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1、写作专项复习书面表达评分说明:1、 此题为半开放试题,要求学生根据所给信息,写出一篇语言连贯、符合逻辑、书写规范、卷面整洁的短文。2、 标点符号、大小写、单词拼写错误每两个扣0.5分,少于两个不扣分;语法错误每个扣0.5分。3、 词数少于80的,每10个单词扣1分;词数多于100的,每20个扣1分。评分标准:第一档(1415分):符合题意要求,表达完整,条理清晰,语句通顺,语言正确无误,大小写及标点符号运用得当。全文结构严密、完整,语言流畅。第二档(1013分):符合题意要求,表达基本完整,条理较清晰,语句较通顺,语言基本无误。有语法或标点错误,但句子较为流畅,文章思路清晰,逻辑推理正确,结构

2、完整。第三档(79分):基本符合题意要求,表达基本完整,条理较清晰,语句较通顺。语法或标点错误较多。文章结构不严密,但表达意思清楚。第四档(46分):不符合题意要求,表达不清楚,语法或标点错误过多。词数不够,语意表达不清晰,文章逻辑关系混乱。第五档(03分):未能传达给读者任何信息;内容太少,无法评判;写得内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。评分标准:1、内容完整,语句流畅,无语法错误,书写规范,给9-10分;2. 内容较完整,语句较流畅,基本无语法错误,书写较规范,给6-8分;3. 内容不完整,语句欠流畅,语法错误较多,书写较规范,给3-5分;4. 只写出个别要点,语法错误较多,书写欠

3、规范,只有个别句子可读或不知所云给0-2分。写作步骤:Step 1.审题目:要切中题意。Step 2.圈要点:防止遗漏要点。Step 3.列提纲:为写作做好准备。Step 4.定基调:定出时态、人称、顺序、开头、结尾。Step 5.写全文。Step 6.检查错误:1)格式是否有错。2)拼写有无错误。3)时态、语态错误。4)标点错误。5)人称是否用错。篇章结构:(1)注意篇章结构,合理布局开始部分说出文中的要点、核心问题。正文部分围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。结尾部分对全文的总结和概括。(2)确定主题句主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进

4、行解释,扩展。写主题句应注意要有概括性,可读性。(3)会用连接词1,表示并列关系First,second,third,First,then/next,afterthat/next,finallyForonething, foranother thingOn(the)onehand,ontheotherhand.Besides/whatsmore; Especially/Inparticular,2,表示时间顺序now,atpresent,recently,afterthat ,inafewdays,atfirst,anthebeginning,tobeginwith,later,next,fi

5、nally,assoonas, fromnowon, atthesametime, till,not3,表示解释说明forexample,forinstance,inthiscase, infact,actually4,表示转折关系but,however,while,though,eventhough,except(for),instead,ofcourse,afterall,5,表示因果关系的:so,therefore,asaresultbecause,becauseof,since,nowthat ,thanksto, 6,表示目的的:inorderto,inorderthat,soast

6、o,sothat7,表示总结性的:ingeneral,inall,inaword,generallyspeaking,inmyopinion, asfarasIknow, insummary,inconclusion,(4)常用句型1).Its+adjforsbtodo做对某人来说是必要的Itisnecessary(forsb.)todo/that是重要的Itisimportant/essential(forsb.)todo/that是适当的Itisproper(forsb.)todo/that是紧急的Itisurgent(forsb.)todo/that2)Itissaidthat+句子据说

7、例Itisreportedthat+句子据报道3)Thereisnodoubtthat+句子毫无疑问议论文写作摸板一、 利弊讨论型这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 说明事物现状 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 你对现状(或前景)的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a important role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follow

8、s. First -(的优点之一)。 Besides -(的优点之二)。But everything has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that -(的第一个缺点)To make matters worse,-(的第二个缺点)Through the above advantages and disadvantages,I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.

9、 Therefore,I would like to -(我的看法)From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, -(对前景的预测)二、 两种观点讨论型导入:第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Othe

10、rs, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages.正文:第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that 。. Another reason is that.。.(赞同A的原因)第3段: Of course, B also has advantages in some ways. (列出12个B的优势)结论:第4段: But if all the

11、se factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that 。.(得出结论) 三、 不同观点型There is a widespread opinion over the issue that _作文题目_. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A m

12、ajority of people think that _ 观点一_. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, _原因一_.Furthermore, in the second place, _原因二_. So it goes without saying that _观点一_.People,however,differintheir opinionsonthismatter.Somepeoplehold the idea that _观点

13、二_. In their point of view, on the one hand, _原因一_. On the other hand, _原因二_. Therefore, thereis nodoubtthat _观点二_.As far as I am concerned, Ifirmlysupporttheviewthat _观点一或二_.Itis not only because _, but also because _. The more _, the more _.现象说明文类模板Recently _,what amazes us most is_,it is ture tha

14、t_.There are many reasons explaining_.The main reasonis_Whats more_.thirdly_.As a result_.Considering all there,_.For one thing_,for another_In Conclusion_.书面表达训练一、时事新闻、国家政策、社会热点:常用词组句型:1. one of the biggest / most serious event 2. Its our duty to ./ with the help of3. helpas much as possible / try

15、our best to /give sb. a hand= help sb.4. make sb. feel /cheer up / provide for/ take care of5. raise for /donate to/ give away/ hand out/set up(一)马航MH370飞往北京的马航MH370飞机于2014年3月8日凌晨与地面失去联系,世界各国参与搜寻,但仍下落不明,飞机上的大部分乘客(passengers)是中国人,全国人民都很担心,全世界的人们都很关注。对于马航的下落,世人对此有着各种不同的猜测,请将下面的几种推测整理成文,并阐述自己的观点,请以Wher

16、e has the flight gone ?为题写一篇词数为80词左右的文章,开头已给出。以下所有信息都要包含在文章里面。(1) 很多人说MH370一定坠入了大海,机上无人生还;(2) 但也有人说MH370可能坠毁在沙漠(desert)无人区,可能还有人活着;(3) 甚至有人说MH370被外星人袭击(attack),飞机上的人被带到了另一个星球,所有的人都还活着。Where has the flight gone ?The flight from Malaysia to Beijing lost information and disappeared at about 2 oclock Ma

17、rch 8th2014._(二) 禁烟据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,每年有200万人死于吸烟,60万人死于二手烟。为此,我国规定,从今年5月1 日起,严禁在公共场所吸烟。请你结合图片和下面所给要点,以“Saying No to Smoking”为题,谈谈吸烟的危害。1. 吸烟有害;2. 吸烟导致咳嗽、肺癌等疾病;3. 吸烟影响青少年成长;4. 二手烟同样有害;5. 你的态度:面对别人吸烟、给烟怎么办?注意:1. 词数:80词左右;标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇:lung cancer肺癌; secondhand smoke二手烟

18、。Saying No to SmokingAccording to the WHO,2 million people died from smoking and 600 thousand from secondhand smoke every year._(三)建议书从2006年起,我国政府(government)让所有儿童都有机会免费入学,但很多乡村的儿童学习条件还很艰苦。假设你叫Sam,请给你们学校的学生会(Student union )写一封信,提一些建议。要求语方通顺,建议合理,80词左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;卷面整洁,书写工整)内容包括:1阅读短文后,谈谈你的感想;2建

19、议学生会组织同学们为当地一所乡村小学筹款,增添图书和教学设备;3希望乡村的孩子们能受到很好的教育,长大后为乡村服务。Dear Student union,I have just read an article on “Hope Project” in an English newspaper. A girl named Xiao Juan was so poor that she couldnt go to school._ Yours truly Sam(四)教育现行的教育政策明确规定教师不准体罚学生;而最近“狼爸”- 萧天佑的教育名言是“三天一顿打,孩子进北大”。你怎样认为这两种教育方式,

20、你希望你的父母和老师怎样教育你,就此谈谈你的看法。要求: 1. 不出现个人及学校名称。2. 词数80左右。_范文:(一)One Possible Version:The flight from Malaysia to Beijing lost information and disappeared at about 2 oclock March 8th2014.People all over China are worried about it. People around the world care about it. Where has the flight gone? Differen

21、t people have different ideas about the question. Many people said MH370 must fall into the sea and all of the passengers had died. However, some people said MH370 might land in a dessert where there isnt a person but some passengers might be alive. Some people even said MH370 might be attacked by the aliens and all of the pas

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