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1、郑大复试试题1.开场白Good mornin g. I am very glad to be here for this in terview.2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院First let me in troduce myself. My n ame is LiShuai, and my En glish n ame is Jacky Lee. Ive finished my undergraduate education in Xidian University, M ajoring in Electr onic Scie nee and Tech no logy in

2、the college of Tech ni cal Physic s.3.性格,爱好,实践经验I am ope n-min ded, willi ng and have broad in terests like basketball, re ading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website desig n, hardware desig n. For example, duri ng the past four years, I have accomplishe d two websites:

3、 one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 2007. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming Ianguage and have written some application programs. In July in the last year,I fini shed my graduate project with flying colors,which was a soft

4、wa re application about Image Process . In addition, I have also finished some pro jects about embedded system by using MCU whe n I was a junior.4.为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算l kno wledge of the major, but I think at prese nt, I can do many things in a sup erficial level, but not be compete nt to do thin

5、gs professi on ally owi ng to lack of ample kno wledge and ability. So I think further study is still urge nt for me to realize self-value.The major that I hope pursue for my further educati on is IC desig n. Be cause I find in tegrated circuits are playi ng a more and more importa nt role in our mo

6、dern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the governme nt, our domestic in tegrated circuits in dustry is grow ing rapidly and that may p rovide a lot of cha nces to us.I pla n to concen trate on study and research in this field in my gradua te time. And I hope I can form a system

7、atic view of micro electr onics and IC de sig n tech no logy and make a solid foun dati on for future professi on after three y ears study here.5.结束语OK, that s all. Thank you very much.I.Where do you come from?2.What kind of Ian dscape surro unds your hometow n?4.Tell me something about the customs

8、of your hometown.5.Could you tell me something about your family?6.What social resp on sibilities should a post-graduate take?7.Which kind of professor do you like best?8.What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people doyou make friend with?9.What is your major? How do you like your major?

9、10.Whe n and where did you graduate? What qualificati ons haveyou obta in ed?11.What impressed you most when you were at university?12.What is the best uni versity in your opinion?13.Do you think the subjects you are study ing today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?14.What do you do for a l

10、iving?15.What are your job prospects?16.lf you had the opport unity to cha nge your subject, what w ould you do with it?17.What are your spare time in terests?18.Where have you bee n traveli ng to? Which place in terested you most?19.What kind of differe nces in the system of higher educati on betwe

11、e n China and other coun tries?20.Do you thi nk you will be able to cope with En glish-dema nds of your inten ded study program?21.What difficulties do you think youll encoun ter in your studies?22.Why did you choose our uni versity?23.If there were an opport unity of study ing abroad, what would yo

12、u do?24.Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give yo ur reasons, please。25.What do you intend to do after you finish study ing?26.How serious is un employme nt among young people and what willyou do if you cannot find a job after graduation?ated with moder n life?28.What do you thi nk h

13、ave bee n the most importa nt cha nges inyour study field over the past 5 years?29.How do you afford your tuiti on?30.Does your family support your decisi on on study ing? What help do they offer?一般性备考:总结常见热门话题无论参加哪种形式的口语考试,说一口流利、准确的英语都是通过考试的关键所在。因此,语言的基本功与长期的口语素材积累至关重要。 一般性备考可以分为下面几个部分:1.应试材料的准备:为了

14、准备口语考试,可以准备一些材料,如英语中级口语教程、四、六级英语口语应试等。当然如果确定参加哪种英语口试,又了解其口语考试的形式与内容,选择针对其考试的口语材料更为有效,如雅思口语、托福口语等。2.制定复习计划:根据备考时间与所要参加的口试类型制定复习计划。 可以每天准备一个话题,话题的内容最 好是热门话题或常考话题。常见口语话题总结如下: Laid-off workers problem 、 Reforms of housing policy 、 Going abroad 、 Globalization 、 Information age 、Environmental protection

15、and economic development 、Online lea六级作文范文。但切找到,也是很多考试写作部分常出的题目,因此也可以参照考研或四、忌全篇背诵所找到的材料,最好只借 用其中某些素材,然后用自己的语言重新整理。3.熟悉考场情况与考试流程(1)与小组组员的交流(二对二考试模式)小组成员可先模拟一下考试过程。让自己进入状态,而后可谈一些其他话题,放松一下。(2)进入考场入室前要敲门,虽是小节,但关系到你给考官的第一印象。衣着得体,落落大方。向考官问候: Good morning/ after noon 。如果可以,微笑,但绝不可勉强。(3)自我介绍要求简洁、有新意,能够让考官记住

16、你。最重要的是,发音要准,不要太快,以别人听懂为目的。但注意一定要听考官的指示语,听到考官说: Can you in troduce yourself briefly/ say somethi ng about yourself 后再开始。其实现在许多口语考试为了避免考生背诵准备好的自我介绍,都去除了这个部分,而是由一些简单问题来代替,如:Where are you from? Could you say someth ing about your hometow n?What do you usually do in your leisure time?What s your favorit

17、e TV program?Who is the most important person in your family?(4)回答考官问题此处不再赘述,但有一点要注意,千万不要只回答“ YES或“ NO,而是要加上你的 reason 或者是 example.(5)看图说话不要过分局限于图中的内容,而应充分开阔思路,尤其注意的是在讲述完图中内容后做适当的评价,对图中的事物或观点提出自己的看法或客观公正的评论。(6)讨论此处是发挥你的才智的关键一节, discussion在考试中占了很大一部分时间,所以要尽可能是自己多说,但要保证说到点子上。(7)最后问题最后,考官还会问你一个问题,这是你进一步

18、展示自己的大好机会,如果前面不 太理想,也可借此补救一下。(8)结束站起来,拿好自己的东西,如准考证,与考官说再见: Thank you, goodbye. 或Thank youfor your in terview goodbye. 然后离开。注意考试结束后不要问老师关于得分的问题,应该马上礼貌的离开。听力备考:不建议听英语考试的听力材料听与说作为语言技能是密不可分的,因此虽然考研英语复试中可能涉及到听力部分,但一般也会与口语同时考查, 其考查的形式一般为由复试老师阅读或播放一段英文短文,然后由考生根据短文回答相关问题。这种形式在伦敦三一学院口语考试高级中有, 可以参照。听力是英语听说读写中

19、最需要平时积累的一项技能,因此建议考生在研究生入学考试笔试结束后到复试前的一段时间内每天坚持听 20分钟左右。内容可 以是新闻,如VOABBC CNN新闻,当然也可以听某一个课本,如中级英语听力。建议听的时候做一些笔记。由于复试中一般不会让考生像正规的听力 考试一样作选择或填空题,因此不建议考生听英语考试的听力材料,如 CET TOEFL, IELTS等。英语口试备考:考前提前了解考试形式口语考试的形式、内容、评分标准不尽相同,因此考前一定要熟识考试的各个环节,然后进行更有针对性的准备。 由于网络资源的发达, 几乎所有口语考试的内容都可以在网上找到信息。考研复试英语口试特点如下:1.各学校考试

20、形式不同对口语的考查,各个学校各不尽相同。有的学校制定了非常详细的标准和流程,甚至规定了每个老师发问的方式和时间 ;有的只是面试老师的自由发挥,成绩也基本上由面试老师主观判定。2.考试形式汇总个人介绍让你或以问答的方式或以一个小小的独白来介绍自己。一般自我介绍包括个人信息、兴趣爱好、学习情况、未来计划几个方面,但时间都不会过长,大约持续一分钟左右。 例如:Good mornin g. I am glad to be here for this in terview. My n ame is Li Min g. I come from Chang Chun, the capital of Ji

21、Lin Prov ince. I will graduate from Departme nt of Finance of Ji Lin Uni versity in the coming June.I am ope n-min ded, quick in thought and very fond of traveli ng. In my spare time, I have broad in terests like many other youn gsters. I like readi ng books, especially those about Chin ese history.

22、 Freque ntly I excha nge with other people by making comme nts in the forum on line. In additi on, duri ng my college years, I was once a Net-bar tech nician. So, I have a good comma nd of n etwork app licatio n.I always believe that one will easily lag beh ind uni ess he keeps on learning. Of cours

23、e, if I am given a chance to further my education in this famouand make good preparati on for my future professi on.深入对话考官进一步问你关于一些话题的看法。例如:What kind of professi ons show status in your coun try?Modern society is often called materialistic. Why do you think this is?What is the role of advertis ing?H

24、ow do you think the internet will affect buying patter ns in the future?个人长谈考官让你抽一个话题,给你 1至2分钟准备,让你做1至2分钟的演讲。这部分比较接近雅思口语考试的第二部分。例如: Describe an activity in school 。When I was in middle school, I atte nded a training class for dancing,because the n, many classmates of mine told me that dancing was no

25、t only a wonderful sport which could exercise my coord in ati on which I used to be poor at, it could also improve my artistic taste, and many of them would attend the trainin g. I was trained there for about 2 mon th. The in structor spe nt about 1 month trbasic moveme nts like pony, sun rise and t

26、wist. To me, all those training items s eemed more like an aerobics training class other than a dancing class, but who cares. Two month passed, and I didn t think I really know how to dance well th en. But later, whe n I was old eno ugh to go dancing with my frien ds, all those t raining items seeme

27、d to work well, you know, I could dance a movement at only o ne sight of it, which is a missi on impossible to most amateur dan cers. This act ivity brought me a strong sense of achieveme nt 。考生对话考官给你和另外一个考生一个话题,给你们一段准备的时间,然后让你们进行对话讨论。图片描绘,分析与讨论这种形式非常接近考研笔试写作的图片作文,只不过是以口语的形式考。每个学校会根据自己的想法来指定考试的具体的形式

28、,但一般都会包括以上的两到四个部分。口试评分标准:分项打分与整体打分一般口语考试评分标准包括发音、词汇与语法、流利度、内容等几个方面。如果两名考生同时进行考试, 则互动交际也会成为评分的一部分。 目前口试打 分大概分为两种:分项打分和整体印象打分。 国内的PETS考试采取分项打分与整体印象打分相结合的方法,ELTS采取整体印象打分法。考生应该注意无论 采取哪种打分方法,发音、词汇与语法、流利度、内容等都是考查的重点,因此平时练习至关重要。良好的英语听说能力是复试成功的保证。参加研究生英语复试,无论形式如何,正确的语音语调、词汇与语法的准确性、话语内容、流利度、互动交际等 几方面都是考察的内容,

29、因此考生一定要注意平时的语言训练与材料积累,多听,多读,多说。只要平时能 说一口流利而准确的英语,任何形式的考试都可以轻松通 过。专业备考:不必担心专业词汇太少现在很多学校英语复试的形式更加灵活,比如不再采取单独的英语复试,而是把英语复试和专业课复试融在一起进行,其具体形式大概可以分为两种:1.专业课老师与英语老师组成一个复试团队,复试过程中专业课老师用汉语提问专业问题,而英语老师用英语提问一些与考生考取专业相关的问题。 例如,考取金融方向研究生的考生可能会遇到如下问题:Could you explain the Chinese monetary policy in English?What

30、do you think will be the impact of curre nt global econo mic crisison Chin ese economy?2.由于现在高校老师的整体素质提高,复试中由专业老师直接用英语进行提问。虽然用英语对专业问题进行考查是研究生复试的一个新的趋势,但考生不必担心自己的专业词汇太少或无法用英语表达自己的观点, 因为即使用英文提问 专业相关的问题, 这部分的目的仍旧是考查考生的英语水平,问题一般比较浅显,不会涉及到大量专业词汇。除一般性备考外还要注意:关注与自己专业相关的热点 问题,注意阅读报纸或杂志上相关的文章,适当积累一些专业词汇 ;如果学

31、过英文原版教材,注意其中的专业词汇。其实并非所有专业的考生都会遇到英语复试中考查专业问题的情况。一般涉外专业或国际化较强的专业如经济(如考取中央财经大学、对外经贸大学)、传媒、语言专业的考 生要注意对专业问题的准备。面对严峻的就业压力,大学生在就业与考研的两难之间,多数倾向选择考研,于是考研人数不断攀升。据统计,2012年全国共有165.6万名考生 确认报名参加今年研究生招生 考试,比2011年增加14.5万人,增幅达9.6%。按照往年规律,今年全国研究生招生规模 将与去年持平,这意味着今年考研 路上竞争将更加激烈。“为考研,我准备了很长时间,很想考上,因为觉得读研出来才能找个好工作。”在考生

32、小夏看来,如果考上了就再读三年,研究生出来找工作可能要好 点。如果考不上,过完年回来就得找工作了。小夏说, 班上20多名同学,近半数参加了考研。 面对就业压力,很多同学选择了考研,目的是延缓就业。拿到研究生 的文凭,或许能给自己的将来就业镀金。笔者从多位考生处了解到,和小夏有一样想法的不在少数。 “我自己并不想考,但父母非让我考,不考就不让我回家,因为 要进我父母的单位最低要研究生学历。”考生小张毫不忌讳地道出自己“被考研”的无奈。问及考研最大的难关,许多考生都不约而同承认考研英语构成了考研路上最大的痛,尽管努力备考,可考研英语每年都以相同或递进的难度和不同的面貌 出现,想要通过不容易,要获高分更是难上加难。

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