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1、牛津上海版九年级英语上册Unit4词汇语法知识点归纳及练习题牛津上海版九年级英语上册Unit4词汇、语法知识点归纳及练习题Key words1.screen n. the flat surface at the front of a television or computer, on which you see pictures of information 屏幕e.g. My parents and I were staring at the television screen. Can you print out this screen for me? A cinema movie sc

2、reen.电影屏幕2.recognize v. know who somebody is or what something is when you see or hear them because you have seen or heard them before. 辨认出、认识e.g. I recognized him when he came into the room. I didnt recognize my teacher because we havent seen each other for ten years.3.desktop n. a computer with a

3、keyboard screen and main processing unit, that fits on a desk 台式电脑e.g. This company has bought a few desktops recently. 4.laptop n. a small computer that can be easily carried便携式电脑I have two computers warm as a desktop and the other is a laptop.5.operate v. use of control a machine or make it work.

4、操作、控制、运行e.g. I have to read the instructions before I operate this washing machine.Some people can only operate well under pressure. 【联想】operate动手术e.g. He was seriously injured and needed to be operated on. 【联想】operation手术His operation was very successful. 6.aeroplane n. a flying the call with wings

5、 and one or more engines. 飞机e.g. More and more people take aeroplane to go too far places. 7.spaceship n. a vehicle that travels in space, carrying people宇宙飞船、航天器e.g. My dream is to operate a space ship. 【联想】space 宇宙e.g. I know nothing about outer space. 8.for the time being. 暂时、眼下e.g. The price of

6、the pork is high for the time present 目前、现在e.g. Mark isnt here at present. He has gone to Thailand. 10.meaning n. the thing or idea that a sound word sign represents. 意思、意义e.g. He doesnt know the meaning of this article. The word has several meanings.【联想】mean v. 意思是e.g. I know what you me

7、an.【联想】Meaningful adj. 意味深长的e.g. He give me a meaningful look. 【联想】meaningless毫无意义的e.g. He is always doing meaningless things.mand n. an order given to a person an animal.命令、指示e.g. Soldiers must obey the captain commands. I can give commands to the computer.12.palmtop, a small computer that can be h

8、eld in the palm of one hand. 掌上电脑、e.g. There are a lot of companies which produce palm tops at the moment. 13.tiny adj. very small in size or amount. 极小的微小的e.g. This book is extremely tiny. The cage is so tiny that it cant hold two rabbits at the same time. 14.unaware adj. not knowing or realizing t

9、hat something is happening or that something exists. 没意识到,未察觉e.g. He was unaware of the coming shark. He was completely underwear of the whole affair.,【联想】be unaware of. 没意识到、未察觉,e.g. We were underwear of the danger behind us.15.depend v. used to say that you are not certain about something because

10、of the things have to be considered. 依靠、依赖e.g. I might not go it depends how busy I am. I cant tell you the time when I will arrive, it depends whether the traffic is good or bad. 【联想】dependent adj. 依靠的、依赖的e.g. You cant be dependent on your parents or your life.【联想】dependence n. 依靠、依赖e.g. Our relati

11、onship was based on mutual dependence.【联想】depend on 依靠依赖e.g. He is the person you can depend on His living condition depends on his salary.mon adj. happening often 常见的、普遍的e.g. Mike is a common English name. It is a common spelling mistake.【联想】in common共同、共有e.g. Jane is my best friend because we have

12、 something in common.17.knowledge n. the information understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience.知识、学问e.g. He has a wide knowledge of physics and math. 【联想】know v. 知道了解,。e.g. Shes very nice when you get to know her. As we all know the greenhouse effect is becoming more and

13、 more serious.【联想】unknown adj. 未知的,不详的e.g. Shes angry for some unknown reasons. This is a kind of unknown insect.mon knowledge 常识e.g. It is common knowledge that light travels faster than sound. It is common knowledge that whales are the biggest animal in the sea. 19.rarely adv. 罕有、很少、不常e.g. We coul

14、d rarely agree with each other. The famous actor is rarely seen in public nowadays. 【联想】rare v. 稀少的稀罕的e.g. It is rare to snow heavily in the season. I was lucky together real coin yesterday. He used to smoke a lot but it seldom smoke now.20.print v. Produce letters pictures on paper using a machine

15、that puts income on the surface. 打印、印刷e.g. Dont forget to print your address on the top of the letter. Could you please print the letter out for me?【联想】printer打印机e.g. A printer should be connected to a computer. The book is very popular and it is in its sixth printing. 21.importantly adv. 重要地e.g. Mo

16、re importantly he can be trusted.【联想】important adj. 重要的e.g. Money plays an important role in our daily life. It is important for him to attend the meeting.【联想】importance n. 重要性e.g. She stressed the importance of this project again and again.22.writing n. Writing books articles in general 文章、著作e.g. T

17、his is his best piece of writing. Do you have a habit of keeping travel writing?23.aware adj. Knowing of realizing something. 意识到e.g. We were well aware of this problem. 【联想】awareness n. 意识、认识e.g. He showed a lack of awareness of the importance of learning English.。Key Sentences:1.Since then compute

18、rs have become smaller and smaller. 句中since then意为“自那时起”,当since表示从过去的一个时间点延续至说话的现在时,通常要求主句中的动词使用现在完成时,而since引导的从句的使用一般过去式,如: Weve been friends ever since we left school. 但是当主句的谓语动词为be或seem时,则主句就可以使用动词的一般现在时。当be表示与时间的词语连用时尤其如此。如: Its a long time since I met you last time.since和for均可用来表示某事开始了多久,具体的说要表

19、达从某个时间开始可用since,若表达持续的时间长度则用for。 Ive known her since2000. 自从2000年起我就认识他了 Ive known her for ten years. 我认识她有十年了。句中的become意为“变得”。Become是形容词,后可接形容词,如: Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. 我们的国家正变得越来越强大。系动词也称连系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后面必须跟表语,构成系表结构,说明主语的状况、性质、特征等。2.Other kinds of computers are so

20、tiny that you may be unaware of them.其他类型的电脑太小了,你可能意识不到它们的存在。句中be unaware of意为“没察觉到、未察觉”,如,A stranger followed him but he was unaware of it.一个陌生人跟踪他,但是他没察觉到。Jeffrey is a careless boy and hes always unaware of the danger.,杰弗瑞是一个粗心的男孩,他总是察觉不到危险。3.More importantly they can operate railways and fly aero

21、planes and spaceships.更重要的是,他们能操控火车,飞机和宇宙飞船句中的more importantly意为“更重要的是”,这是副词的比较级用法,通常放在句首并用逗号隔开。如: China is the first developing country to hold World Expo. 句中的operate意思是“操控”, 相当于run。如: Before you operate the machine, you should read the instructions first. 4.For this reasons, we often call them ele

22、ctronic brains. 出于这个原因,我们常常称它们为“电脑”。句中的“for“意为”由于;因为“,后接短语,相当于because of,如: For this reason, he didnt go to the party. 出于这个原因,他没有出席派对。 Because of the heavy rain he had to stay home. 由于下大雨,他不得不呆在家里for引导原因状语从句时,意义与because相同,通常可互换,但for引导的原因状语从句受到一定的限制。 (1)for引导的原因状语从句不能置于句首,只能置于主句之后,前通常有逗号,如: He took a

23、 taxi for it rained heavily. (2)why引导的疑问句必须用because来回答,不能用for替换,如: - “Why did you do it?” - “I did it because I had to.” 此处不能用for替代。 (3)for引导的原因状语从句,不可跟在not,but以及任何连词之后,但because可以 这样用,如: He works hard not because he needs money, but because he likes the job. 他卖力工作不是因为需要钱,而是因为他喜欢这份工作。 (4)for表示原因和理由的语

24、气较弱,有时仅表示对前一分句所说内容的逻辑推断,并 非真实或直接的原因,而because表示明确或肯定的原因,理由充足,如 Mary must be ill for she didnt go to school today. 玛丽一定是病了,因为她今天没去学校。 I didnt go to school yesterday because I got a bad cold. 我昨天因为得了重感冒,所以没有去上学。句中的electronic意为“电子的“,如: We are allowed to use electronic calculators to solve math problems.

25、 我们可以用电子计算器做数学题。electric electrical electricity electronic electric意为“插电用的“,如: Dont forget to switch off the electric fans before leaving. 离开之前,别忘了关电扇。 electrical意为“和电有关的“,如: Washing machines are orphans and microwaves are all electrical appliances. 洗衣机,烤箱和微波炉都是电器。 electricity意为“电“,如: A meter is use

26、d to measure the amount of electricity that has been used. 电表是用来测量用电量的。 electronic意为“电子的“,如: I like this electronic watch. 我喜欢这款电子表。5.For example, you can use your computer to read about famous person from history and you can see a photograph of video of him or her and even listen to them speaking.

27、例如你可以用电脑来查阅某个没历史名人的相关资料,你还可以看他的照片和录像,甚至可以听他们的演讲。句中的 use something to do something意为“用做某事“,如: I use water to clean my floor. 我用水清洁地板。use其他一些用法归纳如下: used to do过去常常做 be used to doing习惯于做 be used to do. 被用来做 He used to go to work on foot but now he drives a car. 他过去常步行上班,但现在他开车了。 He is used to living in

28、 the countryside. 她习惯了乡下的生活。 All the ingredients are used to make a cake. 所有的配料被用来制作一个蛋糕。 词性转换1.More and more people are _ of the importance of saving water. (unaware)2.The electric light was one of the greatest _in the 19th century. (invent)3.George won a great _in the competition. (succeed)4.Many

29、_ appliances are used in our daily life. (electricity)5.Tell me the _what you have done. (true)6.Dont be so careless again you have made so many mistakes in the _. (calculate)7.Mary is busy _ the letter on the computer. (type)8.Thank you for your _. (kind)9.Jack is quite_. He does a part time job to

30、 pay for his own college expenses. (depend)10.Its _for me to finish the work in a few minutes because the work is too difficult. (possible)11.The church was _ in the nineteen ninety years after the big fire. (build)12.The number of English speaker has _ up to about 5,000,000. (rise)13.Face failure a

31、nd be_, and you will be happy all the time. (confidence)14.Computers will never completely _humans. (place)15.Look at the picture do you know the _ gentlemen from the right. (eight)16.The _ on the mains brain is successful. (operate)17.Although the restaurant provided poor meals, the prices are _. (reason)18.Most _, h

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