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1、八下英语第五单元课文翻译八下英语第五单元课文翻译 八下英语第五单元课文翻译Unit5 SectionA 1部分课文翻译1a部分翻译Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.暴风雨时人们在哪儿?把这些句子与图画中的人物匹配起来。the library.图书馆里。my house.我在家里。the street.我在街上。the bus stop.我在公共汽车上。1b部分翻译Listen to the TV report and th

2、e correct responses。听电视报道并圈出正确的回答。adoing my homework/studying做家庭作业学习bplaying basketball/reading打篮球阅读cgoing to work/waiting for the bus去上班等公共汽车dwalking home/shopping往家走购物1c部分翻译Talk about what the people in la were doing at the time of the rainstorm谈论暴风雨时在la中的人们在做什么。A:What was the girl doirg at t:e ir

3、ne of the rainstorm?A:暴风雨时那个女孩在做什么?B:She was. . .B:她在2a部分翻译Listen and number the pictures15听录音。把图画标上数字15。I_so busy_for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming.我正忙着寻找雨伞,以至于我没看见一辆小汽车过来了。My alarm didnt go of so I _up late.我的闹钟没响,因此我醒来晚了。I took a hot shower and_some warm food.我洗了个热水澡,并且吃了一些热食。I_for t

4、he bus when it began to rain heavily.当开始下打雨时,我正在等公共汽车。I_to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.我跑到公共汽车站,但我还是没赶上公共汽车。2b部分翻译Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a再听一遍录音。完成2a中的句子。2c部分翻译Use the informahon in 2a to retdl the story ill a conversahon between the boy and TV reporter.用2a

5、中的信息来复述那个男孩和电视台记者在对话中的故事。TV reporter: Tell us what happened yesterday morning.电视台记者:告诉我们昨天上午发生了什么事。boy:.男孩:TV reporter: So,when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing?电视台记者:那么,当暴风雨。来临时,你正在做什么?boy:.男孩:2d部分翻译Role-play the conversation分角色表演对话。Mary:What were you doing last night,Linda?I called

6、 at seven and you didnt pick up.玛丽:琳达,昨天晚上你在做什么?我7点给你打电话,你没有接。Linda: Oh,I was in the kitchen helping my mom.琳达:哦,我(那会儿)在厨房帮我妈妈。Mary:I see.I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either.玛丽:我知道了。我8点又给你打电话,你那时也没接。Linda:What was I doing at eight? Oh,I know. When you called,1 was taking a showe

7、r.琳达:8点我在做什么呢?哦,我知道了。当你打电话时,我正在洗澡。Mary:But then I called again at nine.玛丽:但接着我在9点又打了一次啊。Linda:Oh,I was sleeping at that time.琳达:哦,那时我睡觉了。Mary:So early? Thats strange.玛丽:那么早?那很i:。Linda: Yeah,I was tired. Why did you call so many times?琳达:是的,我累了。你为什么给我打那么多次电话呢?Mary:I needed help with my homework So wh

8、ile you were sleeping,I called Jennyand she helped me.玛丽:我的作业需要帮忙。所以在你睡觉的时候,我打电话给珍妮,她帮了我。3a部分翻译Read the passage and answer the questions.读这篇短文,回答问题。1What was the weather like before the heavy rain started?大雨开始之前天气怎么样?2What was the neighborhood like after the storm?暴风雨过后社区什么样?The Srouglt Pbople Close

9、r Ibgetber暴风雨把人们的距离拉近了Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama Black cloudss were making the sky very dark With no light outside,it felt like midnight.The news on TV that a heavy rainstorm was in the area .在阿拉巴马州,本能听到他家外面的强劲的风声。乌云使天空变得黑压压的。外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。电视里播报有强烈的暴风雨已经到了这个地区。Everyone

10、 in the neighborhood was busy.Bens dad was putting pieces of over the windows while his mom was making sure the flaslight and radio were working.She also put some candles and matches on the table.社区里的每个人都在忙碌着。本的爸爸正在把一块块木头钉在窗户上(加固),而他的妈妈正在确认和收音机都能正常使用。她还把一些蜡烛和火柴。放在桌子上。Ben was helping his mom make din

11、ner when the rain began to best heavily。tried to play a card game,but it was hard to have fun with a senous storm happening outside.当雨开始对着窗户猛烈地敲打时,本在帮助他的妈妈做晚饭。晚饭后,他们原本想打一下牌,但外面的暴风雨太大了,太难有心情打牌了。Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 am. When h

12、e woke up,the sun was risingHe went outside with his family and found the neigh borhood in a mess. trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke many things apart,it brought families and_neighbors clos

13、er together. the windows.起初本睡不着。在大约凌晨3点风逐渐变弱时他终于睡着了。当他醒来时,太阳正冉冉生气,他和家人一起来到外面,发现社区脏乱不堪。到处都是被分吹到的树、被砸破的窗户和垃圾。他们加入到街坊邻居中,帮着一起把社区打扫干净。虽然这场暴风雨破坏(apart分开)了许多东西,但是它把家人和邻居们的距离拉得更近了。3b部分翻译Complete the sentences using information from the passage用短文中的信息完成句子。1When the news on TV was reported,strong winds_outsi

14、de.当电视新闻报道时,外面正刮着大风。2While Bens mom was making sure the radio was working,his dad_当本的妈妈在确认收音机正常使用时,他的爸爸正在把一块块木头钉在窗户上(加固)。3Ben_when the heavy rain finally started当大雨最后开始下时,本在帮助他的妈妈做晚饭。4When Ben_at 3:00a.m.the wind_.当凌晨3点本终于睡着时,风造逝平息下来。3c部分翻译Discuss the questions with a partner与同伴一起讨论达些问题。“Although th

15、e storm broke many things apart,lt brought families and neighbors closer together. What other hings can bring people closer together? How can we help each other in times of difficulty?“虽然这场暴风雨破坏了许多东西,但它把家人和邻居们的距离拉得更近了。”还有什么事能把人们的距离拉得更近?在遇到困难时,我们能怎样互相帮助呢?4a部分翻译Look at the table and write sentences wi

16、th both wlule and when.看表格,用while和when两个(词)写句子。While John was taking photos,Mary bought a drink.当约翰在拍照的时候,玛丽买了一份饮料。John was taking photos when Mary bought a drink.当玛丽买饮料的时候,约翰正在拍照。John约翰take photos拍照play the piano弹钢琴clean his room 打扫房间shop购物Mary玛丽buy a drink买份饮料leave the house离开家turn on the radio打开收

17、音机take the car to the car wash把车送到洗车处4b部分翻译Fillin the blanks with was,were! when or wlu:le.用was,were,when或while填空。At 7:00乱m.,1 woke up._I_making my breakfast,my brother_listening to the radio. _ 1 was eating,the radio news talked about a car accident near our home My brother and l went out right awa

18、y to havea look_ we got to the place of the accident,the car_ in bad shape from hitting a tree But luckily,the driver_ fine The roads _ because of the heavy snow from the night before.在早上7点,我醒了。当我在做早饭的时候,我弟弟在听收音机。当我在吃饭的时候,收音机新闻播报了我们家附近的一场车祸。我和我弟弟马上出去看。当我们到达事故现场时,小汽车因为撞到树上而严重变形了。但幸运的是,司机是没事的。由于前天晚上的大

19、雪,路面是结满冰的。4c部分翻译What were you doing at these times Iast Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner.上个星期天的这些时间你在做什么?填写表格,然后询问你的同伴。A:What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?上个星期天上午9点你在做什么?B:I was sleeping. How about you?我在睡觉。你呢?A:I was doing my homework.我在做作业。B:youre kidding!你在开玩笑

20、吧!9:00 a. m.上午9点11:30 a. m上午11: 304:00 p. m下午4点9:00 p. m晚上9点Unit5 SectionB 1部分课文翻译1a部分翻译Think of a time when you were late for or couldn,t go to an event. What was the event? What was the reason why you were late or couldnt go? Tell your partner the story.想到一次你迟到的或不能去的事情。这件事是什么?你迟到或不能去的理由是什么?给你的同伴讲讲

21、这个故事。1b部分翻译Listen and write short answers to the questions.听录音。写出这些问题的简短答案。1What event happened at the school yesterday?昨天在学校发生了什么事件?2Who missed the event?谁错过了这件事?3Which team won at the event?在这项比赛中哪个队获胜了?1c部分翻译Listen againNumber the eventsl-6in the order they happened.再听一遍录音。按发生的顺序把事件标上数字16。Kate sa

22、wa dog by the side of the road凯特在路边看见一条狗。Kate got to the bus stop.凯特到达公共汽车站。Kate called the Animal Helpline.凯特打电话给动物保护热线。Kate left the house.凯特离开家。Kate waited for someone to walk by.凯特等待有人走过。Kate realized her bag was still at home.凯特意识她的包还在家里。1d部分翻译Talk about why Kate missed the school basketbalicom

23、)etition StudentA beginsasen既如e with While or when. StudentB completes the sentence.谈论凯特为什么错过了学校篮球比赛。学生A用while或when开始一个句子,学生B完成这个句子。A: When the school basketball competition started.当学校篮球赛开始的时候B:When the school basketball competition started,Kate was still to school.当学校篮球赛开始的时候,凯特还在前往学校的路上。2a部分翻译Loo

24、k at the pictures and title in the passage.What do you think the passage is about?看图画和短文的标题。你认为这篇短文是关于什么内容的?2b部分翻译Read the passage and answer the questions.阅读短文,回答问题。1. What are the two events in the passage?短文中的两件事是什么?2. When did they happen?它们是什么时间发生的?Reading the Title and First Sentences阅读标题和首句Th

25、e title can be helpful for you to understand la text. It is also a good idea to read the firstlsentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.标题对你理解课文会有帮助。在阅读整篇课文之前阅读每段的第一句也是一个好主意。Do You Remember What You Were Doing?你记得当时你在做什么吗?People often remember what they were doing when they heard th

26、e news of important events in history. In America, for example,many people remember what they were doingon April 4, 1968. This was an important event in American history.On thie day, Dr.martin Luther King was killed.Although some peple may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were do

27、ing when they heard the news.人们通常都记得当他们听到一个重大历史事件的消息时他们正在做什么。例如,在美国,许多人都记得在1968年4月4日他们在做什么。这是美国历史上的一个重大事件。在这一天,马丁路德金博士被杀害了。尽管有些人可能不记得是谁杀害了他,但他们都记得当他们听到这个消息时他们在做什么。Robert Allen is now over 50,but he was ashool pupil that was bright.sunny day,Robert remembers,We were having fun in the palygrou

28、d when the school bell rang.Our teacher said,Dr.King died Just 10 minutes agoWe were completely surpeised!School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home in silence.罗伯特艾伦现在50多岁了,但那时他还是一个小学生“我当时和我的母一起在家里,”罗伯特回忆说,“当我们从广播中听到这个新闻时,我们正在厨房里吃晚饭。那个新闻记者说金博士就在十分钟前去世了。我的父母都十分震惊!在那之后,我的父母没有说话,

29、我们默默地吃完了剩下的晚餐。”More recetly, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.Even the date-September 11,2001-has meaning tomost Americans.更近一些的,绝大多数美国人都记得当纽约的世贸大厦被恐怖分子摧毁时他们正在做什么。甚至2001年9月11日这个日子对大多数美国人来说都具有(特殊的)含义。This was a day Kate

30、Smith will never forget.She remembers working inher office near the two towers.My friend shoted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I didnt believe him at first, but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true.I was so scared that I could hardlt think clearly after that.这是凯特史密斯永远不会忘记的一天。她记得当时(自己)正在距两座塔楼不远的办公室里工作。“我的朋友惊呼一架飞机刚刚撞上了世贸大楼!我最初不相信他,但接着我往窗外看,意识到那是真的。我是那么害怕以至于我几乎不能清楚地想起那之后的事了。”2c部分翻译Read the passage agairL Are the following statements true (T) or false ( F) , or is the infor-mation not given( NG) ?再读一遍短文。下面的陈述是正确的(T)、错误

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