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1、浙教版中考英语模拟卷102005年中考英语模拟卷 10考试时间100分钟 满分108分第卷(三大题,共68分)一、听力选择(24分) A.回答问题(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)听下面6个问题,从每小题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每小题读两遍。 ( ) 1.A. I have lunch at home.B. Im hungry.C. I would like some mooncakes. ( ) 2.A. Im afraid so.B. Youre wrong.C. It doesnt matter. ( ) 3.A. Thats very nice of you.B. Y

2、ou can, please.C. No, you cant. ( ) 4.A. He has been to the zoo.B. He has gone to the library.C. He went to the park last week. ( ) 5.A. In three years. B. For three years.C. Three years later. ( ) 6.A. Please go to Gate 12. B. Please come this way.C. You have stop this way.B对话理解(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)听下面

3、8段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所组的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 7.A. It isnt bad. B. It will rain. C. Its rainy. ( ) 8.A. She prefers tea.B. She prefers coffee.C. Either. ( ) 9.A. 3588-1607. B. 3288-1706.C. 3288-1607. ( ) 10.A. Last Tuesday. B. Last Thursday. C. Last Saturday.( ) 11.A. Toms sister.B. Tom.C. Bett

4、y.( ) 12.A. At 8:30.B. At 8:50.C. At 9:00.( ) 13.A. Because the man was tired. B. Because the man was writing. C. Because the man was watching TV.( ) 14.A. He is looking for his homework. B. Hes doing his homework. C. He is looking for his dog.C短文理解(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面短文,短文后有5小题,从题中给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选

5、项,读两遍。 ( ) 15. One day Bill and Tom were walking A. in the forestB. in the streetC. in the field ( ) 16. Bill and Tom found the baby squirrels A. on the ground B. in a hole in the tree C. under the tree ( ) 17. What did the boys do to the squirrels? A. They left the babies to die. B. They carried th

6、em home. C. They put them back in the tree. ( ) 18. The boys fed the squirrels A. water B. bread C. warm milk ( ) 19. The squirrels soon A. grew round and fat B. diedC. ran away二、选择填空(共24小题,每小题1分,满分24分)A)单项填空 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 ( )20. ! Lets go out for a walk. A. What a fine day B. What

7、fine day C. How fine day D. How a fine day( ) 21. Dont worry. She you a call as soon as she Shanghai. A. will give; reach B. gives; will get to C. will give; arrives in D. gives; will get( ) 22. Can you tell me ? A. when your child was born B. when was your child born C. when your child is born D. w

8、hen is your child born( ) 23. How can you if you arent ? A. hear; listening B. listen; hearing C. listen; listening D. hear; hearing( )24. There is going to an English party tomorrow. A. be B. is C. have D. has( )25. The students stopped when Mr. Chen came in. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. to tal

9、king( ) 26. The news is really and everyone is . A. exciting; exciting B. exciting; excitedC. excited; exciting D. excited; excited( )27. I bought exercise-books with money. A. a few; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a little( )28. The house they visited yesterday was Lu Xuns

10、. A. who B. what C. which D. where( )29. Your name is Jim, ? A. arent you B. isnt you C. is it D. isnt it( )30. George is Lisa.A. marry with B. marry to C. married with D. married to( )31. Mr. Green is standing the class. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in D. on the right( )32. The little boy w

11、rote a letter to his uncle. A. five-hundred-words B. five-hundred-word C. five-hundreds-word D. five-hundreds-words( ) 33. Ive a letter from my parents for a long time. A. got B. heard C. received D. hadB)完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。We know that trees are useful

12、 in our everyday life. They 34 us many things, such as wood, oxygen, rubber, medicines and many other things. They can 35 tell us a lot about our climate. The following are the reasons. If you 36 a tree, you Can see that it has many rings . Most trees grow one new ring 37 year. Because of this reaso

13、n, we know 38 a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred 39 . When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually 40 . When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or sudde

14、nly very thick, this means that the 41 Changed suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree, we can learn about the 42 for a hundred years. We can see 43 our climate is changing today. ( ) 34. A. tell B. ask C. give D. get( )35. A. not B. too C. to D. also( ) 36. A. cut down B. climb up C: walk pa

15、st D. look at( )37. A. m any B. every C. the first D: from( )38. A. how big B. how long C. how old D. how much( )39. A. trees B. leaves C. people D. rings( )40. A. big B. thin C. small D. :thick( )41. A. climate B. trees C. things D. animal( ) 42. A. people B. things C. climate D. life( )43. A. how

16、B. why C: when D. while三、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A You have heard of Webster Toys. Webster have made good, safe, interesting toys for more than a hundred years. Now, we sell them, and children play with them, in countries from New Zealand to Norway and from Japan t

17、o Brazil. We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East. He or she, should be between the ages of thirty and forty. He should already have some years of selling experience in world markets. He should speak English well, and at least one other Far Eastern language.The person we are look

18、ing for would live in Singapore and work in one office there, but he must travel for up to six months a year. He should know the Far East quite well. He should know how to sell in established markets and where to find new ones. He should understand money and make more than ever before, for himself a

19、nd for Webster Toys.Webster want someone who can stand on his own feet. If you think you are the person we are looking for, write to Mr. J. Sloman at our Head Office.( )44. Webster are looking for a person to sell toys .A. in New Zealand B. in Norway C. in Brazil D. in the Far East( )45. The person

20、Webster are looking for should beA. thirty years of ageB. B. forty years of age C. between thirty and forty years of age D. less than thirty years of age ( )46. He should already have some years of selling experience in world markets means _.A. he has already sold things in different parts of the wo

21、rld for some years B. he has sold toys for some yearsC. he has sold toys all over the world for some yearsD. he has already sold things for some years( )47. The person Webster are looking for should speak .A. good English and any one other language B. good English and a Far Eastern language C. good

22、English or any other language D. good English or any other foreign languageB For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People, both in Japan and in America, dream of seeing this beautiful island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean . Their dreams always include the sun

23、set over the ocean. The sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sear and it drops so quickly that you ca-n almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the skies and shines in the quiet water. People often have a quiet, peaceful time while walking along the beach. The first str

24、angers to these islands cen-turies ago were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes .Now no matter where the people come from , they really want to see the original. beauty of Hawaii. They want t-o see the lovely beaches and the mountain called Diamond Head which is almost hidden by the tal

25、l hotels.( ) 48. Hawaii is a name. A. given by people who like to travelB. attracting a lot of travelers C. with a magic story behind it D. liked by both Japanese and American( ) 49. On these beautiful islands every traveler will not want to miss .A. to swim in the quiet waterB to see the tall walk along the beach D. to see the sunset( ) 50. The best title of this passage is .A. IslandsB. Hawaii, a Magic

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