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1、苏教版七年级英语级上册期末考试苏教版七年级上册英语苏教版七年级英语级上册期末考试|苏教版七年级上册英语辛劳的付出必有丰厚回报,紫气东来鸿运通天,孜孜不倦今朝梦圆。预祝:七年级英语期末考试时能超水平发挥。以下是WTT为大家整理的苏教版七年级英语级上册期末考试,希望你们喜欢。苏教版七年级英语级上册期末考试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)命题:宋春芳 审核:刘亚芹第一部分 选择题(80分)一、听力测试(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。1.Whatdoes Millie lik

2、e to do after class?A.B.C.2.What is Simon's favourite festival?A.B.C.3.Which is made of cotton?A.B.C.4.Whereare they now?A.B.C.5.WhatsToms father like?A.Fat.B.Short.C.Thin.6.What does the boy want to be when he grows up?A.Adoctor.B.A player.C.A teacher.7.Howmuch does the woman need to pay?A.Seve

3、nyuan.B.Twenty-three yuan.C.Sixteen yuan.8.Howlong is the shopping mall open?A.10 hours.B.12 hours.C.11 hours.9.Whereare they?A.Ina fast food shop.B.In the hospital.C.In the school.10.Howdoes the boy usually go to school?A.Bybike.B.On foot.C.By bus.B) 听对话和短文回答问题,听两遍。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将

4、有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听下面一段对话,回答第1112小题。11.Whatdoes the woman want to buy?A.Ablouse.B.A bag C.Asweater12.Whatcolour does the woman take at last?A.BlueB.BlackC.Green听一段独白,回答第13-15小题。Tommy's13At14 in the morning He gets up.At 9:00 He helps Sandy with English.At12:00 He h

5、as lunch with his parents.At 3:00 in the afternoon He plays football with his15 .At10:30 in the evening He goes to bed.13.A.Monday B.SaturdayC.Sunday14.A.6:00B.6:30C.7:0015.A.friendsB.fatherC.mother听一篇短文,回答第16-20小题。16.Whatday is it today?A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.17.Where do they have a fashion s

6、how?A.Inthe school hall.B.On the playground.C.In the classroom.18.Whatcolour is Mr Whites shirt?A.Red.B.White.C.Purple.19.Whats Mary w earing?A.Ared coat.B.A green sweater.C.A white skirt.20.Whois Millies twin sister?A.Jill.B.Lucy.C.Mary.二、选择题(15分)()21.Lilyis _ and she is from _.A.anEnglish; England

7、 B.England;EnglishC.English:England D.anEnglish girl; English( )22.Youneed to exercise _ and watch _TV.A.much;little B.more;less C.little;much D.less;more( )23._? He looks tall and strong.A.Howis he ? B.Howdoes he lookC.Whatdoes he like D.Howis he like( )24.Hereis the milk for _, Tom._ can help you

8、sleep;It B.your;It;They;It( )25.Whois the woman _ an old black coat over there?Its Tom.Helikes dressing up _ an old woman on;as;in;of;of( )26.Kittydoesnt like hamburgers, so she _ eats them.A.seldomB.alwaysC.sometimesD.often()27.There_ some milk,

9、 two apples and a bottle of juice in the fridge.A.isB.areC.haveD.has()28.Sometimes I dont have enough time _ with my parents.Youwill if you spend more time _ with them at home.A.tochat; to stay B.tochat; stayingC.chatting;to stay D.chatting;staying( )29.-Would you like a glass of milk ?- _.Idlike on

10、ly a cup of tea.A.Yes, please B.Yes,thank youC.No,thanks D.Pleasedont give me milk( ) 30.Itis raining now, Jim cant_ on the playground.A.domorning exercises B.doesmorning exercisesC.domorning exercise D.doesmorning exercise( ) 31.-_do you read English newspaper?-I read them every day.A.Howlong B.How

11、much C.Howoften D.Howfar( ) 32.Thehousework is _ easy.Youdon't have to spend (花费) _ time on it.A.toomuch; too much B.toomuch; much tooC.muchtoo; much too D.muchtoo; too much( ) 33.Imgoing to Yuannan next week.Great!_.A.Havea wonderful time B.ThankyouC.Thatsall right D.Goodbye() 34.Mydaughters bi

12、rthday is ing.Iam _ something good for her.A.lookingat B.lookingfor C.lookingafter D.finding() 35.Thewhite trousers are nice.CanI _?.A.tryit on B.tryon itC.trythem on D.tryon them三、找出画线部分读音不同的选项。(5分)( ) 36.A.grade B.masterC.ageD.cake() 37.A.e-dog 38.A.slim 39.

13、A.go 40.A.use B.cuteC.underD.music四、完型填空(10分)My41 home is in the country (乡下).The air there is fresh and it is 42 .Myhouse is very beautiful.43at least three floors.Thereis a river 44 my house and behind 45 is a big garden.Ican 46 trees and flowers in it.Ilike 47 green everywhere a

14、nd green is my 48 color.Ilike to work in the 49 and fish in the river.Idlike to invite my friends at my home .Then we can chat and play games.How50 we are.( ) 41.A.dream B.dayC.dreamsD.night() 42.A.quite B.quietC.quietlyD.quietly() 43.A.There are B.Thereis C.HaveD.Has() front of B.inthe fron

15、t C.underD.on() 45.A.them B.itC.ID.myparents( ) 46.A.grow B 47.A.saw B.lookC.tosee D.tolook( ) 49.A.park B.gardenC.houseD.home() 50.A.happy B.happilyC.pleaseD.unhappy五、阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30分)AA car stops at a small bus stop.Aman is hungry

16、and he wants to buy some cakes.Itsraining hard, he doesnt want to go out in the rain.Hesees a boy.“ehere, boy!” he cries.“Doyou know how much the cakes are?” The boy says yes.Theman gives the boy four dollars(美元) and asks him to buy two cakes.“Oneis for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, t

17、he boy es back.Heseating a cake.Hegives the man two dollars and says: “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”( )51.Whereis the man?A.Hesnear the bus.B.He is at home.C.Heson the bus.D.He is in the car.( )52.Theman doesnt want to go out because_.A.heis tired B.hedoesnt like rainC.heis hungry D.itsrainin

18、g hard( )53.Howmany cakes does the boy get?A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four()54.Howmuch are they if(假如)we buy four cakes?A.Fivedollars B.eightdollarsC.Tendollars D.Fifteendollars( )55.Whatsthe result (结果)?A.Theman eats the cake.B.The boy eats the cake.C.Theboy doesnt eat the cake.D.The boy and the man both e

19、at the cakes.B以下是Wendy对班上同学们课外活动喜欢程度的调查。请根据调查表选择最佳答案。√=like - =doesnt likeActivitiesNames Play basketballRead icbooksFl y kitesPlay puter gamesMillie - √√ √√ √Alice - - √√ √Peter √√ √√ - √Kate - √√ &radic

20、;√ √Tom √√ √ - √( )56.Allthe boys and girls like .A.playingbasketball B.readingic booksC.flyingkites D.playingputer games( )57._like flying kites.A.Aliceand Peter B.Kateand AliceC.Kateand Millie D.Millie,Alice and Kate( )58._doesntlike reading ic books.A.AliceB.Pe

21、terC.TomD.Kate()59.Nogirls like_ .A.playingbasketball B.readingic stripsC.flyingkites D.playingputer games( )60._and_ have the same likes and dislikes.A.Alice;Kate B.Peter;Millie C.Millie;Kate D.Peter;TomCPeople eat different things in different parts of the world.In some countries, people eat rice

22、every day.Sometimesthey eat it two or three times a dayfor breakfast, lunch and supper.Theyeat rice with meat, fish and vegetables.Somepeople do not eat some kinds of meat.Muslims(穆斯林),for exle, do not eat pork.Japaneseeat lots of fish.Theyare near the sea.Soit is easy for them to get fish.In Wester

23、n countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread and potatoes.Peoplethere can cook potatoes in many different ways.Some people eat only fruit and vegetables.Theydo not eat meat or fish or anything from animals.Theyeat only food from plants (植物).Somepeople say that

24、 food from plants i s better than meat.Thesepeople are called Vegetarians.( )61.Whatdoes the underlined word “vegetarians” mean in Chinese?A.肉食主义者B.生食主义者C.果食主义者 D.素食主义者()62.donot eat pork.A.ChineseB.JapaneseC.MuslimsD.Americans()63.Whydo Japanese eat lots of fish?A.Becausethey like fish better than

25、the other food.B.Becauseit is easy for them to get fish.C.Becausefish can give them lots of calories.D.Becausethey think eating fish can make them clever.( )64.Whatis the most important food in Australia?A.Fish.B.Bread.C.Vegetables.D.Fruit.()65.Whichone of the following sentences is true?A.Peoplein

26、different countries eat different food.B.Ifyou only eat food from animals, you are a vegetarian.C.Foodfrom animals is better than food from plants.D.Peoplein some Western countries can only cook potatoes in one第二部分 非选择题 (70分)六、词汇运用(10分)A.根据所给音标和汉语提示写出单词,使句意完整正确(5分).66.Hereis a birthday _ /'prezn

27、t/ for you .67.Thisbig meal gives me energy for the _(整个的)afternoon.68.Thefish _ (品尝起来) very nice.Ilike it very much.69.Mysister wants to be a _(模特).70.Myfather likes _ (收集) sts very much.Whatabout your father?B.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)71.Wheresyour cousin? She (lie) in bed and watching TV.72.Maryplans _ (pl

28、ay) badminton twice a week in the winter holiday.73.Ithink this pair of jeans (fit) you very well.74.Thankyou very much for (write) to me.75.OurEnglish teachers office is on _ (five) floor.七、阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容内容填表格。(10分)I am Lily.Ihave a piece of good news to tell you.Wehave a new apartment(公寓).The rooms are small, but they are all fortable.Thereare more rooms here than in our old apartment.Thisis good because I have my own(自己的)room now.Inthe old apartment, I must share(分享) a room with my sister.My bedroom is my favourite(最喜欢的)i

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