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1、英美国家概况课后习题英美概况课后习题Chapter 1 The Land (P8). Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.(B)1. The full and official name of Great Britain changed into its present-day form in the year of .A. 1920 B. 1927 C. 1914 D. 1945(B)2. The highest mountain peak in Britain is in _.A. England B. Sco

2、tland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland(A)3. The longest river in Britain is the _ River.A. Severn B. Thames C. Mersey D. Humber(D)4. The largest lake in Britain is located in _.A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland(A)5. The highest mountain peak in Britain is called _.A. Ben Nevis B. Cross

3、 Fell C. Snowdon D. Scafell(D)6. The Lake District is well-known for _.A. its wild and beautiful scenery B. its varied lakesC. the lake Poets D. all of the above three(A)7. Which of the following is NOT the feature of British climate?A. coldness B. more rainy days C. changeability D. more fogs(C) 8.

4、 The leading anthracite coalfields in Britain are in _. A. Scotland B. England C. Wales D. the North SeaIV. Translate the following into Chinese1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. The Strait of Dover 多佛海峡3. The English Channel 英吉利海峡4. Greenwich 格林威治8. The Brit

5、ain Isles 大不列颠群岛13. The Thames River 泰晤士河14. The Severn River 塞汶河15. Lake Neigh 讷湖16. Lake District 湖区18. Edinburgh 爱丁堡19. Glasgow 格拉斯哥20. Cardiff 加的夫Questions1.3 features of British climateWinter fog Rainy daysInstability/changeability Chapter 2 The People (P17). Choose the correct answer and circl

6、e the letter before it.(C)2. The English people are descendants of .A. Celts B. Romans C. Anglo-Saxons D. Danes (C)3. Middle English took shape about a century after the Conquest.A. Roman B. Anglo-Saxon C. Norman D. Danish(A)6. The established church of Britain is .A. The Church of England B. Free c

7、hurchC. The United Reformed Church D. The Church of Scotland(A)7. Which of the following religious sects does not belong to Free Churches?A. the Roman Catholic Church B. QuakersC. Methodists D. Baptists (A)8. Easter is kept, commemorating the of Jesus Christ.A. Coming B. Birth C. Death D. Resurrecti

8、ngBlank filling2.The English people are the descendants of Anglo-Saxons, while the Scots, Welsh and Irish are the descendants of the Celts.8. Most of the British social customs are based on the Christian tradition.III. Match the names of the cities with the descriptions. Column A Column B_f_1. Liver

9、pool a. the steel manufacturing center of Britain _c_2. Hulls b. the former center of textile industry of Britain _g_3. Sheffield c. the fishing port in Humberside_b_4. Manchester d. the largest city in Britain _g_5. Glasgow e. the second largest city in Britain _d_6. London f. the district of Merse

10、yside_e_7. Birmingham g. the largest city in Scotland_i_8. Belfast h. the capital of Wales_j_9. Edinburgh i. the capital of Northern Ireland _h_10.Cardiff j. the capital of Scotland. Translate the following into Chinese1. Old English 古英语2. Middle English 中期英语3. Modern English 现代英语4. The Church of En

11、gland 英格兰圣公会6. Christmas 圣诞节7. Easter 复活节8. Westminster Abbey 西敏寺大教堂11. City of London 伦敦城 12. Outer London 外伦敦13. Poets Corner 诗人角 14. Birmingham 伯明翰Questions2. Westminster AbbeyIt is a large, mainly Gothic church, the traditional place of coronation and burial site for British monarchs. Particular

12、ly in poets Corner, many famous men and women are buried.3.ShakespeareGreat Tragedies2. the House of Commons 平民院亦称下院3. the Lord Chancellor 大法官5. the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交及联邦事务部6. the Home Office 内政部IV. Explain the following in Chinese2. Mr. Speaker 下院议长3. the Cabinet 内阁Questions4.What i

13、s the supreme legislative authority in Britain? What does it consist of?The supreme legislative authority rests with Parliament, which consist of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.5.The Privy CouncilThe Privy Council was formerly the chief source of executive power in the st

14、ate and give private advice to the King. So the Privy Council was also called the Kings Council in history. Today its role is largely formal, advising the sovereign to approve certain government decrees.Chapter 5 Party Politics and Judiciary (P35)IChoices1.The conservative and the Labour parties hav

15、e been in power by turns ever since _.A. the end of the 19th century B. the end of the First World WarC. the end of the Second World War D. the end of 1960s2.The general election in Britain is held every _ year.A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 67. The party that has the majority of seats in _ will form the governm

16、ent in Britain.A. the house of Commons B. the House of LordsC. the privy Council D. the Cabinet14. The Famous “Scotland Yard” refers to _.A. CIA B. CID D. New Scotland Yard D. House of ParliamentII. Blank Filling2. The conservative party developed out of the Tory Party, while the Liberal party devel

17、oped out of the Whig party.4. For the election purpose, Britain is divided into 651 constituencies, each of which elects one member of the House of Parliament.III. Translate the following into Chinese 6. the Lord Chancellor 大法官7. Home Secretary 内政大臣Chapter 6 Early Man and the Feudal Society (P54). C

18、hoose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.(C) 1. The earliest settlers on the British Isles were the _. A. Celts B. Gaels C. Iberians D. Brythons(B) 2. From 700 B.C., the Celts came from the _ and began to inhabit British isles. A. Iberian Peninsula B. Upper Rhineland C. Lower Rhinela

19、nd D. Scandinavian countries(B) 3. In 43 A.D., Roman under _ conquered Britain. A. Julius Caesar B. Claudius C. Augustine D. the Pope(B) 4.Roman Britain lasted until the year of _ when all Roman troops went back to the continent.A.400 A.D. B. 410 A.D. C.445 A.D. D.449 A.D.(D) 5.Which of the followin

20、g was NOT a thing of value left behind by Roman?A.Welsh Christianity B. the Roman Roads C. cities D. enormous wealth(A) 6.In the middle of fifth century, Anglo-Saxons came from the region of _ and the low Countries and settled in Britain.A.Denmark B. Norway C. Germany D. Holland(D) 8.Which of the fo

21、llow kingdoms was NOT set up by Angle? A. Northumbria B. Mercia C. East Anglia D. Kent(A) 9.Which of the follow kingdoms was set up by the Jutes? A. Kent B. Sussex C. Wessex D. Essex(C) 13. “Doomsday Book” was in fact a record of each mans _. A. experience B. behavior C. property D. reputation(B) 15

22、.The Great Charter was made in the interest of _. A. the King B. the feudal lords C. the townsmen D. the merchants. Translate the following into Chinese1. Roman Conquest 罗马征服2. Anglo-Saxon settlement 盎格鲁 撒克逊人的定居3. Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy 盎格鲁 撒克逊人七国时代5. Battle at Hastings 哈斯丁斯战役6. “Doomsday Book ” 末日审判

23、书7. the Great Charter 大宪章Questions6. All Estates Parliament 各级议会In 1265, Simon called a parliament with two knights from each shire and two citizens from each town. It was known as the “All Estates Parliament”.7. Model Parliament 模范议会Chapter 7 Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois Revolution (P65).

24、 Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.(C) 1. _ launched the Hundred Years War. A. Edward B. Edward C. Edward D. Henry (C) 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The Hundred Years War was a feudal war. B. The Hundred Years War was a trade war.C. The Hundred Years Wa

25、r lasted for one hundred years.D. The Hundred Years War is one of the historical events that marked the decline of feudalism in Britain.(B) 3.From _ onward, Parliament was divided into two chambers.A.1337 B. 1343 C.1453 D.1455(D) 4.Black Death to some extent brought _ to villains.A.Higher wages B. g

26、reater freedom C. better life D. both A and B(D) 7.War of Roses were fought _ between the Lacastrians and the Yorkists from 1455 to 1485.A. constantly B. irregularly C. continuously D. intermittently(D) 9.The House of Tudor was founded in _. A. 1455 B. 1465 C. 1475 D. 1485(C) 10.The British Bourgeoi

27、s Revolution took place in the _ century. A. 15th B. 16th C. 17th D. 18th(A) 11. Which of the following statements about the Renaissance is NOT true? A. the Renaissance was a revival of interest in many things that the early Middle Ages had cared about.B. the Renaissance was a cultural movement by h

28、umanists.C. the Renaissance spread into England under the Tudor.D. During the Renaissance, the theatre attained great popularity under Elizabeth.(A) 12.The two centuries just before the outbreak of the Bourgeois revolution were a period of _. A. capital accumulation B. colonization abroadC. foreign

29、territorial D. enlightenment(A)16.The Kings men at the beginning of the first Civil War were called _. A. Cavaliers B. roundheads C. Puritans D. Presbyterians(D) 19. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Commonwealth period? A. Cromwell suppressed the diggers. B. Cromwell killed Level

30、ers in the army.C. Cromwell conquered Ireland.D. Cromwell restored the House of Stuart.(D) 20.The “glorious revolution” of 1688 put _ on the throne. A. Charles B. Charles C. James D. William of Orange. Translate the following into Chinese1. the Enclosure 圈地运动2. Puritan 清教徒4. The Hundred Years War 百年

31、大战7. Black Death 黑死病8. Cavaliers and Roundheads 骑士党和圆颅党Questions8. Restoration of the Stuart 斯图亚特王朝的复辟9. “glorious revolution” 光荣革命In 1688, the bourgeoisie staged a bloodless coup detat and put William of Orange on the throne, which came to be known as “the Glorious Revolution”.Chapter 8 The Industrial Revolution and the Chart

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