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1、英语四级高频词汇百分百精选1. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度on a large /small scale 大规模地/小规模地 on the scale of 按照的规模It is hard for me to tell the scale of our campus.关于我们学校的规模,我说不上来。2. temple n. 庙宇temple一般指佛教庙宇,而church则指基督教教堂,清真寺则称为mosque。Temple of Heaven 天坛Have you ever been to Lingyin Temple before?你以前去过灵隐寺吗?3. tedious a.

2、 乏味的,单调的表示“乏味的”的词还有dull,boring等,他们的区别如下:tedious 侧重指文章、演讲或演出等冗长乏味,也可指环境等的单调、沉闷,缺乏活力,使感到不舒服。dull 指缺乏新鲜、吸引力或情趣而显得乏味、沉闷。boring 指无精打采或不满意的感觉。monotonous 指没有变化,重复单调的。tiresome 指某物因看起来无穷无尽或毫无变化而令人厌倦。The mayors speech is so tedious that people are absent-minded.市长的演讲很无趣,人们都走神了。4. tend v. 易于,趋向;照料,照管tend to 倾向

3、 tend on /upon 招待,服侍 tend the sick 护理病人He tends to give up.他有点儿想放弃。5. tendency n. 趋向,趋势tendency是根据tend变化而来的,表示趋向、趋势,trend也表示趋势,他们的细微区别如下:trend 指事物发展总的方向、倾向或趋势。tendency 比trend更抽象,一般指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的影响或干扰。determining tendency 决定性趋势The tendency of todays young people to marry and bear children at late

4、 ages is very obvious in China.在中国,年轻人晚婚晚育的趋势越来越明显。6. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n. 极端ultimate既可以作名词,也可以做形容词。in the ultimate 在最后,终于 ultimate production 总产量His ultimate aim is to be an engineer.他的终极目标是做一名工程师。7. undergo v. 经历,遭受undergo过去式underwent,过去分词undergone。表示“经历、遭受”的动词还有很多,一起来看看他们的区别吧。undergo 多指遭受艰难

5、、痛苦、不愉快或危险等事情。experience 指亲身经受或体验某事。sustain 指遭受痛苦或承受负担。suffer 常与sustain通用,尤其指受到损害或伤害。He underwent a heart operation last week.上周他接受了心脏手术。8. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的与abundant一样,表示“充足的”得此还有以下几个,它们的区别是:abundant 即为quite enough的意思,表示充足的,绰绰有余的,指数量非常多或充足有余。sufficient 正正式用词,指为特定的目的和需要提供足够的数量,修饰名词时作前置定语。adequ

6、ate 表示在数量或质量上足以满足特定的标准,强调刚好足够,没有多余。enough 普通用词,有时可与adequate互换,但只表示数量和程度。既可作前置定语,也可作后置定语。plentiful 普通用词,指某物的数量多得称心如意,多描写实际事物。During this vacation, she has abundant time to travel around.在这个假期里,她有足够的时间四处走走。9. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳adopt既可以表示采纳,采用,也可指收养。adopt out 将孩子给人收养 adopt measures=take measures 采取措施He

7、never adopts others advices.他从不听从他人的建议。10. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应adapt与adopt长得很像,但意思完全不同。adapt作不及物动词时,通常与to连用。adapt oneself to 使某人自己适应The girl has adapted herself to the life in Britain.这个女孩已经适应了英国的生活。母爱 maternal love; mother love; a mothers love for her children; maternal affection 父爱 patern

8、al love 父母的爱 parental love 父母子女间的爱 love between parent and child 子女对长辈的爱 filial love 互爱 reciprocal affection 慈爱 the benevolent affections 疼爱 the tender love 夫妻之爱 conjugal love 深深永恒,真挚,贞洁,坚定不移的爱 ardent everlasting, sincere, chaste, steadfast love 狂热的爱 fanatic love; wild love 强烈的爱 a keen affection 爱如己

9、出 cherish a child as ones own 爱恨交织 be overwhelmed by mixed lovehate feelings 爱憎分明 have a clearcut stand on what to love and what to hate 爱莫能助 be sympathetic but have no ability to help; be willing to, but powerless to render assistance 爱校如家 love the school as dearly as one does ones own home 永远相爱 lo

10、ve each other with an undying affection 疼爱某人 dearly love sb.; set ones affection on sb. 终生钟爱妻子 retain a tender affection for ones wife to the end of ones life 真诚温柔,疯狂,盲目地爱 love sincerely tenderly, wildly, blindly 专一忠诚地爱某人 love sb. devotedly loyally 至死不渝地爱某人 love sb. to the day of ones death 炽热地爱. ha

11、ve a burning love for. 爱上某人 fall in love with sb.; grow tender of sb. 爱子女 feel affection to ones children; have an affection for ones children 表示对某人的爱 show love to sb. 公开表示对某人的爱 declare ones love to sb. 渴望得到某人的爱 desire the love of sb. 需要母爱 need a mother care 怀疑某人对.的爱 doubt sb.s love for. 博得某人的爱 earn

12、 sb.s love; win sb.s love 保持对某人的爱 keep ones affection of sb.; retain ones love for sb. 激起对.的爱 inspire a love for.首先介绍表达“高兴”的习语: over the moon,on cloud nine。这两个习语与汉语中常说的“乐得飞上天了”有异曲同工之妙。He was over the moon when he heard the news.听到这个消息,他高兴地飞上了天。When I got the job, I was on cloud nine for several week

13、s. 得到这份工作后,我一连几周都乐滋滋的。jump for joy 高兴得跳了起来。for介词,表示原因。We jumped for joy when we got the mortgage.取得了抵押贷款,我们高兴得跳了起来。 表达“非常生气”的习语:see red 联想:生气时人涨红了脸不难理解,see red“脸上看见红色了”是“愤怒”的意思。Dont talk to him about his boss it just makes him see red! 别提他老板,一提他就生气。in a black mood 联想:在形容某人心情不好,一触就发火时,我们会说他“黑着脸”。Be c

14、areful what you say shes in a black mood today.小心说话,今天她心情很差。表达“伤心”的习语:down in the dumps,dump垃圾场,垃圾堆。被抛弃在垃圾堆中,可见是多么的伤心了。When she left him, he was down in the dumps for a couple of weeks.他被她甩了,一连几周都很沮丧。feel blue,我们都熟悉blue可以表达“忧郁的,沮丧的”。She felt a little blue when she lost her job.她丢掉了工作,有点沮丧。11. Retire

15、 vi. 退休, 引退, 退却, 撤退, 就寝American professional basketball player Alonzo Mourning is retiring after learning that he will need a kidney transplant.美国职业篮球明星阿伦佐. 莫宁在得知需要接受肾移植手术后决定退役。12. Failure n. 失败, 失败者, 缺乏, 失灵, 故障, 破产, 疏忽, 不及格The disease causes kidney failure within 10 years in more than half the peop

16、le who have it.患这种病的人超过半数会在十年之内肾衰竭。13. Exceed vt.超越, 胜过vi. 超过其他New governments study into Hong Kongs long-term needs shows population will exceed nine million.政府对香港的长远需求的最新研究报告显示, 香港人口将逾九百万。14. Exclusive adj.排外的, 孤高的, 唯我独尊的, 独占的, 唯一的, 高级的Exclusive footage of attempts by anti-U.S. forces to shoot dow

17、n planes in Iraq.反美势力试图在伊拉克击落美军飞机的独家录像带。15. Missile n. 导弹, 发射物Pictures of insurgents firing an anti-aircraft missile in Iraq.有关伊拉克叛乱分子发射防空导弹的录像。 restaurant n.餐馆,饭店restless a.不安宁的,焦虑的restore vt.把恢复原状;归还,交还restrain vt.控制,抑制;阻止restraint n.抑制,克制;克制物restrict vt.限制,约束result n.结果;答案,答数 vi.起因于;导致resume n.摘要

18、;简历retail n.零售 v.零售 a.零售的retain vt.保留,保持;挡住;聘retire vi.退休,退职;退下,离开;隐居,隐退retreat n.撤退,退却;安静的地方 v.撤退,退却return vi./n.回去;还 vt.归还;回报 a.回程的reveal vt.显示,显露;泄露,揭发revenue n.税收reverse v.颠倒,倒转;使倒退 n./a.颠倒(的)review vt./n.回顾,审视;复飞;评论 vi.评论revise vt.修订,修正;复习revolt v.起义,造反;厌恶,反感 n.反抗,造反revolution n.革命,大变革;旋转;周期,循环

19、revolutionary a.革命的,大变革的;旋转的 n.革命者reward n.回报,报答;报酬,酬金 vt.报答,酬谢81 reference n.参考82 remind vt.提醒某人注意【考】be reminded of sth.83 relevant a. 有关的,切题的【考】be relevant to 与有关【派】relevance n. 有关,相关;irrelevant a. 不相关的;不切题的84 restore vt. 恢复、修复【考】restore reputation 恢复名誉85 restrain vt.遏制【考】be restrained to do sth.8

20、6 resume n.简历87 reverse vt.颠倒、反转88 sacrifice vt.牺牲89 starvation n.饿死90 submit vt. 提交【考】submit sth. to sb. 把提交给某人91 subsidy n.津贴、补助【考】provide subsidy for sb. 为提供津贴92 superior a.高级的、高等的【考】be superior to 比高级93 survive vt.幸免于【考】survive sth. 从中幸免94 transmit vt. 传播95 tropical a.热带的96 undertake vt. 承担,着手做;

21、保证,同意【考】undertake sth. 从事【派】undertaking n.事业,任务97 vanish vi. 消失98 victim n. 受害者99 visible a.可看见的41 enroll vt.注册、使入会【派】enrollment42 evacuate vt. 撤走、疏散43 evaluate vt.评价、估计【派】evaluation n.44 evaluate vt.评价、估计45 excessive a.过度的46 frustrate vt.使沮丧, 使灰心【派】frustration n. 挫折; frustrating a. 令人沮丧的47 genetic

22、a.遗传的48 guarantee vt. 保证49 identify vt.鉴别、验明【考】identify theft 辨别偷窃50 immigrate vt. 移民【派】immigrant n.移民immigration 51 implement vt.实施【派】implementation n.52 incline vi.倾向【考】be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事53 inferior a.下级的、下等的【考】be inferior to 比低级54 injure vt. 受伤【派】injured a.受伤的; injury n. 受伤55 inquire v

23、i. 询问56 instinct n.本能、直觉【考】human instinct 人类本能57 integrate vt. 使结合、使一体化【派】integral a.一体的;integration n.一体【考】as an integral whole 作为一个整体global economic integration 全球经济一体化58 internship n.实习59 inverse a.倒转的、反转的60 justify vt.证明是正当的resemble vt.类似,象 reservation n.保留(条件);预定 reserve vt.储备;预定 n.储备(物);保留地;节制

24、 reservoir n.水库,蓄水池 residence n.住处,住宅;居住居留;居住期间 resident n.居民;住院医生 a.居住的,住宅的 resign v.辞职;辞去,放弃;使顺从 resist vt.抵抗,反抗 resistance n.阻力,抵抗;电阻 resistant a.有抵抗力的 resolution n.决议(案);决心,决定 resolve vt.解决;决定;决议;分解 n.决心 resort vi.求助于,凭借;常去 n.常去之地,胜地 resource n.(pl.)资源,财源;机智,智谋 respect n.尊敬;关心;方面 vt.尊敬;考虑 respec

25、tive a.各自的 respectively ad.独自地;个别的,分别的 respond vi.回答;响应,反应 response n.回答,回应;反应,反响 responsibility n.责任,职责 responsible a.应负责的,有责任心的 rest n.剩余部分;其余的人1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速 【例】accelerate the rate of economic growth加速经济增长 【派】acceleration n. 加速 accelerating a.加速的 2 account n. 账户、考虑 【考】take sth. into ac

26、count 把.考虑在内 3 accustom vt.使习惯 【考】be accustomed to4 adapt vi. 适应 【考】adapt to适应 5 adjust vi.适应 【考】adjust to.适应.6 advocate vt. 宣扬 7 affluent a.富裕的 【派】affluence n.富裕 8 annoy vt.使烦恼, 使恼怒 【派】annoying a. 令人恼人的;annoyance n. 烦恼;annoyed a.颇为生气的 9 ascribe vt.把.归咎于 【考】 归因于 10 assess vt.评估 【派】assessme

27、nt n. 评估 11 assign vt.指派,选派;分配,布置(作业) 【派】assignment 作业 12 assume vt.假象、假定 13 attain vt.获得 【考】attain ones ideal 达到理想 14 attribute vt. 把归因于 【考】attribute sth. to 把.归咎于 15 attribute vt.归咎于 【考】be attributed to attribute sth. to 16 automatically ad. 自动地 17 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长 n. 推动,增长 【例】boost the economy

28、推动经济增长 【派】booster n.支持者,推动器 18 brilliant a.光辉的、辉煌的 【派】brilliance n.19 collaborate vi.合作 【考】collaborate with. sb.20 comprehensive a. 综合的 【考】综合性大学81. boast of (or about) 吹嘘 82. out of breath 喘不过气来 83. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之 84. in bulk 成批地,不散装的 85. take the floor 起立发言 86. on busines

29、s 出差办事。 87. be busy with sth。于某事。 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 88. last but one 倒数第二。 89. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设 90. buy sth. formoney 用多少钱买 91. be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被的 92. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何 93. in case (=for fear that) 万一;94. in case

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