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1、人教版必修一英语一二单元Unit 1 FriendshipI. Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation for some phrases:1. 让人平静下来 _2. 关心, 牵挂 _3. 遛狗 _ 4. 买单, 付帐 _5. 考试作弊 _6. 发展友谊 _7. 唯一的忠实朋友 _ 8. 湛蓝的天空 _9. 令某人心迷神往_ 10. 独自好好看看月亮_11. 在 有些麻烦_12. 做某事有麻烦_13. 碰巧在楼上_ 14. 合计, 加起来_15. 总计达到_16. 花钱找人修理_1. a friend to whom you could t

2、ell your deepest feelings and thoughts2. set down a series of facts in a diary3. not be able to be outdoors for long4. grow crazy about everything to do with nature5. stay awake on purpose6. make a survey7. feel at home8. pay no attention to others pride9. With the clothes the new are best; with fri

3、ends the old are best.10. avoid his companyII. Write the words or phrases according to the following English explanations:1. feeling disturbed _ 2. free, not tied or fastened _3. to act in a dishonest way in order to win _4. to use or own something together _5. very interested in something _6. thank

4、ful _7. as stated by someone or something _8. to do something by chance _9. with the purpose of doing something _10. to experience something unhappy _III. Complete the sentences by writing the words in the blanks, the first letter given.1. It is easy to know a person by his appearance. However, its

5、difficult to know his t_.2. The great lightening and the t_ made the little girl cry loudly and seek protection from her mother.3. Smoking is not a good h_. You should give it up as soon as possible.4. The shadow of the trousers in the m_ look like a person.5. The couple wont go on holiday together

6、this time. In other words, they will go on s_ holidays.6. When you have a high fever, you will probably s_ a headache.7. Though he was left a_ in the hotel room, he didnt feel l_.8. When all the food was eaten up, the family were in a very dangerous s_.9. Sandy found himself e_ lost in the country.

7、He had to ask somebody to show the way back home.10. If you still want to publish your article in todays newspaper, go and talk to the e_. He has the last word.IV. Read and learn by heart1 be on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事 Theres no point in doing sth. 没有意义做某事to the point 中肯的;得要领的 off the point 离题

8、的concern oneself with / in 从事;干涉as / so far asbe concerned 就而言sbs concern 某人关心的事concerned 有关的;担心的be concerned about / for 担忧,关心be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连be concerned with 与有关feel / show concern about / for 担心,关心cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人某物cheat sb. into the belief that欺骗某人使之相信cheat sb. into doing

9、 sth. 骗某人做某事4. Its sbs feeling that某人认为hurt sbs feelings伤害某人的感情express sbs feelings 表达感情nature, natural, naturally, naturistagainst nature 违反自然by nature 生性;本性second nature 第二天性be crazy for sth. 渴望某物be crazy for sb. 迷恋某人be crazy with 因而发狂drive sb mad / crazy 使某人发疯like crazy 口发狂似的7for the purpose of 为

10、了的目的 to the purpose 得要领的;中肯的. The entire / whole village was destroyed. 整个村庄被毁。 The firm made a total profit of $200,000. 那家公司获利总计达20万美金. He has a complete edition of Shakespeares work. 他有莎士比亚全集. enjoy sbs entire confidence (此处不可用whole) 得到某人的完全信任9. Its beyond / outside / not within ones power to do

11、sth. 某人无能力做某事 come into power (开始)执政;上台 be in power 掌握权力 power station 发电站 powerful, powerless10. communicate communication communicative 爱说话的; 直言不讳的 communicate sth to sb. communicate with sb. be in communication with sb. 经常与某人互通信息11. have a / the habit of doing sth.; be in the habit of doing sth.

12、有做某事的习惯 out of habit 出于习惯 make a habit of doing sth. 经常做某事 form / build / develop a habit fall into / get into the habit of 养成()习惯 get out of / break / drop / kick / give up a habit 戒除一种习惯12. face to face heart to heart shoulder to shoulder back to back arm in armside by side step by step one by one

13、V. Consolidate through practice1. A _ sea has no, or only small waves, a _ film has no speech and a _ machines makes no noise. A. quiet; calm; silent B. calm; quiet; quiet C. calm; silent; silent D. silent; silent; quiet2. Man has _ power to conquer _nature. A. /; / B. /; the C. the; the D. the; /3.

14、 It is important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _ in language studies. A. situation B. expression C. condition D. translation4. The player is in poor _ today; he should be playing much better now. A. condition B. situation C. position D. state5. In order to gain a bigger _ in t

15、he foreign mobile phone market, the phone makers tried their best to make their phones more and more useful. A. challenge B. share C. adventure D. choice6. He was greatly _ at the news that his father was seriously ill. A. angry B. eager C. upset D. sad7. As we _ the big crowd, I got _ from my famil

16、y. A. joined; separated B. joined in; separated C. joined; lost D. joined in; missed8. Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places. A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the9. The experiment was said to be _ success. A. a whole B. complete C. all D. great10. _ English i

17、s concerned, he is first in our class. A. As B. As soon as C. As far as D. Now that11. When designing your house, youd better _ land for a garden. A. spend B. save C. spare D. share12. Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get

18、through13. He was disappointed that his plan didnt _. A. go on B. go off C. go through D. go out14. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea. A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up15. Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It

19、will _ fresh for several days. A. last B. stay C. hold D. continue16. Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way. A. much too heavy B. too much heavy C. heavy too much D. too heavy much17. The _ you offered for this travel are reasonable. A. advice B. suggestion C. advise D.

20、 tips18. Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. made for B. set out C. took off turned up19. -Did Mike go with you in the end? -No, but I _ him to. A. agree B. hoped C. suggested D. advised20. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should ta

21、ke a holiday, but _ didnt help. A. it B. she C. which D. he 21. With two exams _ ( worry about), they have to work really hard in the following two weeks. 22. _ ( As; For; With; Through) production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. 23. With some proper measures _ (take), the sit

22、uation is improving day by day. 24. You cant imagine what trouble she had _ (bring) up the three children in those days. 25. The earliest telephones were not popular and it took a long time _ people began to hire or buy them. 26. She opened the door quietly only _(find) a stranger face to face with

23、her. Fill in the following four sentences with “ habit, practice; custom ”. 27.The incident between the two nations has been settled according to the international _. 28. He has a _ of biting his lips when he is puzzled. 29. Eating hot dogs is an American _. 30. It is a regular _ for a shop to open

24、at 8:00 in the morning in this area. 将下列句子变为间接引语:1.“Youshouldbemorecarefulnexttime,”hisfathersaidtohim. 2.Mr.Wangsaid,“IwillleaveforShanghaionbusinessnextmonth,children.” 3.“Ihaventheardfrommyparentsthesedays,”saidMary. 4.Thegeographyteachersaidtous,“Themoonmovesaroundtheearthandtheearthgoesroundthe

25、sun.” 5.Shesaidtohim,“Itstimethatyoulefthere.” 6.ZhangHongsaidtome,“DoctorWangpassedawayin1948.” 7.Johnsaidtohisparents,“Ihadlearned500Chinesewordsbytheendoflastterm.” 8.Thehistoryteachersaidtothem,“TheChineseCommunistPartywasfoundedonJuly1st,1921.” 9.Hesaid,“Areyouastudent?” 10.“Haveyouanythinginte

26、restingIcanread,George?”shesaid. 11.“Shesheretoaskforhelp,isntshe?”heasked. 12.“Whereareyougoing?”thefatheraskedhisson. 13.“Areyousorryforwhatyouhavedone?”themotheraskedthenaughtyboy. 14.Shesaid,“Didyoumeetthismanatthestationtwohoursago,Mr.Li?” 15.“Writeyournamesonyourpapersfirst,”theteachersaidtous

27、. 16.“Pleasecomehereagaintomorrow,”herfriendsaidtoher. 17.“Letmepacktheparcelforyou,”hesaid. 18.“Dontmakesomuchnoiseinclass,boysandgirls,”saidtheteacher. 19.“Whatalovelydayitis!” 20.“HappyNewYeartoyou!”hesaid.Unit 1 Friendship单元测试一. 单项选择(30分)1. - Will you go to the new movie, Lord of the Rings? - _.

28、 It is believed that it is well worth seeing.A. I dont agree B. Im afraid so C. I guess so D. I will2. - How did the accident happen?- I was walking along the sideway. A car gave off _ light. I cant see the way clearly.A. far too much B. far much too C. much too far D. too far much3. - Whats the matter with you?- _ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly.A. Cleaning

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