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1、译林牛津版高中英语各单元重要语言点梳理与巩固M1M2含答案Module 1 Unit 1 School life词汇翻译1. 有趣的,令人愉快的_2. (书的)名称;(文章的)题目_3. 流利的_4. 不知为什么;不知怎么地_5. 文学_6. 具有挑战性的 _7. 鼓励(n.)_8. 诗,诗歌_9. 额外的,外加的_10. 作品;成分 _11. 尊敬某人_12. 免费_13. 挣扎着站起来_14. 毕业于_15. 明朝_16. 告知某人某事_17. 同意某人做_18. 词汇翻译代代地_19. 回忆,回顾_20. 和某人交换某物_21. 把捐给_22. 在电台里被播放_23. 前者,后者_24.

2、 学习 词汇翻译结束,他就开始了中国之旅。_,he started travelling in China.25. 我们的俱乐部不只是播放音乐。Our club _ music.答案 1. enjoyable2. title3. fluent4. somehow 5. literature6. challenging7. encouragement8. poem 9. extra10. composition11. show respect for sb. 12. for free13. struggle to ones feet14. graduate from 15. the Ming D

3、ynasty16. inform sb. of/about sth. 17. approve of sb. doing18. generation after generation from generation to generation19. look back on 20. exchange sth. with sb.21. donate sth. to.22. be broadcast on the radio23. the former,the latter24. Upon finishing his studies25. is much more than just词汇填空1. H

4、e reads newspapers every day to keep himself i_ of current affairs.2. Great changes have taken place in the village in r_ years.3. Li bai is regarded as the greatest romantic p_ in the Tang Dynasty.4. He doesnt _(同意) of me leaving school this year.5. He was arrested_(指控) with illegal possession of f

5、irearms.答案 1. informed2. recent3. poet4. approve 5. charged同义句转换1. He went through all sorts of difficulties and hardships.He _ all sorts of difficulties and hardships.2. The students are preparing for the coming examination.The students are making _ for the coming examination.3. Since we have grown

6、 up,we shouldnt depend on our parents.It is important for us to be _ of our parents.4. His mother is satisfied that he has made great progress in his studies.To his mothers _,he has made great progress in his studies.5. She spent as much time as she could practising her spoken English.She _ as much

7、time as she could to practising her spoken English.答案 1. experienced2. preparations3. independent 4. satisfaction5. devoted单项选择1. (2013陕西卷)The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will _A. in particular B. in turn C. in charge D. in time2. (2012全国卷)Sarah looked at _ finished

8、painting with _ satisfaction.A. /;a B. a;the C. the;/ D. the;a3. (2011浙江卷)The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to,but I suppose Ill just have to _ it.A. make the best of B. get away from C. keep an eye on D. catch up with4. (2011安徽卷)As the story_,the truth about the strange figure is slowly

9、 discovered.A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops5. (2011全国新课标卷)The form cannot be signed by anyone _ yourself.A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. better than6. Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,a(n)_ of 40,000 per year.A. average B. nu

10、mber C. amount D. quantity7. Thousands of foreigners were _ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached8. He presented me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does _ seeing a close friend.A. on B. from C. during D. about9. Robert is i

11、ndeed a wise man. Oh,yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice!A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking10. I cant say which wine is bestits a(n)_ of personal taste.A. affair B. event C. matter D. variety答案 1. D2. C3. A4. D5. B6. A7. C8. A 9. D10. CModule 1 Unit 2Growing pains词汇翻译1. 窗帘;幕布

12、_2. 误解(v.)_3. 成年人_4. 心烦的,苦恼的;使心烦,使苦恼_5. 处理,应付;把手;柄_6. 身体的;物质的_7. 突发事件;紧急情况_8. 自私的_9. 工作努力的;辛勤的_10. 智慧_11. 在某人的指导下_12. 保卫免受 _13. 对某人耐心_14. 为自由而战_15. 坚持,坚持认为_16. 饿死_17. 不睡觉,熬夜_18. 对某人严格_19. 因为惩罚某人_20. 用现金支付_21. 毕竟;终究_22. 目前,当前_23. 限制某人做某事_24. 他们比预计的时间提前 词汇翻译天返回家中。They arrive back a day earlier_25. 埃里克

13、坐在床上,瞧着双臂交叉、 词汇翻译脸怒气的丹尼尔。Eric sat on his bed looking at Daniel,who _ and looks angry.答案 1. curtain2. misunderstand3. adult4. upset 5. handle6. physical7. emergency8. selfish 9. hardworking10. wisdom11. under ones guidance 12. defend. against/from.13. be patient with sb. 14. fight for freedom15. insi

14、st on16. starve to death 17. stay up18. be hard on sb.19. punish sb. for. 20. pay in cash21. after all22. at present23. limit sb. to doing sth.24. than expected25. has his arms crossed词汇填空1. The American Civil War l_ four years.2. The 80yearold truck driver passed out and b_ down over the steering w

15、heel.3. The brothers had an _ with each other about money.4. I think the film is harmful to _(青少年)5. This is not a family where bad _(举止) goes unpunished.答案 1. lasted2. bent3. argument4. teenagers/adolescents5. behaviour同义句转换1. They are worthy of acknowledgement because they are capable of contribut

16、ing to society.They _ acknowledgement for their ability to contribute to society.2. He explained to us why he was late.He gave us an _ of why he was late.3. These amateur athletes must work at their jobs while training.These amateur athletes must _ their work with training.4. We are not allowed to s

17、moke at school.We are _ to smoke at school.5. When people are tired,they are likely to make mistakes.When people are tired,they _ to make mistakes.答案 1. deserve2. explanation3. combine4. forbidden5. tend单项选择1. (2013浙江卷)There are some health problems that,when _ in time,can become bigger ones.A. not

18、treated B. not being treated C. not to be treated D. not having been treated2. (2012天津卷)You are working too hard. Youd better keep a _ between work and relaxation.A. promise B. lead C. balance D. diary3. (2011湖北卷)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,but they may also _ ou

19、r thinking.A. direct B. limit C. change D. improve4. (2011安徽卷)To be great,you must be smart,confident,and _,honest.A. therefore B. above all C. however D. after all5. (2011湖南卷)Jack wasnt saying anything,but the teacher smiled at him _ he had done something very clever.A. as if B. in case C. while D.

20、 though6. (2011辽宁卷)What are you doing out of bed,Tom? Youre _ to be asleep.A. supposed B. known C. thought D. considered7. When he _ the door,he found his keys were nowhere.A. would open B. openedC. had opened D. was to open8. I am certain Davids told you his business troubles. _,its no secret that

21、he owes money.A. Furthermore B. HoweverC. Anyway D. Therefore9. The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. finding B. to find C. on finding D. find10. I came all the way to inform you of the time and place of the meeting.You could have _ yourself the trouble by calling

22、 me.A. shared B. spared C. cost D. removed答案 1. A2. C3. B4. B5. A6. A7. D8. C 9. C10. BModule 1 Unit 3Looking good,feeling good词汇翻译1. 精力充沛的_2. 化学物质;化学的_3. 有吸引力的,有魅力的_4. 治疗;待遇;处理(n.)_5. 无用的,无效的_6. 会员资格_7. 专家_8. 安慰,舒适_9. 系统;制度_10. 平静的,和平的_11. 保持身材_12. 遭受很大损失_13. 冒险做_14. 节食_15. 立刻,很快_16. 对造成很多的损害_17. 心

23、脏衰竭_18. 在的压力下_19. 从长远角度看_20. 发胖_21. 强身健体_22. 全神贯注于_23. 对感到羞愧_24. 我很后悔服用了那种减肥药。I regret _25. 行走和骑自行车就算,在学校里进行的体育活动也算。Walking and riding your bike count,_答案 1. energetic2. chemical3. attractive 4. treatment5.useless6. membership7. expert 8. comfort9. system10. peaceful11. keep ones figure12. suffer a

24、great loss13. risk doing14. be on a diet 15. in no time16. do/cause much damage to17. heart failure18. under the pressure of.19. in the long run 20. put on weight21. get into shape22. concentrate on23. be ashamed of24. taking those weightloss pills25. and so do school sports词汇填空 1. Six people were k

25、illed in the car crash,i_ a child.2. I hear that a lot of scientific e_ has been bought in our school.3. The young scientist has finally made many a_ in his field by trial and error.4. He is _(考虑) changing his job.5. She asked him a lot of _(尴尬的)questions.答案 1. including2. equipment3. achievements 4

26、. considering5. embarrassing同义句转换1. He has just got over a severe illness.He has just _ from a severe illness.2. Smoking has a bad effect on his health.His health is badly _ by smoking.3. We should concentrate while driving.Driving requires _4. As a matter of fact,dinosaurs disappeared 65,000,000 years ago._,dinosaurs disappeared 65,000,000 years ago.5. An apology that is too little,too late,or too obviously strategic can bring on individual and institutional ruin.Apologies not _ offered can bring on individual and institutional ruin.答案 1. recovered2. affected3. concentration 4. Actu

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