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1、外研版小学三起英语四年级下册单元模块测试题含答案全册一、选出下列不同类的单词:(20分)( )1、 ( )2、 ( )3、 C. cute ( )4、 ( )5、 ( )6、 B. this ( )7、 ( )8、 C. cool( )9、 ( )10、 二、翻译下列短语:(30分)1、我的朋友们 2、一点害羞 3、一个聪明的小学生 4、一位友善的老师 5、一只非常淘气的鸟儿 6、我的大兄弟 7、盼盼的小妹妹 8、一个小女孩 9、一小绺鬈发 10、一个非常友善的男孩 三、选择填空:(20分)( )1、She is . very nice nice( )2、She is . bit shy bi

2、t nice( )3、He is . clever ( )4、Parrot is . very naughty naughty( )5、 are my friends. ( )6、 is Maomao. A. These ( )7、 is my big brother. A. These ( )8、He is . cool ( )9、This is sister. my little( )10、My mother is . tall very tall四、翻译下列句子:(20分)1、这是毛毛的父亲。2、这是我的小妹妹。她有点害羞。3、这是他的大兄弟。他很酷。4、李莉是一个非常聪明的女孩。5、杨

3、洋非常淘气吗?不,他很可爱。五、补全对话:(10分) A:Hello,Tom! This is Ms Smart. A、No, I am not . I am very clever.B、Shes our new teacher.C、Xiaoyong is a bit shy.D、You are very cute.E、Hello,Ms Smart.B: C:Hello, you shy?B: C:Ha,ha. Whos shy in your class?B: C: Whos naughty?B:Parrot is very naughty.C: 参考答案一、CCBBC ACCAB二、1、m

4、y friends 2、a bit shy 3、a clever pupil 4、a nice teacher 5、a very naughty bird 6、my big brother 7、Panpans little sister 8、a little girl 9、a little curl 10、a very nice boy三、BABBA BBBBA四、1、This is Maomaos father .2、This is my little sister .Shes a bit shy .3、This is his big brother . Hes very cool.4、Li

5、li is a very clever girl .5、Is Yangyang very naughty? No,he is very cute.五、BEACD 外研版(三起)英语四下 第二模块测试题一、将下列单词所缺字母补充完整:(20分)1、c p tal 2、bea t ful 3、w de 4、r v r 5、f m s6、 ld 7、l ng 8、m ny 9、ab t 10、p l ce二、翻译下列短语:(30分)1、一本关于伦敦的书 2、来自(是人) 3、中国的首都 4、白金汉宫 5、大本钟 6、女王的房子 7、在河上 8、塔桥 9、伦敦桥 10、倒下 三、选择填空:(20分)(

6、 )1、This is . A .a River Thames B .the river thames C .the River Thames( )2、 is the capital of England . A .London B .Beijing C .Washington .( )3、This is a book luxun . A .to B .about C .of( )4、The Great Wall is very . A .short and wide B .long and very old C .wide and very beautiful( )5、My father i

7、s . A .young and beautiful B .very small and cool C .young and cool( )6、This is house . A .Linglings B .Lingling of C .linglings( )7、My English teacher England . from B .are from C .is from ( )8、This is Hyde Park .Its very . A .long B .small C .famous( )9、Tiananmen is very famous ,and its beautiful

8、, . A .to B .too C ,now( )10、 this tree tall? Yes , it is . A .Are B .Is C .Am四、翻译下列句子:(20分)1、上海是一个著名的城市(city)。2、北京是中国的首都。3、他很酷吗?不,不是。4、河上有许多船。5、长安街又长又宽。五、补全对话:(10分)A .Im from America .B .Yes .Its falling down .C .Its tall ang old .D .Welcome to London . morning .A:Good morning ,Tom .B: ,John .Where

9、 are you from?A: ,And you ?B: Im from London .A:Whats Big Ben like ?B : .A:Do you know London Bridge ?B: .A:Its very famous .B:Yes . .参考答案一、1、a,i 2、u,i 3、i 4、i ,e 5、a ou 6、o 7、o 8、a 9、ou 10、a ,a 二、1、a book about London 2、be from 3、the capital of China 4、Buckingham Palace5、Big Ben 6、the Queens house

10、7、on the river 8、Tower Bidge 9、London Bridge 10、fall down三、CABBC ACCBB四、1、Shanghai is a famous city .2、Beijing is the capital of China .3、Is he very cool ? No ,he isnt .4、There are many ships/baots on the river .5、Changan Street is long and wide .五、EACBD(外研版)小学四年级英语下册第三模块测试题一、找出下列不同类型的单词:(20分)( )1、A

11、 .take B . help C .picnic ( )2、A .Great B .Oh C .ball ( )3、A .because B .kite C .so ( )4、A .Thursday B .why C .Tuesday ( )5、A .will B .homework C .picnic ( )6、A .capital B .famous C .beautiful ( )7、A .long B .wide ( )8、A .England B .China C .London ( )9、A .will B .so C .do ( )10、A .play B .on C .sta

12、rt二、选择填空:(10分)( )1、Ill go swimming Tuesday. A .at B .in ( )2、Today is Sunday and tomorrow is . A .Saturday B .Tuesday C .Monday( )3、On Saturday we have a picnic . A .are going to B .is going to C .am going to( )4、What will you do ,Shanshan ? will help her mother. A. Ill help my mother. ( )5、I will o

13、n Wednesday .A .go the park B .go to park C .go to the park ( )6、Why not ? tomorrow is Friday . A .So B .Because C .And( )7、 take your kite tomorrow ? A .Will you B .You will C .Are you( )8、Will you take your ball ? A .Yes ,I wont B .No ,I wont C .No ,I will( )9、On Sunday she is going to her homewor

14、k. A .do B .does C .did( )10、Lingling will her grandmother next week . A .visits B .is going to visit C .visit三、选择配伍(5分)( )1. Whats this? A. I will go swimming. ( )2. Is this your house? B. Its the Queens house.( )3. What will you do? C. Its a robot. ( )4. Whose house is it? D. No, they wont. ( )5.

15、Oh, they will do our homework too! E. No, it isnt. 四、连词成句(10分)1. do, will, robots, everything(.) _ , Ill, on Monday, swimming(.)_ 3. do, you, will , on , what, Tuesday(?)_ , city , a , big, London(.)_ 5. teacher, a , shes , nice(.)_ 五、单词拼写(10分) wont do _(我们的)homework. will _(有)a picnic on Saturday.(

16、下一个) _(星期)is a _(假期).六、将下列单词填入对应括号内:(20分)星期日( ) 星期一( ) 星期二( ) 星期三( ) 星期四( ) 星期五( ) 星期六( ) 星期( ) 今天( ) 明天( )Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday tomorrow Friday today Saterday Wednesday week七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案(8分)Next week is a holiday. Sam will play football on Monday. Amy will play the flute on Wednesday. Dam

17、ing will fly kites. On Friday. Lingling will visit her grandma on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday Sam,Amy ,Lingling and Daming will have a picnic. They will take some food and some toys.( )1. Sam will play football on _.A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Saturday( ) will play the flute on Wednesday.AAmy ( )3. T

18、hey will _ on Sunday.A. go to park B. go swimming C. have a picnic( )4. Will they go to school next week?A. Yes, they will. B. No, they wont. C. No, they arent.外研版四年级英语下第4模块测试题 姓名: 评价: 听力部分:一、 听音,补全单词。每个单词读两遍。(10分)1、r b t 2. v ryth ng sew rk rn 5. r th r mew k c se t lp 二、听音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词听两遍。(10分)(

19、).robot ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,给下列图片排序。每句读两遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音判断,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(10分)( ) will do the housework. ( ) will help children learn.( ) will be windy in Shenyang.( ) will the weather be like tody?( ) robot can walk and talk. 笔试部分五、将下列单词连线,组成一个新的单词写在下面的横线上。(8分) every hous

20、e foot play ground thing work ball 六、写出下列单词的相应形式。(12分)(反义词) t(完全形式) (形容词) (反义词) (反义词) (形容词) 七、选择填空。(10分)( ) day,robots will do . ( )2. Robots can . ( ) it windy in Beijing? ( ) will be in Guangzhou. ( )5. It will in Shenyang. 八、将下列问句与正确的答句连线。(10分)s this? , it is. it a robot? ,they will. it speak? ,

21、I am not. they do the housework? ,it can. you going to swim? is a tree.九、读句子,找出正确的问句或答句,在括号里画“”。(10分)例: No,it wont. it be sunny tomorrow ? ( ) will it be sunny ? ( ) will be hot in Chongqing . it be hot in Chongqing ? ( ) will it be hot tomorrow ? ( )2. Im listening to music. is she doing ? ( ) are

22、you doing? ( )3. They are from China . are they from ? ( ) are they doing ? ( )4. Will it be sunny tomorrow ? ,it will. ( ) ,it dont. ( )5. Have you got a new book? ,I have. ( ) ,he hasnt. ( )十、连词成句(10分) will do the they. everything do robots. children will they learn. sunny in Beijing will be. weat

23、her be today the what ? 听力原文:一、 二、 三、 will be sunny tomorrow. 2. It will be windy tomorrow. 3. It will rain tomorrow. 4. It will snow tomorrow. 5. It will be cloudy tomorrow.四、 will do our homework。 will help children learn will be sunny in Shenyang. will the weather be like tomorrow? robot can talk

24、 and walk.四年级英语下册第四模块测试题一、词汇:(30分)把下列单词补充完整: (所有事情) 2. work (家务) 3. work(家庭作业)4. day (今天) 5. day(星期日)写出下列单词的反义词: 写出下列单词的缩写形式: not= not= is= is = will = 二、翻译下列短语:(20分)1.做家务 2.做蛋糕 3.在北京 4.帮助孩子们学习 5.做我们的作业 Weather Tomorrow hot to music dont know cloudy 三、选择填空:(20分)( )s that ? a robot . is is s( )2. the

25、y do our homework ? No ,they wont . A. Will ( ) can . ( )4、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning( )5、One day robots will do everything . A .一天 B .总有一天 C .过去一天( )6、It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy( )7、Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow( )8、The wea

26、ther will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny( )9、Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I wont know B .I dont know C .I cant know ( )10、 you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will四、连词成句:(20分) What weather the tomorrow be ? Will hot today be ? t do They homework our . play Robots fo

27、otball now 5、in be Harbin It cold will . 五、根据信息,完成短文:(10分) The Weather Forecast(天气预报)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday,SaturdayandSunday Good evening everybody!What will the weather be this week?It will be on it will be on will be on will on on Friday,Saturday and Sunday it will .Children wont go

28、 out to play on Saturday and Sunday. (外研版)小学(三起)四年级英语下册第五模块(Size)测试题一、写出下列单词的比较级形式:(20分)1、tall 2、old 3、short 4、young 5、strong 6、long 7、high 8、big 9、small 10、thin 二、翻译下列短语:(20分)1、起立 2、长江 3、黄河 4、长城 5、泰山 6、Mount Qomolangma 7、the Summer Palace 8、their big ,blue eyes 9、the very same size 10、Pollys hair 三

29、、选择填空:(20分)( )1、An elephant is than a lion . A .big B .bigger C .biger( )2、I am . Xiaoyong is than me . A .tall tall B .taller tall C .tall taller( )3、Lingling is thinner Xiaoyong. A .than C .then( )4、Zhangmins father is than his mother . A .younger B .youngger C .young( )5、You shorter than her . A .am B .is C .are ( )6、The black dog is _ than the white dog. A . thin B .thiner C .thinner( )7、John

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