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高一英语Unit 18练习题学案.docx

1、高一英语Unit 18练习题学案Unit 18 Period OneI. 单项选择:1. You cant wear a blue jacket _ that shirt-itll look terrible. A. on B. above C. up D. over 2. _ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed 3. The mountain lies about _ south of our city

2、. A. 80 kilometers to B. to 80 kilometers C. 80 kilometers the D. 80 kilometers4. I dont know how to express my admiration. Your work is _ all praise.A. for B. in C. beyond D. under5. The head office of the company is 10 miles _ the factory.A. far away from B. away south from C. away from D. far fro

3、m6. Xinjiang lies _ the west of China.A. on B. to C. in D. by7. _ of the village _ two small lakes.A. The east; lie B. East; lies C. The east lies D. East; lie8. The town is about 100 kilometers _ of the hill.A. to the south B. on the south C. in south D. to northeast9. There are trees on_ of the ri

4、ver.A. both side B. either side C. either D. every side10. Hope things go well with your law office. -Thank you. We are now dealing with a tough case. -_A. Dont worry. B. Wish you success ! C. Really? D. Then you must be careful11. Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? -_A. How come? B. Take you

5、r time. C. Yes, go on. D. Yes, help yourself. 12.Are you planning to go back to Beijing for the winter vacation? - Yes. -_ -Thank you very much. A. How about you? Remember to ring me up. B. Thats Ok. Really? C. All the same. D. Please give my regards to your parents.13. Oh! What progress you have ma

6、de! -_. But I still have a long way to go. A. Its my pleasure B. Thats all right C. Thank you for saying so D. Dont mention it14. I hope everything will go well with you in the new year. -_. A. Youre too polite B. Youre welcome C. Yes, I think so D. Its very nice of you to say so15. North of the vil

7、lage _. A. a high mountain lies B. a high mountain lays C. lies a high mountain D. lays a high mountain16 She is my aunt _ my mothers _. A. in; side B. in; sides C. on; side D. on; sides17. The birds flew _ the direction of the east. A. to B. for C. towards D. inII. 翻译与介词填空1He _(躺在地上)looking at the

8、sky.2. The answer _(在于)the research.3. He _(向我撒谎) that he had a headache.4. He _on the ground _to me that his hen had _ two eggs a day. (他躺在地上向我撒谎说他的母鸡一天下了两只蛋)5. wedding ceremony_hold a wedding _6. Japan lies _ the east of China.7. Canada is _ the north of American.8. Q ingdao lies _ the east of Sha

9、ndong Province.9. China is _ the east of Asia.10. I feel a pain _ my left side. III汉译英1.海南岛位于广东省的南部。 2 湖里的水给那里得人们带来了利益。 3这个新的自然公园坐落于北京南10 公里处. 4 他们肩并肩走进教室。Unit 18 Period twoI. 完成句子 1. Many ships were wrecked on that rocky _(海岸). 2. There are some of the best natural_(海港).3. They were _(围住) immediate

10、ly by small boys wearing school caps.4. When a _(火山) erupt, masses of lava, steam, ash, etc. from deep inside the earth are hurled into the air.5. More than two-thirds of the earths _(表面) is covered with water.6. They _(定居) in Melbourne last year.7. After his fathers death he came into _(财产) of a mi

11、llion dollars.8. When I give up work I shall make a long sea_(航行).9. What one thinks and feels is _(主要地) due to tradition, habit and education.10. He has too _(温和的) a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause.II. Multiple choice 1. Strangely the story _ is popular _ the young. A. made up, to B.

12、 made up of, with C. made up of , to D. made up, with2. The time _ has been _. A. losing, made up for B. lost, made up for C. losing, made up of D. lost, made up of3. _ by a group of children, the old man went on with the story. A. Surrounded B. Surrounding C. To be surrounded D. Being surrounded4.

13、Your picture book is the same as _.A. I B. my C. me D. mine5. The girl is not _ she _. A. who, was B. what , is C. who, used to be6. The bird _ in the tree is so beautiful.A. settled B. settling C. stayed D. sits7. Shanghai lies _ the east of China, and Japan lies _ the east of China.A. on. To B. in

14、, to C. to, in D. in, on8. Mr Zhou is known _ us all and he is famous _ his songs.A., for, in B. by, to C. to, in D. in, on9. East of the lake _ two villages.A. lies B. is C. are D. there is10. There are 1,200 books in the library _, 80 percent of _ for children.A. at all, which are B. in all, which

15、 is C. in all, them are D. that, called11. The problem with tobacco is _ it contains a drug _ nicotine.A. that, calling B. what, called C. what, calling D. that , called12. The professor we referred _ yesterday afternoon.A. to came B. to coming C. came D. coming13. _ our parents, we are very lucky i

16、ndeed.A. Comparing with B. Comparing to C. Compared with D. To compare to14. I have a lot to say _ that problem.A. referred to B. in relation to C. in relation with D. referring on15. He thought I was talking about his daughter, _ in fact I was talking about mine.A. when B. while C. however D. which

17、III. 完成句子 1. Canada _(位于.之北) the United States. 2. The village _(被.环绕) by mountains on three sides. 3. Many islands lie _ (离.西北海岸) Scotland.4. New Zealand _(与.面积几乎一样大) Japan.5. After the war, they _(占据) more lands.6. What did you say _(关于) what happened yesterday?7. This book is _(主要的) about the mis

18、ery of war.8. He is a private _(秘书) to the minister.9. There are some active _(火山) in Italy. 10 Its _(令人惊奇的) to hear the news.IV. 句型转换1. A. Mr Smith became the owner of the farm in 1942.B. Mr Smith _ _ _ the farm in 1942.2. A. Her sons not working hard at his lessons worried her a great deal. B. _ w

19、orried her a great deal _ her son _ not working hard at his lessons.3. A. New Zealand is as large as Japan in size. B. New Zealand is _ _ _ _ Japan4. A. To master one or two foreign languages is necessary. B. _ necessary _us _ master one or two foreign languages.5. A. The bookshop may be closed at t

20、his time of day. B It is _ _ the bookshop is closed at this time of day.6. A. Reading newspapers is very useful. B. _ _ _ great _ to read newspapers.7. A. Ten doctors made up a medical team. B. A medical team _ _ _ _ ten doctors.8. A. Shall I show you how to operate the computer? B. Would you_ me _

21、_ you how to operate the computer? Unit 18 Period threeI.1.Do you consider _ wise to tell him the truth? A. that B. this C. which D. it2. _ is important for us to learn foreign languages. A. This B. He C. It D. That3. _ needs a further discussion whether well build a library or not.A. We B. He C. It

22、 D. There4 People in the west make _ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends. A. it B. that C. this D. as5 Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see_.A who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is6 _ doesnt make any difference my being there. A. That B. Which C. He D.

23、It7 I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full.A. it B. that C. these D. them8Whos knocking at the door?-_. Ive come to tell you that the get-together has been put off.A. This is I. B. Its I. C. Its me D. This is me9 _was December 26. 1893_ Mao Zedong was born in a common village.A. The day; w

24、hen B. It; that C. It; when D. That; on which10 Wasnt _ a shame that she could never have any real happiness?A. there B. this C. that D. it11. The beggar kept asking money from others, but _ didnt help him out of poverty.A. he B. which C. she D. it 12. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at

25、the conference.A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited13.It was_ discovered the secret first.A I who B. me that C. myself that D. myself who14.-Do you like_ here? -Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice.A. this B. these C. that D. it 15. We needed a n

26、ew cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had.A. it B. one C. himself D. another16.-Will you help me with the box? -_.A . My pleasure B. Its my pleasure C. With pleasure D. Its with pleasure17. Cars do cause us some health problems-in fact far more serious _ than mobile phones d

27、o. A. one B. ones C. it D. thoseII. 完型填空: “Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, realistic and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure to_1_ someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and _2_ other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just t

28、he _3_ of someone who acts important or proud. Down-to-earth persons may be important members of _4_, of course. But they do not let their importance “ _5_ to their heads”. They do not consider themselves to be better persons than _6_ of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance

29、 and pride, _7_ without cause, is said to have “his nose in the air”. There is _8_way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth. Americans _9_another expression that means almost the same as “down-to-earth”. The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground. Someone _10_both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good _11_of reality. He has what is called “common sense”. He may have dreams, _12_he does not allow them to block his knowledge of _13_ is real. The opposite kind of _14_ is one who has his “head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his head

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