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1、贵州遵义市中考英语试题版附答案解析市2017年初中毕业生学业(升学)统一考试英语试题卷(满分150分时间120分钟)第一部分听力(共2小节,满分30分)第一节听力选择(共15小题,每小题1.5分,共计22.5分)A.图片理解请听句子,从A B、C中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片。(听两遍)B.小对话理解请听小对话及问题,从 A B.C中选择正确的答案。(听两遍)6.A. Guitar. B.Violi n. C.Pia no.7.A. At a school Bn a restaura nt Cn a bank8.A. April B.Ju ne C.August9.A. 10. B . 30.

2、 C . 40.10.A.To have a trip. B.To buy some medici ne. C.To have a meal.C. 长对话理解,请听长对话,根据其容,从 A.B.C中选择能回答所给问题的最 佳答案(听三遍)11.What happe ned to Peter?A. He was late. B.He was ill. C . He missed the bus.12.Accord ing to Peters words, who had a headache?A. His mother. B.His sister. C.His brother.13.What d

3、oes the woma n want to do?A.To send a message. B.To make a call. C . ro write a letter.14.Whats the relati on ship betwee n the two speakers?A. Mother and son. B.Doctor and patie nt. C . Teacher and stude nt.15.What do you thi nk of Peter?A. Un ki nd. B.Disho nest. C.Impolite.第二节听力填空(共5小题,每小题1.5分,共计

4、7.5分)D. 短文理解请听短文,根据其容填写表格。(听三遍)A/An 16 pic nicWeatherIt was 17 .Tran sportati onBy 18 .ColorLeaves were 19 .What happe nedIt begin to 20 .第二部分语言知识运用(共3小节,满分40分)第一节单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)从A.B.C中选出最佳答案。21.There is 800 - meter - long road in front of the school.A . a B . an C . the22.Mary did nt tell h

5、er pare nts that she was going homebecause she wan tedto give them a A.surprise C.gift23.Kate Ben is late. They always go to school on time.A. Either, or B.Neither, nor C.Both, and24.How can you study in the living room when other people are talking loudly?l think you n eed a place.A. quiet B

6、.quieter C.quietest25.the help of the classmates, he got to the top of Hongjun Mountain successfully.A . Under B , In C . With26.The dishes cooked by my mother are more delicious tha n cooked bymy father.A . ones B . them C . those27.Youd better try to guess the meaning when you meet a new word. Don

7、t alwaysyour dictio nary.A. keep on B.depe nd on C.decide on28.The students of Class One how to do the experiment in classyesterday.A . taught B . was taught C . were taught29. I want to know .Because he has to look after his little sister. whether he isA. why he is leav ing B.why is he leav ing C l

8、eav ing 3O.You must return the books to the library because you them for more than two weeks.A. have lent B.have borrowed C , have kept31. You should thinkbefore tak ing the job, and dont do it just for fun.A. quickly B.seriously C.proudly32. Would you like ano ther glass of water?No, tha nks leave

9、now. Tony is wait ing for me.A . can B . may C . must33.Toms family is a big one. And the family together to have a big meal on Christmas Eve every year.A . get B . gets C . got34. Sorry, sir .I made a mistake aga in. .Do more practice and you will succeed.A.Certai nly not B.Not at all C.Never mind3

10、5. Its my birthday tomorrow. Well have a party, would you like tocome?_!_L have to take an exam. Thank you all the same.A.Well do ne B.What a pity C. Good luck第二节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分) 阅读短文,根据其容,从 A.B.C中选出最佳答案Froggie was a frog who never rememberedwhere he had been. His biggestdream was to find t

11、he best pond to 36 in freely without worrying about water snakes, which were his natural enemies. One day, Froggie hopped (跳)to a kitche n and jumped into a pot full of hot water. Froggie felt the bur ningheat 37 hurried out of the water asA few days later, Froggie 39 back to the same kitche n, comp

12、letelyforgetting he had been there. He again hopped into the samepot. This time,the water in side was 40 .He 41 and thought, “Theres no water snaketrying to eat meand I can have this place all to myself! ” At that moment, Froggie knew it was his 42 pond. What he did nt know was that the water was wa

13、rm ing up over a low heat.After thirty 43 Of swimming, Froggie felt the water was warmer butthehe regarded this as a n ice surprise. “ This sure is the best place forswimming.l get to have a hot bath, too. ” 44 his comfortable bath,water kept gett ing warmer and warmer. Froggie was so comfortable th

14、at he fell asleep. And he 45 woke up.From Froggies story, we can learn that people are blind to problems that slowly get worse over time.36.A.walk B.swim C.talk37.A. and B . but C . or38.A.slept B.fell C.died39.A.brought B.gave C.we nt40.A. hot B . cool C . icy41.Ao oked aro und Bo oked back Cooked

15、dow B.dream C.swimmi ng43.A.m on ths B.days C.mi nu tes44.A.Dur ing B.Before on B.ofte n C.n ever第三节 口语交际(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)情景七选五请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从边框七个选项中选出能填人对 话的五个选项。A:Can i help you?B: Yes. 46A:Did you enjoy the book?B:No,l could nt read ithad a hard time read ing a few pa

16、ges, and 47A:Oh? But I know you are good at En glish.B:It was nt the Ian guage. It was the words. 48 A:Yes, they are really small. What can I do for you then?B:Well, Id be glad 49 A:A no ther En glish storybook?B:Y es, but one with bigger words.A: 50B:Its fine. And the words are much bigger. Thanks

17、very much.A: Youre welcome.A.What about this book?B.They are too small for me.C.the n I decided to give up.D.whe n I see you aga in.E.if you could find me anotherbook.F.Id like to retur n this book,please.C. I want to book a ticket.第三部分词汇与阅读(共3小节,满分55分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共计40分) 请阅读材料A.B.C根据其容选择填空;请

18、阅读材料 D,回答问题及翻译划线部分 的句子。AMr. and Mrs. Smith got married whe n he was twenty - three, and shewas twenty. Twenty - five years later, they had a big party, and a photographed 摄影师)came and took some photos for them. Then the photographer gave Mrs. Smith a card and said, “ Theyll be ready n extWed nesday.

19、 You can get them from my room. ”“No,” Mrs. Smith said, “Please send them to us. ”The photos arrived a week later, but Mrs. Smith was not pleased whenshe saw them. She got into her car and drove to the photographers room.She went in side and said an grily, “ You took some photos of me and myhusba nd

20、 last week, but rm not going to pay for them. ”“ Oh, why no t? the photographer asked.“ Because my husba nd looks like a mon key, ” Mrs. Smith said.“Well, ” the photographer answered, “That isnt myfault (过错).Why did nt you think that before you married him? ”51.How old was Mr. Smith when they took t

21、he photos?A . 20. B . 23. C . 48.52.Whe n did the photographer ask Mrs. Smith to get the photos?A . This Wednesday.B . Next Wednesday.C . Next Friday.53.How did Mrs. Smith feel after she saw the photos?A.Un happy. B.Satisfied. C.Excited.54.Which is right according to the passage?A.They had a big bir

22、thday party with their good frien ds.B.Mrs. Smith went to the photographers room on foot.C.Mrs. Smith did nt want to spe nd any money on the photos.55.What can we lear n about Mr. Smith from the passage?A . He was fat.B . He was nt han dsome.C . He was humorous.Car - Free DayLife can be so Car - Fre

23、eNo car, no motorcycle, and no taxiOn Wed nesday, June 28, 2017from 8 a. m. t0 4 p. m.i n Zunyi CityThere are many cities and tow ns in Chi na forWorld Car - Free Day.Please like Chongqing are Car - Free for a day.We in vite every one to the Car - Free celebrati onto lear n more about Car - Free lif

24、estyles.Here is the in formatio nBring a food basket, enjoy live music, and watch the sun set with frie nds at ZunyiPark.If you are a student, take your student card to the information deskand youll get a cup of coffee for free.Dont take pets with you.Take away the rubbish whe n leav ing.Enjoy it wi

25、th us.56.How long will the celebratio n last( f 持续)?A.8 hours. B. 10 hours. C. 12 hours.57.If Li Lei meets his frie nd at Zunyi Park on June 28, how will he get there?A. By taxi. B. By car. C. By bike.58.What cant people do at Zunyi Park?A. Liste n to music. B. Make coffee. C. Enjoy the sun set.59.W

26、hat wont you see during the celebration?A.Umbrella. B.Camera, C.Dog.60.You can read the information in aA.textbook B.n ewspaper C.reportCOn a very hot day, it can be hard to know what to do to feel good.If wer un around, wemayfeel dizzy a nd sick to our stomachs. This is because our body cant get ri

27、d of the extra heat. However, if we just sit and do no thi ng, we may feel restless and bored. Are there thi ngs we can do to feel good when we are hot? Yes ! Playing in water is one way to feel cooler. Of course, people with a pool, river , lake or ocean nearby can play in the water very convenien

28、tly. People dont have these can still play in water too. Taking a cool bath or shower can feel good on a hot day. On hot days, you can lose two gall ons( 力口仑)of water in one day, so manydoctors agree that you should try to drink at least 16 glasses of water to keep the water balance in your body.Mix

29、ing a little juice into your water is a good way to help you drink ple nty of water. The food we eat also makes a difference in how we feel in the heat. Cold foods, such asice cream and drinks with some ice can cool down our bodies. Fruits and vegetables are easy for the body and refreshing. Plan a

30、healthy menu for a hot day.61.When we feel hot, wed better . A. run around B. sit and do no thi ng C. play in water62.You will drink much water if you add some according to the passage.A.sugar B.juice C.salt63.What does the un derl ined wore dizzy mean in Chin ese?A.箭服的 B. 精力充沛的 C. 晕眩的64.Accord ing

31、to the passage, one gall on of water is almost lasses of water.A.2 B.8 C.1665.The main idea of this passage is about . A.the things to do whe n its hotB.the things to eat in the heatC.the thi ngs to drink on a hot dayhomeDWhen I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave and go to the city. We lived on a farm, and especially in -inter, we were quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the city. However, I soon discovered that my life has its

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