1、EDA多路选择器设计实验报告EDA多路选择器设计实验报告多路选择器设计实验 一、 实验目的: 进一步熟悉Quartus II的Verilog文本设计流程,组合电路的设计仿真和硬件测试。 二、 实验内容: 1、根据4.1节流程,利用Quartus II完成4选1多路选择器的文本代码编辑输入和仿真测试等步骤,给出仿真波形。 2、在实验系统上硬件测试,验证此设计的功能。 三、 实验程序: Quartus II程序: module mux41a(a,b,c,d,s0,s1,y); input a,b,c,d; input s0,s1; output y; reg y; always(a,b,c,d,s
2、0,s1) begin :mux41 case(s0,s1) 2b00:y=a; 2b01:y=b; 2b10:y=c; 2b11:y=d; default :y=a; endcase end endmodule modelsim程序: / Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Altera Corporation / Your use of Altera Corporations design tools, logic functions / and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic / functions,
3、and any output files from any of the foregoing / (including device programming or simulation files), and any / associated documentation or information are expressly subject / to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License / Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License / Agreem
4、ent, or other applicable license agreement, including, / without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of / programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by / Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the / applicable agreement for further details. / * / This fil
5、e contains a Verilog test bench template that is freely editable to / suit users needs .Comments are provided in each section to help the user / fill out necessary details. / * / Generated on 10/11/2015 21:31:33 / Verilog Test Bench template for design : mux41a / / Simulation tool : ModelSim-Altera
6、(Verilog) / timescale 1 us/ 1 ps module mux41a_vlg_tst(); / constants / general purpose registers /reg eachvec; / test vector input registers reg a; reg b; reg c; reg d; reg s0; reg s1; / wires wire y; / assign statements (if any) mux41a i1 ( / port map - connection between master ports and signals/
7、registers .a(a), .b(b), .c(c), .d(d), .s0(s0), .s1(s1), .y(y) ); initial begin a=0;b=0; c=0;d=0; s0=0;s1=0; #20 s0=0;s1=1; #20 s0=1;s1=0; #20 s0=1;s1=1; #20 $stop; end always #2 a=a; always #4 b=b; always #6 c=c; always #8 d=d; endmodule 四、 实验步骤: 1、打开Quartus II,点击“file”中的“New Project Wizard”,新建工程到指定
8、文件夹中 2、点击“New”新建工作簿,写入程序 3、点击“compile design”进行编译 方法一:联合仿真 1、点击“processing”中的“start” 2、点击“file”中的“open”,找到“modelsim”,查找“.vt”文件 3、打开“mux41a”文件 4、修改文件中的程序 5、打开“Assignments”,点击“setting”,修改时间 6、点击“test benches”后再点击“New”添加“mux41a”文件 7、再进行编译 8、点击“Tools”,打开“Run Simulation Tool”,再选择“RTL Simulation” 方法二:modelsim单独仿真 1、在modelsim中新建“sim”文件 2、打开“modelsim”,创建工程 3、点击“create new file”,新建两个工作簿 4、分别添加相应程序进去,进行编译 5、选择library,点击work,之后再右击add?to wave?selected signals,最后选择simulate点击run?run all
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