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1、每日英语2013.2.261、How is it doing /How are you getting along/How is everything with you/How is the world treating you2、Im getting by (还凑和)/Pretty good/couldnt be better/Im doing all right/Cannt complain3、What a pleasant surprise to meet you here/Fancy meeting you here.Bring sth back 恢复,唤起回忆Bring down 消

2、减,降低Give rise to sth 引起,导致Pollution has given rise to great concern about the environment in the areas.Obscure 晦涩的,不知晓的 bliss (u) 无上之福Umbilically 关系极为密切的 issue about/around问题Accessibility 可获得性2013.2.271、Whats up?Youve got stars in your eyes.怎么了?你看起来春光满面。2、I mean that! 3、I ran into him/I bumped into

3、him Anything but 决不、根本不The coat was anything but cheap.Tom is no fool-anything but.相关句型:Not at all 一点也不I dont believe her at all.Nothing but 只不过,仅仅I want nothing but the best for my parents.Not for anything 决不做某事I would not give it up for anything.2013.2.281、I really should be leaving.2、Time is real

4、ly flying by/How the time has flown by.3、Its really an honor /a pleasure for me to meet him.4、I have heard so much about him.As .as. 像什么一样The young man was as brilliant as handsome.Less .than.相当于 behaves less politely than Jack.As much/ bought as much as food as he need.As far

5、 as 远到.;到.为止;就.而言As far as I know/remember/seeWe didnt go as far as the others.2013.3.11、Would you do me a favor/May I ask a favor of you.2、Can I be of any help/Would you like me to give you a hand.3、You can say that again.4、I appreciate all you did very much/I am very grateful to you for your kindn

6、ess/I dont know how to express my thanks.By far 显然,到达极为明显的程度She is by far the best candidate.Far and away 很大程度上That made him,far and away ,the best known write.How far 多远,相差怎样的程度、距离、或范围。She didnt know how far to believe him.2013.3.21、Rome was not built in a day.2、He has an absent look on his face.3、

7、Its an absolute fact.4、Its better she do it of her own accord.自愿做5、We should adapt our thinking to the new situation.6、He is active in helping others.As if .好像.We remember the accident vividly as if it happened only yesterday.Her guest suddenly stood up as if to leave.(陈述句)He walks as if he is drunk

8、.Be like .像.That rope is like a snake.Take after.长得像.照顾.Your daughter doesnt take after you at all.Spite 不顾,怨恨 out of spite 出于怨恨Luxury 奢侈,奢侈品 accommodate 容纳,使适应Restrain 阻止,抑制 arrogant 傲慢的2013.3.31、Words seem fail me when I want express my thanks to You./I appreciate all you did very much./I dont kno

9、w how to express my thanks.2、Thank you ever so much for your hospitality.谢谢你的热情款待3、I feel Im in your debt. 我感觉欠你人情4、No skin off my back. 举手之劳5、Ill give you a break.Be on the point of doing sth.即将要.We were on the point of losing game.Be to do sth.预定要做.Be going to doing 将要做.Will do sth 通常指当场作出决定和打算。Pa

10、radise 天堂,乐园 ignite 点燃,引发,着火Asset 资产,财产,优点 decent 像样的,体面地,得体Recipe 食谱,秘诀 propel 推进,推动,驱使2013.3.41、Better to light one candle than cruse the darkness.2、I would like to add that we are satisfied with your work.3、The supply is not adequate to the demand.4、Dont forget to add me in.5、Its advisable to res

11、erve a seat on the train.6、I cant afford time for the journey.7、What comes after? 后来怎么样了?8、I was affected by the file.Agony 痛苦,苦恼,极度 in an agony of pain.Instruct 指示,教育 lure 引诱v,诱饵Genuine 真的,真正的 artery 干线,要道Hostile 敌对的,不友善的 feeble 虚弱的,无效的2013.3.51、A flood of emotion has flowed through my mind. 百感交集2、

12、To me ,that is the last straw at that time. 忍无可忍了3、It left me with a lot of hard feelings.4、Dont bother me!5、Maybe you went too far/overboard. 太过分了As it is 事实上,实际情况是=as it turns out/as things stand The situation is getting worse,as it is.As it were 可以说,在一定程度上,似乎是That is ,as it were ,part of the plan

13、.She is my best friend ,my sister ,as it were.Spontaneous 自发的,无意识的,自然地Spouse 配偶 sparkle 闪光,生气,活力 full of sparkleCompliment V.赞美,恭维N repression 压抑,压制Ensue 接踵而至 After the heavy rain,floods ensued.Cognitive 认知的,认知能力 notion 意图,概念,想法2013.3.61、The situation is against us.2、The human must have the will,oth

14、erwise will accomplish nothing.3、To above the past is to take warning for the future.4、All but one passed the exam.5、The facts allow of only one explanation.6、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.Answer for 对什么负责任 in answer for 作为对的回答 be oneself 病好了A fly keeps annoying m

15、e .Anticipate 预料,期望Antique 古老的 acute 严重的,敏锐的acute analysis 深刻的分析 comparable 可比较的Pedestrian 行人 clutch 掌握,抓紧,控制2013.3.71、Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed.2、It made my hair stand up on end.3、Dont let me down.4、In my opinion ,thats much ado about nothing.5、I wish you wouldnt split hairs.6、We

16、cant live up to his expectation.As long as 只要,如果Any movie will do,so long as it is interesting .We will as long as My parents dont care what job I do as long as Im happy.As soon asI will call you as soon as I get home from work.As soon as possible .尽快Helen wants you to email her as soon as possible.

17、Would as soon. 宁可,宁愿也不I would just as soon you didnt drive the car while Im gone.Biography 传记 mourn 哀悼 limp 软弱的,无生气的一瘸一拐 squad 小队,小组2013.3.81、Thats anything but true.2、Sit anywhere you like.3、This film has a wide appeal.4、We appointed the time for the next meeting .5、I appreciate your making the eff

18、ort to come.6、All approaches to the station were blocked .7、He was one of architects of the revolution.8、If you would be loved ,love and be lovable.想被人爱,要先爱人,并让自己可爱。Something +adj 什么的事 For anything 无论如何 Ill not steal for anything.Apparent 显然的,表面上的 apparent sincerityTo all appearances 就表面来看Arbitrary

19、随意的,武断的New development in the area of language teaching.2013.3.91、I wish you wouldnt split hairs.你别那么斤斤计较2、If I follow you rightly,then.如果我没理解错的话3、We cannt live up to his expectation.4、Whats meant to be will be/whatever will be,will be.5、Thats driving me crazy.6、There are no extensions of time in li

20、fe.7、The world is a lot tougher than you think.8、Life is too short to do things you will regret.Rectify 纠正,修复 destiny 命运,定数Reclaim 要回,回收 gigantic 巨大的Orientation方向,目标commercial orientation商业定位Reconcile 使调解,使和解 fracture 裂缝,折断2013.3.101、You know everything has its price.世事都有代价。2、Take it easy/hold your

21、horse /stay cool/calm down3、Youd better mind your manner.4、Smoking is prohibited in public places.5、Dont say one thing and do another.6、Dont wear out your welcome.在人家呆久了,招人烦As .尽管,即使 句首倒装Happy as they were ,there was something missing.尽管他们很快乐,但总缺点什么。Unlikely as it might seem ,Im tired.尽管看起来不像,可我确实很累

22、了。Though/although 尽管,虽然Though they were happy ,there was something missing.Much as .尽管.引导让步状语从句Much as I would like to stay ,I really must go home .Deviate 背离,偏离 priority 优先权,优先考虑的事Discriminate 区别,歧视 pamphlet 小册子Rivalry n.竞争,竞赛 competence 能力,称职,胜任Barricade 路障,阻挡,栅栏 glamour 魅力,诱惑力2013.3.111、Problems

23、arise out of lack of communication.2、You could say he has been around.他博学多识。3、The new law has aroused much public concern.4、The day has arrived at last.5、We all argued for hours and eventually we arrived at a decision.6、When in Rome ,do as the Romes do.7、Owning an old car is nothing to be ashamed of

24、.8、Take care not to arouse her from sleep.9、The past should enlighten us in the future.过去的事情会在将来给我们启示。The art of making friends. 交友的技巧Armor 盔甲,装甲,保护物 slip 失误,差错,滑Enlighten 启发,开导 progressive 前进的,渐进的Corrode 腐蚀,侵蚀 propaganda 宣传 Foam 泡沫 psychiatrist 精神病专家2013.3.121、We have good chemistry. 我们心意相通。2、We kn

25、ow what each others thinking./we are speaking the same language./great minds run in the same channels.3、You are kidding me./You are teasing me./You are pulling my leg.4、He told me a white lie.5、How many lies did you tell?/How long was your nose?6、You look as if you just won the jackpot.Be about to d

26、o 即将,将要The basketball game is about to start.Be on the point of doing 即将要We are the point of losing the game.Be to do sth 预定要做.多用于表示公开的预定计划。The chairman is to make a speech in the meeting this afternoon.Be going to do sth 将要做,将要发生。表示说话前已打算好的事情,或是基于现有状况做出的推断。Im going to buy a car.Will do sth 通常指当场作的决

27、定和打算,而不是计划或安排 I will text you later.Presume 推断,假定,相信 hurricane 飓风Entail 需要,使成为必要 referee 裁判员,调节者Dodge 托辞,躲避 disguise 伪装,掩饰,化妆2013.3.131.Never make ,but break. 成事不足,败事有余。2.Life is not all roses.3.Well certainly have some ups and downs.4.Stretch your imagination. 尽情想像吧!5.Dont beat around the bush.说话别绕

28、圈子。6.What I am trying to say here is that .7.The main point Im trying to make is.8.True affluence is not needing anything. 真正的财富是一无所知。Be capable of doing sth 有能力,有才能做某事The company isnt capable of handing an order that entitled to 有权利,有资格做某事,使.享有权利Everyone is entitled to express their own op

29、inion.每个人都有话语权!Stagger n.蹒跚,踉跄 V.使吃惊,使交错Embody 使具体化,体现,包含Detach 拆开,使分离 plague 瘟疫,灾难Essence 本质,实质 radical 激进的,基本的2013.3.141.The pros outweigh the cons.正面理由超过反面理由。2.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse ,however ,people take different attitudes.3.Lately I have been burning the candle at both ends.

30、4.It seems to me ,both views are lop-sided.5.There is probably some truth on both sides.6.You have to be full-hearted to it .There is a light at the end of the tunnel after all.7.Dont abandon your ego. 不要放弃自我。Be /have nothing /something to do with.That has nothing to do with what we are discussing .Be nothing to sb.对某人来说无所谓I used to love her but shes nothing to me any more.There is nothing in/to.某事是不可信There is something in.某人的话有道理It seems theres nothing in the rumor that shes pregnant.There is nothing like .什么都比不上There is nothing like home.Essence 本质,实质,精华 ego

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