 9 _

7、 接近 10 _ 活跃起来 be famous for be familiar with be modelled after take part in in advance come true no wonder have fun get close to come to life 选用上面的短语填空 1 (2018 青岛适应性测试)My uncle has lived in the city for many years, so he _ it. 2 (2018 贵阳统一考试)Your dream will _ sooner or later as long as you do your b

8、est. 3 As is known to all, this education system _ the French one. is familiar with come true is modelled after 4 Hangzhou _ its West Lake and also famous as a beautiful city. 5 You shouldn t stay at your office all day; _ nature is good for your health. 6 I d appreciate it if you could let me know

9、_ whether or not you will come. is famous for getting close to in advance 后缀 sion 高频名词集锦 admission 承认;允许进入 impression 印象 possession 拥有 conclusion 结论 confusion 困惑;混淆 permission 允许;许可 decision 决定 后缀-th 高频名词荟萃 length 长度 strength 力量 warmth 温暖 width 宽度 depth 深度 no 名词 短语聚焦 no wonder 难怪 no way 没门;不行 no pro

10、blem 没问题 no more/longer 不再 no hurry 不急;勿慌 no surprise 毫无意外 1 some.others. 有些 有些 Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. 2 wh-ever 引导的让步状语从句 Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you! 3

11、 not only.but(also) 不但 而且 Futuroscope is not only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. 句式仿写 1 一些人有自然美的嗓音 , 然而其他一些人有丰富的面部表情。 _ have naturally beautiful voices ,_ have rich facial expressions. 2 无论结果怎样 , 我们都要微笑着接受 , 因为我们已经尽了全力。 _ ,we should accept it with

12、 a smile ,because we have tried our best. Some people while others Whatever/No matter what the result is 3 旅游不仅能开阔我们的视野 , 而且有益于我们的身体健康。 Travelling can _ our horizons, _ _ our health. not only broaden but also benefit/be beneficial to various adj. 不同的; 各种各样的 ( 经典例句)There are various activities that s

13、uit the tastes of different people. 有适合不同人爱好的各种各样的活动。 (1)for various reasons 由于种种原因 (2)variety n. 变化; 多样性; 种类 a variety of varieties of all kinds of 种类繁多的 , 各种各样的 (3)vary vt. vi. 改变; 变化 vary 从 到 变化不等; 在 到 之间变动 One of the advantages is that we can find a variety of topics, such as science, c

14、ulture and history. 其中优势之一是我们能够找到各种主题 , 如:科学、文化、历史等。 基础练习 单句语法填空 (1)The research team is made up of the pupils, whose ages _ (various) from 10 to 15. (2)There are _ (variety) of reasons in favor of my opinion that a Chinese dictionary shouldnt include English words. vary varieties 能力提升 词汇升级 (3)(2017

15、 全国卷 书面表达) 展览不仅展示了不同地区 各种各样的剪纸 , 而且向我们展示了中国剪纸的历史和发展。 低频词汇: The exhibition not only shows all kinds of paper cuts in different regions, but also presents to us the history and development of paper cutting in China. 高频词汇: The exhibition not only shows _ paper cuts in different regions, but also presen

16、ts to us the history and development of paper cutting in China. various/a variety of/varieties of preserve vt. 保护, , 维护, , 保存( 使免受破坏) n. 保护区 ( 经典例句)The local government has built a natural preserve to protect this endangered animal. 为了保护濒临灭绝的动物 ,当地政府已建立了自然保护区。 (1)preserve sb./sth. from sth. 保护 免受 (2

17、)nature preserve 自然保护区 (3)well-preserved adj. 保存良好的 We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources. 我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。 I think these interesting old customs should be preserved. 我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保留下来。 巧学活用 单句语法填空 (1)The organization was set up to preserve endangered species _ extinctio

18、n. (2)Some suggestions are made at the meeting that these traditional customs _ (preserve) and handed down one generation after another. from (should) be preserved advance vt. vi. 促进; 前进; 提前; 提出 n 前进; 高升; 预先 adj. 预先的; 事先的 (2015 北京卷单项填空)To catch the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got

19、up very early. 为了赶上早班飞机 , 我们提前订了出租车 , 而 且起床很早。 (1)advance on/upon/towards 朝 朝 前进 be advanced to 被提拔为 (2)in advance 预先; 提前( 指事先) in advance of 在 前面; 超过 make advances in 在 方面取得进步 This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的 认识。 China has made great a

20、dvances in science and technology in the past decade. 在过去十年里 , 中国在科技方面进步很大。 基础练习 单句语法填空 (1)( 天津卷书面表达)Having shown you around our school, we will introduce our most _ (advance) science lab to you. (2)He worked so well that he was soon advanced _ the position of manager. advanced to 能力提升 一句多译 (3) 如果周末

21、你打算邀请朋友去质量好的饭店吃饭 , 最好提前订桌。 If you are to treat your friends to dinner in a good restaurant at the weekend, you d better _ _ (advance) If you are to treat your friends to dinner in a good restaurant at the weekend, you d better _ _ (ahead) book a table in book a table ahead advance of time/schedule n

22、o wonder 难怪; 不足为奇 (材 教材 P 34 )With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的东西, , 难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园, , 哪里的旅游业就会发展。 (1)No wonder (that) . Its no wonder (that) . 难怪 ; ; 不足为奇。 wonder whether/if/when/why/how. 想知道是否/ 什么时候/ 为什么/ 怎么 (2)It is no use/good doing

23、 sth. 做某事无益。 There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问 There is no point (in) doing sth. 做某事无意义。 There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事。 No wonder he was admitted into Tsinghua Universityhe was so intelligent and hard-working. 他那么聪明又勤奋好学 , 难怪他被清华大学录取了。 I wonder if you could give me some advice on how to learn Engli

24、sh. 我想知道您是否能给我一些如何学习英语的建议。 基础练习 单句语法填空 (1)He is the best student in the school. _ is no doubt that he can get the first prize. (2)Now that we have finished our work, there is no point _ (stay) any longer; we may as well go home. (3)There is no need _ (worry); everything will be all right. 能力提升 完成句子

25、(4) 他三天没睡觉了 , 难怪他疲惫不堪。 He hasn t slept at all for three days. _ _ he is tired out. There staying to worry No wonder/It is no wonder that come to life 活跃起来; 苏醒过来 ( 经典例句)I love to watch everything come to life again in the spring. 我爱看万物在春天复苏。 (1)come to (oneself) 苏醒过来 come back to life 苏醒过来; 复活 when i

26、t comes to. 当谈及 (2)bring sth. (back) to life 使 生动; 使 恢 复生机 live/lead a .life 过着 的生活 make a life 生活; 享受生活 When the children heard that their teacher came to life, the whole class came to life at once. 当孩子们听说老师苏醒过来时, , 整个班立刻活跃起来了。 After the earthquake, the villagers tried their best to bring the villa

27、ge back to life. 地震后, , 村民们尽力使村庄恢 复生机。 巧学活用 完成句子 (1) 说到教育, , 大部分人认为它是一个终生学习的过程。 _, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. (2) 得知要举办艺术展 , 你们就展出场所征集意见 , 我们都积极活跃起来。 The moment weve learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that youre collecting suggestions on its location, _ _. When it comes to education we all came to life admission n 允许进 入;入场费;门票;承认 (1)gain admission to/into 获准进入 make an admission 承认 (2)admit vt. 承认;允许进入 admit doing

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