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高中英语Understanding ideas教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.docx

1、高中英语Understanding ideas教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思教学构思Step1.导入 观看视频,回答问题( 个人 )设计目的:通过观看视频使学生的注意力转移到有关友谊的话题上,导入本课要学习的文章。通过回答问题,训练学生的口语表达能力。展示学习目标设计目的:使学生明确本节课学习的有关知识,技能,情感方面的任务,进行有的放矢。Step2. 读前活动,让学生互相交流他们各自的交友方式,使学生用亲身体验来为课文的学习做铺垫。(小组合作)Step3. 快速阅读(整体)引导学生在文中找到作者有关网络交友观点的句子。设计目的:培养学生把握文章大意,训练学生的判断推理能力。Step4.详读



4、愿意用英语交流的信心和毅力。 本课我带领学生通过观看视频的方式,了解友谊的重要性,引入主题。在此之前我布置学生准备了相关话题的名言警句作为积累,激活已有的语言,背景知识,激发对该话题的兴趣。课后效果分析这堂课的设计,我个人还是比较满意的。课前的导入阶段让学生观看视频,激发了他们对本话题的兴趣,接着学生们通过自己的亲身体验参与到本话题的对话中来,对于后面的活动设置起到了很好的热身作用。在understanding ideas授课过程中,引导学生通过层层活动的设置训练了他们阅读的能力和技巧,在活动过程中学生又锻炼了自身的口语表达能力,培养了自信,为下步的交友活动做了指导,达到了课前展示的教学目标。

5、但由于学生目前还处在高一的初始阶段,对于老师的全英文授课方式有待适应,所以在理解任务指令方面有些许的欠缺。加之教师微环节处理不甚恰当,因此在完成个别环节的教学任务的时候,似乎显得有点仓促。这说明,在平时的教学中,我应该多呈现给学生更多的常用句型,让学生掌握常用句型,在让学生进行讨论前,应尽量帮助学生解决语言困难。在学生进行小组活动时,应尽量给学生更多的帮助,主动了解学生的语言困难。注意提高自己的英语口语水平,让自己的流利口语去感染学生。教材解读本教材是由外语教育与研究出版社出版的新教材高中必修第一册,本节课选取的是Unit4 Friends Forever. 这个单元的主题语境是“人与社会”,

6、涉及的主题语境内容是良好的人际关系和社会交往,具体而言就是人与人之间的友谊。本单元语篇类型丰富,包括诗歌,论说文,网络论坛帖子,对话和小说等。本单元主要包括starting out-video(Auld Lang Syne); understanding ideas - Click for a friend; using language-Attributive Clauses; developing ideas-After twenty years; Writing an ending to a story四个部分。学习本单元需要实现的四个目标是:语言能力目标(能够理解与友谊相关的语篇内容,


8、方法,监控,评价,反思和调整自己的学习内容和过程)。课后巩固练习.完形填空When I began my high school years, I was quite interested in biology. I read lots of books about animals, and I learned so much about such things that I was very 1with myself. One Sunday afternoon, I was arguing with friends about animals. I said that the whale w

9、as a mammal (哺乳动物), but they disagreed. Finally, we turned to a2 for help. I knew I was3, so I hoped that the teacher could 4 that I was right. My friends were eager for an opposite answer. We asked her5 the whale was a mammal. “No, the whale is a fish,” she said without a moments hesitation(犹豫).My

10、pride was hurt, and of course I lost the 6. I was too7to speak. I still knew I was right, which8the teacher was wrong. Not only was she wrong,9she was completely ignorant (不了解的) about something that I thought was10 knowledge. But she was my teacher and had taught for a long time. Everyone11her and n

11、o one else thought she could be wrong. Before that, I hadnt thought that grown-ups could be 12. And this greatly shaped the way I viewed people as I grew up. Whenever I found that anyone treated another person with too much respect (尊重) and admiration,I thought, “Thats 13.” From then on, I had no14f

12、or authority (权威)blindly. Through this matter, I got an idea that everybody has his15, even he is a great man.1.A.angryB.satisfied C.interested D.disappointed2.A.worker B.scientist C.farmer D.teacher3.A.clever B.right C.lonely D.hard4.A.prove B.find C.promise B.why C.if D.when6.A.argum

13、ent C.result D.test7.A.stupid B.worried C.serious D.shocked8.A.meant B.suggested C.said D.decided9.A.and B.but D.or10.A.special B.normal C.correct D.common11.A.missed B.liked C.believed D.knew12.A.wrong B.interesting C.sad D.happy13.A.wonderful B.silly C.lucky D.true14.A.idea B.respect C

14、.choice B.patience C.shortcoming D.trouble语篇解读我通过自己的经历悟出了一个道理:我们要有自己的判断力,不应该盲目地相信所谓的“权威”。答案与解析1.B我读了许多关于动物的书,了解了很多知识,所以我对自己感到很满意。2.D于是我们去请教老师。下文中的so I hoped that the teacher could that I was right是提示。3.B我知道自己的观点是正确的。4.A我希望老师可以证明我的观点是正确的。5.C我们问老师鲸是不是哺乳动物。6.A当然我也输掉了这场辩论。7.D我对老师的回

15、答惊讶得说不出话来。8.A我仍然知道自己是对的,这意味着老师是错的。9.B老师不仅错了,而且她一点都不了解我认为是常识性的问题。10.D见上题解析。common knowledge“常识”。11.C因为她是老师,所以每个人都相信她,没有人想过她也可能犯错。12.A在发生这件事之前,我从来没有想过大人也会犯错。13.B当一个人盲目地相信另一个人时,我会想“那真的很傻”。14.B自那件事后,我不再盲目地尊重权威。15.C通过这件事我认识到,每个人都有自己的缺点,再伟大的人也会犯错误。.阅读理解Special family bonds (纽带) are not created by big ship

16、 vacations or buying your child a new toy, bicycle or expensive clothes.Great families are formed by making time for each other, and by listening and caring.The good news is that it costs nothing to do these things.Last weekend my kids and I were sitting outside the front steps of our house enjoying

17、 some sunshine after washing the car and playing with the neighbors kids.As we sat there I had an idea that I thought would be fun.“Anne, Liz, usually on Wednesday you come home from school for lunch.What about having a picnic in the park instead?” I asked.Both Anne and Liz lit up and smiled.“Yeah,

18、Daddy! Then wed even have more time to play in the school yard after!” they shouted.So that our little plan today for a simple Wednesday.I hope it will become one more of a huge collection of special family moments, moments when we make time for each other and do something special together.A picnic

19、in the park is something that works for us.My kids go to school close to the house and I work for myself in my study.Im not saying that you should do exactly the same thing.It might not fit into your family situation.But something will fit, and its up to you to find out what those things are and do

20、them.Then keep doing them.Find special things that you can do with your kids.Make it a habit.Youll love the results.When your kids are older, they wont remember the iPad you bought them, or the 22nd stuffed animal for their collection.They will remember the time you spent with them.1.What would the

21、author most probably ask parents to do?A.Take big ship vacations with their kids.B.Do small but special things with their kids.C.Spend as little money as possible on their kids.D.Give their kids new toys and expensive clothes.2.When the author suggested going on a picnic in the park, his kids were.A

22、.disappointedB.worried C.excited D.calm3.What do we know about the author?A.He works far from home.B.He works for himself at home.C.He often has lunch in a restaurant.D.He hardly cooks for his kids.4.What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A.To explain why listening and caring are import

23、ant.B.To advise that parents spend less money on their kids.C.To prove that he gets on well with his kids.D.To tell parents how to form special bonds with their kids.语篇解读 作者建议父母多花些时间跟孩子们做一些小而特别的事情来增进感情。答案与解析1.B推断题。根据文章首段以及后面所举的和孩子们野餐的例子可推断,作者建议父母多花些时间跟孩子们做一些小而特别的事情来增进感情。2.C推断题。根据第2段中的“Both Anne and

24、Liz lit up and smiled.they shouted.”可推断,作者的两个孩子听到关于野餐的提议后都很兴奋。3.B细节题。根据第4段中的“My kids go to school close to the house and I work for myself in my study.”可知,作者在家里工作。4.D推断题。根据第1段中的“Special family bonds are not created by big ship vacations or buying your child a new toy, bicycle or expensive clothes.Gr

25、eat families are formed by.”以及通读全文可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是告诉父母如何跟孩子培养感情。.阅读七选五Theres no doubt that when it comes to friendship,you want positive people in your life and not negative ones.1Provide support when you need it.With positive friends,you dont need to beg for help when you need it because chances are

26、they will be there for you without asking.2Health benefits of being positive.The more positive friends you have,the better you will be at remaining optimistic yourself.3For example,it helps people to deal with stress and illness better.Health benefits may include lower rates of depression,a greater

27、ability to throw off colds,and a reduced risk of developing disease.Bring out the best in you.4This means trying new things,achieving goals,and having the kind of life you dreamed of for yourself.With positive people in your life,youll feel more comfortable sharing your goals because your friends wi

28、ll give you the emotional push you need to go after what you want in life.Attract more positive friends.You naturally attract the kinds of friends who are most like you.So if youre on a downer,youll probably find that negative people flock to you.5 The more you are able to maintain a positive attitu

29、de,the more like-minded people youll attract in return.A.Here are some benefits of spending time with positive friends.B.Thats why youd better surround yourself with positive friends.C.In most cases,they will go out of their way to help you when youre in trouble.D.The same is true for being positive

30、.E.As we all know,there are many benefits of being optimistic.F.Your positive friends will inspire you to be the best you can be.G.Most of the time,you have to ask them to help you when in trouble.答案15ACEFD课后感悟本节课我通过不同的任务设置,让学生在阅读活动中完成各个任务,不同的任务设置激发了学生的学习兴趣和用英语表达的欲望,其实一堂英语课,如何才能上得有效,很大程度上看老师之前的课堂设计。


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