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1、西安交通大学英语4新录在线作业答案辅导资料最新15春西交英语4(新录)在线作业答案辅导资料西交英语4(新录)在线作业 单选题一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)1.After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_.A. withdrawB. resignC. retireD. retreat-选择:B 2.The artist spends most of his spare time _ butterfly specimens.A. collectB. collectsC. t

2、o collectD. collecting-选择:D 3.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.A. coveringB. coveredC. coverD. to cover-选择:A 4.Please let me sit down; Im _.A. worn downB. worn offC. worn outD. worn away-选择:C 5.The film brought the hours back to me _I was taken good care of in that rem

3、ote village.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. until-选择:A 6.Its high time that he settled down in the country and_a new life.A. startB. startedC. startingD. to start-选择:B 7.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _.A. Yes, you may borrowB. Yes, go onC. Yes, help yourselfD. It doesnt matter-选择:C 8._is you

4、r girl friend like? -She is very kind and good-lookingA. HowB. WhatC. WhichD. Who-选择:B 9.The baby is hungry. -But theres _milk in The bottle.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few-选择:A 10.Do you mind telling me where youre from? _.A. Certainly. Im from LondonB. SurC. I was born in LondonD. Not really, y

5、ou can do itE. Certainly not. Im from London-选择:D 11.The town is about _ ride from here.A. two hourB. two hoursC. two hoursD. two-hours-选择: 12.一Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday? 一_A. Excuse me,my friend sent me a flowerB. Fine,I never go to birthday partiesC. Haha,I dont like birthd

6、ay partiesD. Sorry,but my wife had a car accident-选择: 13.After her husband died, she _ another man in 1964.A. marriedB. married withC. married toD. was married to-选择: 14.This overcoat cost _. Whats more, they are _small for me.A. very much; veryB. too much; much tooC. much too; too muchD. very much;

7、 too much-选择: 15.Hurry up please, or Ill be late. _A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now.B. Well, its alright, sir.C. How can you say that, sir?D. Oh, we are going the right way.-选择: 16.一Hi,Tom,hows everything with you? _,and how are you?A. Dont mention itB. Hmm, not too badC. ThanksD. Pretty f

8、ast-选择: 17.She has two best friends. -_of them is in the country.A. AllB. BothC. No oneD. Neither-选择: 18.The landlady _ us bread and milk.A. offeredB. recoveredC. receivedD. confronted-选择: 19._ is the population of Paris?A. How manyB. How muchC. HowD. What-选择: 20.It was _fun to play on the beach tha

9、t it attracted countless children.A. such greatB. so greatC. such a greatD. so great a-选择: 21.Jack looked down _ Tom for his poor manners.A. toB. atC. oponD. in-选择: 22.一HelloIm Harry Potter一Hello,my name is Charles Green,butA. call my CharlesB. call me at CharlesC. call me CharlesD. call Charles me-

10、选择: 23.I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given.A. no possibilityB. there was impossibilityC. impossibleD. it impossible-选择: 24.As the busiest woman there, she made _her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it-选择: 25.You _ buy some r

11、eference books when you go to the college.A. couldB. will have toC. must toD. might-选择: 26.Thanks for your help A. My pleasureB. Never mindC. Quite rightD. Dont thank me-选择: 27.一Hi,welcome back!Had a nice trip? 一_A. Oh,fantastic!Fresh air,and sunshine every dayB. Come onIve got lots of funC. By the

12、way,I dont like SaturdaysD. Well,Ill look forward to your phone call-选择: 28.Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us. _, Susan. Whats the occasion? What time do you want to me to come?A. Id love toB. No wayC. By no meansD. Im afraid not.-选择: 29.They are

13、from_.They are_.A. Germany;GermenB. German;GermanyC. Germany;GermanD. Germany;Germans-选择: 30.I wont make the _mistake next time.A. likeB. sameC. nearD. similar-选择: 31.一Havent seen you for ages!What are you busy doing now? 一_A. 1 hate the weather hereB. My hair is getting a bit longerC. Yeah,thanks f

14、or comingD. I am working part time in a bookshop,you know-选择: 32.一Paul,_? 一Oh,thats my father! And beside him,my motherA. what is the person over thereB. whos talking over thereC. what are they doingD. which is that-选择: 33.It was getting _ , he had to stop to have a rest.A. very darkerB. dark and da

15、rkC. darker and darkerD. darkest and darkest-选择: 34.You have lovely children. _.A. No, no, no. They are notB. Oh, no, noC. Youre talking too muchD. Thanks-选择: 35.How are you,Bob? 一_ TedA. How are you?B. Im fineThank youC. How do you do?D. Nice to meet you-选择: 36.Unlike most Europeans, many Americans

16、 _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.A. used to eatingB. are used to eatingC. are used to eatD. used to eat-选择: 37.一Thats a beautiful dress you have on! _A. Oh,thanksI got it yesterdayB. Sorry,its too cheapC. You can have itD. See you later-选择: 38.What can I do for you, madam? _.A. I want a kil

17、o of applesB. You can go your own wayC. ThanksD. Excuse mE. Im busy-选择: 39.Do you mind my smoking here? _.A. No, thanks.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes. Id rather not.D. Good ide-选择: 40.Intelligent students can always _ good solutions to problems.A. carry outB. come up withC. look intoD. catch up with-选择: 41.We

18、 all know knowledge begins _ practice.A. atB. fromC. inD. with-选择: 42.What can I do for you, madam? _.A. I want a kilo of applesB. You can go your own wayC. ThanksD. Excuse mE. Im busy-选择: 43.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! _.A. Dont worry about itB. Congratulations! Thats

19、 a difficult courseC. Mr. Brown is very goodD. Good luck to you-选择: 44.一Marilyn,Im afraid I have to be leaving now _A. That sounds wonderfulB. Oh,so early?C. Not at a11D. Good luck!-选择: 45.It is not until you have lost your health _ you know its value.A. untilB. whenC. whatD. that-选择: 46.How are you

20、 feeling? Much better. _.A. Thanks for coming to see mB.C. You look great.D. You are so tireE.F. Dont mention it.-选择: 47. Did the medicine make you feel better? No. The more _, _ I feel.A. medicine I take; and the worseB. medicine I take; the worseC. I take medicine; the worseD. I take medicine; wor

21、se-选择: 48.Would you like something _A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinkingD. for drinking-选择: 49.Hi, is Mary there, please? _A. Hold on. Ill get her.B. No, she isnt herC.D. Yes, she lives herE.F. Yes, what do you want.-选择: 50. Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? _.A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting nowB. No, I cantC. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsD. I dont know-选择:

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