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仁爱英语七年级Unit 4 Topic 1学案.docx

1、仁爱英语七年级Unit 4 Topic 1学案仁爱英语七年级Unit 4 Topic 1学案仁爱英语七年级Unit 4 Topic 1学案 一、知识目标 【重要短语】试穿 l看起来很漂亮 bub.= buy sb. sth.给某人买 sell / buy for 以价出售/ 购买long太长 running shoes跑鞋 make ag list 列购物清单 two bags of salt 两包盐 two kilos of eggs 两公斤鸡蛋x bottllk 六瓶牛奶 a bag一袋米up购买 How many+可数复数名词; How much+不可数名词“多少”urth floor

2、在第四层楼 Thanks anywaThanks all the same. 仍然感谢。 Dont worry. 别担心。urth floor 在第四层楼 be on sale 减价(出售) aair of pants 另一条裤子 two yuan a kilo 每公斤两元 have a look 看一看 a clothing shop 一家服装店 run over to 跑到 Dont worry. 别担心。 Hur change. 找你零钱。 【重点句型】 1.购物用语: 服务员:What can I du? Can / May / Could I help you? 顾客:Yes, pl

3、ease. Id like (to buy ) I want ( to buy ) Im looking for Do you have? 2.谈论事物: How do you like? = What do you? How do you ldress? Not bad. How do the pants fit? Theyre too long询问价格: How much is 主语(单数或不可数)? How much are 主语(复数)? How much do you wag? 3.讨论价格: How / What abouuan? Thats too expensive. Its

4、a goodTgood表示感谢: Thanks a lot. =Thanks very much. =Thanks anyway. 回答: Not at all=Thats all right=Youre wel请求帮助: Could you do me a favor? = Could you do a fav? = Could you help me? 回答: Ill take / have / get / bu【词形变换】 also (同义词)ach(同义词)evlo(复数) kilwatch (复数) wause(复数)xpensive (同义词) dear waiter (对应词)

5、wa(第三人称单数)ll (反义词) buy二、要点讲评1.动词+副词=动词词组 如果宾语是名词可置于中间或末尾;如果宾语是代词必须置于中间。 如:dd(T)(F) 2.主谓一致 “a pair of-”结构作主语时,谓语动词的形式和“pair”的单复数保持一致。 如:How mua? (T) How much aa? (F) 3.基数词 数词21 100及以上: twentyone (21)(30) forty (40) fifty (50)ghty (80) (a/one)hundred (100) one hundred and one (101)undred and ninetynin

6、e (999) 基本用法 时刻表达法: a.整点:基数词 + oclock eg. Its eight oclock now. b.几点几分: 时分法:先小时后分 eg. 3:2wenty-five 分时法:先分后时加介词, past分不超半时; 分超半时to转换,差几分钟到几点。 例如:1) 3:25 twenty-five (minutes) pa(30分钟)用past :分钟past 小时 2) 3:35 twenty-five (minutes) to four (30分钟)用to:(60-分钟数) to (小时数+1) 3) 3:30alf pa:a quarter pa:-five

7、 = a quaur (30分钟 = half 15分钟 = a quarter) 日期表达法:月日,年(或日月年)0.1日Octob-b-2000年: the year two thousand=twenty hundred 3月1日: Maa表编号 第207房间:Roo07 第五课: Ll三、典型例解 ( )1. I lan I _? ABD分析:A 本题考查try on的用法。“试穿”用try on+名词或者try+名词+on。若出现代词形式, 则用“try+代词宾格+on”结构。shoes常用复数, 所以选A。 ( )2. Dad. II cant find_ A. Not at al

8、l.B. Im not haThank you all the same.D. You cant come ba分析:C 本题通过语境考查Thank you all the same. 的用法。这是当别人不能为你提供帮助或别人虽提供了帮助但并不能满足你的要求时所说的话。同义的表达还有:Thanks all the same./ Thank you anyway./ Thanks anyway. ( )3. The dvand Ill _A. thinkB. takeC. wantD. bring 分析:B 本题考查在购物时说“买下某物”的用法, 要买下某物常用take, get, have,

9、buy等动词, 而最常用的是动词take, 意思是“决定买走”。 ( )4. Thats too expensive(贵的). _uan? A. How manyB. How muchC. Why notD. How about 分析:D 根据语境, 这是和别人讨论商品价格的话题。why not+动词原形, how about+名词/代词/doing sth. 所以选D。 ( )5. He wants two _ salt and three _ eggs. A. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilosC. bags of; kilos ofD. bags; kil分析:C

10、 本题考查数量词的用法。bag, kilo后面加名词时常用“数量+bag(s)/kilo(s)+of+名词”结构, 所以2袋盐为two bags of salt, 3千克鸡蛋为los of eggs。 ( )6. Twenty-two and thirty-seven is _. A. fifty-nineB-nineD分析:A 本题考查学生对数词的掌握情况。在英语里十位与个位间要加连字符“-”,所以59应该是fifty-( )7. This pa_ mine. His are ovA. will beB. isC. areD. be 分析:B 本题考查pair一词的用法。当出现this/th

11、at pa时, 特指“这个/条/双”, 把它看作一个整体。当作主语时, 谓语动词常用单数形式。 ( )8. The boxavy. _ Llp you. A. Youre right.B. You cant study it wellDont worry.D. Not at all. 分析:C当别人出现困难或者问题的时候,要给予别人关心和安慰, 让别人不要担心,常用Dont worry。 ( )9. The clothes aundred yuan. One hundred yuan! _ you _? A. Do; kiddingB. Do; kidC. Is; kiddingD. Are;

12、 kidding 分析:D 本题通过语境考查Are you kidding? 的用法,其表示吃惊或意外,意为“你在开玩笑吗?”kid加ing时应为kidding。 ( )10. How _ _ the apples? They are five yuan a kilo. A. many; areB. much; isC. many; isD. much; are 分析:D本题在语境中体现了how much用法。how much常用来询问商品价格, 又因问的是the apples的价格, 所以be动词用are,选D。 四、评价作业 .单项选择 ( ) 1. _ugar? Eight yuan a

13、 kilo. A. WhatB. How manyC. How muchD. W( ) 2. How do you lants? Well, Ill _A. thinkB. lD. take ( ) 3. _? All rigA. How muchB. How toC. How aboutD. How ( ) 4. Read“985” in EnglA. Nine hundred and eighty-fiveB. Nine hundred, eighty and fivNine hundreds and eighty-fiveD. Nine hundreds and eighty and f

14、ive ( ) 5. The pants are van I try _? SuABD( ) 6. The clothes aundred yuan. One hundred yuan! _ you _? A. Do; kiddingB. Do; kidC. Is; kiddingD. Are; kidding ( ) 7. What can I du, madam? Well, Im _ looking. ThaA. justB. goodC. soD. only ( ) 8. He wants two _ salt and three _ eggs. A. bags; kilosB. ba

15、gs of; kilosC. bags of; kilos ofD. bags; kil( ) 9. What would you like? We have _ good meat(肉) No, thanks. I dont want _ meat. A. some; someB. any; anyD. any; any ( ) 10. What do youamburgers? _ A. Its nice.B. Not bad.C. It looks vD. I like it very mu.情景交际 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。 A:Could you help

16、 me out, Sam? B:SuA:Could you run ov? We need a few things. B: 2 A:Good. Pick ualt 3 And gggs and two kilos of bread. Oh, we dont have any milk. B:A:Three bottlB:A:IB:So thats a bag of salggs, two kilos of bread and three bottllk. A:Thats rig_2. _3. _4. _5. _ .完形填空 This weekend(周末), I wag in Lunning

17、 shoes and my pants are too 2 . So I want 3 a new pair of running shoes and 4 . Tomorrowas Day(圣诞节),I needas cards(卡片). And I would like to givas. I want to buy aather and alikes cats. I want to have aas party(晚会) 7 , and I would like to ask a few frienduaI must buarty. I want to buy two kilos of sa

18、ndwwo 9 , a kilo of sweets(糖果), some drink, 10 a kilo of apples. I know they luan food, so I want to bud. ( ) 1. A. goB. goesC. going ( ) 2. A. newB. oldC. long ( ) 3. A. buyB. bubuy ( ) 4. A. two pair of pantB. two pair of pantsC. two paa( ) 5. A. anyBw ( )6. A. parentBa( ) 7. A. at schoolB. a( )8.

19、 A. someBgC. a( )9. A. cakeB. cakesC. bread ( ) 10. A. butB. and.阅读理解 A Americans usually eaals a day. Breakfast usuallbght oclock(点钟)g. They usually have eggat, bread, fruit juice andLunch is between(在之间) twelve and one oclock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch wgar workpla

20、ce(工作地点). The studl take sandwuit, andwal. Suain meal, is between six and eigvening. Peoplarefully. They may have meaurkey and duck. They may all have potavegetables or salad. The da or milk. Tdessert(甜食). ( ) 1. Americans have breakfast _. A. after eight oclockB. at eight oclbght oclg ( ) 2. _ant m

21、eal in a day. A. BreakfastB. LunchC. Su( ) 3. “Light” means “ ”A.重的B.轻的C.不太重要的 ( ) 4. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at _. A. homeBworkplace ( ) 5. When Americans have supper, _ comes laA. drinkB. dat B Ruth is an English girl. Nowaur claand her faund. Her favlor is blue and wa blue pan

22、ts and a white T-s cool. Her favlm star(电影明星) is Jackie Chan(成龙). HHe is big and strong. Ruth waa one day. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Where does Ru? _ 2. What dlook like? _Whats her favlor? _Is Jackie Chan English? _Who is Jackie Chan? _ .词汇 (A)根据句意及括号内所给单词提示,完成句子。 1.Dont be (worry) abou2. What av? They are _(mo

23、use) What can I du, madam? I wa_(kilo) of sugaI need _(buy) some b How many _(bottle) do you want? Four. (B)根据所给的汉语提示完成句子。你觉得这条裤子怎么样? What do you _ _ this pair of pants?你呢,李平? 来一些鸡肉吧。 _ _ you, Li Ping? 我需要两袋大米。 I need two _ of _别着急,我会帮她的。 _ _¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_.

24、I can hel0. 你要多少公斤香蕉? How _ _ of bananas do you want? .综合填空 根据短文意思及首字母提示,写出相应单词。 Hey, boys and girls! W 1 you like new clothes? We have jeans(牛仔裤) a 2 T-shirts at a very good price(价格). TT-shirts with yellow, green and white aly 20 yuan. Do you n 4 jeans? For girls, we have jeans with white blue and

25、 bla0 yuan. For boys, we havans in all colors. We also have caand bagly 30 yuaursel_2. _3. _4. _5. _ .书面表达 提示:一天下午,你来到一家商店,想买一件大衣。营业员递给你一件,你试了一下,觉得挺合身。于是你询问了价格,营业员说这类大衣只要128元一件。你认为价格合理,于是便买了下来。 要求:根据提示内容,编写一组你与营业员进行的对话。一问一答不得少于5次。 A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_ 参考答案 .1-5CDCAB 6-10DACCD . 1-

26、5AEBDC .1-5ABCCB 6-10CBBBB . A.1_5CCCAB Bgland. 2and her faundBlue and wNHe is a film star. . (A) 1. worried2lbuy5. bottl(B)What about8. bags;Dont worry10. many kilos . 1. Would2. and3. ad5. only . 参考范文: A:Good aan I help you, kid? B:Yes. Im looking for a coat. A:OK! Here you aB:Thanks. May I? A:SuB:How do I lat? A:Well, you look vB:Mmm How mu? A:Tly 128 yuan, kid. B:ThatIll take it

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