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1、英美概况考试试题集英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一)British Survey TestPart I Geography1. The total area of the U.K. is _.A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,5342. England occupies the _ portion of the U.K.A. northern B. eastern C. southern3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _.A. Northern Ireland B. Englan

2、d C. Scotland4. _ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.A. Wales B. Scotland C. England5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _ century.A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th6. By the Act of Union of _ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constituti

3、onally joined as the Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 18017. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _ provinces.A. 13 B. 12 C. 148. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _.A. the Scottish Highlands B. WalesC. England9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _.A. north to south B. south to north

4、C. east to west10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _ and England.A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden11. The longest river in Britain is _.A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann12. London is situated on the River of _.A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey13. Edinburgh is the capital of _.A. England B. Scotland

5、 C. Wales14. The rivers flowing into the _ are mainly short.A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _.A. Scotland B. Wales C. England16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _.A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines17. About _ of the water requirements a

6、re obtained from underground sources.A. 50% B. 38% C. 42%18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _.A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _.A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 169420. Britain is basically an importer of _.A. food B. raw materialsC. manufactures D. both A and B21

7、. British farmers produce enough food to supply _ of the needs of the population.A. 2/3 B. 4/5 C. 1/222. Britains main cereal crop is _.A. oats B. corn C. barley D. rye23. The center of the Britain financial system is _.A. Bank of England B. Bank of Britain C. Bank of U.K.24. The three Germanic trib

8、es that invaded Britain include the following except _.A. the Angles B. the Saxons C. the Picts D. the Jutes25. “Black Country” refers to _.A. countryside in England B. an area around BirminghamC. a country in Africa26. The second largest port in Britain is _.A. London B. Belfast C. Liverpool27. The

9、 capital city of Northern Ireland is _.A. Cardiff B. Belfast C. Leith28. Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about _ B.C.A. 410 B. 750 C. 30029. The U.K. is rich in the following except _.A. coal B. iron C. gold D. tin30. The decrease of British population is caused by the following except

10、 _.A. limitation of immigration B. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rate D. unemployment31. The proportion of the English in the whole population is _.A. 60% B. 80% C. 70%32. The Queens University is in the city of _.A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Manchester33. The contribution made by the Normans

11、 to Britain is the following except _.A. final unification of England B. foundation of aristocracyC. great administrative progress D. some peculiarities of dialect34. About _ percent of the population live in cities or towns.A. 80 B. 85 C. 9035. The land available for farming in England, Wales, Scot

12、land and Northern Ireland does not exceed _ million acres.A. 30 B. 25 C. 4036. The highest mountain in England is _.A. Mt. Mourne B. Mt. Snowdon C. Mt. Seafell37. The second largest city in England is _.A. Glasgow B. Birmingham C. Manchester38. The modern Scots and Irish are the descendants of _.A.

13、Gaels B. Britons C. Anglo-Saxons39. Scotland occupies the _ portion of Great Britain.A. southern B. northern C. western40. By the Act of Union in _, the name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was adopted.41. _ has its own national church and its own system of law.A. Wales B. Northern Irela

14、nd C. Scotland42. The _ End includes Westminster, St. James PalaceA. East B. West C. North43. _ includes London, the centre of government for the whole nation.A. Scotland B. Northern Ireland C. Wales D. England1. The U.K. is situated in _Northwestern_ Europe.2. The full title of the U.K. is the Unit

15、ed Kingdom of _ _ and _ _.3. The U.K. consists of England, _, _ and Northern Ireland.4. The largest part of U.K. is _.5. The capital of England and of Great Britain is _.6. _ _ is composed of six Irish counties that elected to remain in the union with Great Britain.7. The name United Kingdom of Grea

16、t Britain and Ireland was replaced by the present name after the 26 counties of Ireland obtained autonomy in _.8. The highest mountain in Britain is _ _.9. The “Backbone of England” refers to the _.10. Natural gas was discovered in Britain in the _ _.11. The most important river is the River of _.12

17、. The political centre of the Commonwealth is _.13. Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in _ _.14. The climate of Britain is moderated by the _ _ _ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude.15. Britains Industrial Revolution took place between _ and _.16. The Bank of England was

18、 founded in _.17. The population of the U.K. is more than _ million.18. Britain is basically an exporter of _.19. The population of the U.K. consists of the English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the _.20. In Wales many people speak _.21. People sing the national anthem in _.22. The earliest invasion

19、is that by the _-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.23. The modern _ and _ are the descendants of the Gaels of the Celtic tribes.24. The Britons of the Celtic tribes were the forefathers of the modern _.25. Greater London is made up of 12 _ London boroughs and _ Outer London boroughs.26.

20、The International festival of music and the arts is held every year in the city of _.27. The British national anthem is _ _ _ _.28. The U.K. lies to the _ of France.29. Westminster, the area of central government administration is situated in the _ End.30. River _ flows through Glasgow.31. Mt. Seafe

21、ll stands in _.32. The source of the River _ is in the Cotswolds.33. The capital city of Wales is _.34. The United Kingdom is rich in _, iron, tin, copper, lead and silver.35. Define the Following Terms36. “Backbone of England”:Pennines37. Greater London38. Celts39. The “Irish Question”I. Answer the

22、 Following Questions英美概况一答案Part I DCBAA CAAAB ABBBB ABABD ACACB CBBCD BADAA CBABA CBDII. Northwestern Great Britain, Northern Ireland Scottish, Welsh England London Northern Ireland 1921 Ben Nevis Pennines North Sea Thames London Northern Ireland Atlantic Gulf Stream 1750, 1850 1694 57 manufacture I

23、rish Welsh English dark Scots, Irish Welsh Inner, 20 Edinburgh God Save the Queen North West Clyde England Thames Cardiff coal英美概况英国历史部分History1. Julius Caesar invaded Britain _B_.A. once B. twice C. three times2. King Arthur was the king of _B_.A. Picts B. Celts C. Scots D. Jutes3. The first “King

24、of the English” was _B_.A. Alfred B. Egbert C. Bede D. Ethelred4. Christianity was introduced into England in the late _C_ century.A. 14th B. 8th C. 6th5. In 1653 _A_ was made Lord Protector for life.A. Oliver Cromwell B. Charles I C. William II6. The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _A_

25、 and the Jutes which invaded Britain form the basis of the modern British people.A. Saxons B. Scots C. Welsh D. Wessex7. The head of the church in Anglo-Saxon times was _D_.A. the King of Denmark and Norway B. the king of EnglandC. Julius Caesar D. the Archbishop of Canterbury8. The _B_ invaded Engl

26、and in the earliest time.A. Danes B. Iberians C. Romans D. Celts9. The Vikings who invaded England at the turn of the 8th century came from _D_.A. Norway B. DenmarkC. France D. both A and B10. Edward was known as the “_A_” because of his reputation for saintliness.A. Confessor B. Conqueror C. Protec

27、tor11. Norman Conquest began in _B_.A. 1016 B. 1066 C. 103512. In history _A_ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”.A. John B. Henry I C. Henry II13. In 1181 Henry II issued the _B_ which made it compulsory for every freeman in England to be provided with arms.A. Inquest of Sheriffs B. Assize of Arms C.

28、Doomsday Book14. Henry Plantagenet, in 1154, established the House of Angevin as _B_.A. Henry I B. Henry II C. Henry III15. Henry II appointed in 1162 _A_ Archbishop of Canterbury.A. Thomas Becket B. Stephen Langton C. Simon de Mortfort16. Charles I was beheaded in _A_.A. 1649 B. 1648 C. 165317. It

29、was _A_ who summoned Model Parliament in 1295.A. Edward I B. Henry IV C. Simon de Montfort18. The Great Charter contained _C_ sets of provisions.A. two B. four C. three19. The Peasants Uprising in 1381 was led by _B_.A. Henry Turner B. Watt Tyler C. Richard20. The English Church was strictly _A_.A.

30、national B. international C. regional21. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 was in nature a _A_.A. coup detat B. racial slaughter C. peasant rising22. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the _A_.A. factory of the world B. expansion of marketsC. social upheaval23. The American Revolution (the American War of Independence) broke out in _A_ and ended in _.A. 1775, 1783 B. 1774, 1782 C. 1786, 178424. The Battle of Hastings took place in _C.A.

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