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1、仁爱八年级下册英语复习笔记八年级仁爱版英语下册知识点汇总(1)Unit 5 Feeli ng HappyTopicl: Why all the smili ng faces?1. How are you doin g?=How are you? 你好吗?2 .invite sb. to do sth= ask sb. to do 邀请某人做某事3. prepare, for sth准备某事(准备时间较长思想上的准备) :prepare for the examv sth for sb.为某人准备 :prepare food for LilyHo do sh 准备做 :I prepare to

2、go hiking.4. say sth to sb.对某人说 .: say thanks/hello/goodbye to Peter5. 系动词+adi. 系表结构广 be (am/is/are/was/were)2 感官 v.(feel, look, sou nd, taste 品尝,smell 闻、嗅)3 四变化(turn/become/go/ get) *turn侧指颜色变化4 keep, make6. Why all the smili ng faces?=Why do all of you have smili ng faces?7.1 went to buy tickets,

3、but there was none left. (leave-left-left)=I went to buy tickets, but there were no tickets left.*注:none 后不能直接力口 n. all-none; both-neither.8. a ticket to/for 一张 的票the key to the door/car/bike/9. be+ adj. + 介词结构f be proud of自豪,骄傲 人+be pleased with+ 物 物+be popular with+ 人受the answer to the question 问题

4、的答案a way to一种的方式e.g. The teacher is proud of his stude nt.e.g. Jim is pleased with his new bike.的欢迎e.g. The book is popular with stude worried about; be afraid of; be angry with; be bored with; be in terested in; be n ervous about; be famous for+sth/as+ 身份be satisfied with; be surprised at; b

5、e excited about/at sth be strict with sb. be strict about/i n sth10. set the table for sb.为某人摆餐具 e.g. I etting the table for guests.11. I hope everything goes well . 我希望一切顺利。12. be able to do能够-侧指通过努力能够实现的(* will be able to ) .一 can-侧指人所具有的一种能力13. ring up sb. = call sb. = phone sb. =give sb. a call

6、打电话14. Lily and her mother go to Beijing.区另, Lily goes to Beijing with her mother.Lily with her mother go to sorry about sth be sorry to do sth be sorry that+ 从句e.g. I am sorry about your illness .e.g. I am sorry to hear that.e.g. I m sorry that het tbe game.16. one of +the +adj最高级+N复+V单:

7、其中最 之一 ”e.g. It is one of the most in terest ing books.17. Ionely 孤单、寂寞”,强调精神上的孤单、寂寞,但未必一个人 alone单独”,强调一个人独处,但精神上未必寂寞。e.g. The old man lives alone, but he doesn Idrfeel.18. because of + n./短语:I can t go to the pabtycause of the weather.I because + 句子:I can t go to the party because it rains heavily.

8、19. - teach sb. sth: Lily teaches us English.teach sb. to do sth: Lily teaches me to draw pictures.20. perform short and funny plays21. cheer up使振作精神22. What for=Why 为什么e.g. What did he go to Beijing for?=Why did he go to Beijing? the end=at last=finally 最后 区:at the end of 在的结尾24. -be on:强调状态 e

9、.g. The film was on for ten mi nu tes.上演 put on:强调动作 e.g. A new film will put on this evening.25. tell a story/joke/lie 讲故事/讲笑话/说谎26.on the night of April 14 th on a cold morning27.on the/one s way在 的路上 on the/one wayshome28.fall into the sea 掉入大海 together happily 幸福地生活在一起30. go mad 发疯31. Bei

10、jing Opera is our national opera with around 200 years of history. 京剧是我们的国剧, 已有着大约200年的历史了。32. come into being 形成33. 容器 +be full of+ 物=be filled with 装满,充满e.g. The cup is full of/filled with water.34. make peace with sb.与某人和解35. end with 以结束 start/begin with 以开始八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 1Section A1. How are

11、 you doing ? = How are you ?2. My father and mother want to in vite your pare nts to go to the movies.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人去做某事3. My mom will prepare delicious food for us.(1) prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准备某物: He prepared some presents for you.(2) prepare for ( doing ) sth. 为(做)某事而准备:I am preparing

12、for my exam.4. I went to buy tickets, but there was none left.none表示(三个或三个以上中)没有一个可与 of连用,None可以回答How many引导 的问句;no one = nobody (没有一个人)常只指人,不能与 of连用,常用来回答 Who引 导的问句。5. lonely 孤独的;alone 单独的;单独地。 女口: He lives alone, and he sometimes feels Ionely.Section B1. He feels disappo in ted because he can get

13、a ticket to_ The Sound of 可表对应”,如:(1) the answer to the question 问题的答案(2)the key to the lock 锁的钥匙 (3)the ticket to the concert 演唱会的票2. be proud of = take pride in 以而骄傲 I am proud of my country.3. seem(看起来,似乎)的用法:(1)seem + 形容词:They seem worried.(2) seem to do sth.女口: He seems to know the tru

14、th.(3) seem + that 从句,如:It seems that he knows the truth.4. be pleased/ satisfied with 对感至U满意 I am pleased with your results.5. Kangkang, are you setting the table for your friends ?set the table摆放餐桌6. Michael isn table to able to常可和can退换使用,都可以表能”。7. I hope everythi ng goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。8

15、. 给某人打电话的常用表达方法有: ring/ call/ phone sb;ring/ call sb up; give sb. a rin g/call;Section C1. Maria taught the childre n to sing lively songs to cheer themselves up.(1) cheer up 使振奋 /高兴起来: Our teachers cheer us up in class every day.(2) cheer on 为加油,欢呼: Would you like to come and cheer us on.2. What -f

16、or ?和Why相近,前者侧重提问目的, 后者侧重提问原因。 回答前者常用含for短语表目的;而回答后者须用 because表原因。如:(1) What did he come here for ?He came here for his bike.(2) Why did he come here ? Because he want to see you.3. When and where will the movie be on ?be on 在经行,在放映: The movie is on.4. Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other

17、 people .fall into掉进,落入 (into有“进入”的意思, 女如: jump into跳入)Section D1. It came into being after e into being 诞生,形成:The CPC Party came into being in 1921.2. It full of famous full of = be filled with 装满,充满3. This kind of opera is .very popular with Chinese popular with 受 的欢迎: Yao Min

18、g is popular with Chinese people.4. 语法:系动词+形容词(作表语)联系动词有五类: (1) 表示是”的 be (am, is, are , was, were, bee n)(2) 表示保持一种状态的: keep, stay.(3) 表示变”的: become, get, turn, go, grow.(4) 表示看起来”的: look, seem, appear.(5) 表示与其它感官有关的:smel 1(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sou nd (听起来),feel (摸起来)Topic2: I feel better now.1. + 从句:It

19、seems/ed that he is/was ill.seem 的用法 +to do : He seems/ed to be ill.+Adj. : He seems/ed ill.2. do badly/well in=be bad/good at 在某方面做得好 /不好3.She has no friends to talk with.她没有可以交谈的朋友。4. have a talk with sb.=talk to/with sb.与某人交谈5. be worried about(adj.)=worry about(v.) 担心 6. these days=recently 最近7.

20、 se nd sth to sb.=se nd sb. sth 把某物寄给某人8. Take it easy别着急! /别紧张!9. I want to be your friend .我想成为你的朋友。I want to make friends with you.我想和你交朋友。10. try to do努力做某事11. be lost 丢失,迷路 e.g. My penis lost. The girl is lost.12. How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?13. fail/pass the exam考试不及格/通过考试14. Everyone ge

21、ts these feelings at your age. at one s 在某人几岁时 区:at the age of在岁时 in one s te在某人十几岁时15. make sb./sth+ do/adj使某人做某事/处在状态16. have unhappy feelings 有不开心的感觉(feeling 可数 n.)17. give sb. suggestions/advice 给某人建议18. sth happen to sb.某人出了某事(常用一般过去时)e.g. An accide nt happe ned to Li Ping. What happe ned to yo

22、u?19. take part in activities 积极参加活动20. call sb. at+ 号码 打 号码找某人 e.g. call Mr. Wang at 228790421. too much+ 不可数 n. much too+adj. too many+ 可数 n.22. How time flies!时间飞逝!23. How I wish to stay with you!我多希望和你呆在一起!stay with sb.和某人呆在一起24. move to sw.搬到某地25. get/be used to sth/doing习惯做某事 区:used to do过去常常做

23、 26. what s more且 fit in 适应 27. give my best wishes to your parents 代我向你的父母问好28. r A+ be+ as+ adj.原级 + as+ B: Hele n is as tall as Maria.A+ be+ not + as/so+ adj 原级 + as + B: Helen isn t as tall as Maria.X A+V+as+adv 原级 +as + B: Helen runs as quickly as Lily.A+don t/doesn t/didn原 +at+so+adv原级 +as + B

24、:Helen doesn t sing as/so well as Lu cy.注:无论是肯定结构 asas还是否定结构not as/soas,.中间都用adj/adv原级。谓右是 be则用adj.原级;谓语若是 v.,则用adv原级。29. speak in public在公共场所说话30. fall asleep 入睡 make faces 做鬼脸31. clap one s h拍n手s ( clap-clapped)32. What does Jeff do with his sadness?=How does Jeff deal with his sadness?杰夫如何处理他的伤心事

25、?33. solve problems 解决问题34. learn sth from sb. learn to do learn +that 从句35. be killed in 在 中丧身 e.g. He was killed in the accident.36. refuse to do 拒绝做某事 even though=even if 尽管,即使37. after a few mon ths= a few mon ths later 几个月后38. take a walk=go for a walk 散步 calm down 冷静 go out 夕卜出 广no longer=not

26、any long多用于延续性 v.)39. 不再 You won t live in Fuzhou any Ion ger.=You will no Ion ger live in FuzhouV no more=not any mor多用于短暂性 v.)je.g. You won t see him any more.=You will see him no more.八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2Section A1. She is very strict with herself. be strict with sb.对某人要求严格: Our teacher is strict

27、with us.(2) be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格: My teacher is strict in his work.2. I thi nk I should have a talk with her.have a talk with sb. = talk with sb. 和某人交谈3. Take it easy.别着急,别紧张。Section B1. Im feeli ng very sad because I failed the En glish exam.(1) fail the exam = don pass the exam 考试不及格(2) fail

28、to do sth.做某事失败:I failed to pass the exam.2. Everyone gets these feeli ngs at your age.(1) at one sage 在某人的这个年龄阶段: Your father bega n to work at your age.(2) at the age of 在 岁时: At the age of seven, he could swim.3. 使令动词(make, let, have )的用法:make/let / have sb do sth.使某人做某事但have sth done让某人干某事(自己不做)

29、,比较: I have my son go in stead (我让我儿子代去 I had the mach ine repaired (让人修好了机器 ) get也可表使,让”,但它后常接动词不定式: He got me to wash the car.4. 短语:in oneSteens在某人十几岁时;in ones twenties在某人二十几岁时,in onethirties在某人三十几岁时,in ones forties在某人四十几岁时Section C1. How time flies! 光阴似箭2. What more 此外,而且: What more, it seems tha

30、t my classmates don accept me.3. The girl is afraid of speak ing in afraid of (do ing) sth. 害怕(做)某事 :I am afraid of dogs.Section D1. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends.refuse to do sth.拒绝去做某事 (refuse的反义词为 accept)2. (1) in stead表代替”,畐恫,后不接词,常放在句末或句首,如:If you are

31、busy, you can come ano ther day instead.(2) instead of表“代替”,介词短语,后接词(被代替的内容),常放句中(谓语动词后),但不能做谓语,如: We eat rice in stead of beef.(3) take the place of表“代替”,动词短语,常放句中作谓语动词。如:He took the place of me to finish the work.3. be angry with sb. 生某人的气; be angry at sth. 因某事而生气。Topic3:Many things can affect our feelings.1. die(v.) dead(adj.)-death( n.)-dy ing2. How long have you felt like this?=How long have you bee n like this?-1 have fel

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