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1、大学英语作文常用句型(l)It is generally accepted/universally acknowledged that .是被广泛承认普遍公认的。It is universally acknowledged that vehicles are a major source of urban air pollution 汽车是城市空气污染的一个主要来源,这是被普遍公认的。(2)There is an assumption that 有这样一种想法There is an assumption that modern life exerts a lot of pressure upo

2、n people, such as the pressure from education, career or family 有这样一种想法:现代生活带给人们许多压力,如求学压力,工作压力或家庭压力。(3)Everybody agrees that 每个人都同意这一看法:Everybody agrees that telephones have become a necessity for most people, with the development of information technology and reduced price of communication product

3、s 每个人都同意这一看法: 随着信息技术的发展和通讯产品价格 的降低,电话已经成为大多数人的一项必需品。(4)Nowadays it has become fashionable for sb. to do. 现在人们的做法变得流行起来。Nowadays it has become fashionable for university students to mimic their idols hairdos and dressingstyles.现在大学生模仿偶像发型和衣着风格的做法变得流行起来。(5)As every college student/everybody would agre

4、e.正如每个大学生/每个人都会同意的那样,As every college student would agree, employment pressure has become their biggest headache 正如每个大学生都会同意的那样,就业压力已经成为他们最头 痛的问题。(6)There arises a pressing problem confronting. 在面前出现了一个紧迫的问题。There arises a pressing problem confronting the formalEnglish education in universities 在大学的

5、社交英语教育面前出现了一个紧迫的问题。(7)Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of.现在人们越来越意识到的重要性。Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of wildlife protection 现在人们越来越意识到保护野生动植物的重要性。(8)The issue of. is becoming a matter of concern.的问题正成为一件备受关注的事情。The issue of the f

6、ever of western festivals in China is becoming a matter of concern热衷西方节日的问题正成为一件备受关注的事情。(9)It is not an uncommon phenomenon that 并不是罕见的现象。It is not an uncommon phenomenon that many superstars are enjoying striking popularity on campus.很多超级明星在校园里受欢迎程度惊人,这并不是罕见的现 象。(10)It is not uncommon that 并不罕见。It

7、is not uncommon that student baby-sitters make phone-calls, read books or send messages during their working time.学生兼职保姆在工作时间打手机、看书或发信息,这并不罕 见。(11)In recent years, a growing number of. Thisphenomenon has aroused wide concern 最近几年中,越 来越多的这一现象引起了广泛的关注 。In recent years, a growing number of university s

8、tudents are going after fashion at any cost. This phenomenon has aroused wide concern 最 近几年中,越来越多的大学生正不惜代价地追求时髦。这一 现象引起了广泛的关注。(12)., which provoked nationwide debates on.,激起了全国性的关于激烈辩论。Likewise, several girls won their fame overnight in the 2005 Super Girl Contest in China, which provoked nationwide

9、 heated debates on the value and harm of overnight stardom 同样地,几位女孩在 2005 超级女声竞 赛中一 夜成名,激起了全国性的关于突然走红的价值和害处 的激烈辩论 。(13)There is a growing tendency these days , and this has aroused a heated debate among people as to 目前有一种做的渐强 趋势,这已经在公众中引起了关 于热烈辩论。There is a growing tendency these days for uni

10、versity students to be hired to take care of babies at weekends or during holidays, and this has aroused a heated debate among people as to whether it is proper for undergraduates to be baby-sitters 目前有一种大学生被聘请周末和假日照看小孩的渐强趋势, 这 已经在公众中引起了关于大学生当保姆是否适当的热烈辩论。(14)The controversial issue is often brought

11、into public focus.有争议的问题常常得到公众的关注 。(15)已经成为令头has become a headache of痛的问题。Plagiarism has become a headache of the whole academic field.剽窃现象已经成为令整个学术领域头痛的问题。 (二)引出争议个人观点(1)Some(of) maintain that.I did not side with this viewfor two reasons.有些认为因为两个原因,我不同意这一观点。Somepeople maintain that phones will kill

12、 letter writing, however, I do not side with this view for two reasons. 有些人认为电话会扼杀写信,但是,因为两个原因,我不同意 这一观点。(2)In my opinion/In my eye/From myviewpoint/perspective/point of view,.依我看来在我眼里从我的观点来看根据我的看法根 据我的观点,From my viewpoint, its acceptable that people go afteridols by paying more attention to their h

13、ard work andcontributions made to society.根据我的观点,人们以更加关注偶像的努力工作和对社会的贡 献的方式 来追逐 偶像,这是可以接受的。(3)As for me , 至于我,.As for me, I prefer the more independent life inuniversity for the following three reasons .至于我,出于以下 3 个原因,我更喜欢大学更加独立的生活(4)As far as I am concerned , 就我而言,As far as I am concerned, its prefe

14、rable that we employ electricity, of petrol, as the source of power to make vehicles environmentally friendly because of its clean, inexhaustible and low-cost nature.就我而言,更可取的做法是我们使用电力,而不是汽油,作 为动力来源,以使汽车对环境无害,因为电力具有干净、用 之不竭和低成本的性质。(5)I ama strong believer in the claim that 我非常相信 的看法 。I am a strong b

15、eliever in the claim that rich social experience is of vital importance to ones success.丰富的社会经验对人的成功至关重要,我非常相信这一看法。(6)Personally, I support such a view that 我个人支持这样一种观点Personally, I support such a view that keeping a good mood is of crucial importance .我个人支持这样一种观点:保持良好的心态至关重要It is my firm belief tha

16、t formal education is comparatively more important.我坚持认为正规教育相对来说更重要。(8)For my part,. 对我来说For my part, formal education is comparatively moreimportant. There are three major reasons 对我来说,正规教育相对来说更重要。有 3 个主要原因。(9)Views on the issue in question vary from person to person.关于正被讨论的问题,各种观点因人而异 。(10)Somesol

17、utions to the problem have been proposed, such as. However, I would suggest 这个难题的一些解决方法已被提出,比如但是,我会建议Some solutions to the problem have been proposed, such as saving electricity and other resources. However, I would suggest people reuse materials and resources 这个难题的一些解决方法已被提出, 比如节约用电和其他资源。 但是,我会建议人们

18、对原料和资料进行再使用。(11)Some people believe that., but others dont thinkso. In my opinion, 有些人相信,但其他人不这么认为。依我看来,Some people believe that phones will kill letterwriting, but others dont think so. In my opinion, letter writing will never be replaced by phone calls 有 些人相信电话会扼杀写信, 但其他人不这么认为。 依我看来, 写信永远不会被打电话所取代

19、。(12)For my part, the best way to. is the combination of. and.对我来说,的最佳途径是结合和。For my part, the best way to keep plagiarism undercontrol is the combination of compulsory punishing policies and gentle education.对我来说,控制剽窃现象的最佳途径是结合强制惩罚政策和 怀柔教育。(13)I would argue that 我会坚持认为I would argue that rigid class

20、attendance is by no means indispensable because of the real purpose of such policy and the consideration of stimulating students creativity 我会坚持认为,从这种政策的真正目的和对刺激学生创造力 的考虑两方面来说,严格的上课考勤决不是不可或缺的。I amconvinced that aid-education projects will do muchgood to students personal development 我确信支教 计划将会给学生的个人

21、发展带来极大好处。education has(15) I firmly believe/hold that.我坚信 I firmly believe/hold that test-orienteda major disadvantage - it throttles youngsters creativity.我坚信应试教育有一个主要的缺点它扼杀青少年的创造力(16)Modern people are supposed to. However, not allpeople can manage to 人们期望现代人但是,不是所有的人都能做到Modern people are supposed

22、to tackle personal problems more efficiently. However, not all people can manage to relieve their mental stress.人们期望现代人更加有效地处理个人问题。但是,不是所有 的人都能释放精神压 力。(17)The issue of whether or not. has been widely debated currently, 是否 ,这一问题近来已经得到广泛的争论。The issue of whether quality-oriented education is mostwidely

23、 debated currently.素质教育是否对大学生最好,这一问题近来已经得到广泛的争论。(18)The discussion as to whether or not is a very controversial one.关于是否的讨论是非常有争议的。The discussion as to whether or not cell phones will take the place of phones is a very controversial one.关于手机是否会代替电话的讨论是非常有争议的。(19)Recently there has been a very contro

24、versial debate as to.近来有一个关于的非常有争议的辩论。Recently there has been a very controversial debate asto the credibility of tourism service. 近来有一个关于旅游服务的可信度问题的非常有争议的辩论。(20)There arises a fierce debate concerning/regarding. 出现了一个关于的热烈辩论。There arises a fierce debate concerning academic honesty.出现了一个关于学术诚信的热烈辩论。

25、(21)This report has evoked a strong repercussion among the public.该报告已经在公众中引起了强烈的反响。(23)Some people claim that. However, many other peopleargue that.有些人声称 但是,其他很多人争辩说.Some people claim that parents gentle care renders their children happier. However, many other people argue that parents indulgence d

26、oes much harm to their kids 有些人声称父母的温柔关爱使孩子们更快乐。 但是, 其他很多 人争辩说父母的溺爱对孩子十分有害。(24)Quite a few people, who advocate., maintain that. On the other hand/ However, those who think differently argue that.好些主张的人认为另一方面/但是,那些想法不同 的人争辩说Quite a few people, who advocate university educationmaintain that people wi

27、thout formal education couldnt go far. However, those who think differently argue that rich working experience is of decisive importance. 好些主张大学教育的人认为没有经过正规教育的人不能扬 名。但是,那些想法不同的人争辩说丰富的工作经验是起决 定性的重要作用的。(25)People who approve of. claim that.On the other hand, those who think differently argue that.赞成的人

28、声称另一方面,那些想法不同的人争辩说People, who approve of student baby-sitters, claim thatbaby-sitting is a precious experience. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that university students are not suitable to be baby-sitters.赞成学生保姆的人声称当保姆是一种宝贵的经历。另一方面, 那些想法不同的人争辩说大学生不适合当保姆。(26)Somepeople are for( 支

29、持 ). Other people voice strong opposition.一些人拥护另一些人表达了强烈的反对意见。Some people are for the employment of rigid attendance policies. Other people voice strong opposition.一些人拥护实行严格的考勤制度,另一些人表达了强烈的反 对意见。(27)Some people hold the belief that., whereas manyothers are of the opinion that.一些人相信而另一些人认为 .Some peop

30、le hold the belief that it does not matterwhether traditional Chinese festivals should be observed, whereas many others are of the opinion thatunique and precious traditions should in all sense be well preserved.一些人相信是否遵循传统中国节日是无关紧要的,而其他 许多人认为独独特珍贵的传统无论如何都应该得到保护。(28)While most people are aware of.,

31、quite a proportion of people recognize the significance of., 虽然大多数人都知道,但是有一部分人未能意识到 的意义。While most people are aware of the impact of water pollution, quite a portion of people fail to recognize the significance of ecosystem balance.虽然大多数人都知道水污染的影响,但是有相当一部分人未 能意识到生态平衡的意义。(29)Admittedly, people rarely reach an absolute consensus on such controversial issue 诚然,在这样一个有争议的问题上,人们很少达到完全的一 致。(30)An increasingly heated debate has arisen as to

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