1、传统体育活动中国传统体育活动中国是一个历史悠久的国家,有着多种独特和传统的体育和娱乐活动。中国如此之大,所以他们有自己的特殊方式来表达他们的活力和热情也不足为奇。 几乎所有的传统体育项目,都来自生产活动。 蒙古族,藏族和哈萨克族居住广阔的天然草场和马术是他们的存在至关重要。 因此他们的骑射天赋,骑马已经形成运动。以种植和狩猎为生的人擅长在攀登,摔跤,跳跃,射击等。 其中许多活动都伴随着歌唱,舞蹈,器乐表演的艺术形式, 他们大多是在和其他有意义的日子举行。 黎族竹竿舞就是一个例子。 与会者蹲或跪成对对面彼此保持在每一个手竹竿年底。 夫妇分别在两端,伴着音乐的节奏跳舞。 优雅的舞者在竹子两端移动,
2、确保他们保持一个节奏,以避免他们被绊倒。这是一个非常有技巧和令人赏心悦目的舞蹈。 :秋千,绳索和跳板等 :这些包括赛马,马球和其他活动,骑乘技能测试。 :这些包括游泳,潜水和划船活动,如着名的龙舟竞渡。 : 拔河,古代足球,打陀螺 为了保持和鼓励这些丰富多彩的体育发展,省,甚至全国会议已举行。 中国少数民族的传统体育的全运会就是一个例子,现在每四年举行一次。 最成功的一次是在2003年举行。 荡秋千在这方面,融合力量和灵巧的杂技和演习,同时利用绳索,往往是相当高的地面以上。早在晋代(265 - 420),就受到了许多人的欢迎;随着时间的推移,整个唐宋,这项运动很受欢迎,并成为一种时尚。 有一个
3、这样的故事:在康熙皇帝在清朝的统治时期(1644 - 1911),嘉义人遭受瘟疫。 村民建庙供奉圣人和良好的健康祈祷,并尽快实现自己的愿望。 展示自己的感激之情的圣人,人们煞费苦心想如何取悦他们除了通常每年对每个圣人的天祝宴。 有一天,一个有才华的学者看到了他的小女儿玩秋千兴高采烈。 这给了他灵机一动,因此展开竞争作为一个美妙的方式,向神表示敬意和尊重。 从那时起,秋千占领体育活动的重要场所。 韩国和白族群体,特别是在这些荡秋千活动的专家。 在节日期间,他们穿他们的服装和装饰的秋千是尽可能地美丽。 绳索绑在大树下,胆大的人将丝带或环放在上边,使荡秋千的人尽量去够。高高飞扬,优雅和大胆的表演,赢
4、得热情的围观者的欢呼声和掌声。 跳板(Tiaoban) 这是一个跳板跳跃。比赛通常是朝鲜族妇女在元宵节,端午?节和中秋节日举行。 据传说,在远古时代,两名无辜男子被逮捕并关进监狱。妻子很想见到自己的丈夫。她们就用弹簧板,把自己弹到的空中,使她们往下看时,看到自己的丈夫。 另一个故事是关于对妇女的封建社会的枷锁约束。 当时的妇女无法走出她们的庭院。 因此,为了看到外面的东西,她们会悄悄地用跳板跳到空中。 通常一个跳板,是由一块约6米(英尺)长,0.4米(英尺)宽,0.05米(英寸)厚一个坚韧而有弹性的木材制成。 板安装后,像一见锯轴,两个人站在任一端。一个跳下,另一端就会被抬到空中。 运动员将保
5、持在直立位置或执行旋转,后空翻或其它的灵巧和大胆。 每次跳跃,参赛者都会到高空中 这一运动,要求时机,技巧和勇气。完美地结合。 水上运动 龙舟竞渡(西贡龙舟) 许多在中国南部少数民族和汉族人民继续的龙舟竞渡的习俗。 壮族,苗族,傣族,白族,土家族人装点的船只,像一条巨龙。他们用锣鼓和喊叫来表示他们的支持。 工匠们充分行使他们的技能与他们的雕刻和绘画来装饰每艘船。 据传说,竞赛起源于战国时期(公元前476年-公元前221)的爱国诗人,这表明这一习俗是历史悠久。 早在隋朝,炎帝就坐乘高15米(49英尺),长67米(220英尺),大型龙舟。 船有120个船舱。 据记载,那时有9艘船,每个有三层楼高。
6、在龙舟比赛中经常会以组的形式进行。 如今的船通常是大约20米(66英尺)长,宽1米(英尺)。 参赛队伍将有女划桨手或男划桨手,舵手,锣手和鼓手。 划桨手将排成一排,伴随鼓声有节奏的进行。 马术运动 赛马(赛马)这是赛马。 骑马的英雄主义精神,特别是在内蒙古,新疆,西藏,青海,甘肃,云南,贵州和四川等领域,这些以族群为生活方式的民族。这些地区大多是平原上,为比赛提供了一个自然领域。 地区差异和竞争的类型是多种多样的。 主竞赛涉及赛马,马术,以证明处理的安装,以及通过培训实现了动物的能力,投篮命中率,而在马鞍上投掷长矛,拿起哈达,丝绸象征骑手的自尊。 骑马者沿着两边超过100米长(109米长)的哈
7、达骑马;每次捡哈达有12秒,把它们捡起来,就可以得分。 如果他超过时限的一点是每一秒中扣除。 结果将决定后两轮。 气球被作为目标的射击比赛和精确的距离是一个重要元素。 。 陆上运动及活动 拔河这是拔河,是一个传统的游戏中,几乎所有人都可以参与。 在过去,通常邻村在元宵节期间,相举行。 有一段时间绳子是用竹子制成的,但人们从唐代(公元618 - 907年)开始用麻绳代替。 绳子使尽可能多的人加入进来。旁观的人敲锣打鼓助威,活动令人十分兴奋。 今天,拔河是流行的运动在学校以及公司联谊活动。 游戏提供了一个有趣的亮点,并营造相当好娱乐氛围。 获胜的一方会体会团结的力量。 古代足球(蹴鞠)这是中国古代
8、足球蹴鞠是世界上最古老的足球比赛。 据史料记载,它似乎在商代(公元前16世纪 - 公元前11世纪)。工具是一个石球,这是由军队士兵之间建立一个强有力的宪法的工具。 在汉代(公元前206年 - 220年),它变得更受欢迎, 据说,这个王朝的第一个皇帝刘邦,他的父亲,是相当不错的球员。古代足球 - 蹴鞠,在南宋(1127 - 1279年),最早的足球俱乐部或公会成立名为“远涉”。 当时许多文学和艺术作品创造了以蹴鞠为主题的作品,这说明了它的繁荣时尚。 成年人和儿童,男性和女性都可以玩蹴鞠。 尽管妇女在封建时代是一个低的状况,被许多场合排除,操场似乎是例外,在那里他们可以出现在公众面前。 然而,它逐
9、渐走向没落,也许是因为和平和仁爱的传统观念。由于蹴鞠是有竞争力的游戏,统治阶级试图将其性质改变为娱乐。 今天,蹴鞠已被纳入第六届中国少数民族的传统体育项目。 打陀螺这个游戏也有悠久的历史,特别是对儿童来说。 1926年,一个发掘证明,这是一种4000年前存在的游戏! 用于旋转的是陶器的顶部,石,木,竹鞭子。儿童使用的很小,而且往往色彩鲜艳,在比赛中所使用的是完全不同的。 正式比赛的通常重约公斤(0.99磅),鞭子是至少2米(英尺)长,是很难操作的 。 陀螺曾经是一个世界性的儿童流行的街头游戏。 鞭线缠绕圆,表面光滑的地面,甚至可能是放在冰的顶部。 鞭子来回拉动造成顶部的旋转。 它不断旋转,并用
10、鞭的援助来增加速度。 这个简单的娱乐活动,在中国已经发展成为一项竞技运动。 比赛规则在许多方面有所不同。 两名球员将脱落顶部在相撞,造成对手陀螺停止旋转, 保持旋转一个是赢家。打陀螺,需要高超的技巧。 Traditional Sports & ActivitiesIt is inevitable that with such a long history China should have developed several unique and traditional sports and pastimes. While some are practiced widely by the Ha
11、n minority as well as the minority groups who make up these groups and reflect their own cultures. As the country is so large and the various minorities are separated by vast distances it is not surprising that they have their own special ways in which to express their vigor and enthusiasm.Almost al
12、l the traditional sports were derived from productive activity. The Mongolians, Tibetans and Kazaks inhabit vast natural grasslands and horsemanship is vital to their existence. Consequently their gift for riding and shooting has given rise to their forms of sport. The people who live in agricultura
13、l communities or who rely on hunting for their livelihood are good at climbing, wrestling, jumping, shooting and so on. Many of these activities are accompanied by singing, dancing, and instrumental performances that are art forms in their own right. They are mostly held as part of the festivals lik
14、e and other days of significance. The Bamboo Pole Dance of the Li ethnic group is an example. The participants squat or kneel in pairs opposite each other and hold the end of a bamboo poles in each hand. The couples bring the poles together and apart in time with the rhythm of musical accompaniment.
15、 Graceful dancers perform between the moving poles, ensuring that they maintain a rhythm that is in time with the poles so as to avoid being trapped between them. This is a very skillful and entertaining sight. : This will involve the use of swings, ropes and the springboard, etc.: These include hor
16、se racing, polo and other events to test riding skills: These encompass swimming, diving and boating events such as the famous dragon boat races.:Tug-of-War, Ancient Football, Top-SpinningMartial ArtsTo maintain and encourage the development of these colorful sports, provincial and even national mee
17、tings have been held. Chinas National Games of Minority Nationalitys Traditional Sports is one example and is now held every four years. The seventh of these very successful meetings was held in 2003.To Have a Swing (Dang Qiuqian)A literal translation is To have a swing. In this, the participants pe
18、rform acrobatics and exercises of strength and dexterity while using ropes, often quite high above the ground - not for the faint-hearted! As early as the Jin Dynasty (265 - 420), this was developed as a display and was welcomed by many people; as time went on throughout the Tang and Song Dynasties,
19、 this sport was very popular and became a fashion.There is a story about the swing, which goes like this: in the reign of the Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), the people in a place called Jia Yi suffered from the plague. The villagers built temples to worship the saints and prayed f
20、or good health, and soon their wishes were realized. To show their gratitude to the saints, people took great pains to think how to amuse them in addition to the usual annual fetes on each saints day. One day, a talented scholar saw his little daughter playing cheerily on a swing. This gave him a br
21、ainwave and so a swing competition was inaugurated as a wonderful way to pay homage and respect to the deities. From then on, the swing occupied an important place in the sporting activities.The Korean and Bai ethnic groups are particularly expert in these swing activities. During the festivals they
22、 wear their fineries and decorate the swings to be as beautiful as possible. The thick ropes are tied on horizontal branches of large trees, bold and uninhibited people will then hang a ribbon or a ring above and before the swing so that players have to swing up to reach them. The high flying, grace
23、ful and daring performers are greeted by the cheers and applause of the enthusiastic onlookers.See-Saw Jump (Tiaoban)This is jumping with a spring board. The contests are popular with the women of the Korean ethnic group and are usually held during the Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and on M
24、id-Autumn Day. Legend has it that, in ancient times, two innocent men were arrested and put into prison. Their wives who were keen to see their husbands had a bright idea. They would use a spring board to throw themselves into sky, so that they could look down and see their husbands. Another story c
25、oncerns constraints placed upon women by the yoke of feudal society. At that time women were unable to step out from their courtyards. So, to see something of the outside world they would silently jump high into the air with springboards and so peer over the high walls surrounding them.Usually a spr
26、ingboard is about 6 meters feet) long, meter feet) wide and meter inches) thick, made of a tough and bouncy wood. The board is mounted upon a pivot like a see-saw and two people stand one at either end. As one jumps down, the opposite end of the board projects the other player high into the air. Whi
27、le in the air the players will either remain in an upright position or perform spins, back flips or other feats of dexterity and daring. With each rebound, the contestants reach higher and higher into the air - a feat that requires perfect timing, skill and courage.Dragon Boat Racing (Sai Longzhou)
28、Many ethnic groups in the southern China and Han People have continued the custom of the Dragon Boat Race for the . The Zhuang, Miao, Dai, Bai, and Tujia people decorate the boats to resemble a dragon and shout their support with drums and gongs. Craftsmen exercise their skills to the full with thei
29、r carving and painting to decorate each boat.According to legend, the race became the custom following the rescue of the patriotic poet in the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221BC) which shows just how old this custom is. As far back as the Sui Dynasty, the Emperor Yan sailed in a large-scale drago
30、n boat with the height of 15 meters (49 feet) and the length of 67 meters (220 feet). The boat contained halls and 120 cabins. It is recorded that there were nine boats, each three storeys high, in use at this time.In competitions the dragon boat race often appears as a group item. Nowadays the boat
31、 is usually around 20 meters (66 feet) long and 1 meter feet) wide. A participating team will have oarsmen or oarswomen, a coxswain, a gong beater and a drummer. The oarsmen will row and keep stroke, following the rhythmical drumbeats.Horse Racing (Saima) This is horse racing. Riding a horse is an e
32、ssential part of the lifestyle of those ethnic groups of a heroic spirit, especially in the areas of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. People in those areas live mostly on the plains which provide a natural field for the races. There are regional variations and the types of competition are diverse.The main contests involve racing, horsemanship to demonstrate the handling of the mount as well as the ability of the animal achieved through its training, shooting and throwing spears while in t
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