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1、Peepinside文本六本全Peep inside: The farm 翻翻书文本The farmIts early in the morning on the farm,and the animals are eating their breakfast. whos inside this little house? Goats! theyre munching on hay.The hens eat grain,then peck around for bugs and slugs.And what can you find in here?Eggs! And another hen,w

2、ho is laying some more.Soneones busy in the barn. Peep inside to see who.Its the farmer milking his cows. .while they chomp on hay.the milk comes out of their pink udders.Cow need milking every morning and every evening.Its springtime on the farm,and some baby animals have been born. Can you guess w

3、hat they are?Little springy lambs!They live with their mothers in the field,where they bounce and leap around.Whats this duck hiding beneath her wing? Ducklings!The tractor is chugging up and down,planting seeds in the soil.To grow into plants,seeds need sunsine and.rain!these are wheat plants.theyl

4、l be used to make bread.Turn the tractor around to see what else in can do.Now its pulling a hay baler. A wheel at the front pulls grass in.A farm grows lots of things to eat.Some food grows under the ground.Carrots! Some grows on top. Broccoli Some changes colour when its ready to pick. Strawberrie

5、sWhats growing inside these green pods? peas!Visitors to the farm can stroke some of the animals.Whos that nibbling the hay? Three friendly goats!One has floppy ears,one has curly horns and one is very,very woolly.Are any other animals hiding here?Rabbits,they have very soft fur. Guinea pigsFarms ma

6、ke and sell all kinds of things.This farm makes ice cream from its own cowsmilk.What else is for sale outside? farm notices.Ice cream. coen on the cob .Fresh peas in pods. eggs. Potatoes.Peep inside the farm shop to find more things that are made on the farm. Farm Shop. Open Please take a basket.Bro

7、ccoli,Carrots,Apples,Llama wool,Lambs wool,Hand-knitted hats, Bread,Cakes,Honey from our own bees,Large cherry pies,Apple pies, Cherries,Strawberry jam,Fudge,Tomatoes,Strawberries,Fresh eggs, Mature cheese,Cheese Milk&Gream.Meat.Hard,soft,Goats cheese, Cherry juice,Apple juice. Farm bag for life. Pl

8、ease pay here.Peep inside: Dinosaurs 翻翻书文本DinosaursLong ago,before there were any people,all kinds of dinosaurs roamed the world. Peep inside the forest and see which you can find.Look!Lots of snappy,feathery ones.There goes a little,fast one.Whats making that funny noise?Its a big,honking one,calli

9、ng to its friends.Heres a mummy maiasaura that has laid some eggs.CRACK!Whats inside this one?A little baby maiasaura!Dinosaur babies started small.This baby stegosaurus is smaller than the pine cone.But itll grow.and GROW!in the end it will be bigger than a bus!All the dinosaurs scurried away to hi

10、de when a tyrannosaurus came crashing past. Open its mouth to find out why.ROAR!To stop big,scary dinosaurs from biting them,some dinosaurs had spiky backs.and bumpy,lumpy tails so they could go.THWACk!A triceratops didnt have any of those.But it did have a spike on its.nose!Some dinosaurs were huge

11、 huge as huge can be.Whats that eating the tree? Its a brachiosaurus. Its twice as tall as a house.The biggest dinosaure of all had lo-o-o-o-ng necks and.super-lo-o-o-ng tails!Other strange creatures lived at the time of the dinosaurs.Pterosaurs ruled the skies.Whoosh!And whats this peeping out of t

12、he sea?A toothy kronosaurus.Its busy catching fish.Dinosaurs arent alive any more.But just just if they were!Theyre too roary and stompy and fierce for us!But we can still go and see them.inside a museum.People find their bones,all turned to stone,and put them together to show how they lookedPeep in

13、side: Night time 翻翻书文本Night timeAt night,when the moon is up and the stars are twinkling,all the streets ate quiet. Is everybody fast asleep?But the lights are on in this building.Whats happening inside? the bakery cafeBakers are busy working-theyre.mixing,kneading,shaping,baking.Theyre making bread

14、 for the morning.When it gets dark,the streetlights flicker on.Moths flitter-flutter around them.They gather around any bright light they find.A glow-worm lights up.hoping other glow-worms will find her.Whos hanging upside down?Bats!They flit about,snatching bugs from the sky.Most birds go to sleep

15、at night. But owls are awake.hoot!Their big eyes help them see in the dark.They swoop about listening out for rustling mice to catch.Whos hiding under this leaf? rustleMice!They scurry to find food at night,but hurry away from owls!Foxes come out to explore at night.They sniff things that people hav

16、e left see whether theyre good to eat.All is quiet in the long grass.But then comes a.CROAK!The frogs are singing a croaky song.Others come to join them.At night,a few trains glide quietly along the tracks.This train is carrying.people!Its a sleeper train.The passengers sleep.while the dr

17、iver drives the train.Whats in this one?Oranges!The train is bringing them to be sold at a market.Workers fix the tracks by night.Before the sun rises,this market is bustling.Shopkeepers buy things to sell in their shops.Pineapples a-plenty!Get your fresh flowers here!Hand-picked strawberries!As the

18、 sun creeps into the sky,a delivery arrives at the busy breakfast cafe. Sunrise Cafe. Whats being delivered?Lettuces and tomatoes.fresh juice and pastriesPeep inside: Garden 翻翻书文本GardenA sunny garden hums,buzzes,creeps and crawls with life.Can you see any animals peeping between the plant

19、s?Whats under a ladybirds spotty back?Sunshine makes the flowers bloom.Bees hum they gather.yellow pollen.Theyll take it home to feed to baby bees.Peep inside this flower to see whos landed there.A pretty butterflyShe unrolls her long tongue to suck up sweet nectar from the middle of the f

20、lower.All kinds of bugs live in a garden.Whats this busy spider making?A web for catching flies!Who can you find hiding in a logpile?woodlice and a centipede.a fat,sleepy toad.and a bumblebee.In a shady pond,a pondskater tiptoes across the water.A surprised frog.dives into the water to hide.Lots of

21、baby newts live in the pond.When theyre bigger,theyll climb out of the water to explore.At the bottom of the garden,theres a compost heap.Compost helps plants to grow.Whats inside the shed?A watering can,a spade,some packets of tiny seeds,balls of string and other things for working in the garden.Wh

22、ats growing in the vegetable patch?Peep under this leaf to see.A huge pumpkin!When it turns orange its ready to eat.There are cabbages too.whos making holes in their liaves?Lots of little caterpillars.They love eating cabbage leaves.And so does this snail!Up in the tree,theres a noise. Who lives in

23、this little house?Baby birds!Their mother and father bring them food all day long.Someones stealing bird seed.Peep under the leaves to see who it is.Its a cheeky squirrel!What a lor of things there are to find in just one garden!Peep inside: Castle 翻翻书文本CastleInside the castle its all hustle and bus

24、tle.Peep under the rooftops to see what people are doing.A swordsmith is making a sword in here.This baker is baking bread.Who lives in here? Horses.And stable boys who look agter them.What are these men guarding?If the guards let you in,youll see.Its the kings treasure!Its counted out.then locked u

25、p tight,with men to guard it day and night.Delicious smells are wafting from these windows.Peep inside to find out why.Its the castle kitchen,full of busy cooks.They are stirring.and roasting.chopping.and baking.The king and his guests are hungry.Whats for dinner?Theres wild boar,roast peacock and a

26、 grand pastry castle!Is someone hiding under the table?Its the kings dog,waiting for scraps.Castle bedrooms are rather chilly.Servants have to sleep on the floor.But the bed has curtains around it,keeping it snuggly and warm. Whos allowed to sleep in here?A knight.Hes the kings special guest.Shh!Don

27、t wanke him.In the morning,the knight gets dressed.What is he going to wear?Metal chainmail goes on first,next comes shining armour.A colourful tunic goes on top.His horse gets dressed up too!Trumpets sound.The tournament begins!Peep behind the banners to see whats happening.These knights are jousti

28、ng.They hold shields and long lances,and ride towards eache other.The blue knight knocks the red knight off-and wins!The castle kept people sage inside.If enemies attacked.they lowered the portcullis.and raised the drawbridge. So nobody else could get inThe zoo 动物园 Peep inside the zoo to see what al

29、l the animals are up to. 窥视动物园,看看有些什么动物。 The seals are swimming and splashing around. 海豹在游泳和戏水。 Munch! 大声咀嚼 Munch! Munch! This panda is busy eating. He chews through hundreds of bamboo stems a day. 这只熊猫正忙着吃。他每天要吃掉上百根竹子。 The lion is snoozing 狮子正在睡觉 Until his cubs wake him up to play. 直到他的幼崽把他叫醒玩耍。 Ca

30、n you guess who lives in here? 猜猜谁住在这里Giraffes. Theyre the tallest animals. Even a babys much taller than you. 长颈鹿。他们是最高的动物。即使一只小的也比你高。 One has spotted a juicy leaf. Shell use her long tongue to pull it from the tree. 有一只发现了一片鲜嫩多汁的叶子。她就会用她的长舌头把它从树上拉过来。 Elephants love water. At the zoo, they have a s

31、hower every day. 大象喜欢水。动物园里,他们喜欢每天洗个澡。 An elephants nose is called a trunk. It can use it to suck up water 大象的鼻子被叫做象鼻。大象能用它来吸水 and to squirt it out again! 然后再把它喷射出来! Whos been munching on these leaves? 谁在大声的咀嚼这些叶子? A caterpillar makes a little case called a chrysalis. It curls inside 毛毛虫做了一个小房子叫做蛹。 Fuzzy caterpillars! 毛茸茸的毛毛虫! and turns into a butterfly. 蛹会变成蝴蝶。 This butterfly folds its pretty wings to rest in the shade. Open them to see how

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