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1、高考高频词汇1. get it 了解,明白,听懂 联想 make it 成功,及时到达 例 I dont get it; why did he say such things to her? 我不明白;他为什么会对她说这种事情呢?2. in total 总计,加起来 联想in all 总计,总共 altogether 总计,总共 例 The cost of the various repairs amounts in total to just over a hundred pounds. 各项维修费用加起来总计超过一百英镑。 There were twenty persons in all

2、present at the party. 参加晚会的共有20人。3. the number of 的数目 联想a number of 许多 * the number of后接复数名词,此短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 a number of后接复数名词,谓语动词亦用复数形式 例 The number of the students in our school is increasing every year. 我校学生的人数每年在增加。 A number of books are missing from the library every year. 每年图书馆总会丢失很多书。4. b

3、ring in 获利;赚;引进 联想: bring about 引起;使发生 bring down 降低的价格 bring forth 生产;生(孩子) bring forward 把提前 bring on 引起;导致 bring out 生产;制造;使显露; 出版 bring up 教育;养育;呕吐5. come about 发生,产生,造成 联想happen 发生 take place 发生,举行 break out 发生,爆发 occur 发生,出生 例 How did these differences come about? 这些差异是怎么产生的? Sometimes its har

4、d to tell how a quarrel comes about. 有时真的还难说清一场争吵是怎样产生的。 实战演练 His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has _ many good changes in their lives A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about 。答案D.句意:让家人一周聚餐一次,他的这个想法已经给他们的生活带来了许多好的变化,而起初似乎很难实现。g

5、et through通过; result from由 造成,后接原因; turn into变成,都不合题意;bring about导致,带来,后接结果,合题意。 Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came overB. came outC. came aboutD. came up 答案:C 解析:come about产生,发生。 Please tell me how the accident _. I am still in the dar

6、k. A. came byB. came uponC. came toD. came about 答案:D 解析:come about意为发生,产生.1. adore v. 词 义崇拜 ;敬重。; 热爱 派 生 词adorer n. 崇拜者,热爱者 必记搭配adore (doing) sth. 例1. People adore him for his noble character. 人们因他人格高贵而敬重他。 She adores going to the theater. 她就是爱看戏。 3. She adores working with children. 她热爱为儿童工作。2. as

7、sess v. 词 义评价,估价; 征(税金、罚金等) 派 生 词 assessment n. 估量,评定,估计 必记搭配be assessed at估定为 例 1. It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。 2. My income was assessed at 20 000 dollars. 我的收入被评定为两万美元。 3. The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. 这财产的价值估定为一百

8、万元3. occupation n. 词 义 1. 职业, 2. 占据,占领 派 生 词 occupy vt. 1占据,占领(时间、空间)2 忙着,使忙于 必记搭配 be occupied with sth. 忙于 be occupied (in) doing sth. 忙于做 occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth. 使自己忙于 例1. Soccer occupies most of my leisure time. 足球占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。 2. Hes fully occupied in looking after three small chi

9、ldren. 照顾三个小孩把他忙得不可开交。 3. She occupies herself with routine office tasks. 她忙于办公室的日常工作。4. nevertheless adv. 词 义然而,不过,尽管如此 例1. What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind. 你说的都是实话,只不过有点刻薄。 2. He insisted that everything would be alright. Nevertheless, I could not help feeling anxious

10、. 他坚持说一切都会好。 尽管如此,我还是放心不下。 3. Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. 我们的失败是意料之中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。5. addition n. 词 义增加的人或事物 派 生 词add v. 1 把和放在一起 2 计算 3 增加 additional 附加的,额外的 必记搭配in addition 此外,而且 in addition to 除了之外 an addition to sth. 增加物,添加物 例1. A new security system was install

11、ed. In addition, extra guards were hired. 除了安装新的安全系统以外,另增了一些保安。 2.In addition to writing, I enjoy rock climbing. 除了写作,我还喜欢爬山。 3. A bottle of wine would make a pleasant addition to the meal. 一瓶葡萄酒将为这顿饭增色。1. advance vt. Vt & n 过去式,过去分词-d,现在分词advancing 词 义vi. 前进,进展,上涨;vt. 提高,提升,促进;提出(看法,建议等) n. 前进(不可数)

12、;进展,进步(可数) 派 生 词advanced a. 先进的,高级的,发达的 advancing a. 发展中的 必记搭配in advance 事前,提前 in advance of 在前面 例 The army slowly advanced across the frozen grassland. 部队缓缓地穿过冰冻的草地。 Sugar has advanced two cents a pound. 糖的价格每镑上涨了两分。 They began to appreciate him and advanced him fast. 他得到了赏识并被快速提升。 May I advance my

13、 opinion on this matter? 我可以就此问题发表看法吗? Send your luggage in advance. 提前将你的包裹发出。 He is spending a year in advanced studies. 他花一年时间进修。2. fear n. / vt. / vi.过去式和过去分词: -ed, -ed; 现在分词: -ing 词 义: 恐惧, 担心的事;害怕 派生词: fearful 可怕的,吓人的 fearless 无畏的,大胆的 fearsome 可怕的,吓人的 同/近义词: fright/frighten 必记搭配:fear for sth 担心

14、 for fear of 以防 for fear (that) 唯恐;以防 例 There is no reason for your fears. 你没必要为那事担心。 Dont fear to tell the truth. 把真相说出来,别怕! The thief was in fear of the police. 小偷怕警察。3. seize vt. 过去式,过去分词-d; -d;现在分词seizing 词 义(突然)抓住;夺取,攻占;(引申)抓住(机会等),理解(意思) 必记搭配be seized with 突然生了(某种病);突然感到;突然产生(某想法) seize contro

15、l (of) 夺取控制权 seize hold of (突然)抓住 例 He seized her hand and shook it heartily. 他抓住她的手,开心地握着。 The soldiers seized the city. 战士攻占了城市。 Joey seized an opportunity to speak to him alone. 乔伊抓住机会与他进行了一次单独的谈话。 He was seized with sudden chest pains. 他突然感到胸口疼。 The pain seized him as he came down the stairs. 下楼

16、梯时他突然感到十分痛苦。4. against prep. 词 义靠着,顶着,倚着,衬着,迎着,反对,违背,防,抗 必记搭配be against 反对,违背,不利于,顶撞,违抗 go against 违反,不利于 be up against 面对,碰到(困难等),遭到(反对等) 例 He has said nothing against you. 他没有说不利于你的话。 Save some money against a rainy day. 存点钱以备不时之需。 Put your bicycle against the tree. 把你的自行车靠在树上。 He stood with his b

17、ack against the door. 他背靠着门站着。 It is against the law to open the shop on Sunday. 商店在星期天开门是违法的。 Im against your plan. 我反对你的计划。 I swam against the stream. 我逆流而游泳。 The mountains are beautiful against the sky. 这些山在天空的衬映下很美。 Its difficult to see anything against the bright light. 对着强光很难看到东西。5. struggle n

18、. & vi. 过去式,过去分词-d; -d;现在分词struggling 词 义 斗争,战斗;挣扎,努力,挣扎着走 同/近义词 fight 必记搭配struggle against 和斗争/搏斗 struggle for 为而斗争/打斗 struggle with 和斗争 struggle along 挣扎着生活下去 例 For over four hundred years they conducted a brave struggle for independence. 他们为了获得独立进行了长达四百年的英勇斗争。 He struggled in the dark, without ad

19、vice, without encouragement. 他在黑暗中挣扎着,没有得到任何建议或鼓励。 All his life he has been struggling against injustice. 他的一生都在与不公平作斗争。 I struggled with him for the knife. 我与他为了争夺那把刀而搏斗。 实战演练 The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _. A. to be heardB. to have heardC. hearingD. being he

20、ard 答案:A 解析:句意为:孩子们在餐桌上说的如此大声,我不得不努力使自己的声音被其他人所听到。这里的struggle相当于try,即:努力让别人听到,故其后用不定式的被动形式。1、rule ru:l vt.&vi.统治;支配;管辖 n.规则;习惯;统治 rule a country统治国家 rule oneself克制自己 keep/obey the rule遵守规则 break the rule违反规则 as a rule通常,一般说来 by rule按照规则 out of rule与习俗相悖 make it a rule to do sth. 习惯做某事,经常做某事 The gove

21、rnor ruled the country with a firm hand. 统治者以铁的手腕统治着这个国家。2、request rikwest n.&vt.请求,要求 request sth. of/from sb. 向某人请求某物 request sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 request that-clause请求 at ones request 应某人之请求 at the request of sb. 应某人之请求 be in request 有需要,受欢迎 on/upon request一经请求 The teacher requested all the stu

22、dents (should) finish the exercises before the class was over.老师要求所有的学生应在下课前完成作业。3、command k?m:nd n.命令,指令,掌握 vt.&vi.命令,指挥,支配 at ones command随心所欲地(的) be in command of 统帅 be under ones command由指挥 be under the command of 由指挥 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 command that-clause命令某事(从句用虚拟语气,谓语部分用should( no

23、t)+动词原形,should可以省略) have (a) good command of 精通 He has (a) good command of the French language. 他精通法语。4、polite p?lait adj.有礼貌的;客气的 be polite to sb. 对某人有礼貌 it is polite of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是有礼貌的 polite in manners举止优雅 naturally polite 自然而有礼貌的 You accepted my offer just to be polite, didnt you? 你接受我

24、的援助只是出于礼貌,对吗?5、direction direk?n, dai- n. 方向;指导;指示(常用复数);说明书 in one direction朝某一方向 in all directions朝四面八方 under the direction of sb.在某人的指导下 under ones direction在某人的指导下 in/from the direction of朝着(来自)方向 according to ones directions根据某人的指示 follow/obey/listen to ones direction听从某人的教导 keep sb.s direction

25、s in mind记住某人的指示 The frightened child ran in the direction of his mother. 那个受惊吓的孩子朝他母亲那里跑去。1. add vt.&vi增加,增添 add to增添 add to 往添加 add up ( together) 合计 add up to 合计达,加起来总和是 Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 烟火给节日之夜增色不少。 She added some salt to the soup. 她往汤里加了些盐。 Add up these f

26、igures and you will see which is the right answer. 把这些数字加起来,你就会知道哪个是正确的答案。 It is reported that the number of visitors to the exhibition adds up to 15,000 every day. 据报道每天来参观展览的人数达到15000人。 Please add a note to the posters and say that your teacher himself will play the last piece. 请在海报上再加一条,说你的老师将亲自演

27、奏最后一个曲目。2. concern vt.涉及,关系到,参与;使担心,使操心 n.关心;关注;(利害)关系 concern oneself with/in 从事(参与、干涉) concern oneself about/for 因为担忧(关心)某人 concern sb./sth. 关心某人(某事) as/so far asbe concerned 就而言 as concerns 关于(=concerning) feel/show concern about/for 担心(关心、挂念) be concern with 与有关的 be concern about/for 关心 The matter concerns the interests of the people. 这件事关系到人民的利益。 He is so concerned about you. 他对你是那样地关心。3. survey n.概观,概论,全面评述;民意调查,民意测验 vt. 查看,审视,眺望(风景等) make a general survey of sth. 纵观某事物 make a survey of sth. 调查某事物

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