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1、中考英语复习课本知识整理八年级上Unit82010中考英语复习课本知识整理八年级上 Unit 8 How was your school trip?【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语1. talk about 谈论, talk over 谈论 2. give a talk 作报告 3. have a talk to (with) sb. 与某人谈话4. go to the beach 去海滩 5.have ice cream 吃冰淇淋6.go to the zoo 去动物园 7.go to the aquarium 去水族馆8. hang out with ones friends 和朋友闲逛9.

2、take photos=take a photo =take pictures=take a picture 照相 10. buy a souvenir 买纪念品 11. have pizza 吃比萨饼 12. a famous actor 著名的演员 13.get ones autograph 得到了某人的亲笔签名14. win a prize 赢得奖品(奖项) 15. at the aquarium 在水族馆16.have a great time 玩得高兴,过得愉快17.on the school trip 在学校的旅游 18.Blue Water Aquarium 蓝色水族馆

3、e Visitors Center 游客中心 20.a dolphin show 海豚表演21.after that 后来 the end of 在结束的时候,在的尽头23.the Gift Shop 礼品店 24. at the beginning of 在开始的时候25. a terrible school trip 糟糕的学校旅行26. that sounds interesting 那听起来很有趣27.make up a story 编一个故事 28. go for a drive 开车兜风 the rain 在雨中,in the dark 在黑暗中,in the

4、 sun 在阳光下,in the snow 在雪中31. take notes of=write down=copy down 写下,记下32. have fun doing sth. 很快乐的做某事 33. play computer games 打电脑游戏34.for sale 供销售 35.see you soon 盼望很快见到你 ones opinion 据某人看来,某人的观点上看 37. win the first prize 获得了一等奖38.a famous basketball player 著名的篮球运动员 39. in the future在将来, 今后 40.

5、cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事 41.the story goes that 据说42. a busy day off 繁忙的假日,in ones off hours 在某人的休息时间,the off season 淡季 43. none of 当中没有一个 44. a heavy rain 一阵大雨,a light rain 一阵小雨, a fine rain 一阵细雨 44. all day=all day long 整天, all night=all night long 整夜II. 重要句型 1.get ones autograph 得到某人的签名2. day

6、off 休息日 on my next day offhave + 时间+ off 休息多久3.beat sb 打败(某人、某队)they beat us in the soccer 赢得 (比赛,奖项)4. How was your school trip? 你的学校旅游怎样? 5. What did you do last Sunday? 上周星期天你做了些什么? 6.There is(was)+可数名词单数(不可数名词)+somewhere.There are(were)+可数名词复数+somewhere 某处有 7. How was the weather yeste

7、rday? 昨天天气如何? 8. Did you clean the classroom yesterday? 你昨天打扫了教室了吗? 9. Were there any sharks? 有鲨鱼吗?10.what else别的什么。 else “别的,其他的”,位于疑问代词或不定代词后 11. at the end of在。末尾(可用于时间,也可用于地方)12. have fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣III. 交际用语询问和谈论过去发生的事情IV. 重要语法一般过去时【课文解析】 1.event n.事件,大事;比赛项目,竞赛 I hope that one day surfin

8、g will be all event of the Olympic Games我希望有一天冲浪成为奥林匹克运动会的一个比赛项目。2.Did you go to the zoo? (1)Did you你干了吗?用于询问别人在过去某一时间是否做了某事。一Did you visit Mr Wang last Sunday?上星期天你们去探望王先生了吗?-Yes,we did是的,我们去了。词的区别在于:some一般用于肯定句中any一般用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。I have some friends at schoo1我在学校里交了一些朋友。Do you have any friends at

9、 schoo1?你在学校里有朋友吗?I dont have any friends at schoo1我在学校里没有任何朋友。Id like some tea,please我想喝点儿茶。Do you want any ink?你想要些墨水吗?I dont eat any bread at breakfast早餐时,我一点儿面包都不吃。4hung out with her friends与她的朋友闲逛 hang out表示“出去闲逛”,相当于hang aboutaround。He is always hanging outaboutaround in the street他总是在街上闲逛。(1)

10、hang通常作为“悬挂”解,是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词形式均为hung。She hung the washing out in the garden她把洗的衣服晾在花园里。(2)hang作“吊死,绞死”解时,是规则动词,过去式和过去分词均为hanged。The man hanged himself last night because he was in heavy debts。由于负债累累,那个人昨天晚上上吊自杀了。5bought a souvenir买一件纪念品buy意为“买”,其过去式和过去分词均为bought。buy与sell(1)buy意为“买”,它的反义词是sell,意为“卖”

11、。buy可以用于buy sthfor sb或buy sbsth这两个结构中,意为“给某人买某物”。buy sthfrom意为“从买某物”。My mother is going to buy me a new coat=My mother is going to buy a new coat for me 我妈妈准备给我买一件新上衣。Im going to buy one book from the old man我打算从这位老人那里买一本书。(2)sell意为“卖”,可以用于sell sthto sb或sell sbsth这两个结构中,意为“把某物卖给某人”。Mr Smith is going

12、 to sell his car to me=Mr Smith is going to sell me his car史密斯先生准备把他的车卖给我。(3)buy和sell可以与介词for连用,for后面接价格或消费数额,表示买东西花了多少钱或卖东西得了多少钱。He sold his old house for 200 thousand yuan他把他的旧房子卖了20万元。(4)buy和sell还可用作不及物动词。Its free to buy here and sell here这里买卖自由。6.What else did you do?你还干别的什么了? Where else can he

13、go?他还能去别的什么地方呢?I dont want anything else,thanks我不要别的东西了,谢谢。【易混辨析】other与else 两者都有“其他的,另外的”这一含义,但用法不同。(1)else为副词,常用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词或副词,也可以修饰au,much,little等词,修饰这些词时,else要位于其后,作后置定语。Why didnt you come? Everyone else was there你为什么没来呢?其他所有的人都来了。Im taking a few clothes and some books,not much else我带几件衣服和一些书,别的

14、就不带了。(2)else还可以构成名词所有格,即elses,意为“另外的,其他的”。 That,must be someone elses umbrellanot my sisters那一定是其他人的雨伞,不是我姐姐的。(3)other作为形容词,用以修饰名词,位于其前作定语。We learn Chinese,math,English and some other subjects at schoo1我们在学校学习语文,数学,英语,还有一些别的科目。(4)other作代词,复数形式为others。 Some students are playing under the treeOthers a

15、re flying kites overthere一些学生在树下玩,还有一些在那边放风筝。7Toby won a prize.托比获奖了。 won为动词win的过去式,此句中的win为及物动词,意为“赢得,获得(某一项奖品或奖项、奖金等)”。She won first prize in the speech contest在演讲比赛中她得了一等奖。【易混辨析】win与heat win后面只接事或物,因为win的宾语不是竞争对手,而是比赛、战斗、奖品等;而beat后面只接人。win a gamewarprize beat a teama nationan opponent bought为动词bu

16、y的过去式,意为“买,购买”,常与介词for连用,构成buy sthfor sb意为“为某人买某物”,也可写成buy sbsth的形式。He bought me a new coat=He bought a new coat for me他给我买了一件新上衣。gift为名词,意为“礼物,赠品”。The watch was a gift from my mother这块表是母亲给我的礼物。【易混辨析】gift与present(1)gift常指较贵重的礼物,可以是个体的或抽象的,多指送给某团体、机构或个人的礼品,往往被当作慷慨的行为。The family made a gift of his pa

17、inting to the country家人把他的画作为礼物捐赠给了国家。(2)present常指普通或有一定特殊意义的礼物,价格可高可低,多指送给亲友的礼品,多是出于礼貌、尊敬等。What can I give him for a birthday present?我给他送点什么生日礼物呢?12.Finally, tired but happy,they took the bus back to school.最后,他们虽然很累但很开心地坐着汽车回到学校。 took:take的过去式,此处意为“乘(车)”。take the bus back to school意为“乘汽车返回学校”,还可写

18、成return to school by bus;return意为“返回”,可与gocomebeget back互换。When did she return to school from the trip?她是什么时候旅行回到学校的?take常构成的词组有:take notes记笔记take ones temperature量体温take a photo拍照take a bath洗澡take a look看take a rest休息take a walk散步take away拿走,夺去take back拿回,带回take硪脱下take over接替,接管take out取出,拿出 13。at

19、the end of在未端,存尽头 at the end of the street在街道尽头at the end of January在一月底at the end of the football match在足球比赛结束时at the end of the day在当天结束时(1)by the end of到末为止They will have learned one thousand new words by the end of this year到今年年底为止,他们将学1000个新单词。(2)in the end最后,终于In the endthe No1 Middle School w

20、on the football match最后,第一中学赢了足球赛。4That sounds interesting那听起来很有意思jsound作“听起来”解时是系动词,其后通常跟形容词作表语。 That sounds goodnice那听起来很好。sound like听起来像That sounds like the singing of a bird那听起来就像鸟儿唱歌一样。interesting(1)adj有趣的,有意思的an interesting book一本有趣的书How interesting the story is!多么有趣的故事!(2)interested adj感兴趣的be

21、 interested in对感兴趣Im interested in dolphins我对海豚感兴趣。They are interested in playing computer games他们对玩电脑游戏感兴趣。(3)a place of interest名胜China has many places of interest中国有许多名胜。15weather n天气The weather was very cold yesterday昨天天气很冷。What bad weather!多糟糕的天气呀!Whats the weather like today?=How is the weathe

22、r today?今天的天气怎么样?16sleep late睡得晚He slept very late yesterday他昨天睡得很晚。sleep表示状态;go to bed表示动作。17go for a drive开乍去兜风go for a drive指驾车出游。类似的词组还有:go for a walk去散步 go for a holiday去度假go for a sail乘船游览 go for a swim去游泳drive v驾驶,驱车旅行We had a pleasant drive我们开车愉快地玩了一次。drive作动词,意为“驾驶,驱赶”。They drove home yeste

23、rday他们昨天开车回家了。We drove the enemy out of the city我们把敌人赶出了那座城市。18On my next day off在我下一个休息日 day off意为“休息日,假日”,其中off为副词,意为“不在,不工作”。day off是具体的一天,其前用介词on,day有单复数变化。On my day off, I went to the beach with my friends在我的假期里,我和朋友一起去了海滩。My parents will have two days off next week我父母下周将休息两天。be off duty不上班 be

24、on duty值班off the point不切题turn offon the radio关开收音机19That sounds really boring那听起来实在无聊。boring adj.无聊的,令人厌烦的bored 厌烦的,厌倦的The lessons were very boring这些课程乏味无聊。Youll get bored when you have nothing to do当你无所事事你会变得很无聊。20went camping in the rain在雨中宿营went是go的过去式,go camping意为“宿营,野营”。类似的词组有:go fishing去钓鱼go s

25、wimming游泳go skating滑冰 go hiking徒步旅行go shopping购物21Can von believe it?你相信吗?此句型为情态动词构成的一般疑问句。Believe v相信,认为I believe what you said我相信你的话。I believe him right我认为他是对的。(此时相当于think)believe后接表示否定意义的宾语从句时,需用否定前移,这与think一样。汉译英:我认为他不能准时完成这项工作。误I believe he cant finish this job on time正I dont believe he can fin

26、ish this job on time believe sbwhat sbsays相信某人某人所说的话 believe in信任,信仰(多指品德上的相信) I believe him我相信他他的话。 I believe in him我信任他。 。 22.Did you have fun camping?你的宿营有趣吗? have fun camping意为“在野营中过得很愉快”。have fun doing是一个重要结构,用来表达“做某事很愉快”。They had lots of fun visiting the zoo他们参观动物园,过得很愉快。Did you have fun swimm

27、ing in the river?你在河里游得愉快吗?【易混辨析】fun与funny fun有趣的人或事,常作be的表语;funny用来形容使人发笑或怪异的人或事。 Jane is good fun简是个有趣的人。(和她在一起令人愉快) Jane is funny简很可笑。(样子或行径令人发笑) 名词+y形容词 sun-sunny晴天的 snow-snowy有雪的 rain-rainy有雨的 noise-noisy吵闹的 wind-windy有风的taste-tasty美味的 cloud-cloudy多云的 storm-stormy暴风雨的 fog-foggy有雾的 spot-spotty多斑

28、点的 23However,no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad.然而,因为天气如此糟糕,没有人来买东西。no one为不定代词,意为“没有人”,作主语时,看作第三人称单数。No one came to see me没有人来看我。【易混辨析】no one,nobody与none(1)no one与nobody同义,意为“没有人”,仅用于指人,单独作主语,其谓语动词用单数形式。There was no one(=nobody)else around周围没有其他人。(2)none作为代词,意为“没有一个,毫无”,指三者或三者以上

29、的“没有”,也可以指物,常与of连用,既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以与不可数名词、可数名词单数、集体名词及代词连用,none of在与不可数名词连用时,谓语动词用单数;none of在与复数名词、代词或集体名词连用时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。None of these pens workworks这些钢笔一支也不能用。(接可数名词复数)He told me all the news but none of it was very exciting他告诉了我所有的新闻,但没有一件是激动人心的。(接代词,代替不可数名词)none还可用于对how many或how much引导的特殊疑问句进行回答

30、,都表示“一个也没有,毫无”。How many students are there in the classroom now?现在教室里有多少个学生?一None一个也没有。24sale n卖,出售sale为不可数名词,其原形是sell(出售,出卖),一般与介词onfor连用。onfor sale出售,出卖 Is this for sale?这是出售的吗?Chickens are on sale at the market小鸡在市场上出售。yard sale庭院出售They had a yard sale yesterday他们昨天进行庭院出售了。sale作可数名词时,意为“销路,销售量”。sales ale updown this year今年销路上升下降了。25,thanks for因而感谢其后通常跟名词或动名词。 Thanks for your help谢谢你的帮助。Thanks for your postcard谢谢你的明信片。Thanks for telling me the truth谢谢你告诉我真相。26Im sorry you didnt have fun on your day off很遗憾你的假日玩得不愉快。 Im sorry后边跟的是宾语从句,引导词that可

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